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Duration: Three hours.

Instructions to candidates. Answer All Questions

1. I) Two events A and B are such that P(A)=1/2, P(B)=1/4 and P ( A ∪ B )= . Find
a) P( A ∩ B)
b) P( A ∩ B' )
c) P(B/ A) (3,2,2)

ii) A bag contains 5 white balls and 7 pink balls. One ball is selected at random from the bag and
replaced by a ball of the other colour. A second ball is selected. Find the probability that

d) Both balls of the same colour

e) The first ball is white and the second ball is pink (3,3)

2. The marks, on 50 of 140 students in a mathematics test, are given in the table below.

Marks(x) 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50

No of students(f) 4 9 18 28 35 28 13 5

Find, to two decimal places,

a) The mean mark
b) The modal mark
c) The standard deviation of the marks
d) Draw a cumulative frequency curve for the data
Using the cumulative frequency curve , estimate
e) The median mark (3,3,2,2,3)
3. A discrete random variable X has the following probability distribution.

X 1 2 3 4
P(X=x) 1/5 3/10 1/10 m


a) The value of m
b) P(X>2) and P(X≥2)
c) The mean and variance of X (2,4,3)

Another random variable Y is such that Y=5X-1.

Find ,

d) The mean of Y
e) The variance of Y (2,2)
4. I) The number of trains that approach a railway station in 30minutes follows a poisson
distribution with parameter 2. Find to 4dp, the probability that
a) Just one train approaches the station in 30minutes
b) At least two approach the station in one hour
c) At most four trains approach in 30 minutes (2,3,3)

ii) Tin tomatoes are packed in boxes of 300. Averagely, 0.6% are found leaking when they are
removed from the boxes. Find to 2 decimal places;

d) P(X=3)
e) P(1<X≤5) (2,3 )
5. The outputs of 10 machines in a workshop are independent random variables, each with
probability density function given by:

ax 0 ≤ x ≤ 10
f ( x )= a ( 20−x ) 10 ≤ x ≤ 20
0 otherwise


i) The value of a
ii) The expectation and variance of each machine. Hence or otherwise,
iii) Find the expected value and variance of the total output from all the machines. (3,3,3,2,2)
6. The table below shows the number of plates of rice and fufu corn sold in a restaurant in ten
days of sale

Rice(x) 25 20 12 15 14 24 20 13 14 10
Fufu(y) 10 14 12 13 6 10 8 5 6 7

a) The pearson product moment correlation coefficient for the data
b) The least squares regression line of the number of plates of rice sold on the number of
plates of fufu sold.
c) The least squares regression line of the number of plates of fufu sold on the number of
plates of rice. (5,4,4)
7. I) A random variable X is normally distributed with mean 50 and standard deviation 10. Find the
probability that X assumes a value between 45 and 62
ii) A newspaper reported that 75% of students regularly failed exams in college. A dean believes
the figure is different at his college. He asks a sample of 160 students and 109 say they fail. Test
at 5% level of significance, the dean’s belief. (5,8)

8. I) Two sample data from the same population are given below.
Sample 1: n1=10, ∑ X=100 , ∑ X 2 =1065.86

Sample 2: n2=15,∑ X=147 , ∑ X 2=1529.68

Find the unbiased estimates the following;

a) The population mean, using the two samples

b) The population standard deviation using sample one
c) What are some the reasons necessary for data to be taken?
ii) The mean and standard deviation of a random sample of size 100 is 900 and 60 respectively. If
the population is normally distributed , find a 96% confidence interval of the population mean.


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