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Q1 Two substances A and B when bought together form a substance C with the

evolution of heat. The properties of C are entirely different from those of A and B.
the substance C is: 1
a)A compound
b)An element
c)A mixture
d)None of the above

Q2 Compounds: 1
a)Are the same as mixtures?
b)Can be separated by their physical properties
c)Contain only type of element
d)Are different kinds of atoms chemically combined with each other?

Q3 Which of the following non-metal is a good conductor of electricity? 1

(a) Aluminium
(b) Silicon
(c) Graphite
(d) Gold

Q4 Which non metal exist in liquid state 1

(a) Mercury
(b) Bromine
(c) Iodine
(d) Gallium

Q5 Who coined term atom 1

(a) Kanad
(b) Katayam
(c) Leucipus
(d) Democritus
6 What is difference between mixture and compound?(any three) 3
7 Write three differences between physical and chemical changes 3
8 (a) Who stated law of constant proportion? State it. 2+2
(b) Prove it with an example.
Q9 What is atomicity? What is the atomicity of ozone and water? 2
Q10 Define cation, anion, polyatomic ion 3
Q11 (a) Why does copper sulphate solution does not show tyndall effect but milk
solution shows?
(b) Find the mass of solvent in 20% concentrated solution made by 20g of salt in 250
g of solution. 1+2
Q12 What is the difference between element and compound? 2

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