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De-phosphorization in Steelmaking: A VSP perspective

Conference Paper · November 2013


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4 authors, including:

Kanan Sahoo Bhaskara V Rao Mandalika

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Vizag Steel


D.s.V. Seshu Kumar

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant


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De-phosphorization in Steelmaking: A VSP perspective
*Kanan Sahoo1, M. B. Venkata Rao1, K. Srinivas2, D.S.V. Seshu Kumar2
Research and Development Department, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam, India
Steel Melt Shop, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam, India

Phosphorus is considered detrimental in most of the steel grades. High phosphorus content in
final steel products would lead to low ductility and poor mechanical as well as welding
performances. The phosphorus in molten steel is the main influencing factor for cold
shortness, which means that steel products are easy to break down at the normal or low
temperature. The need of efficient phosphorus removal is recognized by more and more steel
producers. Hence, de-phophorization has become one of the most important reactions in
BOF steel making due to its oxidizing atmosphere and high basicity of slag.

To understand the effect of various factors influencing the phosphorous content in turndown
steel we can approximate the partition ratio of phosphorus using slag composition and
turndown temperatures.

The partition ratio of Phosphorus in slag metal reaction i.e. (%P)/[%P] is known as de-
phophorization index which determines the final turndown Phosphorus content of steel.
Known established partition models are not in agreement with the plant data. In view of the
above a different approach by taking Basicity and FeO of slag instead of taking all Basic
oxides of slag has been adopted and an empirical formula developed fitting VSP’s data.

The effect of various factors like slag basicity and lime dissolution, FeO content of slag,
correlation between concentrations of FeO, CaO & SiO 2 , in case of sinter used as alternate
coolant in BOF, on the phosphorus partition ratio, have been studied with a view to ascertain
the conditions favoring De-phophorization.

It is found that the addition of more than the desired amount of CaO during steelmaking in
BOF does not improve the de-phophorization index. Basicity and %FeO in slag plays a
major role rather than %CaO or combination of %CaO and %MgO for enhancement of de-
phophorization index. Turndown temperature also does not give quite an accurate idea about
the phosphorus partition.

keywords: De-phophorization, BOF, sinter, Basicity

Phosphorus control in steelmaking is always a challenge to the steelmaker. Phosphorus below
0.01 wt. % is the critical requirement for line pipe, thin sheet and deep drawing steels where
high deformation is the prime requirement. High phosphorus in steel embrittles it during heat
treatment which makes the steel unable to withstand heavy deformation. In BOF steelmaking,
by top blowing, partition of phosphorus between the slag and metal interface is a critical
issue. Generally sources of phosphorus in steel are from hot metal, iron ore, scrap etc. In the
past five decades many attempts were made to derive a general De-phophorization index for
steelmaking, but the efforts have not been successful till date. Visakhapatnam steel plant
(VSP) located in Andhra Pradesh ,India is currently producing 3.5 MT liquid steel and
augmenting it’s capacity to 6.3 MT to meet the pressing demand of it’s customers. It has high
capacity blast furnaces producing good quality hot metal having less (0.06 – 0.1 wt.%)

*Corresponding Author. e-mail:, Mobile: 09885874876
Phosphorus content with BOF route for producing liquid steel. Basically steelmaking slags
are complex in nature and contain various oxides, CaO, MgO, FeO, MnO, SiO 2 and P 2 O 5 .
VSP’s BOF slags are MgO-saturated CaO-FeO-SiO 2 which contains very less mole fraction
of P 2 O 5 and MnO (X P2O5 and X MnO ). Phosphorus is trapped in solid solutions of Di-calcium
Silicate (2CaO.SiO 2 ) and Tri-calcium Silicate (3CaO.SiO 2 ) slag as Tri-calcium phosphate
(Ca 3 P 2 O 8 ) and Tetra-calcium Phosphate (Ca 4 P 2 O 9 ) till the end part of Blow, where Carbon
is less than 1%, after which phosphorus content in the metal decreases very slowly.[12]



