Comparative Police System

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It is the study of the social

occurrences of crime among
societies, in order to identify
differences and similarities in the
patterns of crime.

It studies the similarities and

differences in structure,
goals, punishment and emphasis on
rights as well as the history and
political stature of different systems.

It is the science and art of investigating and

comparing the police system of nations. It
covers the study of police organizations,
trainings and methods of policing of various
nations. (V. Delos Santos)
Process of outlining the similarities and
differences of one police system to another
in order to discover insights in the field of
international policing. (RKM)

The growing interpenetration of states,

markets, communications and ideas. It is
one of the leading characteristics of the
contemporary world.

A package of transnational flows of people,

production, investment, information, ideas
and authority
What are the effect of Globalization to
Law Enforcement???????
1.The facilitation of transnational crimes and
criminals can be easily achieved.
2.There is a need for transnational policing. The
cooperation among police organizations in the
world is vital.
3.Training instructions for incoming law enforcement
officers must include advance computer to prepare
them as cyber cops so they can be better prepared
to deal with cyber crimes.
So what is a
In simple meaning…..

………these are crimes that affects

or impacts on more than one
jurisdiction or territory
It could also mean…..

Crimes that are not only international but

crimes that by their nature involve border
crossing as an essential part of the criminal
The term covers not only offenses
committed in more than one State, but also
those that take place in one State but are
planned or controlled in another.
To make it simple, transnational crimes
Crossing of borders by:
people - criminals, fugitives and
things – commodities

With international recognition of the crime

Treaties and Laws
Do the Philippines also experiences
transnational crimes?????

Here are some of the crimes which are
transnational where the Philippines was
Human Trafficking and Smuggling
Money Laundering
Small Arms and Light Weapons
Drug Trafficking
Sexual Slavery
Cyber Crime
Human Trafficking
Trafficking in Persons, as defined
Recruitment, transportation, transfer or
harboring, or receipt of persons WITH
OR KNOWLEDGE, within or across
national borders by any means for the
prostitution, forced labor, slavery,
servitude, removal or sale of organs)
How Is Human Trafficking Different From
Migrant Smuggling?
 Consent - migrant smuggling, while often
undertaken in dangerous or degrading conditions,
involves consent. Trafficking victims, on the other
hand, have either never consented or if they
initially consented, that consent has been
rendered meaningless by the coercive, deceptive
or abusive action of the traffickers.
 Exploitation - migrant smuggling ends with the
migrants' arrival at their destination, whereas
trafficking involves the ongoing exploitation of the
Transnationality - smuggling is always
transnational, whereas trafficking may not
be. Trafficking can occur regardless of
whether victims are taken to another state
or moved within a state's borders.
Source of profits - in smuggling cases profits
are derived from the transportation or
facilitation of the illegal entry or stay of a
person into another country, while in
trafficking cases profits are derived from
Is there any law that protects anyone
against the acts of human trafficking and

……absolutely, there are…….

In the Philippines, here are some domestic
laws that punishes acts of human trafficking
and smuggling:
 RA 9208 -“Anti-trafficking in Persons Act of 2003”.
 RA 10364 –” Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of
 RA 7610 -“Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act”.
 RA 8042 -“Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act”
 RA6955-“An Act to Declare Unlawful the Practice of
Matching Filipino Women for Marriage to Foreign
Nationals on a Mail-Order Basis and Other similar
 RA 8239- “Philippine Passport Act of 1996”
Modus Operandi
Illegal recruitment
Illegal migration
Mail-order bride
Foreign training
Religious pilgrimage
Cultural exchange
R.A. 8042, as amended by RA 10022

It shall mean any act of canvassing,

enlisting, contracting, transporting, utilizing,
hiring or procuring of workers which includes
referring, contract services, promising or
advertising for employment abroad,
whether for profit or not, when undertaken
by a non-license or non-holder of authority.
One of the Modus Operandi in
transporting the victims is called as the

This law is otherwise known as the anti
money laundering act of the
R.A. 9165
R.A. 9160
R.A. 9344
R.A. 9610
Philippine Definition (AMLA Section 4)(R.A.
9160)is a crime whereby the proceeds
of unlawful activity are transacted,
thereby making them appear to have
originated from legitimate sources
Take note further…..

That RA 9160 was amended by RA 9194

and RA 10167

….....all of these laws punishes the act of

Money Laundering in the Philippines
It means “the calculated use of violence
(direct) or threat (indirect) of violence to
attain goals that are political, religious,
ideological through intimidation, coercion
or instilling fear.
The systematic use of physical violence,
either actual or threatened, against non-
combatants to create a climate of fear to
cause some religious, political or social
According to Frederick Hacker, he suggested
three categories of persons who commit acts of
terrorism namely:
Crazies – these are emotionally disturbed
individuals who are driven to commit terrorism by
reason of their own that often do not make
sense to anybody else.
Criminals – they perform terrorist acts for more
easily understood reasons: personal gain.
Crusaders – these terrorists seek not personal
gain but prestige and power for a collective
What is the law that punishes terrorism in the

A. Republic Act No. 9344

B. Republic Act No. 4200
C. Republic Act No. 9372
D. Republic Act No. 8353
Republic Act No. 9372 was made
into law in 2007 with the title:

“Human Security Act of 2007”

What law is otherwise known as "The
Terrorism Financing Prevention and
Suppression Act of 2012".

