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Q1 :

"Punishment is the Correct Answer".
A whistleblower is indeed someone who informs the public or a higher authority about any wrongdoing, such as fraud,
corruption, etc. They might be an employee of a firm or a government agency. A whistleblower is someone who
comes out and divulges their knowledge of any wrongdoing they believe is taking place either throughout the entire
corporation or in a particular department. A whistleblower is somebody who reports any illegal activity, whether they
be an employee, contractor, or supplier. There are particular rules designed to shield whistleblowers from losing their
jobs or receiving unfair treatment. The majority of businesses have a distinct policy that outlines exactly how to report
such an occurrence. A lawsuit or a formal complaint made by a whistleblower to higher authorities might start a
criminal inquiry against the firm or any specific department.

Decreased stress and strain.
Explanation: Reinforcement can be defined as something that is used to increase the probability of a specific behavior
to occur in the future either by giving or removing a stimulus immediately after a behavior.
Negative reinforcement occurs when an unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior.

Option (positive reinforcement)
Emotional support would be considered a positive reinforcement because it adds a desirable or pleasant stimulus after
the desired behavior.
In this case, Working and uncovering unethical behavior is very challenging and stressful for Cynthia and her team
members. After working together, emotional support from each other gives a positive feeling of encouragement,
caring, and empathy for each other. So, It would make each member show such positive behavior again and again.

Positive reinforcement; extinction
The primary manager so as to make it famous and compelling utilized uplifting feedback in spite of the fact that the
subsequent one doesn't bolster the equivalent and consequently this may prompt annihilation that is towards lessening
an outward inspirational factor.

Unethical behavior in the workplace leads to a range of robberies to spread false rumors to fraud and harassment.
Reporting misbehavior in the workplace is the right thing to do, but talking can be embarrassing. Maybe you do not
want to make your colleagues suffer from a lack of solid evidence, or you may be afraid of retaliation. At the same
time, you do not want to cover up potential violations of company laws or policies. Identify and weigh your reporting
capabilities and then take action.

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