2.1 Thermodynamics of De-phophorization reaction

Phosphorus partition from metal to slag phase is an oxidation reaction and is represented by

2 [P] + 5 (FeO) s = (P 2 O 5 ) s + 5 [Fe]


where , [P] is the atomic phosphorus dissolved in liquid iron [Fe] whereas (FeO) s and
(P 2 O 5 ) s are FeO and P 2 O 5 in the liquid slag. As oxygen in liquid steel remains dissolved in
the form of ferrous oxide FeO, so under equilibrium[8-11] , the activity of FeO (a FeO ) is
identical in slag and steel. Further, assuming Oxygen to behave as an ideal Henerian solute in
liquid iron the activity of FeO can be expressed as,

a FeO =
where, = wt. % Oxygen dissolved in liquid steel
equilibrium with the slag.
and = wt. % Oxygen of liquid steel in
equilibrium with pure liquid FeO.

The maximum solubility of Oxygen in liquid steel in equilibrium with pure FeO increases
with temperature and can be given by the relation in Darken et al.[1] as:

log = + 2.734 …(2)

Equation (1) can be modified as;

2 [P] + 5 [O] = (P 2 O 5 ) l …(3)

Turkdogan and Pearson [2] calculated the equilibrium constant for the above reaction as:
log K p = - 29.67
Assuming, dissolution of phosphorus in liquid steel as a Henerian activity, the equilibrium
rate constant of reaction (3) can be written as:

Kp = … (5)
We know that, a P2O5 = γ P2O5 X P2O5
where, γ P2O5 = activity coefficient of P 2 O 5 in slag.
and X P2O5 = the mole fraction of P 2 O 5 in slag.

By substituting and rearranging,

= …(6)

where, = Sum of mole fraction of oxide

components of slag to their molecular
and ( = wt.% of phosphorus present in the slag.

The ratio (wt.%P)/[wt.%P] is known as the de-phophorization index, which provides the
distribution of phosphorus between slag and metal. The right hand side of the equation (6)
implies that, for a low value of activity coefficient (γ P2O5 ) in the slag the de-phophorization
index will be higher, i.e. phosphorus will not form oxide unless γ P2O5 is reduced to a very low
value. This can be achieved by adding basic oxides which will combine with P 2 O 5 of the slag
to form a stable oxide.

2.2 Kinetics of De-phophorization reaction

In BOF steelmaking phosphorus removal is controlled by mass transfer of slag-metal reaction
in the initial and last part of the blow. The rate equation for Phosphorous removal is given by:

= [ (%P) i - (%P) b ] …(7)

From equation (7) it is understood that the de-phophorization reaction is enhanced by,
increasing the slag-metal interface area i.e. dispersion of more number of metal droplets in
the slag by dynamically controlling the oxygen lance height and by increasing the dwell time
of droplet refining [3], increasing the mass transfer coefficient of slag by bottom gas agitation
and maintaining quite a good amount of slag volume by controlling the kinetics of lime

2.3 De-phophorization models

Several investigators have studied the process of phosphorus partition in slag and metal in
steelmaking at the laboratory and plant scale and developed models for de-phophorization
index and activity coefficient of P 2 O 5 .
Balajiva et al.[4] suggested a correlation between phosphorus partition coefficient (L p ) and
wt.% CaO, total wt.% FeO in slag and temperature for complex slags containing 40-60 wt.%
CaO saturated with MgO as given by;

= 11.8 log(%CaO)-5log(%FeO) – C …(8)

where, C is a constant for a given temperature: C = 21.13, 21.51 and 21.92 for 1550˚C,
1585˚C and 1635˚C respectively.
They also stated that beyond a certain range of FeO in the slag, the phosphorus partition
coefficient decreases irrespective of slag Basicity.