A. RA 10609
B. RA 10535
C. RA 10168
D. RA 10364
RA 10168 - "The Terrorism Financing
Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012“
RA 10609 - "Protection of Students’ Right
to Enroll in Review Centers Act of 2013“
RA 10535 - "The Philippine Standard Time
(PST) Act of 2013”
RA 10364 - “Expanded Anti-Trafficking in
Persons Act of 2012″
Take note:

Firearms Trafficking is divided into two

Firearms for crime
Firearms for conflict
In the Philippines, what is the prevailing
laws on firearms and ammunition?
A. RA 10168
B. RA 10591
C. RA 10175
D. PD 1866
Drugs Trafficking
The illegal drug trade or drug
trafficking is a global black
market consisting of the
cultivation, manufacture,
distribution and sale of illegal
Under RA 9165, what is the highest
penalty defined therein?
A. Life imprisonment
B. Death
C. 40 years
D. 20 years
Sexual Slavery
It refers to the organized coercion of
unwilling people into various different
sexual practices. It encompasses most if
not all forms of forced prostitution.
Take note:

Prostitution in the Philippines is

being punished under RA
9208 and under the RPC, it is
termed as White Slave Trade
What do you call a woman engaging in the
acts of prostitution which serves as an
A. Whore
B. Madam
C. Pimp
D. Hustler

Pimp for male organizer

of prostitution
What law is otherwise known as the
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012?

A. RA 10022
B. RA 10028
C. RA 10158
D. RA 10591
E. RA 10175
Spreading virus to destroy the computer of others is
under what category of cybercrime?

A. Computer as a weapon

B. Computer as an asset
C. Computer as an accessory
D. Computer as a concealment
E. Computer as a target
The computer as a target - attacking the
computers of others (spreading viruses is an
The computer as a weapon - using a
computer to commit "traditional crime" that
we see in the physical world (such as fraud
or illegal gambling).
The computer as an accessory - using a
computer as a "fancy filing cabinet" to store
illegal or stolen information.
These are series of numbers assigned by an
Internet Service Provider to an Internet user
when it connects to the internet. It is
considered as the anchor of investigation of
all internet crimes.

A. Internet identity number

B. Internet protocol address
C. Internet precision address
D. Internet password identification number
Let’s practice……
Joewens, Resan, Robert and Janwelle are notorious
terrorist from Baguio City. They are inflicting terror
within the city through the tactics and acts that
terrorists are employing. Their main objective is to
eradicate and destroy business establishments in
Baguio City excepts SM City Baguio because the
management of SM provides financial aid to them to
destroy other business establishment. One day, they
attacked Center Mall Baguio and they exploded the
said building. However, due to immediate police
response, these four notorious terrorists were caught
and put into jail.
Q1. What law did these four notorious
terrorists committed?

A. RA 9372
B. RA 9160
C. RA 10175
D. RA 10591
Q2. According to Frederick Hacker, what
classification of terrorists were these
notorious criminals belong?
A. crazies
B. criminals
C. crusaders
Q3. What is the favorite method of terrorists
in inflicting terror within the populace?

A. kidnapping
B. murdering
C. bombing
Q4: If they were found out to be innocent of
the crime of terrorism, under section 50 of
the law on terrorism, Joewens, Resan,
Robert and Janwelle are entitled for an
amount of?
 A. 500,000 pesos for every day that they are being
 B. 1,000,000 pesos for every day that they are being
 C. 100,000 pesos for every day that they are being
Q5. It is the use of force or violence against
persons or property in violation of criminal
laws for purposes of intimidation, coercion
or even ransom?
A. kidnapping
B. terrorism
C. terorrism
D. genocide
Gina Cole and Tina Moran are notorious criminals from
Urdaneta City. Their business includes illegal logging and
illicit wildlife trade. One time, they transacted with a rich
businessman from Japan, Mr. Nara Wutti Yuki. This
Japanese businessman ordered to them exotic animals
from the Philippines such as tarsiers and python and the
payment will be amounting to US$5000,000. With no
further hesitation, Gina Cole and Tina Moran
immediately went to Bohol to capture tarsiers illegally
and then they proceeded to Surigao to capture python.
They shipped these animals to Japan and the Japanese
businessman paid the transaction. Gina Cole and Tina
Moran deposited the payment at Metrobank Carmen.
Q1. What type of criminals were Gina Cole
and Tina Moran ?

A. Local traffickers

B. transnational traders
C. transnational criminals
Q2: What is the act of catching endemic
animal species which is/are subjected for
A. Poaching
B. Hunting
C. Illegal catching
Q3. Illicit wildlife trade is what type of
 A. economic crimes
B. blue collar crimes
C. corporate crimes
D. environmental crimes
Q4. In relation to the deposited money at
Metrobank Carmen, what crime is being
A. illegal transaction
B. money laundering
C. illegal depositing
Q5. (In relation to Q4) Thereby, what law
was violated?

A. RA 9160
B. RA 9194
C. RA 10167
Q6. (In relation to Q4 and Q5) Hence, what
agency is responsible for the investigation of
the crime committed?


