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Strangling Aunty: Perilous Times for

the Australian Broadcasting

Corporation 1st ed. 2021 Edition Small
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Strangling Aunty:
Perilous Times for the
Australian Broadcasting
Virginia Small
Strangling Aunty: Perilous Times for the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation

“In her lament for a sadly diminished national icon, Dr Small describes how in this
digital world, the ABC “has left the private box and joined the mosh pit”. How
“opinion has not only infiltrated fact in news, raised voices drown out ‘old’ stan-
dards of ethics, knowledge and probity”. She blames the broadcaster’s declining
audiences on poor leadership and squandered cultural capital, not politicians or
media rivals. Required reading for ABC friends, politicians and, all media students.”
—Maurice Newman AC, former Chairman, Australian
Broadcasting Corporation

“In this engrossing and comprehensive volume, Dr Small uses Pierre Bourdieu’s
theories to show that Australia’s premier public broadcaster, the ABC, has been
more effective in holding power to account when it controls its own élite field
because that’s where it has legitimate authority. She argues for a more empowered,
nuanced and proactive mindset to meet the needs of a world seeking neutrality and
fact. It’s an urgently needed book.”
—Dr John Cokley, CQUniversity
Virginia Small

Strangling Aunty:
Perilous Times for the
Virginia Small
University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy
Canberra, NSW, Australia

ISBN 978-981-16-0775-2    ISBN 978-981-16-0776-9 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer
Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
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Gratitude for the extraordinarily generous and sustaining inspiration from

Dr James Warn, Hamish Conroy, Edward Conroy and Patrick Conroy.
Louise Kaktin ̧š and Leon de Bord, thank you.
To the University of New South Wales Canberra, Australian Defence
Force Academy (ADFA) School of Business for ongoing support and
encouragement, especially former Head of School Professor Michael
O’Donnell and Professor of Finance and Deputy Head (Research)
Satish Chand.
Thank you to the reviewers Maurice Newman AC and Dr John Cokley,
as well as Palgrave Macmillan’s anonymous reviewer, for their invaluable
feedback and perspicacious observations.
And finally, the generous time, insights and reflection by senior
Australian politicians, former ABC senior leaders and former ABC senior
staff who agreed to be interviewed for this research. Their confidential
contributions are respected and highly appreciated.
This book is dedicated to my father the late Lloyd Small, an ABC audi-
ence member, true to the end.
Valerie Small, valete (2020) to my precious mother; and to Marion
Edwards (2020), my irreplaceable Aunty.


1 Institutional Frameworks and Losing the Field   1

2 Managing the ABC 119

3 The ABC: Service for Funding 219

4 What Ideas Rule? A Decline Towards “pop and pap” or a

“duty to serve”? 457

5 Losing the Brand in the Australian Media Landscape 621

6 Political Influences on the ABC: The Loss of the Greater

Good 791

7 Future Options 897



About the Author

Virginia Small is a visiting fellow at the School of Business at UNSW

ADFA, Canberra, and has worked at the ABC for over 18 years in a variety
of broadcasting roles. Prior to that she was also a finance journalist at the
Sydney Morning Herald and a money market reporter at Australian
Associated Press. At the ABC she was a respected newsreader and econom-
ics journalist and produced and presented a high-rating business program
on Radio National. As a news broadcaster and journalist, she gained a day-
to-day insight into the goings-on of the ABC and the changes of manage-
ment and its impact. She has a doctoral degree in communication, a
master’s degree in professional communication and a master’s in literature.

List of Images

Image 1.1 The ABC takes the field (literally): Sporting announcer
Talbot Duckmanton standing (with technician
Stanley Bancroft seated) providing radio commentary from a
Sydney golf course, c. late 1940s. From this relatively simple
start, the ABC developed a pivotal role in presenting sports
to Australians. Duckmanton became General Manager of the
ABC from 1965–1982. Bancroft retired as ABC Supervisor
Radio Operation, NSW in 1974 after 50 years’ service. Both
men’s suited attire, while a reflection of the times, also
expressed how the institution valued unseen radio. Image
courtesy of the National Archives of Australia. NAA: C1748,
Image 1.2 The ABC Lissajous (far right) in a sticker made by Friends of
the ABC on a light pole in a Canberra public carpark. It
shows how the ABC has been appropriated as an endangered
“animal” (icon), along with the Australian animals the
platypus (far left) and koala (middle). All have been
anthropomorphised with mournful eyes and the stark
dissimilarities between a national institution and national
fauna overlooked to press the link between the ABC and
Australian identity—the space of shared habitus between the
three. Photo: Virginia Small 76