Suito and Inoue et al.[5] modified Balajiva’s model by analyzing their own experimental data
for MgO-saturated slag of the system CaO-MgO-FeO-SiO 2 with most of the slags containing
less than 40 wt.% CaO. They introduced other oxides of the slag into the model given by;

log = 0.145[(wt.%CaO)+0.3(wt%MgO)-0.5(wt.%P 2 O 5 )+0.6(wt.%MnO)]

+ -20.51 - 5log(wt.%FeO) ...(9)

They also derived the activity coefficient of P 2 O 5 ( ) as a function of slag composition

and temperature from their experimental data as:

log γ P2O5 = -1.01(23X CaO +17X MgO +8X FeO )- + 11.2


Turkdogan et al. [6] proposed the de-phophorization reaction as

[P] +5/2 (FeO) + 3/2(CaO) = 2.5(FeO) + (1.5 CaO.PO 2.5 ) s


They developed a phosphorus partition correlation from the plant data as:

log = 0.071[(%CaO)+(%CaF 2 )+0.3(%MgO)]+2.5log(%FeO)+ - 9.87


They also derived an empirical relation for from Balajiva et al. [2] as a function of melt
temperature and slag oxide in steelmaking slag with wt.%CaO more than 40 by taking
solution free energy model given by:

log γ P2O5 = -1.12[22X CaO +15X MgO +12X FeO -2X SiO2 ] - +23.58
where, X = Mole fraction of Oxide components in slag

According to them the basic oxides rather than basicity is the deciding parameter for de-
Healy’s et al.[7] proposed the de-phophorization reaction from the ionic theory and derived a
model which is very popular for predicting the phosphorus in metal given by:

[P] +5/2[O] +3/2(O2-) = (PO 4 3-)


log = 0.08(%CaO)+2.5(Fe t )+ -16 ± 0.4 …(15)

In all the above models it is seen that, by increasing the basicity and FeO content of the slag
phase and by lowering the turndown temperature, γ P2O5 decreases which in turn enhances the
de-phophorization reaction. CaO has a higher de-phosphorising power than FeO in the Slag
and by increasing FeO content above 20% which dilutes CaO, the de-phophorization index

The above models are not able to provide a satisfactory phosphorus partition coefficient (L p )
between the slag and metal for VSP’s turndown steel.


For the development of the de-phophorization index (%P)/[%P], the data from around 168
heats with iron ore addition and 67 heats with sinter as coolant was collected from converter-
A and analyzed by taking into consideration the liquid phase of the slag which is nearly 85%
in case of VSP’s slag. Sample data of each type are provided in Table 1 and Table 2.


3.1 Prediction of phosphorus in the turndown steel

The activity coefficient of P 2 O 5 (γ P2O5 ) is calculated by considering the Turkdogan and
Pearson[3] empirical relationship, arriving at the coefficients of all Basic oxides (A i ) and the
constants of the equation (a, b and c) by considering basicity, X FeO, X MgO and temperature as
independent variables:

log γ P2O5 = - aΣA i X i - +c


log γ P2O5 = - 1.08[24.84B(1-X FeO -X MgO )/(1.07B + 1) + 17X MgO + 13X FeO
- 2(1-X FeO -X MgO )/(1.07B + 1)] - +12

In the case of VSP, basicity is found to provide a better indicator for arriving at the
Phosphorous content in turndown steel than taking wt%CaO and has been considered in the
model in place of wt%CaO. It is also found that the parameter b w.r.t Turkdogan and
Pearson3 model does not provide a good indicator for arriving at the Phosphorous content in
turndown steel and has been modified by a trial and error process.

