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(1) Read each statement and match it with the correct facet of transformational leadership.
Intellectual Stimulation
- Sir Richard Branson
- Indra Nooyi
Both these leaders value creativity and innovation. They tried to change the employees' way of thinking and way of
facing problems.

Individualized Consideration
- Jeff Weiner
- J.T.McCormick
Both these leaders give consideration to the needs and desires of each employee. They believe in coaching and
mentoring the employees, to help them develop and succeed.

Inspirational Motivation
- Tony Hsieh
- Andy Palmer
These two leaders present themselves as a positive role models. They build trust and develop confidence among the
employees by sharing the same working conditions and performing the same task.

Idealized Influence
- Elon Musk
- Warren Buffet
Both of leaders shared their vision with the employees and motivate the employees by clearly communicating the
goals and expectations.

(2) Apps can help facilitate one-on-one communication between a manager and each employee, developing a higher-
quality relationship that increases performance according to what theory?
- transactional leadership
- management-by-exception
- transformational leadership
- situational leadership
- leader–member exchange
According to the leader-member exchange theory, leaders and followers form distinctive relationships based on their social interactions, and
the effectiveness of these interactions within an organisation can affect employee outcomes.

(3) Some apps assist leaders in performing consideration behaviors by

- providing information to employees.
- giving approval or disapproval.
- encouraging a positive atmosphere.
- stressing informal interaction.
- All of the answer choices are correct.

a. Giving data to workers: Some applications help pioneers in performing thought ways of behaving by giving data to representatives. This
might incorporate data about the organization, the pioneer's assumptions, or the workers' jobs and obligations. By giving this data, workers can
comprehend the pioneer's point of view and what is generally anticipated of them. Furthermore, this can assist with making a feeling of trust
and regard between the pioneer and the representatives.
b. Giving endorsement or objection: Some applications help pioneers in performing thought ways of behaving by giving endorsement or
dissatisfaction. This might be finished as "preferences" or "abhorrences" on a post, or through remarks on a post. By giving endorsement or
dissatisfaction, pioneers can tell representatives what they are getting along nicely and what could be gotten to the next level. This criticism can
assist representatives with understanding the pioneer's assumptions and what they need to chip away at.
c. Empowering a positive air: Some applications help pioneers in performing thought ways of behaving by empowering a positive climate. This
might be finished through certain messages, photographs, or recordings. By empowering a positive climate, pioneers can show their help for the
representatives and the organization. Also, this can assist with rousing workers and cause them to feel appreciated.
d. Some applications help pioneers in performing thought ways of behaving by pushing casual connection. This might be finished through visit
elements, discussions, or web-based entertainment gatherings. By pushing casual communication, pioneers can make a more private
relationship with the workers. This can assist with building trust and regard between the pioneer and the workers. Furthermore, casual
association can assist with making the pioneer more congenial and open to the representatives.

(4) In the life cycle theory of leadership, a manager who gives an employee help with organizing his schedule and
with feeling as though he is an important part of the team is addressing a situation of __________ readiness that
requires a __________ leadership style.
- moderate; selling
- moderate; telling
- high; selling
- low; participating
- low; delegating

(5) An app that allows team members to give suggestions about what issues the manager should address first is
implementing what style of decision making?
- consultative
- autocratic
- facilitative
- delegative
- initiating structure

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