Traditional policing
Problem solving policing
Community oriented policing

Reactive in nature
Low PCR activity

Proactive in nature

High level of PCR

Observance of omnipresence
High level of trust

The world’s largest international police organization.

Founded in Vienna in 1923 and reconstituted in 1946.
Facilitates cross-border police cooperation, and
supports and assists all organizations, authorities and
services whose mission is to prevent or combat
international crime.
Organisation International Criminal
Internationale Police Organization
de Police Criminelle
The current emblem of Interpol was adopted in
1950 and according to their website has the
following symbolism:
the globe indicates worldwide activity
the olive branches represent peace
the sword represents police action
the scales signify justice
General Assembly
Executive Committee
General Secretariat
National Central Bureaus
The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s

*The General Assembly and the Executive Committee form

the organization’s Governance.
INTERPOL’s Structure
Decisions related to Interpol’s policy,
resources, working methods, finances,
activities and programs are undertaken by

A. National central Bureaus

B. General Assembly
C. General Secretariat
D. Executive Committee
Supreme governing body, it meets annually and
comprises delegates appointed by each
member country.
Takes all important decisions related to policy,
resources, working methods, finances, activities
and programs.
Also elects the Organization's Executive
INTERPOL’s select deliberative organ. It
3 vice-presidents and
9 delegates.
Who was the first president of Interpol
when it was constituted in 1923?

Johan Schober

***When Interpol is
still called an ICPC.
The former Filipino
President of INTERPOL in
1980 – 1984 - Jolly R.
Bugarin (Philippines)
The first Secretary
General was Austrian
Police Commissioner
Oskar Dressler (1932)
What is the designated contact point for the
General Secretariat for all INTERPOL Operations,
regional offices and other member countries
requiring assistance with overseas investigations
and the location and apprehension of fugitives?

National Central Bureau

General Secretariat
General Assembly
Executive Committee
Who is the current secretary general of the

A. Malou Wang

B. Huang Dod
C. Jack Cole
D. Jurgen Stock
E. Meng Hongwei
F. John Martini
It serves as the lifeblood of the
A. General Assembly
B. National Central Bureau
C. General Secretariat
Advisers – these are experts in a purely advisory
capacity, who may be appointed by the
Executive Committee and confirmed by the
General Assembly.
Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files
(CCF) – The CCF ensures that the processing of
personal data – such as names and fingerprints
– is in line with INTERPOL's rules, in order to
protect both the fundamental rights of
individuals and the cooperation among police
If a member country desires provisional arrest of
an international fugitive with a view to extradition,
what notice will be published by the Interpol
General Secretariat?

 A. Yellow notice
 B. Blue notice
 C. Red notice
 D. Green notice
The notice which aims to provide modus operandi
or concealment methods used by known criminal

 A. Orange notice
 B. Special notice
 C. Black notice
 D. Purple notice
It was founded in 1945 after World War II to
stop wars between countries, and to
provide a platform for dialogue to achieve
world peace.

A. League of Nations

B. Global Peace association
C. United Nations
D. International Community
He coined and was the first to use the name
"United Nations", in the Declaration by
United Nations of 1 January 1942, during
Second World War.

U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt

The United Nations Headquarters
resides in international territory in New
York City , with further main offices at
Geneva , Nairobi , and Vienna.
Who is considered as the chief
administrative officer of the United

Considered as the largest of the six
basic organs and the great
deliberative body of the UN?

A. The World Peace Council

B. The General Assembly
C. The Economic and Social Council
D. The General Secretariat
The General Assembly is also
known as the.......

Parliament of the world

Another principal organ of the UN which is
in charged for the maintenance of world
peace and security?

A. The General Secretariat

B. The World Peace Council
C. The United Nations Peace and Order Council
D. The Security Council
An organ of the UN which carries the
day-to-day business of the
organization and assists all the other
A. The Economic and Social Council
B. The General Secretariat
C. The General Assembly
D. The General Problem
This is the primary judicial organ
of the United Nations.

A. International Court of Justice

B. World court
C. International Judiciary
D. Either A or B
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is
the primary judicial organ of the United

The Court consists of 15 judges elected by

the General Assembly and the Security

The judges will serve for nine years and

they may be re-elected.
This organ of the UN serves as the legal
adviser to the General Assembly, Security
Council and other UN organs?

A. Advisers Council

B. The World Court
C. The Legal Council
D. The Legal Adviser Council
This organ of the UN is devoted to the constructive
tasks of peace – achieving higher standards of
living, improving health and education, promoting
respect for human rights and freedoms throughout
the world?

A. The ICJ

B. The Economic and Social Council
C. The General Secretariat
D. The General Assembly
An organ of the UN that is responsible
in promoting international economic
and social cooperation and
A. The Economic and Social Council
B. The General Secretariat
C. The General Assembly
D. The General Problem
An organ of the UN which seeks to protect
the interests of people who live in trust
territories and to lead them toward self-
governing country?