For VSP’s steelmaking slag which contains very low X P2O5 i.e. in the range of 0.003 to 0.008
the γ P2O5 will vary in the range of 10-18 to 10-20. During BOF steelmaking, decarburization
and de-phophorization proceeds simultaneously, so in order to achieve low turndown
phosphorous in liquid steel the value of γ P2O5 must be of the order of 10-18 to 10-23 because of
higher rate of decarburization reaction. γ P2O5 decreases with an increase in basicity followed
by X FeO and X MgO and increases with increase of X SiO2 .The range of mole fractions in the
liquid slag taken by the authors are X CaO =0.40 ~ 0.57, X SiO2 = 0.15 ~ 0.27 , and X FeO = 0.09
~ 0.16 for the addition of iron ore and X CaO =0.40 ~ 0.49, X SiO2 = 0.16 ~ 0.25 and X FeO =
0.13 ~ 0.23 for the addition of sinter as coolant in BOF. The value of activity coefficient of
FeO ( ) for turndown slags is taken from Basu et al.[13] as:
log γ FeO = -0.7335logX FeO – 0.2889 …(19)

The log of de-phophorization index, log Lp = log((%P)/[%P]) is calculated by considering the

equations (2),(4),(5),(6),(18) and (19) respectively.

FIG. 1 and FIG. 2

The calculated phosphorus content of turndown liquid steel is compared with the phosphorus
content of the bath sample data, both with the addition of iron ore and the addition of sinter as
coolant for thermal balance during the steelmaking in BOF in Fig.1 and Fig.2 respectively. It
is observed that in both the cases most of the data falls within the ±5% band with R2=0.943
and R2=0.934 respectively.

3.2. De-phophorization with Iron ore addition as coolant in BOF

The log of the de-phophorization index (logLp ), was plotted w.r.t all the basic components of
the turndown steelmaking slag and the turndown temperature with iron ore addition as
coolant in BOF.

From the plot of log L P vs CaO (Fig.3) it can be seen that there is more scatter in the data and
higher variation in logL p . Also though it is showing an increasing trend the slope of the
increase of log L P is lesser as the wt.%CaO increases from 34~48% in the liquid slag. Since
the de-phosphorizing power of MgO is approximately 2/3 that of CaO so by considering
logLp vs wt.% CaO+0.6wt.%MgO (Fig.4), results in a similar type of pattern as that in Fig.3
with variation of wt.%CaO+ 0.6wt.%MgO from 46~54%.

FIG. 3, FIG. 4, FIG. 5 and FIG. 6

From the plot of log Lp vs wt.%FeO in slag (Fig.5), it can be seen that that de-phophorization
increases with increasing wt.%FeO varying from 13~20% and further decreasing when
wt.%FeO is more than 20%. The plot of log Lp vs down temperature (Fig.6) shows a wider
scatter in the data within the falling band. It can be seen that the phosphorus partition
coefficient in turndown liquid steel falls with the increase of temperature from 1880-2020 K.

The plot of logLp vs slag basicity (Fig.7) shows that, by increasing the basicity of the slag
from 2.2~3.2 the phosphorous partition coefficient increases with less scatter in the data
within the band showing a strong linear relationship with phosphorous partition reaction.

FIG. 7

Based on the above plots a mathematical model for estimating the de-phophorization index
was formulated by considering the slag basicity, wt.%FeO in slag and turndown temperature
which are responsible for the phosphorus partition between the liquid steel and slag using
multiple linear regression with iron ore addition as a coolant in the top blowing in BOF as:

log = 0.837 B +0.0516(%FeO) + - 10.0 (R2 = 0.877) …(19)

3.3 De-phophorization with sinter addition as coolant in BOF

The major constituents of sinter are Total iron (i.e. T.Fe), SiO 2 and CaO. A typical analysis
of sinter is furnished in Table 3.

When the sinter is used as an alternate coolant to iron ore in BOF, its cooling capacity is
found to be less as compared to iron ore. Since, approximately 80% of the weight is present
as different oxides of iron, so the reduction of Fe 2 O 3 to FeO is less. The percentage of basic
oxides in sinter %CaO, %SiO 2 and %MgO are also considered as an input to BOF
steelmaking, for estimating the de-phophorization index.

The log of the de-phophorization index (logLp ), was plotted w.r.t all the basic components of
the turndown steelmaking slag and the turndown temperature with sinter addition as coolant
in BOF.

