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Lived Experience of Customs Graduates in taking the Customs Broker

Licensure Examination 2022

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty

Of the College of Customs Administration
University of Cebu-Main Campus
Cebu City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For CM RES 322 Customs Thesis and Writing Defense

Princess Dianne M. Sesante

Donewell Felix N. Matildo
Luciano III B. Dianon
Niño Jay R. Lañohan
Bryant A. Domoyong

May 2022



Rationale of the Study …………….....................................................................1-5

Theoretical Background………………………………………………...............6-8

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………9


Related Literature…………………………………………….………………10-13

Related Studies……………………………………………………………….14-17


Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………...18

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………..19-20


Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………..21


Research Design…………..……………………………………………...……...22

Research Environment…………………………………………………………...23

Research Respondents……………………………………………………………24

Research Instrument…………………………………………………….........24-25

Data gathering Procedure…………………………………………………….25-26

Data Analysis………………………………………………………...………26-27

DEFINITION OF TERMS………………………………………………...28-










Appendix A: Transmittal Letter……………………………………...61-62

Appendix B: Informed Consent Form………………………………..63-68

Appendix C: Research Instrument……………………………………69-70


CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………75-79

Chapter 1

Rationale of the Study

Licensure examination plays an important role in determining

the performance of the school in terms of the standard of education

they possess. This eventually guarantees the efficiency and

effectiveness of the faculties on the degree courses they normally

offered. Generally, it will indicate higher standard of performance of

the instructional system and reflects the schools’ efficiency

furthermore because of the comprehension of the students on their

performance for the upcoming examination. It entails quality of

education standards and used as guide and preference by enrolling

students in choosing and selecting schools that best suit to what the

world professional market needs. This study explores on a four-year

analytic thinking of faculty performance within the Customs Brokers’

Licensure Examination within the Philippines.

The Professional Regulation Commission offers the licensure

Examination for Customs Brokers to qualified individuals, who wish

to enter the ranks of licensed customs brokers and eventually perform

for customs brokerage, freight forwarder, logistics managers, exports-


import managers and government customs officers and employees. A

person seeking to be registered and licensed as professional customs

brokers in the Philippines must take and pass a written examination on

the following subjects: Customs Laws and implementing rules and

regulations; tariffs laws and international trade agreements; practical

computation of customs duties, taxes and other charges;

documentations, professional ethics, customs procedures and practices

and warehousing and cargo handling operations. (Castillo, 2018).

Passing the licensure examination given by the Professional

Regulation Commission (PRC) is one amongst the best achievements

in one’s life. This examination is meant to prove the graduates’

knowledge, progress, skills and qualification in an exceedingly

particular profession. It needs plenty of your time to study, to have

self-discipline, patience and determination and this will not be

possible without prayers, support and encouragement.(Caringal, 2001)

Licensure Examination for Customs Broker is undoubtedly the

toughest examination among the forty-eight (48) Licensure

Examinations being administered by the PRC. There's no shortcut

upon passing, every examinee must try and abide it and overcome it.

This can be not a simple picking so on speak; examinees will endure


lots of difficulties and much of your time reviewing so as to beat it.

(Howitzer, 2010)

The examination is given to check the graduates’ knowledge,

progress, skills, and qualifications in a very particular profession. The

customs broker examination could be a valuable thanks to determine

whether a personal has an exhaustive understanding of all import

regulations (Tucker, 2010). Being a customs broker, one must acquire

expertise in import and export. Expertise means, the knowledge of

entry and export procedure, documentary requirements, and customs

valuation, (Delaney, 2010). Therefore, the faculties play an important

role in producing quality graduates in admission to the licensure

examination. So, it is important to seem into the performance of every

school offering Customs Administration Program. The analysis of the

licensure examination gives evidence to be globally competitive

professionals especially in the field of Bachelor of Science in Customs

Administration within the Philippines (Nambio, 2004).

Being able to graduate on this course is one of the most

significant aspects for customs administrations student. Majority of

Customs Administration graduates aspire to become a licensed

customs broker and to work in the government; serving the people and

the country. However, before they could achieve their dreams, they

still need to prove to themselves that they are qualified for the

profession. And they have qualified the requirements needed to be

called a Licensed Customs Broker. According to Jesse Henry (2016),

founder of the Theory of Success, believes that in order possess

opportunity recognition the ability to see solutions where others see

only problems. The successful people are able to change the beliefs

that no longer serve them and to take purposeful action on daily basis.

Licensed Customs Brokers (LCBs) are highly significant in

goods or commodities from manufacturers or producers to the end-

users. The ability to facilitate the trade of exportation and importation

is not an easy task. That is why hiring a seasoned LCB is a no-brainer.

Brokers serve as experts in the documentation of export and import

clearances, tariff classification, computation of the lawful duties,

taxes, and other charges, and the whiz in Free Trade Agreements

(FTA) between different nations.

Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration graduates will

have to undertake the Customers Broker Licensure Examination

(CBLE). Which will cover all the important topics specifically

importation and exportation that the graduates have learned during the

four years in college. This is for examining and ensuring the quality of

graduate students’ entering the workforce of various aspects in their

field. This study aims to determine the perception towards Customs

Board Examination for Customs Graduates of the University of Cebu

Main-Campus. This qualitative study will seek the different

perception for graduates in taking the Customs broker licensure

examination. Additionally, it describes the different insights in their

academic review that the participants what they were capable to

acquire upon reviewing for the licensure examination.


Theoretical Background

The leading theory that supports this Study is the speculation of

Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory, Self-efficacy theory, Vroom’s Theory

of Expectancy that elaborates our respective theories which will help

the researchers to further comprehend their different positive factors.

Self-efficacy Theory talks about the human belief in their self for his

or her capability to hold out specific task or skills that might generate

good results by executing certain behaviors (Bandura, 1998). In

keeping with Bandura (1994), self-efficacy reflects four differing

types of factors. First, the advantage of mastering various experiences

can increase someone’s self-efficacy. Second, positive physical and

emotional cues help to create self-efficacy. Third, after being exposed

to people with high levels of self-efficacy, self-efficacy emerges. The

fourth factor is the most significant contributor to self-efficacy in

terms of mattering. Bandura (1994) suggested that other people have


the flexibleness to pursuade us that we are capable to the point that

this message is internalized and it has a long-lasting impact on

boosting self-efficacy. Lent and Lopez (2002) noted that the

sustaining power of getting important others who believe in you is

mentioned frequently by those people that get recognized for their

significant accomplishments, but this kind of support is usually

overlooked by researchers. Peers, parents, siblings, relatives, teacher,

or friends who tells someone, “I believe you and I know you can do

it,” not only boosts sentiments of effectiveness and capability, but also

shows faith therein to a person, making them feel more special and

significant in their eyes and that alone would help that certain person

to exert more effort and perform even better. The summarization of

Goal-setting theory considers the effectiveness of specific difficult

goals as well as the relationship of goals to affect, the mediators of

goal effects, the relationship of goals to self-efficacy, the moderators

of goal effects, and the generality of goal effects across many people,

tasks, countries, time spans, experimental designs, and goal sources

(I.e., self-set, set jointly with others, or assigned), and dependent

variables (Locke & Latham, 2006). Broadly defined, goal-setting is

the method of building clear and usable targets, or objectives, for


learning (Moeller, Theiler, & Wu, 2012). The Theory highlights the

importance of the connection of goals and performance. The most

effective performance appears to come when goals are specific and

challenging, when they are utilized to measure performance and

relates it to the feedback on results, make commitment and acceptance

according to the predictions that the research supports. Moderators

like ability and self-efficacy may influence the motivational impact of

goals. Goals are more effective when they have deadlines. A goal

orientation in that focuses on learning produces better results than a

goal orientation for performance, and defining group goal-setting is

just as vital as individual goal-setting.