A. The Security Council

B. The General Assembly
C. The Protection Council
D. The Trusteeship Council
A trust territory is a territory who have no
ability to establish a government, hence,
they are the dependents of the UN.
The movement of an employee from department
or agency to another which is temporary in
nature and which may or may not require
issuance of an appointment which may either
involve reduction or increase in compensation

A. Secondment
B. Deployment
C. Employment
D. Appointment
If ever a PNP member wanted to join the UN
Peacekeeping Mission:
Approving Authority:
 1. Chief, PNP - when the tour of duty is not more than
one (1) year; and
 2. Chairman, Civil Service Commission - when the tour of
duty is more than one (1) year but not to exceed the
maximum period of three (3) years except as otherwise
provided for by law or as required under
bilateral/multilateral agreements.

 PNP personnel shall be allowed a maximum of three (3)

separate details to any international mission.
When the tour of duty in the UN mission is
for a period of 1 year, the approving
authority should be
A. Chief of Police
B. Chief PNP
C. President
D. Chairman of Civil Service Commission
Under the priority list, PNP personnel who
passed the UNSAT Examination but without
previous UN Mission deployment shall be
A. 1st Priority
 B. 2nd Priority
 C. 3rd Priority
 D. 4th Priority
must not be less than 25 years old but not more
than 53 years old upon actual deployment.

 For Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs):
 For Police Non-commissioned Officers (PNCOs):
 - PO3

 All applicants must have been appointed in permanent

status in their respective present ranks.
minimum of 5 years of active police service
(excluding cadetship, officer orientation/trainee
course, and police basic course)

passed the latest Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
conducted by the PNP DHRDD, as well as medical,
dental, and neuropsychiatric examinations.
Computer Literacy Requirement
Driving Proficiency Requirement


must be recommended by Unit Commanders
(Command Group or Directors of their respective
Directorial Staff, National Support Units, or Police
Regional Offices).
Which of these was established in 1981 and
became the premiere regional platform of all
heads of Asian police forces to interact as well as
to discuss, exchange views and updates each
other on the latest development in law
enforcement and transnational issues in their
respective countries?

C. ASEANAPOL ASEAN Chief of Police
After 24 years, it has grown from 5 police
chiefs to a solid force of the ASEAN TEN ,
signaling the emergence of a regional
alliance that is determined to secure not only
our own individual sovereignties but also the
peace and progress of our community.
European Police Office
The law enforcement agency of the
European Union that handles criminal
intelligence and combatting serious
international organized crime
Headed by an Executive Director
Incumbent Executive Director: Rob
Wainwright (2009) assisted by three Deputy
International Association of Chiefs of
Police (IACP)
A professional association for law
enforcement worldwide based on Alexandria,
The beginnings of this association is that when
fifty police chiefs accepted a meeting
invitation fro Omaha, Nebraska Police Chief
Webber Seavy in 1892
The incumbent president is Pres. Donald W. de
Each state has a Commission on Peace Officer
Standards and Training (POST) or similar entity
that establishes minimum selection standards for
law enforcement officers. While requirements
may vary from state to state and agency to
agency, typical basic requirements include the
1. Citizenship requirement
2. Age requirement
3. Education requirement
4. Valid drivers license
5. Minimum fitness requirement
The following are some typical
1. felony conviction (adult or juvenile)
2. a misdemeanor conviction involving
domestic abuse or a sexual component
3. illegal drug use
4. poor driving record
5. poor credit history or other financial
The Hiring Process
1. Pre-screening Questionnaire
2. Entrance exam
3. Video exam
4. Physical fitness test
5. Background investigation
6. Drug test
7. Psychological test
8. Lie detection test
9. Oral Interview
10. Medical exam
Australia is a federal state; it has only one police force
for each of its six states as well as for the Northern
There is also a commonwealth police which is
responsible for providing policing services at the
Australia Capital Territory (ACT) which is known as the
Australia Federal Police.
Consequently, there are seven separate police forces
under the supervision of the Federal police namely: New
South Wales Police; Victoria Police Force; Queensland
Police Force; Western Australia Police Force; South
Australia Police Force; Tasmania Police Force; Northern
Territory Police Force.
Governance Framework
1. Ministerial arrangements
The AFP is a statutory authority established by Federal
Parliament under the Australian Federal Police Act of
The AFP Commissioner reports to the Ministry for Justice

2. National HQ
AFP NHQ (Edmund Barton Building) initially known as
the Trade Group Offices, was named after Sir Edmund
Barton, the first Prime Minister of Australia and a
founding judge of the High Court of Australia
● Commissioned Ranks
–Deputy Commissioner
–Assistant Commissioner
● Senior Non-Commissioned Ranks
–Senior Sergeant
● Non-Commissioned Ranks
–Senior Constable
–Probationary Constable
Entry Requirements

Australian citizen at the time of application.

