Past Simple & Continuous

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Change the statements into negative sentences.

a. I ate a sandwich for breakfast.
b. Jonas lost his backpack.
c. My mother prepared dinner.
d. Simon went to University.
e. The teacher gave us a test.

Read the answers and write a question for each answer

a. Yes, I bought the present for dad.
b. Yes, she passed the math exam.
c. No, he didn't go to Spain in June.
d. Yes, my grandma made the cake.
e. No, I didn't find your wallet.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
a. When you (come) to live to this city?
b. I (start) studying english when I was six.
c. The cat (break) the vase and (run) away.
d. I (not study) for the exam so I (not pass) it.
e. My cousins (go) to Norway last summer.
f. you (find) your book?
g. Dan (not take) the bus to school. He (walk).
h. What you (do) last weekend?
i. The woman (tell) us her name so we (ask) her.
k. I (not have) a good time because I (be) tired.
l. What carry (pack) in you suitcase?
m. Last year I (buy) a new house.

Read the text and answer the questions

Last weekend, Sarah and her friends went on a hiking trip. They started their journey
early on Saturday morning. The weather was beautiful, so they decided to hike up
the mountain. As they were walking, they saw many interesting plants and animals.
Sarah took lots of photos with her camera. Suddenly, it started raining heavily, so
they had to find shelter under a big tree. While they were waiting for the rain to stop,
they played games and told stories. After the rain stopped, they continued their hike
and reached the top of the mountain. From there, they enjoyed a breathtaking view
of the landscape below. They stayed there until sunset, taking in the beauty of
nature. Finally, they descended the mountain carefully and returned home late in the

1.-What did Sarah and her friends do last weekend?

a) They went to the beach. b) They went hiking in the mountains.
c) They went to watch a movie.
2.-When did they start their journey?

a) Friday night. b) Early Saturday morning. c) Sunday afternoon.

3.-Why did they have to find shelter under a tree?
a) Because they wanted to rest. b) Because it started raining heavily.
c) Because they wanted to take photos.
4.-What did Sarah do while they were walking?
a) Played games. b) Took photos. c) Read a book.
5-What did they do when the rain stopped?
a) Stayed under the tree. b) Continued their hike. c) Went home.
6.-What did they see from the top of the mountain?
a) A river. b) A city. c) A breathtaking view.
7.-When did they return home?
a) Early in the morning. b) Late at night. c) At noon.

Write a story about something happened in the past.

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