Vroom’s Theory of Expectancy Victor Vroom posited that

individuals decide upon their actions based on the outcomes they

expect. He theorized that individuals are highly productive and

motivated if two conditions are met: 1) People believe they will

succeed in their efforts. 2) People believe they’ll be rewarded upon

their success. Vroom’s theory is based on three variables: Expectancy,

instrumentality, and valence. The cognitive thought process of “If I

work harder, I’ll perform better” is referred to as expectancy.

Instrumentality is that the thought process of “If I perform well, I’ll be


rewarded appropriately”. Valence is one’s perception of the price of

the reward. For the valence to be motivating, the person must want to

induce the reward rather than not obtaining it.

Theoretical Framework

Students Perception towards Customs Broker Licensure


Self-efficacy Vroom’s Theory of

Locke’s Goal-Setting Expectancy

Self - Outcomes they

motivation Specific goal expect

Becoming a licensed custom broker.

Schematic Diagram of the Study

Related Literature

There are few related literatures that are relevant to our study of

the Lived Experiences of Customs Administration Graduates in taking

the Licensure Examination. Articles and studies involving licensure

examinations were reviewed in order to make sure that they are

indeed the closest material that can support our study. There are

certain aspects that we need to take into consideration to support our


Financial and Moral support. Parental support can play a really big impact

towards the motivation of the students. The emotional support a student get

from his family is extremely beneficial because it makes them get motivated

enough to attain higher academic outcomes and it also promotes the

psychological well-being and facilitates a greater engagement of students

(Roksa & Kinsley, 2018). If the oldsters of the students are ready to provide

the backing that they need, they're going to be able to focus more on their

studies instead of worrying of trying {to find searching for ways to find

money. Also, their parents and friends can provide an ethical support for

them to scale back their stress and anxiety by encouraging the scholars.

Learning Environment. Hendrix, (2019) Students who study in a very

positive learning environment are shown to be more motivated, engaged,

and have the next overall brain. On the opposite hand, students learning in

poor environments – those who are uncomfortable, loud, or stuffed with

distractions – will find it way more difficult to soak up information and stay


Mental Health. Eisenberg, et al. (2009) health problems constitute a

potentially important but corresponding in explaining human capital

accumulation during college. We conduct the essential study, of how mental

state could affect academic success during college in an exceedingly random

longitudinal sample of students. We discover that depression may be a

significant predictor of lower GPA and better probability of dropping out,


particularly among students who even have a positive screen for a mental

disturbance. As you would possibly have noticed, psychological state deeply

affects the students’ academic success as they can’t focus in their studies

because of the sudden stress of depressions and anxiety. If the student

doesn’t have any style of depression and anxiety, they'll focus more on their

study which might result the student to attain his goal.

Self-esteem. Noronha, et al. (2018) the aim of self-esteem is to feel and

picture out that folks nurtured in their mind over time about their self. In

simple words, self-esteem is self-assessment; this perception and evaluation

may be positive or negative and pleasant or unpleasant. Children with high

self-esteem, usually feel good about themselves and better ready to resolve

their conflicts with other children and are proof against pander to problems.

A high self-esteem enables the scholars to just accept failures with ease

rather than being stressed thanks to some failure, students with high self-

esteem gets up quickly from their failures, learn from their mistakes, and

would eventually try again. These students are ready to cope on with their

failures and that they accept it knowing that it's an element of our life

resulting to them in taking more chances of trying to attain what they need

which makes them even more successful later in life.


Review Center. In line with Del Rosario, (2020) Being in an exceedingly

review center will allow students to interact with one another or to the

lecturers, and staff, which might have a positive effect in motivating the

coed to review having the ability to fulfill new friends from different schools

will give an unforgettable satisfactory feeling. Also, if a student has any

problem, they'll just approach the lecturers during this way, the coed can

learn easier. Review Center. According to Del Rosario, (2020) Being in a

review center will allow students to interact with each other or to the

lecturers, and staff, which can have a positive effect in motivating the

student to study. Being able to meet new friends from different schools will

give an unforgettable satisfactory feeling. Also, if a student has any problem,

they can just approach the lecturers in this way, the student can learn easier.

Future Prospect. According to Dai, L & Song, F (2016) Career success is a

major field in the study of human resource management. Also, career

success is deeply concerned about employees and organizations, especially

in organizations with no borders which provide many careers today. Every

student comes up with various expectations of their future careers that

motivate them to study hard to earn a diploma as well as to have a decent job

that they have studied for years. However, these expectations for fresh

graduates and possible uncertainties. These results in terms of salary,


employability, workload, and work environment can help improve one’s

ability and better understand what work-life is after graduation. This

concludes that there are much more uncertainties in reality after college.

Especially for some courses that need to take licensure examinations. These

are the different literature review of various studies that supports the

variables of the study.

Related Studies

This part evaluates some similar research study that shares a

few resemblances to our study. The following are the four

dissertations from Frazier, Norazlan, Nisorrada, Simons.

This multisite study of Frazier, et al. (2009) tackles about the prevalence of

exposure due to traumatic events and associated symptoms towards

undergraduate students. With the respondent of 1,528 via online surveys.

The data reported that 85% is experienced unprecedented event in their life

time and 21% reported that experiencing an event is over a 2-month period

during college. The most rampant event ever reported at same time points

was the unfortunate death of a loved one. Due to lifetime exposures to

family violence, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual assault were

associated with higher current distress levels.

Other reasons why a student cannot focus on study due to traumatic events

happened in their life. More likely a sudden death of loved one or other

scenario is sexual assaulted. In which would definitely reverse their thinking

forming into trauma and also stress for many unfortunate things that

happened to his life.

The study of Norazlan, et al. (2020) financial health plays an important role

in students’ academic performance. Financial and mental problems are

serious case that needs to be addressed as soon as possible so that it will not

lead to major health issues and poor academic performance

The student experiencing a financial problem won’t be able to keep focus on

their studies and might even possibly dropped out of school due to the

stresses from thinking about payments build up over time. However, there

are certain scholarship programs that students can avail in order to reduce

their tuition fees.

The study of Norazlan and Frazier it respectively correlates for the customs

graduates who were suffered during pandemic such in that case. The two

corresponding studies about the significant matters in traumatic event,

mental and financial health.

The study of Nisorrada (2018) “Evaluation of on-the job training placement

brokerage firms as perceived by aims Customs Administration Graduates’”

is an important figure to all graduates. This is the factors that customs

graduates must undergo on the job training farther demonstrates their

knowledge in the field. On the job training is an act of stepping stone for

those who wish to become licensure customs broker someday. This study

evaluates the theoretical knowledge will be put into actual application looks

on their learnings that the graduates, must establish relationships dealing

with the clients. Furthermore, this study target the customs graduates on how

they would be able to perform in terms of workplace environment, building

relationship with other employees.

The study of Simons, J (2019) success of distance learning graduates and the

role of intrinsic motivation is an aspect of completion what factors that

graduates might motivates them. This study explored the perspectives of

graduates to the distance learning health and social programme, determining

other factors to continuing their completing degree. Through distance

learning process the graduates’ deals with persistent challenges. It

recognized that distance learning poses challenges such as time


management, finding motivation, consistency and persistence through the

course (Angelino, Williams, & Natvig, 2007; Brown, 2011; Jenkins, 2011).

According to Ryan and Deci (2000) intrinsic motivation is defined as the

doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some

separable consequence. When intrinsically motivated, a person is moved to

act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external products,

pressures, or rewards. The study of Simons somehow helpful to those

graduates pursuing their success. It is said that the key factors achieving

success of the graduates’ is the supportive feedback received from teachers,

family, and friends. In which helpful to construct their knowledge, skills and

confidences as they perceived success.


Statement of the Problem

This study delves on the lived experiences of Bachelor of Science in

Customs Administration graduates of UC-Main Campus in taking the

Customs Broker Licensure Examination 2022. Specifically, this study

sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the positive lived experiences of BSCA Graduates in UC-Main

Campus towards taking Customs Broker Licensure Examination 2022?