From the plot of log L P vs CaO (Fig.8) it can be seen that there is more scatter in the data and
higher variation in logL p . Also though it is showing an increasing trend the slope of the
increase of log L P is lesser as the wt.%CaO increases from 40~48% in the liquid slag.
However it indicates a better phosphorus partition as compared to the use of iron ore addition
as coolant in BOF. Since the de-phosphorizing power of MgO is approximately 2/3 that of
CaO so by considering logLp vs wt.% CaO+0.6wt.%MgO (Fig.9), results in a similar type of
pattern as that in Fig.8 with variation of wt.%CaO+ 0.6wt.%MgO from 47~54% and does not
indicate a strong potential for phosphorus partition.

FIG. 8, FIG. 9, FIG. 10 and FIG. 11

From the plot of log L p vs wt.%FeO in the slag (Fig.10), it can be seen that the de-
phophorization increases with increasing wt.%FeO varying from 13~19% and shows a
decreasing trend when wt.%FeO is more than 20%. The plot of log Lp vs turn down
temperature (Fig.11) shows that a wider scatter in the data in the band up to 2030K. It can be
seen that the phosphorus partition coefficient in turndown liquid steel falls with the increase
of temperature.

The plot of logLp vs slag basicity (Fig.12) shows that, by increasing the basicity of the slag
from 2.4~3 the phosphorous partition coefficient increases with less scatter in the data within
the band showing a strong linear relationship with the phosphorous partition reaction. It also
shows that the phosphorus partition is better in case of sinter addition as compared to iron ore
addition in BOF as coolant.

FIG. 12

Based on the above plot a mathematical model for the estimation of de-phophorization index
was formulated by considering the slag basicity, wt.%FeO in slag and turndown temperature
which are responsible for phosphorus partition between the liquid steel and slag by using
multiple linear regression, with sinter addition as coolant in top blowing of BOF as:

log = 0.516 B + 0.0451(%FeO) + -9.87±0.2 (R2 = 0.821) …(20)

where, +0.2 is used for wt.%FeO content less than 20% and -0.2 used for wt.%FeO content
more than 20%.
The de-phophorization models at (19) and (20) were validated using fresh data of 88 and 59
heats with iron ore and sinter addition as coolant in BOF respectively. It was found that most
of the data points fall within the ±5% bands with R2 = 0.721 for de-phophorization model
with iron ore addition as coolant (Fig.13). R2 = 0.826 for de-phophorization with sinter
addition in BOF during steelmaking (Fig.14) indicates a better potential for de-
phophorization with sinter addition as a coolant. These empirical relations give good results
for 14~20%FeO in the slag. Sinter addition during steelmaking in the converter gives rise to
some fluxing in terms of CaO in the sinter and also increases the %FeO in slag which makes
the phosphorous partition even better.

FIG. 13 and FIG. 14


Phosphorous partition ratios between molten steel and MgO saturated CaO-FeO-SiO 2 slags
with iron ore and sinter additions as coolant were determined and two different models were
proposed. The effect on phosphorous partition under various conditions are given below;

1. For iron ore addition as coolant, the phosphorous partition increases, by increasing the
CaO content of liquid slag along with high basicity of slag up to 3.2 and FeO content of
slag within 20%. In the case of sinter addition as coolant, increasing CaO affects the
phosphorous partition ratio in a better way than that of iron ore addition as coolant in the

2. MgO in slag has the least effect on the phosphorus partition reaction in both the cases. It
can be inferred from this that though MgO is a Basic oxide, addition of MgO after
supersaturated levels will cause the CaO dissolution in slag to be sluggish.

3. De-phophorization increases with increase in FeO content of slag from14~20% for iron
ore and 13~19% for sinter addition as coolant in BOF respectively, after which the
phosphorous partition decreases.

4. Turndown temperature shows least effect on de-phophorization provided basicity and

%FeO in slags are properly maintained. However, for temperatures above 1960 K there is
a sharp decline in phosphorous partition.
5. Phosphorus partition increases almost linearly with increase of basicity up to 3.4 for iron
ore and 3.8 for sinter addition as coolant in BOF respectively. However the addition of
sinter in BOF as coolant gives a more promising phosphorus partition ratio which is 5/3
times higher in the lower range of de-phophorization index.

