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1) My claim is “If businesses use TikTok to advertise their products, they must be fun,

engaging, not too long and try to participate in TikTok trends.

2) The evidence I used came from other scholarly articles about TikTok advertising and the
tactics ads use to gain more consumer interaction. Some of the evidence I will use in my
research paper also comes from my observations. To quickly summarize, my
observations, my survey results, and the other articles show that if companies participate
in current TikTom trends, and use popular, trending sounds on their videos, they will be
successful in getting more views on their products. My observations showed that if the
business replied to comments and kept on interacting with the people, they received
more likes, comments and shares on their products. My survey results showed that
people preferred TikToks which were fun and engaging when advertising a product.
Other results also showed that if a celebrity were to promote a product, people were
more likely to buy that product.
3) My research question is “What tactics do advertisements on social media sites such as
TikTok use to gain consumer attention.” My claim answers this question by summarizing
what specific things companies can do to gain consumer attention. In my research, I
mention specific companies on TikTok that get a lot of views and what tactics they use.
All of this helps formulate my claims and helps me answer my research question.

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