2. What are the negative lived experiences of BSCA Graduates in UC-Main

Campus towards taking Customs broker Licensure Examination?


3. What are the ways of BSCA graduates in UC-Main Campus in dealing

with challenges towards taking Customs broker Licensure Examination


Significance of the study

This study endeavored to assess their motivational factor that will help the

Customs Administration Graduates in taking the Custom Broker Licensure

Examination (CBLE). The outcome of the study will benefit the following:

Students. This study will help to comprehend the perception of customs

graduates will boost motivation for the students’ as well as make them more

prepared to the Licensure Examination.

Customs Graduates. It would help the graduates to be mindful that surely

motivates them in taking the licensure examination. It will also assist them

to remove the negative factors about the exam replacing into positive factors

to have a higher chance on passing the Licensure Examination.

School Coordinator. If there will be multiple graduates from the same

University that would pass the Licensure Examination, then the universities

status would rapidly increase this profession.

Researchers. By gaining experience of this study, the researchers will

eventually enhance and develop their skills and it would help them obtain a

better apprehending on how crucial researching is for the community.

Future researchers. The findings of this study will guide them about the

emotional, intellectual, and financial concerns of the participants. This study

will cover alternative way for more deeper or expounded studies in the

similar field.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study focuses only on the perception of

Customs graduates who have been preparing the Customs Broker

Licensure examination. The primary subject of this research study will

consist of the customs graduates who are currently reviewing at the

University of Cebu Main-Campus in taking the Customs broker

licensure examination. The informant will be limited to (10) customs

graduates in the University of Cebu Main-Campus. Each of the

respondents were interviewed via zoom and google meet application

for the researchers to get their point of views. This study will be

conducted at the University of Cebu-Main campus for the 2nd

semester academic year 2021-2022. The limitation of our study, we

will only cover takers who are Customs graduates in the University of

Cebu Main-Campus. This is for easier ways to look an alumnus in the

same University regarding their different motivational factors in

preparation for the upcoming Customs Broker Licensure Examination


Research Methodology

This chapter deals with the methodologies used in the study. It discusses the

research design, locale/environment, respondents, instrument, and the

procedure in the collection and analysis of data.

Research Design

The research design being used in this study is phenomenological a

qualitative method of research. The process of acquiring, analyzing, and

interpreting non-numerical data such as language is known as qualitative


research. According to Creswell (2013), a phenomenological study,

“describes the common meaning of several individuals of their lived

experience of a concept or a phenomenon.” This design will enhance the

qualitative study by making the approach more effective. Phenomenology is

a sort of qualitative study that focuses on answering the question "what is

it?" instead of the question "how much" or "how many," which are questions

of frequency or amount.

Research Environment

The locale of this study is in University of Cebu Main- Campus which is

located in Sanciangko St. Cebu City, 6000. The study shall be conducted

online through online media platforms such as Messenger, Google meet,

zoom or in any other app in which our respondents from Cebu City or in

other provinces and Cities find to be the easiest accessible platform from

their perspective. It is conducted online in order to keep safety measures and

eliminate the risk of being infected by Covid-19. In addition, since most

universities are only allowed to conduct face to face classes only for

specified courses where hands on and physical experience are required, we

cannot conduct our interview at the school. Furthermore, the respondents

would find it much harder to meet physically as they have already graduated

from the University of Cebu and they would apparently have their own busy

schedules relating to part time works or review classes. The study will be

conducted from Cebu City, Provinces or other Cities which our respondents

currently resides in.

Figure 2-University of Cebu Main Campus

Research Respondents

Research Respondents The research respondents of this study

are the Customs graduates who will be taking the Customs Broker

Licensure Examination in the University of Cebu Main Campus. The

number of respondents that we need in conducting the interview is

(seven)7. Purposive Sampling method is used and it is a sampling

approach in which the researcher chooses participants to participate in


the study based on his or her own judgment. Since this study focuses

on the lived experiences 10 (10) respondents is best considered for in-

depth and focus group interview.

Research Instrument

The gathering of necessary data for the study is based on three (3) main

questions on the Statement of the Problem. Based on the main questions, an

interview guide that consists of six (6) items related to the positive and

negative experiences of the graduates

The interview guides generated using relevant and well-

thought-out questions from similar reviews and the researchers'

individual questions. The guide will elicit information that will be

obtained through the responses of the subjects or respondents. It is

also preferable because it is less expensive, yields more honest

answers, guarantee confidentiality, and minimizes bias. The guide is

structured to provide possible solutions. Lastly, the researchers used

the Descriptive Style .

Data gathering Procedure


The researchers first identified the intended output and

objectives in collecting data. Then, the researchers decided who will

be interviewed, how data will be collected, the data sources that will

be used, and the data collection duration; thus, validity and reliability

need to be taken note of. The researchers implement a data collection

plan in which a transmittal letter is sent to the dean for permission to

conduct the study. Then, after getting approval from the dean, the

conduct of research officially commences. The researchers do the

personal interview with the respondents as well as the collection of

answers. The respondents will be given enough and ample time to

answer the questions during the interview. Lastly, as soon as the

farmer is done answering the questions, it will use in the data analysis

later. As soon as the data collection will be done, analyzing and

interpreting the data collected will follow.

Through their collective efforts and cooperation, the researchers

had made interview questions to serve their intended respondents. The

study respondents consist of seven (7) total population who are

Customs graduates who will take the Customs Broker Licensure

Examination. Interview questions were conducted via zoom and

google meet.

It is expected that the Customs graduates will cooperate

thoroughly and answer the interview questions honestly. By

brainstorming and deliberation, the collected information and data are

analyzed thoroughly by the researchers.

Data analysis

To analyze data researchers used Phenomenological Analysis to analyze the

answers and the experiences of the Bachelor of Science in Customs

Administration graduates as they respond to the questions.

Phenomenological analysis is based on discussions and reflections of direct

perception and experiences of the researched phenomenon. The researchers

listen to the interview records to analyze them thoroughly and connect them

to the research themes properly. Expounding thoroughly, the following steps

will be followed: First, the researcher gathers data through a virtual

interview with the selected Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration

graduates in the University of Cebu Main Campus. Second, the researchers

transcribe the interview to provide copies and be able to analyze it better.

Next, the researchers analyze the interview according to the research themes:

the Lived experiences of Customs graduates in taking the Customs Broker


Licensure Examination . Fourth the result of the interview is interpreted.

Lastly, the interpretation of the interview is written and submitted.

Definition of Terms

These are the following keywords featured of this study.


Bachelor of Customs Administration .The Bachelor of Science in Customs

Administration (BSCA) is a four-year college degree course for individuals

who wish to pursue a career in custom brokerage or in the field of

transportation and supply chain management.

Customs Broker Licensure Examination. A is type of written examination

offers Professional Regulations Commission to fully become Bonafide

licensed customs broker.

Customs Brokers. A person who is a Bonafide holder of valid certificate of

registration and Professional Identification Card issued by Professional

Regulatory Board for Customs Broker and Professional Regulation


Customs Graduates. A board taker who passed the four-year college

degree course of Customs Administration.

Lived experiences. Represent a given person's experiences and choices and

the knowledge that they gain from these experiences and preferences

Motivation. A process of interaction between the learner and the

environment, which is marked by selection, initiation, increase, or

persistence of goal-directed behavior. It has been thought of variously as a


quality of the individual, the situation, or the activity in which the individual

is engaged.

Negative factor. Tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, and skeptical.

It's a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst

Positive factor. Allows us to change behavior, develop competencies, be

creative, set goals, grow interests, make plans, develop talents, and boost


Chapter 2



This chapter aims to analyze and interpret the data gathered from the

online interview with the graduates from the University of Cebu – Main

Campus who will take the Customs Broker Licensure Examination 2022.