Over 18 and there is no upper age limit applicant is
fit and able to perform policing duties.
Minimum educational requirement is year 12
certificate. Tertiary qualifications are desirable but
not essential.
A holder of a valid manual drivers license.
No height requirement for AFP recruits people of all
shapes and sizes.
The RCMP is organized under the authority
of the RCMP Act.
In accordance with the Act, RCMP is
headed by a Commissioner under the
supervision and direction of the Minister of
Public Safety.
RCMP Core Policing Activities

1. Service
2. Crime Prevention
3. Protection
4. Law enforcement
5. Intelligence
 Be a Canadian citizen
 Be of good character
 Be at least 19 years of age at the time of engagement
 Be proficient in English and French
 Possess a valid unrestricted Canadian driver’s license
 Meet the medical, psychological, and vision standards
 Meet the necessary level of physical abilities
 Be prepared to carry firearm and use it or any other necessary
 Be willing and able to relocate anywhere in Canada
 Be willing to work shift work including weekends and holidays
 Be willing to pledge allegiance to Canada

POLICING in Germany is constitutionally

vested in the states.

- Police forces for each laender are

controlled by the INTERIOR MINISTRY.

8/29/2018 15:01 141

Schutzpolizei (Schupo) which is equivalent to
municipal police. They are the first to arrive at
the crime scene of most crimes and handle all
general law enforcement and simple
Kriminalpolizei (Kripo) are plainclothes police
who handle serious crime investigations and
situations that require developing a case
against a suspect.
Bereitschaftspolizei (Bepo) are actually officefs-
in-training living in barracks, but they serve as
8/29/2018 15:01
civil order police when the situation arises.
• The German federal gov’t also has
some police agencies as its disposal.


(Bundesgrenzschutz or BGS) under the
Interior Ministry which is in charge for
border control, sea patrol, air port and
railroad security. (SPECIAL GROUP 9)
–They may also assist in major civil
disturbances beyond the scope of the
Laender police.
8/29/2018 15:01 143
 Landespolizei ,( State police) is the term used to
refer to all police of any one of the states of
 Verkehrspolizei- The traffic police in Germany.
 Autobahnpolizei- The highway patrol in
Germany. In some states the Autobahnpolizei is a
sub division of the Verkehrspolizei department.
 Wasserschutzpolizei (WSP) - The river police for
patrolling rivers, lakes and harbours.
● career of policing usually starts at the age of
sixteen or seventeen (16-17).
● First 2 ½ -3 year are spent living in the
barracks and undergoing basic training. A
large part of this training focuses on riot
control, the rest involves conventional
school subjects, the law and the law

8/29/2018 15:01 145

A. Citizenship
• Applicants must be a citizen of Germany
B. Physical Requirements
• BGS requires female candidates be no
shorter than 163 cm and 165 cm for male
candidates. The height maximum for the
BGS is 195 cm.
• All applicants are also required to
undergo a physical examination by an
authorized police physician to determine
their physical suitability to serve.
 C. Criminal History
• Any person that has been "punished in
court" is ineligible to become a member of
the BGS.
 D. Age
• In 2011, the age limit for middle executives
is 27 years of age. Top level police
executives is 31 years of age when they are
recruited to join the BGS.
 E. Communication
• Applicants should have the ability to
communicate in English as well as German.
General knowledge of any additional
languages is an asset for any applicant.

The Cuerpo Nacional de Policía

(National Police Corps) -the
national civilian police force of

Ministry of the Interior.

● Born or naturalized Spanish
● Between 18 and 30 years old
● At least 1.65 meters tall (for men), and 1.60 metres for women
● Hold a driving license of the class specified by the government.
 Basic Scale:
● Have or to be in conditions to obtain the Certificate in Secondary
Education or equivalent level. (Baccalaureate will be necessary
in some years).
 Executive Scale:
● Have a Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, Qualified
University student or equivalent or top formation degree.
 Superior Scale
 Comisario Principal - Chief Superintendent
 Comisario - Superintendent
 Executive Scale
 Inspector Jefe - Chief Inspector
 Inspector
 Deputy Inspector Scale
 Subinspector - Deputy Inspector/Subinspector
 Basic Scale
 Official - Corporal
 Agente - Constable
(England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland)
Types of law enforcement agency
1.Territorial police forces
2.Special police forces
3.Non-police law enforcement agencies
4.Miscellaneous police forces
19th and early 20th centuries - at least 5
feet 10 inches (178 cm)
1960 - at least 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm),
and 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) for women
1990s - height standard was gradually
 *This is due to the MacPherson report
of 1999, as the height restriction was seen
to possibly discriminate against those of
ethnic backgrounds who may be
genetically predisposed to be shorter.

A civilian commission which supervises the

National Police Agency with respect to most
aspects of police organization and
administration including training, equipment,
recruitment, communications and criminal
It has the authority to appoint or dismiss senior
police officers
The Koban and the Chuzaisho is the large
network of local police post that makes the
Japanese Police distinctive.

Tiny police post which constitute the heart of the

Japanese police operation.
a police post located in urban
In large cities, a koban can be found in every
few blocks.
The officers in the Koban account for about
40% of the total police strength in Japan.
For the most part, it function as a “community
safety center”
The rural equivalent of the urban Koban

Rural police officers are known as

chuzaishan who lives with his family in a
small house provided by the
government that also serves as an
office for conducting police business.
These units were formed after riots at the
Imperial Palace in 1952
It is created primarily to respond quickly and
effectively to large public disturbances.
They are also used in crowd control during
festival periods, at times of natural disaster, and
to reinforce regular police when necessary.
Conditions of Service
 A. Entrance examinations
1. upper-secondary-school graduates
2. university graduates.

