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Words From My JV

Basketball Team
By Gage Hoover
Rizz (noun)

Sentence: That guy has unlimited rizz,

he gets all the girls.

Definition: It is described as someone

who has charisma or romantic
Bet (noun)

Sentence: “Hey I’m going to pick you up in 15 minutes”

“Okay bet dude”.

Definition: Basically is another word to show that you

understand or to say okay.
Cap (verb)

Sentence: Dude no cap I won a new pair of

kobe basketball shoes.

Definition: It is another word for implying

that someone is lying or that you are not
Fire (adjective)

Sentence: The cat’s glasses are straight


Definition: Meaning that something is cool

or cool looking
Drip (adjective)

Sentence: Bart’s drip is unmatched

Definition: It typically means someone has

good fashion sense or has nice designer
Bag (adjective)

Sentence: Jamal crawford has a deep


Definition: In the world of basketball

it typically means someone who has a
lot of different moves/skills
Bussin (verb)

Sentence: This Chick fil a sandwich is

bussin bro!

Definition: usually means something

is really good or tastes really good.
Salty (adjective)

Sentence: Hey bro don't be so

salty, I was just joking

Definition: Typically means when

someone is upset at something
somewhat minor and not that big
of a deal.
Low-key (adjective)

Sentence : Hey lets try and keep the part

super low-key, I don't want my parents to
find out.

Definition: Usually means when someone is

trying to keep something quiet or simple.
Extra (adjective)

Sentence: Dude why do you always have to

be so extra all the time?

Definition: used to describe someone who is

over the top or dramatic.

I have been a basketball coach with a group of kids for over a year now, I would like to
consider myself young enough to be aware of new words that come up, I am on social media
enough to know if there are a few new words. Upon being around them for awhile I found
out that I was completely wrong. There were quite a few words that I was not aware of. I
think as students get older they become more creative and seek to find meaning and
understanding in the world around them. On top of this social media compounds this
socialization. And with that we find teenages and younger generations socially accepting
new words to make sense of things. I think when I was that age we did the same thing, but I
have to say some of the things that they come up with nowadays just is outlandish and
doesn’t make sense to me. I see that there is a semantic shift with some words and, “This is
perhaps the most common factor for extralinguistic causes of semantic change. Changes in
the social, economic or political status of a country can have a significant impact on
semantics”(StudySmarter, n.d.). I think this is helpful because words that I may use students
may have a different understanding of what it means, and vice versa. I have to understand
students may say something different than what I am used to. I need to embrace that and
encourage my students to be creative, as long as it is derogatory language I will embrace it.

Semantic Change: Definition, Causes & Examples | StudySmarter. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK.

Urban Dictionary. (2000). Urban Dictionary.

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