Results List

Experience of Customs Graduates:

Positive Experiences

I. Persistence

Persistence is a fundamental trait of a human being where it helps

develop a person with their improvement on their mind and body as well as

personal development over the course of time. Without this key trait

existing, people would never be able to grow up to their maximum potential

as their ability to do that will be severely restricted. Various notable

individuals known throughout the world had already proven this where they

start from the rock bottom, met countless big problems in the middle and at

the top end they became successful over what they're facing with. Most

people would think that having only talent and skills would guarantee an

individual for a success but the reality is even if you both have talent and

skill, if you don't have persistence you will never be able to succeed.

A. Inspired by Family and friends

When a person becomes inspired, they show more

productibility in what they’re doing and no matter how hard the

circumstances can be, they’ll try hard to keep on reaching their goal

because they know someone is rooting for them. Inspiration provides

an individual to reach closer towards their goal, to become more

creative, to become more motivated, and to become a much more

capable person. Being inspired by the people who are close to them,

brings out new possibilities inside them. It allows a person to exceed

their regular and ordinary experiences and limitations. Inspiration

transforms a person from having a lack of interest in doing something

to focusing on that certain thing (Kaufman).

“My family of course they are my strength and I want really

test myself how far I will go in this profession” (Informant 10/5F,

658- 660)

“Pamilya nimo ba nga nag gasto nimo ba ma motivate ka

nga ipasar gyud nimo ang board exams ba kay og mahagbing ka

sayang ang oppurttunity same atong exams nga permi lang ka

postpone”. (Informant 4/4M,244-247)


The informants specifies that they are inspired by their

respective families because of their support thus they were able to

deal with the academic pressures they constantly face. Academic

pressure is a really big problem for students because it let them get

distracted with their ability to think resulting to their mind becoming

blank. According to Horvath, J & Lodge, J (2017) This is because

when the student enters a very high-stake examination like the

Customs broker Licensure Examination, the students brain enters the

realm of hot cognition where it is activated when the student gets in a

highly stressful situation. In relation to Self-efficacy theory, It is very

clear that inspiration coming from the students loved ones certainly

helps lessen or entirely remove this effect from their brain because if a

person is inspired, he or she intends to believe in their self and push

through their usual ways.

B. Conquering ones Fear

Fear is a natural human emotion and mechanism that has

largely helped the human civilization to become safe from various

different harms which is why our species is still present to this day.

Fear is also a vital factor in shaping and advancing technologies ever

since from the very beginning where Man has first appeared on this

planet. Still there are cases where a Prudent Man must face his Fears

to become a better individual. Not overcoming fears may result to a

person not being able to get out of his comfort zone and will in turn

not make him reach his maximum potential until the day he dies.

“Dapat you have to overcome your fear jud. Like example Sa

imong weakness ba. weak ka sa computation dapat imo na e

studyhan para ma develop imong pagkamaayo sa computation.”

(Informant 3/3M 161-164)

To overcome fear, it is important to know that this certain

natural human emotion does not entirely go away. It means that as

long as person is alive fear also lives that is why a person must

acknowledge their fears by slowly exposing their selves into it and by

managing stresses as well as to believe and trust on their self in their

own ability to learn and expand their knowledge with the goal of

reducing it as low as possible. In relation to Locke’s Goal setting

Theory, it is important to set a goal in order not to burden a person's

mind and body like in studying, a person does not need to study all

day long without rest because if an individual is forcing their self to

learn loads of knowledge within a short span of time, then there is a

tendency of overloading where they can’t properly digest what


they’ve studied. So, it is very important to set a goal each day in order

for their progress to grow smoothly and safely. The benefit of

Overcoming fears results to a person trusting his self-more and

become an independent individual. This way he can accomplish more


C. Avoid standby period

Avoid standby period is focus on being active rather than

passive. The fact being active means productive. It similar when you

do your task daily with hard work. Scott Belsky (2010) hard work is

the single greatest competitive advantage. Hard work is always the

baseline of great achievements. Knowing how to properly utilize our

time will surely avoid being passive. Pozin (2016) stop confusing

productivity with laziness while no one likes admitting it, sheer

laziness is the No. 1 contributor to lost productivity. In fact, a number

of so-called time-saving methods – take meetings and emails for

example – are actually just ways to get out of doing real work. Place

your focus on doing the things that matter most as efficiently and

effectively as possible.

“Mindset gyud importante kayo na kay if naa mga problema

nya kahibaw ka maghunahuna then dili ra gyud ka dali nya

kahibaw ka maghunahuna then dili ra gyud ka dali mawad an

track sa imo mga buhatunon kay imagine gd work paka unya mag

breakdown pajud ka unsaon nalang nmo pag tuon dba? so train

your mind jud nga pilion ang mga butang nga angay ra nmo

tagaan og attention.” ( Informant 4F 637-642).

This is correlates with informant answer that you have to set

aside the things irrelevant to review. Hence, set a track what you are

going to do upon your reviewing. In that case, you will avoid being

standby and prevent laziness in terms of reviewing the board exams.

As the informant responded, this a line with the theory of self-efficacy

by Bandura in which a person is significantly affects one of the factors

that positive physical and emotional cues will help a person to become


D. Goal Oriented

Goal Oriented Locke and Latham (1984), that goal setting is a key

motivational process. Goals are the outcome that a person is trying to

accomplish something. Many people interact in different activities that are


believed to lead a goal accomplishment. As learners pursue multiple goals

such as academic goals and social goals, goal choice and the level at which

learners commit to attaining the goals influence their motivation to learn

(Locke & Latham, 2015; Wentzel, 2000). Goal Oriented is significant and

correlates to our theory of goal setting by locke and latham. In general, goal

oriented emphasize a person being a self-esteem to nurture something in

pursuing achievement.

“ Ang una kay family para maka kitag trabaho ug makatabang.

Pang professional sad ba para makapalit balay so dapat jud pang

professional ta” (Informant 5/5M 303-305).

“Ang main factor for me is the ambition to get the license”

(Informant 6/1F 367-368.) “ The factors that motivates me really

my “dream as licensed customs broker in the near future. My family of

course they are my strength and I want really test myself how far I

will go in this profession”. ( Informant 10/5F 657-660).

The informants with similar responds tackled their fellowship of motivation

in which the so called support of family. Setting a goals makes the graduates

to be more motivated. Dreaming to become a licensed is current manifesting

in their situation. This a line to goal setting theory that they are capable of

motivating by support from others. Providing strength to be more mindful in

positive thinking rather than looking down. The graduates correlates by

theory of goal setting in way they are capable orienting themselves. Goal

orientations refer to the reasons or purposes for engaging in learning

activities and explain individuals’ different ways of approaching and

responding to achievement situations (Ames & Archer, 1988; Meece,

Anderman, & Anderman, 2006). Goals are not easy to achieve especially

when it has difficult challenges. Similar to become a licensed customs

broker, you have to pass the Customs Broker licensure Examination to be

bona fide.

Negative Experience

I. Time Management

The modern concept of time management - the act of planning the

amount of time you spend on which activities – was rooted with Frederick

Taylor's scientific management techniques. The definition of time

management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the

effectiveness of an individual's efforts. Essentially, its purpose enabling

people to get more and better work done in less time (Wigmore,2021).

Customs graduates from the University of Cebu are struggling to manage

their time in an effective and efficient way. As the term

suggests, time management is organizing your time and making

the most of your daily routine. Student’s claim that it is a big challenge for

them to stick on the schedule they have plotted which one reason that could

be seen is due to the current learning set up which is virtual or online as

what perceived in the interview conducted by the researchers.

A. Conflict of Schedules

Schedule Conflicts are collisions referring to schedule overlaps taking place

when one resource or period of time is assigned with more appointments

than it is possible to handle at once, resulting in competing assignments. In

other terms, schedule conflict refers to the inability to perform two or more

tasks at the same time, so if two events are scheduled at the same time for

the same person, that person must choose only one of the assignments while

neglecting the other. A lot of conflicts occur due to poor skills or

accurateness of planners who commit errors while composing schedules and

timetables. In regards with the conflict of schedules experienced by the

Customs graduates of the University of Cebu, they claim that it is a tough

challenge for them not to experience this kind of predicament.


