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Y: 2023-2024
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management 12
Long Quiz

Name: ____________________________________ Grade/Sec: ______________________

Subjec Teacher: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

________1. It is a harmful event, material, human behavior, or disease that may cause loss of life, injury
or other health effects, harm to property, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic
disturbance, or damage to the environment.
A. Disaster C. Risk
B. Hazard D. Vulnerability

________2. signifies the possibility of adverse effects in the future. It is derived from the interaction of
social and environmental processes, from the combination of physical hazard and the
vulnerabilities of exposed elements.
A. Disaster C. Risk
B. Hazard D. Vulnerability

________3. A serious disruption of the functions of a community or a society causing widespread human,
material, economic, or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected
community or society to cope using its own. What is it?
A. Disaster C. Resiliency
B. Hazard D. Risk

________4. It is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it
susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard.
A. Disaster C. Hazard
B. Disaster Risk D. Vulnerability

________5. This type of hazards arises directly as a result of human activities.

A. Natural hazards C. Technological hazards
B. Quasi- natural hazards D. Disaster

________6. Which is an example of Natural Hazard?

A. Avalanche C. Pollution
B. Plane crash D. Smog

________7. It is the type of hazard that arises through interaction of natural processes and human
A. Natural hazards C. Technological hazards
B. Quasi- natural hazards D. Disaster

________8. Which is not an example of Natural Hazard?

A. Fires C. Landslides
B. Floods D. Tsunami
________9. These are the example of Natural Hazards in the Philippines EXCEPT.
A. Avalanche C. Volcanic eruption
B. Lighting D. Oil spill

________10. Which of the following is man-made disaster?

A. Dam failures C. Plane crashes
B. Sandstorm D. Smog

________11. What is drought?

A. No rainfall for a long continuous period
B. Heavy rainfall for a long continuous period
C. Moderate rainfall for a long continuous period
D. Low temperate

________12. When can we say that a disaster affects the Economic aspect of an individual or society?
A. When a new strain of pathogens is discovered after a disaster.
B. When the response of the government is slow or inadequate.
C. When there is a destruction of physical elements such as buildings, etc.
D. When there is a loss of materials such as physical and financial capital.

________13. What makes communities living in a very remote area, such as places where information
dissemination is a challenge, becomes socio-culturally vulnerable to a disaster?
A. Because they are socio-culturally vulnerable.
B. Because they have no practice in their community for disaster response.
C. Because they have limited access for information specifically for disaster response.
D. None of the above.

________14. Which is NOT a tool provided by the government to protect vulnerable communities?
A. utilizing computer systems to determine risk levels
B. using research and studies to predict storms and floods
C. relocating natural disaster victims to more stable areas
D. congress funding Army corps of Engineers projects to build bridges

________15. What does the statement “Vulnerability is situation specific” means?

A. vulnerability cannot be determined easily
B. not all communities are vulnerable to earthquake
C. It means that vulnerability depends in every individual
D. vulnerability of a certain community depends on the level of preparedness

A dance developed by people that

reflect the life of the people of a
certain country or region
II. Choose the right example of types of hazards below and write the correct answer in the
space provided.

Natural Hazards Quasi-Natural Hazard Technological

________16. Mining explosions

________17. Wildfires or bush fires

________18. Transportation accidents

________19. Biological attacks

________20. Sandstorm

________21. Acid rain

________22. Air pollution

________23. Desertification

________24. Storm surge

________25. Polluting ground water.

III. Give your own definition of the term NATURAL by completing the acrostic.








IV. Answer the following question.

(31-35) Based on your analysis, Explain hazard.

(36-40) Why should people need to plan and be ready for the possible consequences of a disaster?


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