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introd uc tio n t o

ering m a na g e m ent
engine ineer
ic s a nd N ee ds of an Eng
Characterist P o s itions
o O b tain M an ag e m e nt
a n E ng in ee r t
Routes for e r ial P o s itio n
n E n g in ee r to a M a n a g
Transition of a
erist ic s a nd Needs
of an En g in ee r
Liking new and different things
Being independent
Being recognized
Exercising technical knowledge and skills
Building relationships with other engineering
Directly attacking problems
Job security
Acceptable work facilities
Economic advancement
Opportunities for self-development, work
variety, appropriate technical assistance,
stimulating and challenging work
Adequate supporting staff
Independence to attack a work problem
Participation in decisions that will affect him or her
Proper work assignment
Competent bosses
Employment with a reputable company
Opportunity for his or her ideas to be practiced
Having clearly defined responsibility and authority
within an organization
Proper recognition for his or her efforts from the
o r an En g ine er to
Routes f
bta in Ma na gem en t
Obtaining an
advanced degree
in management
protégé Changing Job
and doing a
reasonably good

A high degree of
Accomplishing the
assigned jobs on OBTAIN MANAGEMENT
competence and
time and with POSITIONS
excellent quality ability to organize

Reasonable good
Shifting from
service with a firm
and leadership in
engineer to
io n o f an En gi n e er
na ger ia l P os it io n
to a Ma
Dealing with generalities Reading habits
This simply means the engineering The engineer now not only has to read
professional has to work with technical magazines but also the
generalities such as supervision, management ones. However, due to
delegation, sales, and negotiation lack of available time, the individual will
instead of specifics such as force, look for results rather than working to
pressure, weight, and length in understand each and every step of an
engineering. approach or process described in these
Human Relations training people
Now the engineer not only has to look Training others will be important to the
after his or her own interests but also newly appointed engineer-manager
those of the people he or she due to rapid changes in current modern
supervises. He or she will be concerned technology. The people under his or
with maximizing productivity from her direction must be able to perform
people with minimum friction and effort. their jobs effectively
Changing ways of
delivering SPEECHES
Because management solves many of its An engineer’s thinking is usually
problems in meetings, a supervising confined to only one technical project,
engineer or manager is expected to but in managing his or her thinking will
propose, explain, and defend his or her be broader. For example, he or she
ideas in such gatherings. From time to must now be concerned with his or her
time, a manager may also make department’s performance and profit or
speeches to public audiences. All in all, a loss to the overall company. Moreover,
person in a managerial position has to he or she will think in terms of selling
learn to think and talk on his or her feet to others, will think ahead about
in order to advance further in his or her problems, will think of many
car alternatives, and will think while
listening to others.
As no manager can carry out all the
tasks required from his or her
department or group, such tasks must
be delegated to others within the
department. Thus, a person new to a
management position has to learn the
secrets of delegating tasks pleasantly
and effectively

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