xii List of Images

Image 2.1 World renowned conductor, (Charles) Dean Dixon,

appointed permanent conductor of the Sydney
Symphonic (later Symphony) Orchestra in 1964. Dixon was
the third conductor in the history of the orchestra and his
engagement with the SSO ended in 1967. Dixon had
also conducted the New York Philharmonic. Australian News
& Information Bureau. 1963. Courtesy National Archives of
Australia. Personalities—The ABC appointed Mr Dean Dixon
as the permanent conductor of the Sydney Symphonic
Orchestra. Principal Credit: Australian News & Information
Bureau. 1963. Series: A1200, L43222. Item ID: 30672627.
Image 3.1 “The ABC stands corrected.” Cartoon by Andrew Dyson,
The Age. Fairfax Photos. Nine. Published 17 October 2006.
Re-printed with permission from the artist. The cartoon was
published in the same edition of The Age (Melbourne) in
which the then Managing Director, Mark Scott, had written
an article: “Stamping out bias at the ABC” on changes that
were to be implemented to improve its “editorial health”
(ibid.). The characters depicted in the cartoon are the two
main characters (B1 and B2) from the popular
ABC children’s television program “Bananas in Pyjamas” 228
Image 4.1 “Tex arcana: The man in black and the ring of fire.” Cartoon
by Johannes Leak, The Australian. Published 3 January
2020. Reprinted with permission from the artist. This
cartoon referred to the ABC’s 2019-2020 New Year’s Eve
concert in Sydney 517
Image 5.1 Four Corners’ Michael Charlton interviews Sir Douglas
Copland, a delegate of the 1963 Australian Citizenship
Convention from 4–7 June 1963, in Canberra. Courtesy of the
National Archives of Australia. Immigration—Citizenship
Convention. Almost 300 delegates attended the 1963
Australian Citizenship Convention from 4–7 June in Canberra.
The Convention was officially opened by the Prime Minister,
Sir Robert Menzies, and the Minister for Immigration,
Alexander Downer, gave a report to delegates on Immigration
developments and trends during 1962–1963. The Australian
Broadcasting Commission gave a comprehensive coverage of
the Convention of the television program “Four Corners”,
presented nationally on ABC television. Here the compere,
Michael Charlton, interviews Sir Douglas Copland, one of the
Convention Delegates. 1963. Series: A12111,
1/1963/11/15. Item ID: 8278160. Canberra 628
List of Images  xiii

Image 6.1 Dame Enid Lyons, federal politician and ABC board member
1951–1962. Photographer: Athol Smith, F.R.P.S Melbourne.
1950. Courtesy of the National Archives of Australia. ABC
publicity photos. Item 3062, series SP1011/1. Item ID
5410755. Sydney 802
Image 7.1 Lord Mayor of Sydney, Alderman Harry Jensen, showing
artwork in his Sydney Town Hall office to VD Madgulkar
(All India Radio, Poona) right, and Abu Bakar bin Ahmad
(Brunei Radio), left, participants in a three months’ rural
broadcasting course in 1960. It was organised by the ABC
under the Federal Government’s Colombo Plan. Courtesy of
the National Archives of Australia. Photographer, John
Tanner. 1960. Series: A1501, A2456/3. Item ID: 8890053.
List of Tables

Table 1.1 Charter of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Section

6 of ABC Act 1983). Available at: https://www.legislation.
Table 3.1 Summary corpus of analysis in ABC coverage of Pell case 285
Table 3.2 ABC News and views reports authorship 300
Table 3.3 Corpus analysis 322
Table 4.1 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Editorial Policies.
(2014). 7 HARM AND OFFENCE. 9 October 2014.
ABC. Retrieved from Https://Edpols.Abc.Net.Au/
Policies/7-­Harm-­And-­Offence/ 469
Table 4.2 Exalted Digital. (2019). Social media statistics.
World + Australia. Retrieved from: https://www.­media-­statistics-­world-­australia/ 483