“Parehas nako ga trabaho ko ron then conflict kaayu kay basin nya

ang kanang oras ba kay dili fit sa akong schedule pud for work and

then ang mga lesson spud”. (Informant 1/1M, 21-23)

The organizational skills related to class note taking are just one facet of

good study habits. A related study skill is time management: learning how to

develop a schedule that allocates a set amount of time to studying and work.

(WPS Marketing,2021). Conflict of two assigned tasks namely work and

reviewing the lessons as part of the preparation for the Customs Broker

Licensure Examination is prevalent in this interview. Students state that

balancing of schedules at work and reviewing lessons and attending webinar

classes online are very hard to fit on their favors. Two major tasks scheduled

at the same time are very difficult for them to carry out simultaneously.

B. Virtual Learning Set-up

Global pandemic has brought on a new reality and everyone has been

affected by the devastating spread of COVID-19. This includes the

modification of the usual face-to-face learning set up to virtual learning.

According to Dr. Veronica Rachiva, virtual learning is a learning experience

that is enhanced through utilizing computers and/or the internet both outside

and inside the facilities of the educational organization. At its most basic

level, it might involve people taking part in a lesson remotely – often called

distance education (Mind Tools, 2021). Virtual Learning can be useful if

you want all of your learners to hear the same message at the same time, and

to be able to interact with the teacher and one another. However, it is

recognized in the interview that virtual learning can be a downside to

custom’s graduates towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure

Examination 2022.

“One of the factors is the online study ug online review, lisud siya

jud. Mas nindot man gud ug face to face kay maka interact ka sa imo

classmates or kaila nga mag group study.” (Informant 6/1F, 374-


“Diri man gud sa online review daghan kaayo hindrances like

signal dako possibility nga ma drain ka dayon kanang dali ka

matental gani kay online raman gud sya.” (Informant 6/1F, 374-377)

As said by the informants, it is hard for them to adapt the new way of

reviewing for the exam in an online learning set up as they are used to the

usual way of traditional face-to-face set up. Not having enough

communication with educators and friends is among the greatest difficulties

of reviewing the lessons on the web and passing their courses


(Robinson,2020). Graduates can compare the significant difference between

virtual and physical way of learning. They claim that they are prone to

distractions and often divert their attention to social media instead of

working on their lessons, exercises or paying attention in class or webinars.

Classes that students already have trouble understanding the lessons, also

have a chance of getting distracted easily. The moment students get

distracted in webinars, the much harder time they’ll have making up what

they missed or didn’t understand (Jollevet, 2020). Those who get distracted

easily, tend to fall behind and become overwhelmed as they drown in

lessons to cope up. This goes to show that graduates who tend to get easily

diverted will face more hardships paying attention during virtual classes.

II. Financial Constraints

Financial constraints has been a very heavy long burden for

ages on students who desires to finish their College degrees. Many

aspiring people back then would have been working as a professional

now if they just have the financial capacity to support their academics

at the time when they were still young without worrying about how to

provide financial help on their family. Financial constraints gives a

big negative impact about their preparation on the exam because some

students work to support their Academics, but in turn cannot get


adequate and efficient study time for themselves as they still need to

rest after a long day of work. A financially constraint student

allocating time for studying might be really less and inefficient for

learning compared to a financially healthy student who can prepare

better for the exam

A. Lack of Financial Support

Students are often exposed to all or any forms of financial problem, as

students one of these problems include their self’s problem that may make

their own financial in trouble. However, the foremost crucial problem

among students nowadays is didn’t have enough money to survive their life

at university due to some factor which will influence their life as a students.

There are problem that student face in their financial it's lack of cash and

also the solution for this problem is student’s awareness.

“Kuan financial problem og kanang bisag kahibaw ko nga di stable

ang among ay kanang naay financial problem pero kanang

padayun bitaw gihapon dili sayangan ang pagreview kay nagbayad


raba sa review labi na naay financial problem dapat suliton jud”.

(Informant 7/2F,434-483)”

In the interview, the respondent mentioned that one of the struggles specially

we are in the middle of restriction is finance. As she prepares for the

Licensure Examination, she experienced shortage in finace and its difficult

for her to pay the paid tutorials however it could not stop her in achieving

her dreams. In relation to Goal Setting theory as the graduates prepare for

the Licensure Examination, they will be facing challenges and if they have

the goal and they are strong enough they would achieve their dreams. It’s

common for graduates to have an optimistic outlook on their financial issues

since they will be needing money for the review. (Brougham et al., 2017).

B. Family Problem

Family problems prevail no matter the family’s condition. Economic,

Social, Psychological and even moral status of families do affect especially

the graduate's performance in preparation for the Customs Broker Licensure

Examination. Graduates especially within the level are greatly affected

because they're at a stage after they have to be more conscientious in their

life’s endeavor. These relationships have to find some quite rapprochement

between the wants and desires of various individuals so as to succeed in the


purpose of stability. Family functioning is additionally a very important

environmental variable affecting adolescent development (Owrangi et al.,

2011; Wildeman et al., 2016)

“Another sad kay kanang naay family problem syempre dika ka

focus mao to usa sa makademotivate ana para sa imong pangadoy nga

mkapasar sa board exam ipadayon ghapon bsan naay family

problem”(Informat 7/2F 438-442).

Based on the interview the respondent mentioned about having a problem as

one of her reasons why sometimes she can’t focus, however she is training

her mind to be optimistic and think that every problem has a solution.

According to Victor Vroom if the graduates must believe that the goal is

achievable, for them to put effort on it. If they will put in mind that reaching

their dream is doable then the graduates will keen perform well. The

graduates must believe that the effort will get them the desired outcome. If

they will think that family problem is just a challenge and focus on their goal

then they will be successful

Ways to Deal with Challenges

Advanced preparation is a really vital factor for a person when they

plan to take the exam. If they are not prepared then they are not ready and

that is enough to make them have stress and anxiety due to the pressure of

thinking about a high possibility of failing from a high-stake examination.

Advanced preparation helps a student to gain a high confidence on their self

and a high possibility of passing the exam because when they are ready, they

obtain confidence. Advanced preparation also reduces the amount of stress

because in this case, a student has prepared himself enough to not worry

about a lot of things. Consistently, research concludes that students having

higher educational expectations than their peers, prepare in advance for the

upcoming examination. Adjusting to the different situation and find ways to

for the upcoming exams would be an advantage (Goldsmith, 2004).

I. Advance Preparation

A. Read

According to Susan Sontag Read a lot. Expect something big,

something exalting or deepening from a book. No book is worth reading that

isn’t worth re-reading. Reading is exposing someone into a different level of

knowledge. It broadens the horizon, expand vocabulary and improve

viewpoints. Reading may be a foundational learning activity for college-

level courses. Assigned readings prepare you for taking notes during lectures

and produce you with additional examples and detail that may not be

covered at school. Also, per research, readings are the second most frequent

source of exam questions Cuseo, Fecas & Thompson, 2007).

“Akong preparation jud kay basa jud ko kay matod pas among

maestro basa jud sa CMTA before ka mo review para mas dina

skeptic imo schedule ba mao na ako gahinay hinay nako basa bisan

pila lang ka scetions ba mga 30 minutes. Unya dapat mahuman na

nimo basa before ka magstart review goods na kaayo ka ana para sa

uban nga topic nlng jud ka.” (Informant 2/2M,136-141)

During the interview the informants mentioned that reading in

advance could help them in preparation prior to the board examination and

emphasized that they make schedule on what to read and how many hours

they should read in that they are training their minds to make reading a habit.

In relation to Self-efficacy theory students who used more reading strategies

on both standardized test reading and textbook reading scored higher on

reading comprehension Anderson (2009). Preparedness is a crucial attribute

for achieving objectives and preventing or minimizing negative outcomes.