The proposed models can predict the turndown phosphorus of liquid steel when turndown
slag analysis and temperature are available. This relation provides a very good understanding
of the effect of various constituents of slag and turndown temperature on Phosphorous
partition between liquid steel and slag. As the steel is already tapped by the time turndown
phosphorous is predicted this will not enable the dynamic correction of inputs to allow the
phosphorous removal during the blow itself.

Further work needs to be carried out to predict the phosphorus of turndown liquid steel in
advance, by either analyzing the waste gas from the BOF vessel or formulating a relation
between the inputs to the BOF vessel and slag oxides, to enable dynamic correction of
phosphorous removal during blow.

The Authors express their gratitude to the personnel of Steel Melt Shop - 1 (SMS-1) of
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant for their kind support in providing the data used for the analysis.
a i = Activity of component i
[wt.% i] = wt.% of component i
T = Temperature (K)
X i = Mole fraction of component i
γ i = Activity coefficient of component i
M i = Molecular mass of component i (gm.)
K i = Equlibrium rate constant of component i
K slag = Mass transfer coefficient of slag
A i = slag-metal Inrefacial area (m2)
V slag = Volume of slag (m3)
(%P) i = %Phosphorous concentration at slag-metal interface (wt.%)
(%P) b = % Phosphorous concentration at Bulk (wt.%)
L p = Dephosphorisation index or phosphorous partition ratio =(%P)/[%P]
(%P) = Phosphorous in slag phase
[%P] = Phosphorous in metal phase
B = Basicity of slag

1. Darken,L.S and Larsen, B.M: Trans.AIME,vol-150,(1942),p-87
2. Turkdogan, E.T and Pearson, J: JISI, vol-175,(1953), p.393
3. Deo,B and Boom,R: Fundamentals of steelmaking Metallurgy, Prentice Hall
4. Balajiva, K and Vajragupta, P: JISI, vol-155, (1947), p.563.
5. Inoue, R and Suito, H: Trans. ISIJ, vol-22, (1982), p.705
6. Turkdogan, E.T and Pearson, J : JISI,vol-176, (1954), p.59
7. Healy, G.W: “A new look at phosphorus distribution”. JISI, vol-208, 1970, p. 664
8. Chipman, J: Trans.AIME,vol-55,(1933),pp.3131-39
9. Chipman, J and Murphy, D.W: Ind.Eng.Chem.,vol-25,(1933),pp.319-27
10. Turkdogan, E.T and Pearson, J: JISI, vol-173, 1953, pp.217-23
11. Bodsworth, C: JISI, vol-193, 1959, pp.13-24
12. Bodsworth, C: “Physical Chemistry Iron and Steel Manufacture”, CBS pub.,p.456
13. Basu, S, Lahiri, A.K, Seetharaman, S: Metall. Mater. Trans. B, vol-39B, 2008, p.454
Table 1 - Slag chemistry with iron ore as coolant

Heat Con. CaO MgO SiO FeO Al2O3 P2O5 Mn Basicity OPEN_ P%
No No % % 2% % % % O% TEMP (Turn
210619 A 52.69 10.23 18.3 14.4 0.73 1.08 0.92 2.86 1680 0.009
9 8