 B. Rigorous training
1. one year for upper-secondary school graduates
2. six months for university graduates

 * Residential/National Police Academy

 C. Promotion
1. Police officers with upper-secondary school
diplomas are eligible to take the examination for
sergeant after three years of on-the-job

2. University graduates can take the examination

after only one year. University graduates are also
eligible to take the examination for assistant police
inspector, police inspector, and superintendent
after shorter periods than upper-secondary school
graduates. There are usually five to fifteen
examinees for each opening.
What is the national police force of Thailand
which is sometimes called Thailand National
Police Department?
A. Royalty Thailand Police
B. Royal Thai Police
C. Royal Thai Gendarmie
D. Royal Thai Law Enforcer
The national coordinating headquarters has
jurisdiction over the entire country. The CIB was
organized to assist both provincial and
metropolitan components of the Royal Thai
Police in preventing and suppressing criminal
activity and in minimizing threats to national
D. CIS Central Investigation Bureau
Composition of CIB
 The Crime Suppression Division, one of the bureau's
largest components, is responsible for conducting
most of the technical investigations of criminal
offenses throughout the kingdom.
 Special Branch — sometimes referred to by critics
as the "political police", is responsible for controlling
subversive activities and serves as the Thai Police's
major intelligence organization, as well as the unit
responsible for VIP protection.
 The Criminal Records Office collects and maintains
records required in the conduct of police work,
including dossiers and fingerprints of known
criminals and persons suspected of wrongdoing .
 The Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory, where
technicians perform the requisite chemical and
physical analyses.
 Licenses Division: registered and licensed firearms,
vehicles, gambling establishments, and various
other items and enterprises as required by law.
What is the largest of the Royal Thai Police operational
components in both personnel and geographic
responsibility. It is headed by a commander who
reported to the police commissioner-general, and
administered through four police regions—geographic
areas of responsibility similar to those of the army regional
A. Provincial Police
B. Immigration Police
C. Narcotics Police
D. Border Police
A special unit within RTP which is
comparable to the SWAT in the Philippines?

A. Densus 88
B. Chiang Mai
C. Arintharat 26
D. Ayuthaya
The largest disciplined service under the
Security Bureau of Hong Kong. It is the
world's second, and Asia's first, police
agency to operate with a modern policing
A. Royal Hong Kong Police
B. Hong Kong Police Force
C. Hong Kong Police
D. Hong Kong Royal Police
Departments under HKPF
A Dept – Operations and Support
B Dept – Crime and Security
C Dept – Personnel and Training
D Dept – Management Services
E Dept – Finance, Administration and
Summary of Some Police
Organization of the World
Country Police Force Department Highest Rank Lowest Rank

Bhutan Royal Bhutan Ministry of Home Gagpoen (Chief Gagpa

Police Affairs of Police)

People’s Republic People’s Armed Ministry of Public Commissioner Constable 2nd

of China Police Force Security General Class

Hong Kong Hong Kong Police Operations and Commissioner of Constable

Force Support Department Police

Israel Israeli Police Ministry of Internal Rav Nitzav Shoter

Force Security (Commissioner) (Constable)

North Korea National Police Ministry of Public Dae Wonsu Chonsa (Private)
Agency Security (Grand Marshal)

South Korea Korea National Ministry of the Govt Commissioner Police Officer
Admin and Home
Police Agency General

Kuwait Kuwait National Ministry of Internal Lieutenant Constable

Police Affairs General
Country Police Force Department Highest Rank Lowest Rank

Russia Militsiya/Politsiya Ministry of Internal Police Colonel Police Cadet


Singapore Singapore Police Ministry of Internal Commissioner of Police Constable

Force Affairs Police

Turkey Turkish Police (General Ministry of Internal Director General Police Officer
Directorate of

Dubai (UAE) National Police Ministry of Interior General (Unavailable)

Force Commander

Macau Macau National Ministry of Internal Superintendent Guard

Police Force Affairs

Japan National Police National Public Commissioner Junsa (Patrolman

Agency Safety Commission General or Police Officer)

India Indian Police Ministry of Internal Commissioner Police

Service Affairs
Q n A Portion
1. What do you call the crime
that involves the unlawful selling
of vital organs of a living person?

 A. human smuggling
 B. human trafficking
 C. mutilation
 D. illegal trade
2. This worldwide organization
has the vision to create a safer
world by supporting law
enforcement agencies worldwide
to combat crime?

 A. United nations
3. Taliban is a terrorist
organization of radical Muslims in
Middle East Asia. Taliban actually

 A. Student
 B. The Life
 C. Conqueror
 D. Eliminator
4. The Interpol's General Secretariat
is headed by a Secretary General
which serves as the chief
administrative officer of the
organization. This statement is?

 A. True
 B. Absolutely true
 C. False
 D. Absolutely false
5. It is the study of the social
occurrences of crime among
societies, in order to identify
differences and similarities in
the patterns of crime.

 A. Comparative Police System

 B. Comparative Criminology
 C. Comparative Criminal Justice
6. One of the bureaus of the
Japan National Police Agency
which is responsible for the
issuances of license?

