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Course title: Reading Writing B2

Assignment title: Writing assignment 1 (1st draft)

Student's full name: Nguyen Huynh Le Han

Student's ID: 2257011029

Instructor's full name: Tran Trung Nguyen, MA (Mr.)

Due date: December 29th, 2022

Comparison essay: Genders and their roles of 2 different species

In the animal world, it is common to observe the disparate position of each member in the pride.
Owing to that, it is generally divided into two roles based on the gender of that species. As
elemental as humans, animals subdivide into masculine and feminine. With the two sexual
categories, they are in charge of their own task in pride so as to gain chances of surviving as a
family when foraging for food, making a home, and constraining them off the claws of the
enemy. By and large, there is a universal belief applied to humans and animals that men are the
breadwinners of the family while women are the ones who take responsibility for nurturing the
child, being the homemaker, and supporting the men’s career. Nonetheless, in animal aspects, in
some cases is utterly antithetical to the former statement that the menfolks will execute the
womenfolks and vice versa.
To begin with, starting with the deer. They have a strict social system that governs territory and
breeding regulations while also guaranteeing their safety. Notwithstanding masculine deer are
known as bucks, female deer are called does, and they are morphologically and behaviorally
unique.d The social standing of a doe can influence her obligations within a herd, whereas a
dominant buck has rights to territory and reproduction. Constituting a social hierarchy is a
crucial survival mechanism for wild deer. Does live differently than males, and they are more
hands-on with their young, known as fawns. A fawn may not live without the care and attention
of a doe, indicating how crucial this animal's nurturing characteristics are. Does are more
sociable than bucks, who normally live alone until the mating season begins. They commonly
live and travel in groups; if a doe gave birth after the previous mating season, she will travel with
her young. She otherwise goes with others. Does in the herd keep an eye out for one another; for
example, if a white-tail doe detects danger, she will elude the area with the white of her tail
visible, acting as a silent warning signal to the others. Bucks compete for the chance to reproduce
by performing ritualized posturing and gestures, as well as occasionally engaging in severe
fighting. Deer bucks, unlike elk, not as caring as does, do not herd groups of females;
nonetheless, a single adult buck may mate with many females.
In contradistinction to deer, the female and male functions of the lion are diametrically opposed
to those of deer. The lion, contrary to widespread assumption, is a matriarchal animal.
Specifically, despite being dubbed "the king of the jungle," the lion is led by a female. Lionesses
are born in a certain place and know where to find the greatest waterholes and hunting areas.
Lionesses hunt and care for their pups together. This enables individuals to make the most use of
their energy, conducing to a better and safer lifestyle. Female lions are more agile than male
lions due to their smaller and lighter physique. During hunting, the smaller lionesses will be in
charge of following the prime target, while the larger, heavier lionesses will raid or catch the
prey. Lionesses are also wonderfully versatile, and they can switch hunting missions based on
the type of prey they wish to catch that day and which female is assigned to that assignment.
They are born in a certain place and know where to find the greatest waterholes and hunting
areas. Females also work together to resist their territory from other lions and to cushion their
cubs from adult males during hunts.
In conclusion, each species will adhere to its category. Some follow the matriarchal concepts, the
others comply with the fatherly approach which generate extremely great living organisms.

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