Call For Papers - OPES-SPE Full Info

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Call for Papers


 Advancement in Well Design and Completion

 Artificial Lift
 Chemical Flooding
 Conformance Control Technologies
 EOR Case Studies
 EOR Economics and Financial Modelling
 EOR for Carbonate Reservoirs
 EOR/IOR Simulation and Modelling
 Evaluating and Maintaining Wellbore Integrity
 Fast Tracking EOR Development

 Field Implementation, Surface Facilities, and HSE Challenge

 EOR Implementation and Deployment: Challenges and Best Practices in Project

 Gas Injection (CO2, N2, Foam, WAG, etc.)

 HSE in EOR Development

 Increasing Uptime of IOR/EOR Surface Facilities

 Innovation and Emerging EOR/IOR Technologies

 Lab Analysis

 Low Salinity Water Flooding

 Miscible Methods

 Monitoring and Surveillance

 Tracer Technology for EOR (Including Dedicated Applications or Tracers for
Monitoring EOR Operations)

 Nano Technologies
 Operation Excellence in EOR
 Process Safety in EOR/IOR Facilities

 Produced Water Management

 Production Chemistry

 Sand Control Management

 Sustainable EOR Operations or Low Carbon Footprint in EOR Operations

 Technologies to reduce GHG Emission

 Thermal Technologies

 Well, Reservoir, and Facilities Management

 Water Injection Optimisation Workflows and Applications
 Water Injection Management and Surveillance
 Evaluating and Maintaining Wellbore Integrity

Gas Development

 Carbonate Acidising
 Condensate Optimisation
 Diagnostic Evaluation for Field Development Optimisation
 Drilling and Completions Modelling and Forecasting of Well Productivity
 Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR)
 Remediation and Refracturing Treatments
 Gas Deliquification
 Gas Exploration and Production
 Gas Processing and Facilities
 Gas Reservoir Characterisation
 Gas Well-Testing
 Hydraulic Fracturing or Completions
 LNG Regasification
 LPG, Chemical Gas, CNG, and LNG Production Challenges
 Mini LNG and Bunkering
 Natural Gas Transportation and Storage
 New Technologies Enabling Gas Development
 Production Chemistry and Flow Assurance
 Sour Gas Development
 Technological Advancement for Gas Recovery
 Tight Gas Development and Production Optimisation
 Unconventional Gas Development and Recovery
 Well Interactions in Field Development

Energy Transition and Sustainability

 Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage Advanced Modelling
 Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage Case Studies
 Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage: New Directions for an Industry in
 CCUS Innovation Technologies, Demonstration, Strategy Case Studies,
 Diagnostic Observation
 Direct air capture (DAC)
 Policy Innovations for a Carbon-Neutral Future: Advancing Sustainable
Development Goals
 Well Construction Required for High CO2 Exposure

 Decarbonisation Strategies and Technologies

 Energy Efficiency
 Circular Economies and the Oil and Gas Industry: Reducing Waste and Emissions
 Rigs Electrification

 Financing Oil and Gas in Energy Transition

 Investing in the Low-Carbon Transition: Financing Strategies and Opportunities
for the Oil and Gas Industry

 Geothermal Energy
 Advancements in Geothermal
 Extraction of Rare Elements from Geothermal Brines
 Geothermal Modelling
 High Enthalpy Systems
 Mid-Low Enthalpy Systems and Applications: Retrofitting of Oil and Gas Wells
to Geothermal
 Use of Geothermal Energy in a Low Carbon World

 Greening the Economy: Green Financing and its Role into Shaping the Transition to Low

 Hydrogen Storage and Technology Development

 Joint Venture Management

 Road Map to Zero Flaring

 Gas to Power
 GTL (Gas to Liquids)
 Mini LNG

 Role of Renewable Energies in the Oil and Gas Industry

 Integration of Oil and Gas Operations with Renewable Energy
 Role of Technology Towards Net Zero

Offshore Development
 Assessment for Energy Transition
 Asset Decommissioning
 Asset Integrity Management
 Autonomous Vehicles for Offshore Exploration
 Emergency Response and Recovery
 Emerging and Advanced Technologies
 Environmental Impact
 Facility Life Extension
 Field Development
 Flow Assurance and Operations
 HSE in Offshore Operations
 Infrastructure, Logistics, and Supply Chain
 Integrated Asset Optimisation for Offshore Fields
 Materials Performance
 Offshore Drilling and Completion
 Offshore Exploration and Development
 Offshore Vessels and Platforms
 Subsea and Topside Facilities
 Subsea Production and Processing System