 A. Traffic Bureau
 B. Kidotai
 C. C Department
 D. Arintharat 26
7. Crimes that are not only
international but crimes that by
their nature involve border
crossing as an essential part of
the criminal activity.

 A. Continental crimes
 B. Conventional crimes
 C. Terroristic crimes
 D. Transnational crimes
8. The following are members of
the ASEANAPOL, except?

 A. Phillipines, Thailand, Burma

 B. Brunei and Cambodia
 C. Indonesia
 D. Tibet
9. Al Qaeda means?

A. The Student

B. The Chosen One
C. The Supreme Power
D. The Base
10. Maria was kidnapped by the
Crazy Duo Criminal gang and illicitly
transported at Angeles City. Therein,
Maria was forced by this criminal
gang to engage in prostitution and
the profit will go to the Crazy Duo
Criminal gang. What crime was
committed according to RA 9208?

 A. Migrant Smuggling
 B. Human Trafficking
 C. Human Smuggling
 D. Forced labor
11. In Japan, what is the name of
the imperial police?

 A. Praetorian guard
 B. Kepolisian
 C. Kidotai
 D. Polisi Daera
12. INTERPOL's supreme
governing body that meets
annually and elects the
organization's president?

 A. General Secretariat
 B. Executive Committee
 C. General Assembly
 D. Advisers
13. In committing the act of
human trafficking, the main
element is that, the victim should

 A. suffer
 B. die
 C. exploited
 D. killed
14. What cabinet office administers and supervises
the national police agency in Japan? Its mission is to
guarantee the neutrality of the police by insulating
the force from political pressure and to ensure the
maintenance of democratic methods in police

 A. National Police Administration

 B. National Public Safety Commission
 C. National Research Institute of Police Science
 D. National Imperial Guard Headquarters
15. It studies the similarities and
differences in structure, goals,
punishment and emphasis on rights
as well as the history and political
stature of different systems.

 A. Comparative Criminal Justice

 B. Comparative Criminology
 C. Comparative Police System
 D. Comparative Criminality
16. The task this study is to
compare and contrast our ways
of responding to crime with those
practiced elsewhere.

 A. Comparative Criminal Justice

 B. Comparative Criminology
 C. Comparative Criminal System
 D. Comparative Criminality
17. The law that punishes human
trafficking in the Philippines is?

 A. RA 9208
 B. RA 9160
 C. RA 10175
 D. RA 8042
18. Any act of contracting and
transporting of workers which includes
referring, contract services, promising
or advertising for employment abroad,
whether for profit or not, when
undertaken by a non-license or non-
holder of authority.

 A. Trafficking of persons
 B. Illegal recruitment
 C. Illegal transporting
 D. Illegal shipment
19. What is the highest position in
Japan National Police Agency
which is the counterpart of Chief,

 A. Commissioner General
 B. Director General
 C. Inspector General
 D. Lieutenant General
20. These are crimes being
committed through the use of a
computer and a network?

 A. economic crimes
 B. conventional crimes
 C. cybercrimes
21. ISIS is a terrorist organization
in the Middle East Asia which is
responsible in attacking France
recently. ISIS means?

 A. Islamic State of Iran and Syria

 B. Islamic State of Iraq and
 C. Islamic State of Iran and Sicily
 D. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
22. Recently, President Duterte threatened the UN
that the Philippines will renounced its membership
to this organization, hence, President Duterte
wanted to become independent. The act of one
country trying to become independent from others
and do not want to take part on any international
organizational activities.

 A. International Cooperation
 B. Isolationism
 C. Nationalism
 D. Internationalism
23. The highest rank of the
Philippine National Police?

 A. Chief, PNP
 B. Director General
 C. Inspector General
 D. Bato dela Rosa
24. It is the use of force or
violence against persons or
property in violation of criminal
laws for purposes of intimidation,
coercion or even ransom?

 A. kidnapping
 B. terrorism
 C. war crimes
 D. genocide
25. This organization aims to facilitate international
police cooperation even where diplomatic relations
do not exist between particular countries. Action is
taken within the limits of existing laws in different
countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.

 C. UN
26. The first Filipino president of

 A. Jolly Hugarin
 B. Jolly Bugarin
 C. Jolly Gagarin
 D. Jolly Sugarin
27. Globalization refers to the act
of rapid growth and development
of what culture?

 A. Eastern
 B. Western
 C. Northern
 D. Southern
28. What is the name of the NCB
in the Philippines?

A. Philippine Center on

Transnational Crimes
B. Anti-Transnational Crimes
C. The Center for Anti-
Transnational Crimes
D. Center for Transnational
29. The term used to described a
koban is?

 A. pill boxes
 B. police boxes
 C. concrete boxes
 D. residential boxes
30. The NCB of the Philippines is
located at?

 A. Makati City
 B. Quezon City
 C. Pasay City
 D. Mandaluyong City
31. When the Philippines was
occupied by the Japanese, the
Japanese Military Police is best
known as?