210608 A 52.40 10.04 16.7 15.7 1.16 1.18 1.24 3.13 1690 0.008
2 7

213199 A 52.24 9.97 18.1 14.7 1.35 1.12 0.90 2.88 1681 0.009
7 3

213172 A 51.10 10.52 18.0 15.2 1.37 1.24 0.93 2.83 1686 0.013
8 1

213162 A 49.06 10.80 21.7 13.4 1.27 0.99 0.99 2.26 1630 0.014
3 2

213106 A 54.88 10.19 17.4 13.0 1.03 1.23 0.75 3.15 1724 0.014
2 2

213048 A 50.48 10.89 18.5 15.2 1.24 1.27 0.80 2.72 1681 0.011
3 3

213009 A 52.58 9.27 17.2 16.0 1.30 1.26 0.85 3.05 1683 0.008
4 1

213006 A 51.65 8.92 17.4 16.8 1.43 1.15 1.11 2.96 1668 0.008
2 9
Table 2 - Slag chemistry with sinter as coolant

Heat Con. CaO MgO SiO FeO Al2O3 P2O5 Mn Basicity OPEN_ P%
No No % % 2% % % % O% TEMP (Turn
222878 A 52.47 10.11 16.0 16.3 1.09 1.15 1.17 3.26 1720 0.021
9 3

222870 A 52.65 10.64 14.2 17.9 0.76 1.08 1.14 3.70 1740 0.017
4 5

222832 A 51.84 10.08 19.7 12.5 1.47 1.31 1.31 2.62 1660 0.007
5 9

222829 A 51.50 10.08 19.0 13.8 1.42 1.22 1.28 2.70 1686 0.034
5 6

222826 A 51.90 9.61 17.7 14.5 1.03 1.20 2.45 2.92 1728 0.015
7 3

222823 A 51.52 10.29 19.1 13.4 1.36 1.28 1.39 2.70 1685 0.012
0 7

222812 A 54.43 9.52 16.7 14.8 1.08 1.12 0.89 3.25 1725 0.016
3 2

222804 A 51.67 9.49 17.4 15.8 1.26 1.32 1.56 2.96 1675 0.019
3 0

222798 A 50.17 9.52 18.4 15.1 1.25 1.14 2.70 2.72 1682 0.027
5 2

Table 3 - Typical analysis of sinter at VSP

%T.Fe %SiO2 % Al2O3 % CaO % MgO

56-57 4.8-5.8 2.2-2.8 8-10 1.8-2.2
0.05 0.05

0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

wt.%[P] actual wt.%[P] actual

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

wt.%[P] predicted wt.%[P] predicted

Fig.1 Predicted vs Actual values of the Fig.2 Predicted vs Actual values of the
Phosphorous content in turndown Phosphorous content in turndown
steel with iron ore addition as coolant steel with sinter addition as coolant





log((%P)/[%P]) 1.50 log((%P)/[%P])1.50


1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58

wt.%CaO wt.%CaO+0.6wt.%MgO

Fig.3 log Lp vs wt.%CaO Fig.4 log Lp vs wt.%CaO+0.6

wt.%((%P)/[%P]) log((%P)/[%P])

1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080

wt.%FeO Temperature (K)

Fig.5 log Lp vs wt.%FeO in slag Fig.6 log L p vs turndown










1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4

Fig.7 log Lp vs slag basicity


log((%P)/[%P]) log((%P)/[%P]) 1.75


1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75
38 40 42 44 46 48 50 46 48 50 52 54 56

wt.%CaO wt.%CaO+0.6wt.%MgO

Fig.8 logLp vs wt%CaO Fig.9 logLp vs wt%CaO+0.6wt.%MgO



log((%P)/[%P]) 1.75
1.50 1.50

1.25 1.25

1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060

wt.%FeO Temperature (K)

Fig.10 logLp vs wt.%FeO in slag Fig.11 logLp vs turndown temperature








2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8


Fig.12 log Lp vs slag basicity

0.050 0.050

0.045 0.045
r2 = 0.721 r2 = 0.826
0.040 0.040

0.035 0.035

0.030 0.030

[%P] actual 0.025 [%P] actual 0.025

0.020 0.020

0.015 0.015

0.010 0.010

0.005 0.005

0.000 0.000
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050
[%P] predicted [%P] predicted

Fig.13 Predicted vs actual [%P] in the Fig.14 Predicted vs actual [%P] in the
turndown steel with iron ore turndown steel for with sinter
addition as coolant in BOF addition as coolant in BOF

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