Digital Transformation

 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

 Asset Performance, Edge Device and Digital Twin Management
 Automation
 Big Data Management/Analytics
 Case Studies
 Cybersecurity

 Emerging Technologies
 Field implementation

 Operational Excellence

Submission Guidelines
Final Submission Deadline: 1 October 2023
All presentations for the Conference will be selected from paper proposals submitted to the
Programme Committee by the final deadline of 1 October 2023. Early submission is particularly
important to ensure that the committee members have ample time to review the paper proposals.
 Obtain the necessary clearance for the proposed paper from your management, your partners, and
customers BEFORE submission.
 Submit your paper proposal online. All submissions must be received electronically before
the Final Submission Deadline 1 October 2023.
 Paper proposals should be written in English and should provide clear and concise statements on
the contents of the paper. It should include brief findings, solutions, impacts, and concluding
remarks on the work.
 Each author may submit a maximum of three paper proposals per conference.
 All paper proposals must be a minimum of 225 words with a 450-word maximum as determined
by the programme committee and specified on the online submission form.
 Paper proposals suggesting commercialism in any form will be rejected.
 Paper proposals should be submitted based on any of the topics listed under the technical
 The proposed paper or ePoster must contribute to petroleum technology or be of immediate
interest to the oil and gas industry, and should contain significant new knowledge or experience in
the oil, gas and energy industry. Data in the paper proposal must be technically correct.
 The substance of the proposed paper must not have been published previously in trade journals or
in other professional or technical journals.
 The paper prososal should stand on its own and not refer to another work unless associated with
current work.
 Authors should indicate their presentation preference: Oral technical presentation or Oral
knowledge sharing ePoster presentation. The programme committee reserves the right to decide
on the final allocation and presentation method.
 Early submission is particularly important to ensure that the committee members have ample time
to review the paper proposals. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. No
exceptions will be made. The Final Submission Deadline is 1 October 2023.
 Author notifications will be sent to each Presenting Author regarding the status of their
submission towards the end of October 2023. Authors whose paper proposals are accepted will
be required to provide a manuscript for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Authors who do
not submit a manuscript and the associated publication forms by the manuscript due date will be
withdrawn from the programme and will not be allowed to present.
 If selected, Authors are entitled to discounted Conference Registration.
 SPE assumes no obligation for expenses incurred by authors for travel, lodging, or other
incidental expenses.

Publication Policies
AI-generated Content in Publications
The proliferation and increasing sophistication of AI-assisted language tools (such
as ChatGPT) have opened new avenues for research, but the ethics and best
practices for their use are still evolving. These tools may generate useful
information and content but are also prone to errors and inconsistencies. AI-
generated content can be used within SPE publications under the following

 AI language tools may not be listed as an author. The AI tool cannot sign publishing
agreements or transfers of copyright.
 Any AI-generated content that is used within a manuscript should be thoroughly
vetted, fact checked, and disclosed.
 If AI language tools are used within a manuscript, their use should be clearly
explained within the methodology or acknowledgement section of the paper. If AI-
generated content is included within a manuscript without an explanation, this can
be grounds for rejection of the work at the discretion of SPE and may result in a
code of conduct review.
 The authors of the manuscript will be held responsible for any errors,
inconsistencies, incorrect references, plagiarism, or misleading content included
from the AI tool.

Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and
effective in the face of changing technologies and emerging concerns. Changes to
the policy will be communicated in a timely and transparent manner.

We require transfer of copyright for all our publications, including conference
proceedings. This allows us to distribute publications throughout the world by print
and electronic means, to create translations and reuse them in reprint collections.

Transfer of Copyright

Copyright During Peer Review

 We require that authors provide a temporary transfer of copyright to facilitate the

peer review process.
 If the paper is accepted for publication, a permanent transfer of copyright will be
 The author must agree not to submit the paper for review or publication elsewhere
while under review by SPE.
 If the paper is not accepted for publication, full copyright will revert to the original
owner, for papers that did not originate at an SPE conference.

We expect authors to credit all sources used in their writings and not to represent
work of others as their own. Authors found to have plagiarized the work of another
are subject to having their paper removed from the conference program and from
OnePetro. Future submissions from authors found to have plagiarized will be
scrutinized carefully. In the case of students found to be plagiarizing the work of
others, SPE may inform the student’s university.

