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CREDIT: BY MINO NGUYỄN (@minodauday)

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tiktok: @minodauday facebook: IELTS MINO website: dưới mọi hình thức cho bất kì mục đích lợi nhuận nào. Nếu chia sẻ lại, vui lòng
ghi nguồn rõ ràng cho #minodauday #ieltsmino
highly portable easy to move dễ dàng mang theo
feature characteristic đặc tính CƠ CHẾ PARAPHRASE CỦA BÀI ĐỌC
generally depends on commonly determines chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào đúc kết từ tổng hợp bên
regulate ~ behaviours act differently điều chỉnh hành vi Cách 1: diễn giải xuôi Cách 2: dùng định nghĩa
drinks made of appeared in the
according to the rise and fall according to its height dựa theo chiều cao Cocoa drinks resemble
cocoa form of
repear the keep
the repetition of
analysed them study ` photo movements endangered protect animals
over and over species safe
kiểm tra mức độ đọc hiểu thay vì
recognised to be identified as được công nhận là gì tránh việc học sinh đọc lướt mắt
đọc theo keywords
appeared in the form of resemble giống cái gì Cách 3: từ đồng nghĩa Cách 4: đảo nghĩa
prevent some
holds~ students mask~with pretend that
keep endangered species safe protect animals bảo vệ động vật students from
back apathy they do not care
ascertained the discovered the without the
did not require
at the end of a banquet at the end of a formal meal fundamentals of basics of need for
aerodynamics aerodynamics journeymen
consuming cocoa beans eating cocoa kiểm tra vốn từ, dựa vào context có đoán được từ không
were~limited to were~associated with
based on determines
diet that is made up primarily main type of food eaten chế độ ăn chính
lungs developing in their place lungs replace phổi thay thế
the orbit of a satellite veers off course be on an incorrect path đi sai lộ trình
exacerbates the disorder make the symptoms ~ worse
lose the ability to control their movements or even digest
causes problems with motion and food digestion
repeat the movements over and over the repetition of motions
holds~ students back prevent some students from succeeding
conveying feelings translate their emotions into speech
easy targets for in relation to the hunting
grown considerably saw an increase
infiltation by flows onto
frequent visitors often spend time in
dependence is particularly true especially important
receives the water ~ via conveys water from chuyển nước từ đâu
reducing the amount of water sea level reduction giảm mực nước
the recitation of choric poems or hymns the performance of poetry ngâm thơ
a newfound secular interest an increase in the general public's curiosity about art
splurging on =
spending =
savings on repair and replacement costs save money that would have been spent fixing it people spend
beyond their
means =
another state to support his proposed anti-slavery
gain additional support for his anti-slavery proposals
CREDIT: BY MINO NGUYỄN (@minodauday)
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tiktok: @minodauday facebook: IELTS MINO website: dưới mọi hình thức cho bất kì mục đích lợi nhuận nào. Nếu chia sẻ lại, vui lòng
ghi nguồn rõ ràng cho #minodauday #ieltsmino
impact on~economy economic influence ảnh hưởng kinh tế
without understanding what ~, they simply want to flee
run away despite not knowing what it is
from it
getting and keeping an object ~ aloft become or remain airborne nâng và giữ được trên không
ascertained the fundamentals of aerodynamics discovered the basics phát hiện ra nguyên tắc cơ bản
phát triển thuật toán cần thiết cho việc
developed~mathematical formulas perform the calculations necessary for flight
a universal need ~ to determine who or what is an innate urge to assign responsibility to
sự thôi thúc để đổ lỗi cho ai hoặc cái gì
responsible someone or something
believe they are less responsible for the outcome of
experience a diminish sense of responsibility
an event
assuming the behaviour is due to conclude that behaviour is determined by
individuals have positive experiences people succeed
associate their own efforts with their success attribute their results to internal factors
medical advances and improved nutrition better medicine and nutrition
take possession of the lands they were visiting acquisition of land xâm lược
induce historians to look at the past from new angles provide historians with new perspectives
information~accurately reflective of historical daily life descriptive details of life in the past
mask~with apathy pretend that they do not care
actions they perform with objects around them interacting with things close to them
have at least a limited apprehension have some understanding
find the concealed item uncovered the object~hidden
appropriate for the development level suitable for ~ stage of development
confusing motor skills limitations with cognitive mistook a lack of motor skills with a lack of cognitive
limitations ones
letting the infant focus on this process several times showed infants the same process numerous times
they always reason in the same manner as adults they are able to reason like adults
newborns~gain control over recently born babies~master
reflex behaviours movement
have been declared a pest species in some
a banning a bird species from certain areas
comes into contact with combining~with
combustible~will burst into flames a description of the dangers combustible (adj) dễ cháy
used as a fertiliser the agricultural uses
the carbon is returned to the soil carbon gets put back into the earth
have a ~ impact on the entire system can influence a whole system
eliminating the need for training training may not be needed
have positive impact on both the senior and
possible benefits to employers and workers
the employer
reduce the need for ~ rely upon social security
programs or pensions
so talented that~is dramatically out of step with the effect gifted students can have on their
~ classmates classmates
CREDIT: BY MINO NGUYỄN (@minodauday)
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tiktok: @minodauday facebook: IELTS MINO website: dưới mọi hình thức cho bất kì mục đích lợi nhuận nào. Nếu chia sẻ lại, vui lòng
ghi nguồn rõ ràng cho #minodauday #ieltsmino
teachers are ~ expected to ~ allow them to
teachers can help talented students succeed
take on advanced work while maintaining a
within their peer group
connection with their peer group
neither is available a shortage of options
reflect the bounty of the hunting season celebrating the hunting season's yield
visitors from great distances visitors travelling from far away
the tribe members indigenous people
performed in secret handled
the ban restrictions