Institutional Frameworks and Losing

the Field

1.1   Australia’s ABC

This book provides a rigorous and timely analysis of the role of the
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) as a public service broad-
caster by examining the impacts of changes and shifting dynamics in the
external media environment, key political and business actors as well as the
role of the internal staff culture, and the way in which this confluence of
forces have begun to strangle the voice of ‘Aunty’ (aka the ABC). It
addresses a gap in the literature where previous publications on the ABC
tended to reflect the cognitive scripts of the staff culture, and, as this book
reveals, these understandings operate within the field and enact its norms
in a defensive way, rather than providing a wider perspective as to how the
staff culture serves as an actor in the operation of the ABC. Also, this book
contributes significantly to the research literature with its rigorous analysis
of the ways in which social media have transformed and dislocated the
entire professional media environment and assesses the limited under-
standing that Australia’s politicians, ABC management and staff have had
of this impact and its ramifications and consequences in terms of the ABC’s
necessary transitions, where the rush to change has overwhelmed all else.
Drawing on Institutional Logics theory and Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory,
this book extends the theoretical framing of the role of a public broad-
caster as well as providing a richer understanding of the contested field(s)

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 1

Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
V. Small, Strangling Aunty: Perilous Times for the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation,

in which the public broadcaster operates; and, notes the importance of

maintaining its cultural capital and reputational capital as vehicles for
creditable evolution in the contemporary digitalised media landscape.
The ABC is Australia’s only national fully publicly-funded broadcaster
public service broadcaster (PSB)/public service media (PSM).1 Former
Chairman, Justin Milne, and past Managing Director, Michelle Guthrie,
stated in the 2018 Annual Report, the ABC was capable of doing
everything—all to all and: “meets the needs of both niche and mass
audiences”2 referencing online activities plus now ‘old-fashion’ legacy
media—radio and television. This book challenges this pronouncement
that it continues to serve equally the niche and mass needs. Its current
funding by the Federal Government is a three-­year budget of AUD3.16
billion for 2019–2022. It has received what is called triennial funding
since 1989. Currently, it serves a population of over 24 million Australians.
The budget has grown with the population it serves but has then been
reduced some. In reality, Aunty’s voice has had several ‘choke points’;
more recently she came under renewed pressure in 2018 when the Federal
Government announced a three-year freeze on its funding indexation,
which resulted in cuts to the ABC output with the loss of AUD28 million
in 2020–2021 and over AUD41 million in 2021–2022 (Lallo, 2020).3
Its first budget in 1932 was A£6900 (described as a “loan” from the
Commonwealth Government) plus revenue of A£250,618/1O/ (some of
which was revenue from licence fees and orchestra performances etc.).
The total amounted to A£257,518/10/or just over what would be today
AUD25 million (accounting for inflation) at a time when the population
of Australia was 6.5 million people. When the ABC began in 1932, it was
on air for 49,133 hours over the financial year (ABC Annual Report
1939–1940) and there were 369,945 radio licenses (and radio licence fees
once formed part of its funding structure), equivalent to 5.67% of the
population.4 The bulk of radio programming content then was dedicated
to music, its foundational cultural capital and it was the early contacts and
associations made by its senior management in the music world that
formed its reputation as an iconic and unique representative of Australian
culture and nationhood. Public Service Broadcasting institutions were
established by governments as radio monopolies in early 20th century to
control a public good (Scannell, 1997). In Australia, the ABC was formed
to disseminate education and culture, although that broad vision has met
with overall financial curtailment due to historical waxing and waning
interest and support from federal governments. This book does not

