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Problem 1: Channel flow. Calculate dP/dx using given formula below.

Fluid: Water
Density 1000 kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity 0.001 Pa-s
Distance between top and bottom plates is 0.01 m
To calculate the shear stress based on the analytical velocity profile, you need the pressure drop (dP/dx)

vx  
1 dP
2  dx
R2  y2 
given (10, 15, 20 m/s)
he average velocity associated with the analytical profile shown above.

Problem 2: Rotating inner cylinder. Calculate inner stress using the given formula given below.
Fluid: Oil
Density 1000 kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity 0.1 Pa-s
The radius of the inner cylinder is 1 inch.
The radius of the outer cylinder is 2 inches.
Equation for calculating shear stresses in cylindrical co-ordinate systems is given as:

Using this equation and your solution for velocity(Problem 1),

to calculate the shear stresses on the inner cylinder

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