BME Webinar Report 2024

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Webinar report

Name of the programme : WEBINAR -I Date :

Time : 10.00am to 11.00am
Platform : Google meet
Google meet link :

Resource Person : Dr.S.Titus

K Ramakrishna College of Engineering
Co-ordinator : Mrs.K.Preetha, Asst.Prof/EEE
The department of EEE organized one hour Webinar programme on

“INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS WITH IOT” on 8thJune 2021. Assistant Professor

Mrs.K.Preetha welcomed the gathering. Dr.S.Titus, Professor K Ramakrishna

College of Engineering Trichy discussed the industrial application with IOT. The

various field application of IOT like cyber physical systems, Industry evolution,

factory digitalization, Product flow monitoring, Inventory management, Safety and

security, Quality control, Packaging optimization and logistics and supply chain

optimization were discussed in detail. He also explained the scope of the IOT.

Around 90 participants actively participated in this programme, at end of the session

all participants have been received participants certificates. Finally the Assistant

Professor Mr.J.Nagendran presented the vote of thanks.

Coordinator HOD

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