analyse the vicissitudes of declines and reprieves in ABC budgets. Rather

than an economic and financial capital analysis of ABC activity, this book
unpacks the accompanying, less quantified, less analysed, but sometimes
precipitative decline in its cultural and reputational capitals.
Today, the ABC provides continuous coverage on multiple platforms
with a national radio and television network and an extensive remit of
online content, overseas transmissions, including music. Music had been a
formative and a highly valued constituent of the content mix for the ABC
and much overlooked in recent perspectives on the ABC where news con-
tent is assumed to have formed its respected reputation. The ABC has
production and transmission operations in all the capital cities of the six
states (New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia,
Queensland and Tasmania) and two territories (Canberra, Australian
Capital Territory and Darwin, Northern Territory). Sydney (NSW) and
Melbourne (Victoria) have been considered the two most important
offices for the ABC, followed by what is known in-house at the ABC as
“the BAPH states”—Brisbane (Queensland), Adelaide (South Australia),
Perth (Western Australia) and Hobart (Tasmania). Its prodigious digital
offerings via ABC Online offer streamed broadcasting, multi-channels,
news pages, apps, podcasts and a range of websites for its programs. The
ABC also has a robust social media presence on Twitter and Facebook.
It is worth remembering, however, that from the outset its mission was
to be a cultural institution and educator, which aimed to take advantage of
its public role, extensive reach and give a nod to its British heritage from
the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The first annual report
(1932–1933) stated:

The Commission has realised that it has a certain responsibility in the matter
of public education, since it controls a facility for spreading information
upon every subject to thousands of citizens.5

The first annual report in 1932 added this arresting point about the
ABC’s role educating Australians:

One of the conclusions arrived at is that the most satisfactory method of

education is the enlargement of interest rather than the mere presentation of

Then, in the ABC’s 1939–1940 Annual Report the launch of broad-

casting to schools was said to:

Conduce to the building of a better educated democracy. A very important

point is that it encourages the intelligent use of broadcast programs. Apart
from what the child learns of nature or music or history, he may, under the
guidance of the teacher develop his powers of concentration and selection
when listening to the spoken word.7

Consequently, the ABC’s impacts as both cultural and educational

institution, especially in its stated Institutional Logics to “concentrate”
and “select” “the spoken word” have been profound in Australia and
there were noteworthy and serendipitous instances of this. For example, in
2001 the late former President of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid, when
a guest at the 40th anniversary party of ABC Television’s Foreign
Correspondent, an international current affairs program, told the
gathering: “I got my English from Radio Australia” (Inglis, 2002).8 The
ABC’s Radio Australia, launched in 1939 at the start of World War II, is
Aunty’s international broadcasting (and online) voice (although it has
been diminished considerably in its footprint with waning support from
both the ABC and Australian governments). So, while the ABC has always
been a major part of Australian media it has also had a unique reach in
occupying its own field of education, in this case to Papua New Guinea,
Asia and South Pacific nations. Radio Australia had given Aunty—and the
Australian Government—international impact, regional ascendancy and
soft diplomacy. Locally, the ABC developed its goal to teach Australians
what they needed to know to be observant citizens of a parliamentary
democracy and take an informed opinion to the ballot box, of which
compulsory voting was, and still is, a very important adjunct to the ABC’s
role. Put simply, if everyone votes, everyone needs to know the objective
facts. At a time of dramatic change in the traditional media as newspapers,
radio and television struggle to compete and maintain audiences with a
less regulated, more edgy, booming voiced, ‘snatch and grab’ emergent
digital media field it would seem that nothing could be more beneficial
than a clearer understanding of how Australia’s major PSM is informing its
citizens, and even regional neighbours, through its content as a cultural
and educational institution.

This book makes three central assumptions:

1. That the ABC has been a central force in “defining, describing and
delimiting what it is possible to say and not possible to say” (Kress,
1985)9 in discourses on Australia’s nationhood and identity, obtain-
ing consensus, creating national idioms and legitimating and
upholding its parliamentary democracy and institutions that form
the struts of its civil society.
2. That the organisation has been undergoing major changes over
many years that have contributed to its decline, subject to a diverse
range of pressures that cannot be blamed exclusively and solely on
malicious politicians, destructive commercial media actors, or
funding cuts.
3. Therefore, that the challenged times of the ABC can also be attrib-
uted to a lack of planning and understanding by ABC leadership and
governments of the ­critical need to value and preserve its esteemed
reputational and prized experimental status as it made the necessary
transition from a PSB to a PSM outfit.