 A. Kempetai
 B. Kidotai
 C. Militai
 D. Hototai
32. What is the highest position in
Tokyo Metropolitan Police

 A. Director General
 B. Lieutenant General
 C. Inspector General
 D. Superintendent General
33. These are substations near
commercial areas and in residential
districts, which serve as the first line of
police response to the public. These
are similar to our Police Community

 A. Hellenic
 B. Koban
 C. Imperial
 D. Stakeout
34. The first president of INTERPOL

 A. Dr Johannes Schober
 B. Commissioner Oskar Dressler
 C. Meng Hongwei
35. It coordinates the international
activities of member countries, holds
a library of international criminal
records and organizes regular
meetings at which delegates can
exchange information on police work.

 A. Executive committee
 B. Advisers
 C. General secretariat
 D. CCF
36. A crime whereby the
proceeds of unlawful activity are
transacted, thereby making them
appear to have originated from
legitimate sources.

A. money laundering

B. illicit money trading
C. illegal money transacting
D. illegal transaction
37. The law that created the NCB
in the Philippines is known as?

A. E.O. 52
B. E.O. 62
C. P.D. 705
D. E.O. 42
38. The Singapore Police Force,
which is the main agency tasked
in maintaining law and orders in
the locality is under…

A. Ministry of Home Affairs

B. Ministry of Internal Affairs
C. Ministry of Public Safety
D. Ministry of Secret Service
39. A police unit in charge of
conducting policing and law
enforcement functions throughout
and from the air territory of the
Republic of Indonesia.

A. Polda
B. Polisi Urduja
C. Polisi Wisata
40. Rural police in Japan is
known as?

A. chuzaishan
B. konanist
C. junsa
41. The SWAT of the Royal Thai
Police is known as?

A. Arintharat 26
B. Chonburi
C. Surat Thani
D. Chiang Mai
42. What is the law that punishes
terrorism in the Philippines?

A. Republic Act No. 9344

B. Republic Act No. 4200
C. Republic Act No. 9372
D. Republic Act No. 8353
43. The INTERPOL CCF has three main function,
which among the followinf is true?

A. Ensuring that the processing of personal data

by INTERPOL is in compliance with the
Organization’s regulations
B. Providing INTERPOL with advice about any
project, operation, set of rules or other matter
involving the processing of personal data
C. Processing individual requests for access to
INTERPOL’s files, as well as complaints
44. What is considered as the front line force protecting
the public against crime and maintaining national security
against spies, saboteurs and terrorists? It is in – charge of
enforcing the more than 200 federal laws. It is not a
national police force, but rather an investigative body.

A. Central Intelligence Agency

B. Federal Bureau of Investigation
C. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
D. US Marshall
45. What is the organization in –
charge of protecting the US
President and his family (including
past president), which is also in –
charge of detection and prevention
of counterfeiting.

A. US Marshals
B. US Secret Service
C. US Presidential Security
D. US VIP Force
46. This INTERPOL notice is designed
to warn police, public entities and
other international organizations
about potential threats from
disguised weapons, parcel bombs
and other dangerous materials.

A. Yellow notice

B. Black notice
C. Orange notice
D. Special notice
47. The lowest
commissioned rank in PNP

A. PO1
B. SPO4
C. Private
D. Inspector
48. The meaning of jihad is?

A. Holy Conflict

B. Holy Mass
C. Holy Spirit
D. Holy War
49. What is the highest rank in
Australian Federal Police that is
equivalent to PNP Director

A. Commander
B. General
C. Commissioner
D. Superintendent
50. Where is the headquarters of
the Interpol located?

A. New York, USA

B. Lyon, France
C. London, UK
D. Moscow, Russia
51. Who is considered as the
United Nation’s most visible public

A. Consul General

B. Secretary General
C. Inspector General
D. Transnational General
52. The growing inter-penetration
of states, markets,
communications and ideas. It is
one of the leading characteristics
of the contemporary world.

A. transnational
B. transborder
C. globalization
D. worlwide network
53. A package of transnational
flows of people, production,
investment, information, ideas and

A. transnational
B. transborder
C. globalization
D. worlwide network
54. Standard rifle of socialist and
communist countries?

A. M14
B. AK47
C. M4
D. Gatling Gun
55. A breakaway of the CPP/NPA
faction claimed responsibility for a
rifle grenade attack against Shell
Oil's headquarters in Manila. The
attack apparently protested an
increase in oil prices.

A. Francisco Group

B. Alex Boncayao Brigade
C. National Democratic Front
D. Abu Sayyaf Group
56. The lowest rank of police
officer in Japan is called?

A. Junsa
B. Junsa-cho
C. Junsa-bucho
57. An internal unit of the BRIMOB Special Police
Corps who have special abilities in the field of anti-
terrorism, bomb disposal, intelligence, anti-anarchist,
and handling of Chemical, Biological, and Radio
Active threats. Its main specialty are bomb disposal
and explosives treatment during in urban settings.

A. Gegana
B. Poltabes
C. Detachment 88
D. Polantas
58. The state police in
Germany is?

A. Bundespolizei
B. Landespolizei
C. Bepo
59. The meaning of Abu
Sayyaf is?

A. Holder of the sword

B. Founder of the sword
C. Bearer of the sword
D. Keeper of the sword
60. The federal police force in
Canada and one of the most
recognized of its kind in the world.

A. Royal Canadian Mounted Police

B. Gendarmerie Royale du Canada
C. Royal Gendarmerie of Canada

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