The concept of the student's preparation is supported by research in the field

of educational leadership and identify several components of review

preparation (Kearny & Valdez,2018). In order to be successful in the board

exams the graduates must prepare themselves. Reading is a constant reason


to pass the examination because if graduates read and comprehend what they

read then they will have enough knowledge and there is a good chance to

pass the board exams.

B. Create Daily Routine

A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most

successful among everyone else. The routine is exceptionally powerful, limit

procrastination and keep track of the goals and even make the graduates


Establishing a daily routine can make a person more productive and can help

set the priorities. It is not easy to form new routines, or add structure to each

day, when our lives feel completely disrupted and turned the other way

around, so it's going to take your time to exhort to this "new" routine and be

ready to feel accomplished.” Rachel Goldman. The respondents revealed

that creating a daily life routine would be an advantage in preparation to the

board exam.

“Ako kay working man ko ako na ge balance Monday to Saturday

mao na ako work. Ari ko mo study sa gabie so if naay webinar kay

mo mata ko early. Unya basa sad sa CMTA time management ra


jud ug study. Mahimo rana nimo if naay ka will nga imo mabuhat.”

(Informant 3/M3,212-216)

“ Sa akoa kay balance rako like tuon ko ani nga adlaw. Unya lain

nga adlaw kay lingaw-lingaw. Naay ko adlaw mag tuon, naay ko

adlaw mag duwa, naay sad ko adlaw mag rest rako para akong

brain ma relax bitaw gamay dli sad kaayo focus bitaw murag chill raba

pero naa rajapon ang goal nato makapasar ka sa CBLE.” ( Informant


The informants mentioned that as they prepare for the customs broker

licensure examination, they created a daily routine to be able to track their

study time, since majority of them are working. In relation to Victor

Vroom’s Theory of expectancy, the graduate's expectations from their own

efforts (expected outcome) and the relation to good performance and

outcomes (performance expectancy). Part of this expectation is the level of

difficulty the graduate's experiences, i. e. goal difficulty.

C. Prayer

Students who worshiped before taking an exam demonstrated their

devotion to God, and as a result, they achieved positive results owing to

mental health peacefulness when praying and believing God. The majority

of graduates are hoping to Give them insight so that they could understand

what they're studying and remember it when the exam time comes. Due to

the calming influence of prayer, one good effect is an increase in self-


"kuan rajud sya prayers through sa prayers kay ma strong man ka

dira gud. Challenges is package man gud na if naay ka buhaton or

goal so prayer rajud dapat tanan para ma overcome ba".

(Informant 10/5F 683-685)

The informant asserts that through prayers, they would be able to overcome

any obstacles and achieve their goals. Self -efficacy theory refers to a

person's belief in their ability to master a specific endeavor or skill. While

praying, individuals gain more motivation and self-confidence from

knowing that God will guide and believe in them to complete their objective.

noted that the sustaining power of having important others who believe in

them. Lent and Lopez (2002) Parents support them physically and spiritually

by providing for their needs throughout the board exams, and they pray for

their success particularly. when the pressure of exams gets to be too much,

students turn to God as a last resort (Nicolas Boutin 2018). When students

are preparing to take an exam, praying before the exam is an effective way

to stay focused and avoid being nervous.


D. Attend Webinars

The phrase webinar is a combination of the term's web and seminar,

and it very much describes what it accomplishes. Using technology and the

internet, create a presentation or a class. Webinars are essential for graduates

who want to take the Customs Broker Licensure Examination 2022. The

Internet's utility in today's world is unquestionable. When the world was hit

by the coronavirus pandemic last year, the Internet and its channels of

communication helped the world come together. One of the benefits of the

Internet is the availability of webinars, which benefits many people,

particularly students and graduates. Webinars allow the person to study or

attend meetings from the comfort of their own homes or any other preferred


“Ako kay working man ko ako na ge balance Monday to Saturday

mao na ako work. Ari ko mo study sa gabie so if naay webinar kay

mo mata ko early. Unya basa sad sa CMTA time management ra

jud ug study. Mahimo rana nimo if naay ka will nga imo mabuhat.”

(Informant 2/2M 212-216)

The informant values the opportunity to participate in webinars and is

willing to sacrifice their sleep-in order to do so. The majority of the


informants understand the importance of attending webinars and are eager to

take advantage of the chance, but they are unable to do so due to their work

schedules. Using the goal-setting theory the process of establishing clear and

usable targets, or objectives, for learning. The informant is choosing their

goal by attending webinars and the clearer and more specific the goals the

more motivated they become to achieve those goals. Asynchronous learning

management systems are less successful than webinars (Gegenfurtner2019).

This is because genuine teaching can be seen on the screen by the students,

and they can readily communicate and respond to the lesson presentation.

E. Self-Discipline

Self-discipline refers to a person’s innate ability to drive their selves

forward, stay motivated, and act regardless of how you are physically or

emotionally feeling. Self-control affects school-related activities like time

management, reading, and taking notes (Fazal, Hussein, Majoka, &

Masood). It's no surprise that less disciplined students perform poorly

academically as compared to more disciplined students as controlling their

selves reduces or even extinguishing their chances of being prone to certain

distractions that would potentially expose the student for addiction which

results to a student neglecting their tasks.


“Sa akoa kay balance rako like tuon ko ani nga adlaw. Unya

lain nga adlaw kay lingaw2x. Naay ko adlaw mag tuon, naay ko

adlaw mag duwa, naay sad ko adlaw mag rest rako para

akong brain ma relax bitaw gamay dli sad kaayo focus bitaw

murag chill raba pero naa rajapon ang goal nato makapasar ka

sa CBLE. (Informant /55M 351-356)

Para nako kay kuan sa health is dapat sa sleeping time jud

makabawi ko. And e cut najud nimo ang social media kay before

mag-gamit man jud ko cellphone after work karon kay limited na

jud. (Informant 6/ 1F 401-404)

Self-discipline is required to focus on academic activities and

prevent bad habits such as spending excessive amounts of time on the

computer, particularly when the student is not using the computer for

school-related purposes and with this, in line with Vrooms Theory of

Expectancy provides that certain behavioural results will come out

base on the students’ choices which in fact if the students discipline

their selves well, it is more likely for them to pass the CBLE exam.

Duckworth and Seligman (2005) focused on overcoming performance

issues in their study of the impact of students' self-discipline on

academic success. Performance processes, which are aimed to aid


pupils in completing a task optimally, are emphasized in such studies.

Students have higher academic performance, according to

Zimmerman and Kitsantas (2015), when they focus on learning

procedures that are designed to assist learners to develop the potential

to enhance their academic abilities.


Inspired by family and
Conquering one’s fear
Positive Experience PERSISTENCE

Avoid standby period

Goal Oriented

Conflict of Schedules
Virtual Learning Set-up

Negative Experience
Lack of Financial Support
Family Problems


Difficult Circumstances

Create Daily Routine

Attend Webinars



Summary, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, sums up the formed

findings derived in the conduct of the study, which is to know the

lived experiences of the graduates of Bachelor of Science in Customs

Administration particularly in the University of Cebu-Main Campus.

The implications of these results will also be discussed.

Recommendations were based on the conclusions and purpose of the


The general objective of the study is to determine the Lived

Experience of Customs Graduates in taking the Customs Broker

Licensure Examination 2022. This study was conducted to find out

the specific experiences and insights answering the following


1. What are the positive lived experience of the graduates in UC-Main

towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?


2. What are the negative lived experience of the graduates in UC-Main

towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

2.1 In the middle of pandemic, how did the Graduates motivate their selves

and decide to take the Licensure Examination?

3. What are the ways of BSCA graduates in UC-Main in dealing with the

challenges towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

3.1 What are the possible risks about the Graduate’s health?

3.2 Are they experiencing financial crisis?

3.3 What are their ways to overcome traumatic unexpected events?

4. What do the examinees experience during the time of preparation prior to

the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

4.1 Have you attended any review center?

4.3 Are the graduates receiving financial support to sustain the Customs

Broker Licensure Examination preparation?