ceremonies customs
beast to fight in ~ arenas use lions for human entertainment purposes
began to vanish began to fall
prey food supply
perish wipe out
doctor's prescription consulting a doctor
kill lives might be at risk
completely destroyed widespread damage
effort to protect conservation effort
clocks and watches ~confined watches ~restricted
the british penchant for producing clocks
British clocks were renowned for
viewed as a threat saw as a danger
highly skilled artisans were responsible skilled artisans supplied
watches~fetched handsome prices swiss watches were costly
make regular parts that were
fabricate~uniform and interchangeable parts
without the need for journeymen did not require journeymen
clocks could be produced quickly clocks were rapidly put together
determining context from non-auditory clues understanding unspoken signals
basic element a fundamental aspect
eliminate entire ecosystems destroy ecological systems
more advanced skills would have given ~ an advantage
The Neanderthals were less skilled
over the Neanderthals
make ~ decision come to~conclusions
will not cure incapable of curing
evoke emotions that~increase cognitive ability increase brain activity
placed ~ above more advanced
factor into the sort of adult that child grows up to be affect how one grows up
environmental cỉcumstances environment
underlying character of a child child's character
devastating ecological ~issues serious environmental problems
to spend impulsively careless behaviour
CREDIT: BY MINO NGUYỄN (@minodauday)
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tiktok: @minodauday facebook: IELTS MINO website: dưới mọi hình thức cho bất kì mục đích lợi nhuận nào. Nếu chia sẻ lại, vui lòng
ghi nguồn rõ ràng cho #minodauday #ieltsmino
function ~like experienced cultural guides have expertise beyond the language itself
culture that is extreme in its social distance a similar culture
not enough~to fully master a second language not sufficient for fluent communication
linguistic ability alone may not prevent the perception cannot appear to be an insider based solely on
that they are an "outsider" linguistic ability
there is no overlap unconnected
added on element ~ rather than a fundamental one less important
curriculum language course
hopeful thinking not always possible
in-service training training for educators
synthetic fibres manmade material vải sợi tổng hợp, nhân tạo
controversy opposing views ý kiến trái chiều/gây tranh cãi
influence on the American style impact on America
personal car automobile xe ô tô
reliance upon automobiles to be a burden problems with car ownership
a new way of management new management styles
a new way to direct the workforce a new scheme for workforce organisation
contemporary opinions current views
the origin of human language the birth of language
relativerly fewer less common
remains of eggs evidence of the reproduction
both of these factors two keys
human activity human intervention
a strong influence on the numbers of tuatara impact~on the tuatara
a range of treatment various types of care
ward off evil keep evil away
to highlight beauty, rather than for any celebratory
for beauty rather than celebration
origins in the practice of medieval English kings royal roots dòng dõi hoàng tộc
far from democratic undemocratic không dân chủ
largely negative impact damaging impact ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
necessity of confronting the issue of deforestation need to address deforestation
repercussions that can dramatically impact the
impact on entire ecosystems
sustainability of the whole ecosystems
deforested forest was lost
lowland areas flat land khu vực bằng
sloped terrain areas with hills khu vực dốc
existing forest on Earth is intact intact forest rừng nguyên vẹn
before the medieval period pre-medieval
tallest bulding in the world world's highest skyscraper
early life is spent as larvae in the ocean's plankton
enter the ocean's planlton fields as larvae
move to the mangroves as juveniles juvenile parrotfish spend time in the mangroves
very little shelter limited amount of protection
harsh breezes high winds
CREDIT: BY MINO NGUYỄN (@minodauday)
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tiktok: @minodauday facebook: IELTS MINO website: dưới mọi hình thức cho bất kì mục đích lợi nhuận nào. Nếu chia sẻ lại, vui lòng
ghi nguồn rõ ràng cho #minodauday #ieltsmino
small holes tiny holes
keep their stomata shut the stomata remain closed
lightening the overall weight reduce weight
prevent friction against stop~rubbing
birds know to follow birds look for
using the sun and stars as compasses using cues such as location of the sun and stars
determine~and find a way set a course
turns the nacelle controls the direction of the nacelle
wind speed and direction data data about the speed and direction of the wind
rate required to generate energy required rate
travels down the tower and into a power station goes down the tower to a power station
offshore beneath the water's surface
use a large rotary drill capable of spinning~into the soil make a hole in the soild
draw the gas toward the surface natural gas~can be brought to the surface
reduce it to~methane methane is seperated
offset the expenses of those various steps help pay for the various steps
appearent efficacy~lies in effectiveness could be due to
attribute getting better improvement~due to
strongly oppose be against
gloss over the truth not to tell the truth
their health taking a turn for the worse the health of patients~can become worse
almost exclusively administered in research situations mostly used for research
utilises infrastructure found in cities~to grow crops grow plants using urban infrastructure
losing crops to crops are ~ lost because of
cultivate take care of
the farm~located underground the farm beneath
supermarkets and restaurants clients
negatively affecting a negative effect on
entirely dedicated to manufacture totally dedicated to making
started out quickly and enjoyed an early monopoly in car began rapidly and boasted a monopoly in the
making automobile industry
every piece of equipment all equipment
allowed for thr productrion of various body styles and capable of producing a range of car sizes and body
car sizes styles
maintain a dominant position ~for half a century held a dominant position ~ for 50 years
had significant differences in their business models and
differed freatly in their business planning
GM executives understood~competition GM leaders had an understanding about competition
influential in convincing customers highly successful

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