For more information, check out the Plagiarism FAQ page.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarizing Your Own Work

Copyright allows us to perform a valuable service for our industry. SPE copyrights
save you from needing to locate the authors to request permission; SPE can
provide permission. To defray our costs, fees apply to certain types of use,
especially those that are commercial in nature. SPE uses Copyright Clearance
Center’s licensing solution for reuse permissions. This allows you to immediately
determine the fees and to complete the transaction online.

For more information, check out the Permissions FAQ page.

Conference Authors

Distributing Printed Copies

Distributing Electronic Copies

Tables and Figures from our Publications

General Permissions

Conference Paper Policies

No Paper, No Podium Policy

No Presentation Policy (updated July 2021)

Conference Dual Submission Policy

Correction Requests

Peer Reviewed Journals Policies

Dual Submission

Prior Publication


Paper Length Limit

Open Access

Commercialism Policy
SPE recognizes to maintain the integrity, high quality, and unbiased information in
all forms of written and oral presentations at any SPE event including, but not
limited to, conferences, symposia, workshops, summits, or forums, overt
commercialism is prohibited outside of the commercial exhibit areas.

Items deemed to be commercial in nature will not be allowed or disseminated. This

includes, but is not limited to, Conference Proceedings, presentations, OnePetro,
Journals, and promotional material.

Use of the following will be carefully scrutinized during evaluation and presentation
and could result in being withdrawn from the program:

 Generic descriptions should replace commercial trade names or trademarked

 Company logos allowed on title and closing slide only
 Text which is overtly commercial in tone or intent within paper titles, presentation
slides, text, tables, figures, animation, audio, and video is prohibited

Repeated violations of this policy may result in the speaker and/or moderator being
barred from participating in future SPE event programs.

SPE is adopting ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributer ID), a widely accepted unique identifier
for authors, giving them control over their content and eliminating ambiguities. All SPE
contributors will be required to have an ORCID iD starting 1 January, 2023.

What is an ORCID iD and Why is it Important?

What is an ORCID iD?
The ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is one of scholarly publishing’s
most accepted and widely used unique author identifiers. It is used across
numerous publishers.
An ORCID iD is a simple numerical identifier (e.g. 0000-0001-6479-5330). Each
researcher/author should have only one ORCID iD, which will stay the same over
their lifetime.

Anyone can register an ORCID iD for themselves for free using a simple online
registration form on the website. The initial process takes less than 2
minutes. Once created SPE members can also add their ORCID iD to their SPE
member profile.

Why is it important?
Your ORCID iD:

 distinguishes you and ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly
attributed to you
 reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations
 reduces form-filling (enter data once, re-use it often)
 improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs
 is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers)
 is persistent (enduring)

As the author you control the visibility of each piece of data in your ORCID record.
You can adjust visibility to make your work discoverable—or keep some things
private or shared only with your trusted organizations. It’s up to you!

Why is SPE mandating authors have an ORCID iD?

 An ORCID iD on each paper for every author enables SPE to create disambiguation
between two authors with the same name, ensuring that credit for a publication is
given to the correct author. Also, in case of name changes (e.g. marriage), it
facilitates linking papers together. Over time, SPE has also changed how we present
author names on papers (last name first, initials only, etc.); the ORCID iD helps
ensure the correct author gets credit for the work regardless of their listed name on
the paper.
 Starting in January 2023, the SPE Board has stipulated that all authors and
coauthors for SPE conference and journal articles must have an ORCID ID. If a
coauthor refuses to provide his ORCID iD. The only remedy is to drop the coauthor
as author.
 For peer-review journals, coauthors will need to sign into their account
(instructions here) and add their ORCID iD in their user profile.
How do I get an ORCID iD?
1. Go to to sign up for a new ORCID iD.

2. The system will verify that you do not already have an ORCID iD before issuing
you a new one. You will also be asked to verify your email address by following a
link sent to the email that you provide.

3. Once your ORCID iD is registered, you can add information to your profile
including your social sites, employment history, and published works.

4. Add your ORCID iD to your SPE member profile. After signing in to your
account go to your “profile” page. Under the “Personalize your Account” section
select ORCID iD. If you have not already registered an ORCID iD, you can do so through
your member profile.

5. Sign in to your ORCID account and select “Authorize Access” to add your verified
ORCID iD to your member profile. Going forward, authorship in any published SPE
conference or journal papers will by automatically updated within your ORCID
1. Go to to sign
up for a new ORCID iD.
4. Add your ORCID iD to
your SPE member profile. After signing in to your account go to your “profile” page.
Under the “Personalize your Account” section select ORCID iD. If you have not already
registered an ORCID iD, you can do so here.

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