The main purpose of this study was to determined the Lived Experience of

Customs Graduates in taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination

2022. The phenomenological a qualitative method of research was used to

serve as a guide for an online interview and to collect data from the

informants. The informants were consisting of 5 males and 5 females

customs graduates, and a total of ten (10) informants from the University of

Cebu Main-Campus.


The following were the findings of this study:

1. The research demonstrates that graduates are motivated by their common

aim of becoming a licensed customs broker, as well as by their family's

support, which has a beneficial impact on their preparation for the upcoming

exams. Some graduates are nervous about taking the Customs Broker

Licensure Examination because of the peer pressure, while others want to

challenge themselves to overcome their anxiety of taking the exam. Our

findings revealed that graduates are persistent in their preparation for the

Custos Broker Licensure Examination.

2. The research demonstrates that graduates have a time conflict with

review classes and a financial problem, both of which have negative effects

on their preparation for the upcoming board examination. The majority of

graduates are employed, challenges managing their job schedules with

review sessions, as well as financial concerns if they enroll in review

classes. Our findings revealed that graduates must have time management

and financial restrictions in order to prepare for the licensure examination.

3. The data shows that graduates attempt a variety of approaches to dealing

with their situations in order to achieve an excellent result on their

examination. Graduates' most common challenge is establishing a new daily

routine that fits into their busy schedules, allowing them to read more and

attend webinars. Self-discipline is the most important quality graduates

possess. It helps graduates to focus on their advanced preparation for the

licensure examination.


This research study had aimed to figure out Customs Graduates

lived Experiences in taking the Customs Broker Licensure

Examination 2022. According to the data gathered, it can be

concluded that there are more positive factors that affects the Custom

Graduates experience on the preparation for taking the Custom Broker

Licensure Examination 2022 than its negative counterpart. The result

of the study shows that there are still Custom Graduates that are

struggling with their Time management because of work schedules

being in conflict with their review classes and webinars. Also, Due to

the reasons stated above, mental and physical health problem is also

present and they also have in mind the fear of having to face the

consequences whenever they take risks. In addition, the Academic

pressure and their family and friend's expectations heavily weights on

the students mind about their responsibility to pass affects negatively

on their mental health. Studying all the CMTA sections before the

review, believing in one's self, having the positive mindset, cutting

social media in order to reduce distraction, time management,

balancing study and social time are the ways that can help the

Customs Graduates to effectively cope up with these certain



Future researchers who will be having the same topic as ours

must have good survey interview questions and interaction for this

allows the respondent to go into further detail and use their own words

to extract truth from people's accounts of their feelings and

experiences, and to provide detailed descriptions of the topic. This

helps the researcher in gaining a truer picture of a person's

comprehension in the situation.

Moreover, it is very important for the researcher to analyze the

answers and the experiences of the BSCA graduates as they respond

to the questions in order to aim understand, relate and comprehend the

respondents’ perception in taking the Customs Licensure


For the future researchers interested in the same topic as this

one should broaden their skills in data collection. They must be

determined to complete their research despite numerous limits in

terms of data collection in order to obtain the greatest answer and

precise results.

Appendix A



April 25, 2022


Dean of College of Customs Administration
University of Cebu Main Campus
Sanciangko St., Cebu City

Dear Mr. Carin:

Greetings of joy!

The undersigned researcher is a representative from the College

of Customs Administration whose group is currently undertaking
research entitled “Lived Perception of Customs graduates in taking
the Customs broker Licensure Examination” as a partial requirement
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration. One
major purpose of this study aims to determine the experiences of the
graduates during their preparation in the board exams.
In this regard, I respectfully request from your office to allow
our group to conduct the study to the Customs Graduates who are
available and willing. The results of this study will be used as basis

for the intervention plan to improve students’ self-efficacy and

academic engagement.
Rest assured that the identity of the informants will be treated
with utmost confidentiality. I am hoping for your kind approval.
Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,


Research Group Leader

Noted by: Approved by:



Appendix B


(Porma sa Pagtugot sa Kabubot-on)

This informed consent form is for the selected Customs graduates of

the University of Cebu. I am humbly inviting you to participate in my
research entitled “Lived Perception of Customs graduates in taking the
Customs broker Licensure Examination”.
Kining maong porma sa para sa mga pinili nga mga gradwado sa
Customs sa Unibersidad sa Cebu. Mapainubsanon kong gidapit ka sa pag-
apil sa akong panukiduki nga nag-ulohan og "NABUHI NGA PAGTAN AW
Principal/Investigator : Princess Dianne Sesante
(Ulo sa Tig Pakisusi)
Name of School : University of Cebu
(Ngalan sa Tunghaan)
Adviser : Dr. Lloyd Vincent Sasil

I am Princess Dianne Sesante, a student researcher from the
University of Cebu, College of Customs Administration. I am doing research
on the topic entitled “Lived Perception of Customs graduates in taking the
Customs broker Licensure Examination” I am going to give you information
and will invite you to be a part of this research. You may not have to decide
today whether or not you will participate in the research. Before you decide,
you can talk to anyone whom you feel comfortable with about the research.
Ako si Princess Dianne Sesante, nagtuon sa Unibersidad sa Sugbo sa
Kurso sa nga graduwado. Ako naghimo sa pagtuon sa tapik nga giulohan
“Nabuhi nga pagtan aw sa mga gradwado sa customs sa pagkuha sa
Customs Broker Licensure Examination”. Mga pagpakisayod sa kasinatian
sa kinabuhi sa pagkakaron mahimo nga dili usa ka muhukom nga moapil
aning maong pagtuon. Ug sa dili paka mohukom sa pagsalmot, mahimo nga
duna kay lain nga tawo nga konsultahon nga para nimo komportable ka sa
imong kaugalingon sa bahin aning maong nahisgutang pagtuon.
This consent form may contain words that you do not understand.
Please ask me to stop as I go through the information and I will take time to
explain it for you. If you have some questions later, you can ask me or to
another researcher.
Kon pananglitan man gani dunay dili nimo masabtan nga mga pulong
aning mga hanay-ay sa pagtugot, mahimo kaayo nga moingon ka kanako
nga dili nalang padayunon ang paghagpat sa mga inpormasyon, pero sa dili
pa, ako pa tikaw pasabton sa igo nga panahon, kon magpabilin lang
gihapon nga magdumili ka mahimo nga mangutana ka sa mga laing tawo
nga nagtuon ug sama niini.

Purpose of the Research

(Katuyoan sa Pagtuon)
To explore into: 1) the experiences of the graduates prior to the of the
board examination, 2) the challenges met by the graduates during their
preparation, and 3) how they were able to handle big and small challenges in
the board exams preparation

(Pag pakisayod alang sa : 1) ang mga kasinatian sa mga gradwado sa wala

pa ang board examination, 2) ang mga hagit nga nasugatan sa mga
gradwado atol sa ilang pagpangandam, ug 3) giunsa nila pagdumala ang
dagko ug gagmay nga mga hagit sa pagpangandam sa board exams

The study is designed to explore the of the Customs Graduates of the

University of cebu to obtain data that will be used to improve the said
(Kining maong pagtuon gihimo aron sa pagpalapad sa mga
kasinatian sa mga gradwado sa Customs sa University of Cebu aron sa
pagkuha sa mga datos mga magamit sa pagpalahutay o kaha pagpalambo
sa programa).

Type of Research Intervention

(Tipo sa Pagpugong sa Pakigsusi)
This research will involve your participation in an interview that will
take 30 minutes to one hour.
(Kining maong pagtuon manggilabot sa imong partisipasyon pina-agi
sa pag-pangutana nga mokabat ug 30 minutos ngadto sa usa ka oras).

Participant Selection
(Pagpili sa mga mosalmot)
You are being invited to take part in this research because I feel that
your experiences as informants in the Customs broker examination will
contribute a lot to my understanding and knowledge in this study.
(Ako kang giawhag sa pagsalmot aning maong pagtuon kay nagatuo
ako nga ang imong kasinatian isip usa ka gradwado nga mosal ot sa board

examination makahatag kanako ug giya alang sa pagsabot aning maong


Voluntary Participation
(Boluntaryo nga Pagsalmot)
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your
choice whether to participate or not. If you choose not to participate, then it
is fine with me.
(Sa imong pag-apil aning maong pagtuon usa kini ka boluntaryo.
imong kabobot-on ug mosalmot ka ba o dili ug ganahan ka nga moapil, mas
labing maayo).
(Mga Pamaagi)
A. Provide a brief introduction to the format of the research study.
(Hatagan ug hamubo nga pasiuna sa porma sa han-ay sa pagtuon).
B. I am asking you to help me to better understand your experiences as
informant in my research. If you will accept, you will be asked to answer
some questions you have encountered in your preaparation for the board
(Akong pangayoon ang imong tabang isip usa ka sa gradwado nga
muapaambit sa imong mga nasinati).
C. Explain the type of questions that informants are likely to be asked in the
interviews. If the research involves question or discussion, which maybe
sensitive, please inform the informants about this.
(Ipasabot ang tipiko sa mga pangutana diin ang inpormante nga
angay nga pangutan-on. Kung maong pagtuon may kalabutan sa pangutana
o diskasyon sa mga problema or mahatag ug kaulaw, sultihi ang
impormante niini).
If you do not wish to answer any of the questions during the
interview, you may say so, and the interviewer will move on to the next
question. The information record is confidential, and no one else will access
the information documented during your interview. The entire interview will
be tape-recorded, but no one will be identified by the name on the tape. The

tape will be left in the Research Office at the University of Cebu. The
information recorded is confidential, no one else except the director will
have the access to the tapes.
(Ug dili ka ganahan nga motubag sa mga pangutana panahon sa
maong pagtuon, mahimo nga mosulti ka nga dili ka gusto aron mopadyon
ko sa lain nga pangutana. Ang mga kasinatian nga nasulat walay lain
mahibalo, ug walay laing tawo nga maka panghilabot sa maong
impormasyon. Ang tanang mga pangutana gitali sa tape recorder, ug walay
usa ka tawo na nahibalo niini. Tanan nga impormasyon taguan sa opisina
sa tigpakisusi sa Unibersidad sa Sugbo. Ang mga impormasyon sa
kasinatian walay usa ka tawo nga makahilabot gawas lamang sa direktor sa
tigpakisusi sa Unibersidad).

The research takes place almost three month in total. During those times, I
will reach you two or three times for interview and follow up.
(Ang pagtuon mokabat ug sobra ka lima (3) ka bulan tanan, anang mga
panahona bisitahon tika sa sulod sa duha o tulo kahigayon para sa mga
dugang pang mga pangutana).
This will have no direct benefit to you, but your participation is likely
to help us improve the program based on the experiences you have shared.
(Walay direkta nga benepisyo nganha nimo, pero ang imong pag-apil maoy
makatabang pagpalambo sa maong programa basi sa inyong giasoy nga

The research that will be done may draw attention by other people in
the community. I will not share any information about you to anyone outside

of the research team. The information that I will collect from this research
project will be kept private.
(Ang pagtuon nga gihimo ug pagtagad sa ubang katawhan sa komunidad.
Dili ko mo pa ambit sa akong nasayran bahin kanimo sa mga tawo nga way
labot sa maong pagtuon. Ang mga inpormasyon nga akong nasayran aning
maong pagtuon tipigan nga pribado).
Any information about you will have a number on it instead of your
name. Only the researcher will know what your number is and will lock that
information with a key inside a cabinet and will not be shared with or given
to anyone.
(Ang akong nasayran bahin kanimo paga butangan ug numero nga maoy
ipuli sa imong ngalan. Ako nga nagtuon ra mismo maong masayod sa
maong numero ug paga-sirad an sa usa ka aparador pina-agi sa yawe.
Dili ni ipaambit o ihatag sa uban).

Part II. Certificate of Consent

(Pagmatuod sa Pagtugot)
I am inviting you to participate in research about the “Lived
Perception of Customs graduates in taking the Customs broker Licensure
Examination”. I have read the foregoing information or it has been read to
me. I have the opportunity to ask questions about it or I have volunteered to
be an informant in this study.
(Ako giawhag sa pag-paapil sa pagtuon bahin sa "NABUHI NGA PAGTAN
BROKER LICENSURE EXAMINATION”. Ako nang nabasa ang nahisgotan
nga mga inpormasyon, og ipasabot rako daan sa maong impormasyon.
Boluntaryo ako nga niapil aning maong pag-tuon).

Informant’s Signature


Appendix C

Research Instrument (Interview Questionnaire)

There would be a set of questions that would be used to gather data,

specifically their experiences on how they could handle all the challenges

and on what are their ways to cope up all the pressure as they are about to

take Customs Broker Licensure Examination. The first part of the

questionnaire determined the profile of the respondents in terms of their

preparations for the upcoming Customs Broker Licensure Examination. The

second part are some questions determining their techniques and what are

the uncertainties they are facing particularly during pandemic; hence they

are assessed to the following questions:


1. What are the positive lived experience of the graduates in UC-Main

towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

2. What are the negative lived experience of the graduates in UC-Main

towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

2.1 In the middle of pandemic, how did the Graduates motivate their

s elves and decide to take the Licensure Examination?

3. What are the ways of BSCA graduates in UC-Main in dealing with the

challenges towards taking the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

3.1 What are the possible risks about the Graduate’s health?

3.2 Are they experiencing financial crisis?

3.3 What are their ways to overcome traumatic unexpected events?

4. What do the examinees experience during the time of preparation prior to

the Customs Broker Licensure Examination?

4.1 Have you attended any review center?

4.2 Is the learning environment good and have helped you to be


4.3 Are the graduates receiving financial support to sustain the

Customs Broker Licensure Examination preparation?



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Curriculum Vitae

Full Name : Luciano III B. Dianon

Age : 21
Home Adress : Babag II, Lapu-Lapu City
Phone Number : 09276348083
Date of Birth : January 15,2001

Place of Birth : Lapu-Lapu City

Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
College : University of Cebu-Main Campus
Senior High School : University of Cebu-Main Lapu-Lapu and
Junior High School : Babag National High School
Elementary : Babag II Elementary School

Full Name : Bryant A. Domoyong

Age : 21
Home Adress : Camp marina Kalunasan, Cebu City
Phone Number : 09668259837
Date of Birth : September 03,2000
Place of Birth : Argao City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

College : University of Cebu-Main Campus

Senior High School : University of Cebu-Main Campus -High
Junior High School : Oppra National high school
Elementary : Oppra Elementary School

Full Name : Niño Jay R. Lañohan

Age : 21

Home Adress : Lahug,Cebu City

Phone Number : 09667414372

Date of Birth : January 25,2000

Place of Birth : Cebu City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

College : University of Cebu-Main Campus

Senior High School : University of Cebu-Main Campus -High School

Junior High School : Abellana National high school

Elementary : Lahug Elementary School


Full Name : Donewell Felix N. Matildo

Age : 21
Home Adress : 0610 Gorordo Avenue Lahug, Cebu City
Phone Number : 09234491239
Date of Birth : November 23,2000
Place of Birth : Cebu City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
College : University of Cebu-Main Campus
Senior High School : University of Cebu- Pri
Junior High School : University of Cebu- Main
Elementary : Lahug Elementary School

Full Name : Princess Dianne M. Sesante

Age : 22

Home Adress : Cabreros St,Cebu City

Phone Number : 09695334422
Date of Birth : November 28,1999
Place of Birth : Cebu City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

College : University of Cebu-Main Campus

Senior High School : University of Cebu-Main Campus -High School

Junior High School : Boljoon National High School

Elementary : Boljoon Central School

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