While there is ongoing concern in Australia over the concentration of

media ownership in the hands of the few, of far greater concern is that
Australians are increasingly inclined to get their news from social media
and blogs (Centre for Media Transition, 2020 quoting Fisher et al.,
2019),10 and even though television news is still dominant among con-
sumers, the quality of the news seems to have become irrelevant because
“news literacy in Australia is quite low” (ibid.) anyway. Therefore, this
inhibits audience discernment and permits variable quality of content.
Allied with this, the taking of content for free from professional media
outlets has been causing a crisis in the media for some time. In 2020, the
Federal Government made changes that would legislate to compel inter-
net giants pay for the news they plundered and re-platformed. However,
it was almost too late to save Australia’s only news agency, Australian
Associated Press (AAP), which was rescued by philanthropists and inves-
tors from closure. It has provided independent, subscription-based news
to most newsrooms throughout Australia since 1935. AAP Chairman (and
News Corporation Group Executive), Campbell Reid, said “it is a great
loss that professional and researched information provided by AAP is
being substituted with the un-researched and often inaccurate informa-
tion that masquerades as real news on the digital platforms” (Mason,

2020a).11 The consequences of the loss of AAP would have been pro-
found. Firstly, this near collapse of AAP revealed the high degree of piracy
carried out by the internet media platforms looting content that had been
paid for by news outlets who employed journalists and paid attendant
costs such as salaries, rental of premises, electricity bills, staff superannua-
tion, recreation and other leave, tea for the tea room, et cetera; second, it
connoted the extraordinary impact of disinformation (fake news) where
crowd-sourcing has devalued the individual, investigative, time-consuming
work of journalists (Dailey & Starbird, 2014)12; third, and allied to this,
was how easily the public’s sense of genuine news had been violated and
perverted; and fourth, the ABC is Australia’s only other significant
independent news gatherer—albeit even after a shift away from the
industrial model of media production. It is a sobering situation for a liberal
democracy challenged by autocratic nation states, online security threats
as well as what a Brookings Institute report identified as a populist
challenge trying to “drive a wedge between democracy and liberalism”
(Galston, 2018).13
Content that was plucked from Australian media companies had, up
until 2020, been available to Google, Facebook and the like for free. It
augmented the content on social media where news is sourced widely, as a
consequence of this free abundance. The Digital News Report produced
by Reuters Institute and Oxford University found that the largest group
they surveyed (36%) was educated in the news via social media, 35% did an
internet search, while 31% retrieved news from direct entry to a news
source (Newman et al., 2016).14 It showed that news was being curated
and filtered by algorithms based on popularity and “hits”. No longer is
Aunty seen as the singular wise, elder woman who knows what’s best for
us to know. Australians have moved on. This change in news consumption
is dramatic and cannot be underestimated on its ramifications for main-
taining an educated and informed society. It has led to a consequential loss
in Aunty’s monopolistic educational presence in the public sphere. The
main questions it prompts for the purposes of looking beyond this research
are: “Who are the new online educators?”, “What is their information?”
and “How do they contribute to a healthy, vibrant liberal democracy?”.
The Reuters Institute and Oxford University report pointed out that
public service broadcasters around the world were facing questions: about
perceived biases, about free news competing with paid content and about
whether public funds should continue to pay for public media. Over-­
arching this is the umbrella concern that PSM is now a dated concept

anyway by virtue of its ‘dated’ creation at a time of need after the turn of
the twentieth century. All media outfits and their actors, including the
PSM, struggle to get eyeballs on their online content. While the Reuters
Institute and Oxford University research did not look at Australia’s ABC,
several points made can be extrapolated to include the ABC. Those sur-
veyed did point out that older broadcasters tended to be considered more
reliable, built-up by virtue of their longevity. Sixty-four per cent of
Australians said they shared or commented on news; however, the research
noted that “sharing and commenting on the news is still largely the prov-
ince of a small group of dedicated and highly motivated users”. These
people then become the opinion makers, which deserves further research
into the veracity of news and growing resort to experts who inform news
reports. Also, and perhaps most challenging, is that everyone is not
continuously online reading and sharing news—in other words, not all are
online all day, every day. This is an erroneous but concomitant assumption
made by politicians of social media where politicians readily chop and
change policy, for example, when social media turns hostile towards them.
This is another area challenging governments and credible, consistent
This book is an effort to bring clarity to controversy, promote informed,
respectful discussion and strong support for the ABC, in describing the
sort of media world to which it may continue to contribute and thrive.
There is no single trope or potted explanation of the ABC because there
has been a confluence of forces and activities exerted on the organisation
over time and it is only through the enduring tenacity of the institution
and the legacy affection of Australians that it survives. The ABC was estab-
lished to provide cohesion to Australian culture and a sense of Australian
identity. Its early mission called the organisation to educate Australians as
to who they were and to what they could aspire, culturally and politically.
The ABC drew the cultural borders and built bridges of understanding.
The ABC defined Australians’ place in the world. The organisation was
charged with locating and building Australian patriotism, as a unifying
concept—not an internally divisive one, and the ABC has had to rise to the
challenge of engaging and reflecting a contemporary Australia that moved
from a British-based culture to one of the most multicultural, multi-faith
nations in the world. On that formidable scale alone, the ABC’s task (and
Australia’s) has been immense and extraordinarily successful. The
relationship between the ABC and governments’ policies on that could
have worked well (mostly). Swiss philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau

described patriotism as something that rises above differences to “the

most immediate, accessible form of public-spirited devotion of the
common good” (Rousseau, 1762 transl. Gourevitch, 2003)15 and certainly
the mission of the ABC has always been to grow and facilitate an Australian
analysis and worldview for the Commonwealth of Australia and in the
Australian public interest for the greater good.
An example of this is the ABC’s long-standing use of foreign corre-
spondents posted to major overseas cities and world regions. The ABC has
been one of Australia’s major drivers of identity in supporting Australians
finding their place in the world and learning about what mattered to the
nation from afar. The ABC has been a good global citizen, implicitly
emphasising in its published content that a citizen’s first responsibility was
to their country (then to the world, as global citizens). The annual broad-
casts, and then televising and live-streaming of ANZAC (Australia and
New Zealand Army Corp) Day dawn services on 25 April that included
Christian prayers, hymns and exhortations, as well as the returned forces’
and services’ marches through capital cities around Australia is one exam-
ple of the ABC’s explicit duty to country and citizenship. This sharing of
what mattered to Australians also forged an Australian identity, ironically
through the human loss, destruction, sorrow and fear caused by Australia’s
military engagements; not just World War I which ANZAC Day com-
memorates, but all wars and engagements. Over time, the day has become
a redolent device in describing unifying Australian narratives and values,
thanks to the enduring commitment of the ABC.
Another different example of its support of national interests occurred in
2019 when the ABC announced that its app (application) ABC News was
named “Accessible App of the Year” and “Government App of the Year” at
the Australian Access Awards. This was the inaugural awards run by the
Centre for Accessibility which was a “not for profit” group established to
promote digital access for people with disability. The ABC said its news app
had “been designed for use by everyone, including viewers with impaired
sight, hearing, mobility and cognition” (ABC, 2019a).16 This was a signifi-
cant success for a media outfit charged with shepherding the national inter-
est for all Australians. However, this same digital space has created challenges
for the public broadcasters, now seeing a period of transition where it is
losing cultural capital, especially through its raw engagement with and reli-
ance on social media. Therefore, the central problem to be investigated in
this book is how the public broadcaster, the ABC, originating and creating
its cultural capital and reputational capital in old media has transitioned to

what was once referred to as ‘new’ media. Ultimately, the research finds it
is struggling and Aunty’s voice is being strangled.
The genesis of ABC cultural capital was in its Institutional Logics artic-
ulated at its launch in 1932 to: “provide information and entertainment,
culture and gaiety, and to serve all sections and satisfy the diverse tastes of
the public” (Inglis, 1983, quoting Lyons).17 This preceding quote situ-
ated the case that the ABC had a primary role as an educator in 1932 as
signalled by the Prime Minister, Joseph Lyons’ launch speech. While it
was allowed to “collect news” (ibid.) it had to support Australian culture
as its primary role, not broadcast news. The ABC, therefore, had nascent
“artistic legitimacy” (Bourdieu, 1984).18 It was this that built the audi-
ences and subsequent respect invested in the organisation. Later, it evolved
into a unique outfit of news collection and dissemination in Australia
remote from the commercial and advertising pressures to sell news (and,
therefore, aloof from the pressures of vested interests). It had operated
concurrently with commercial media but had also become entrenched as
the ‘über’ media institution playing a dominant role in media, cultural and
intellectual life, giving free and universal access to ABC content, funded
by licence fees for radio and then television until 1974 when they were
ended by the then Labor Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Universality of
access and content has been the basis of the ABC, offering diverse content
to cater for all Australian tastes. Now it grapples with algorithms and filter
bubbles—a contradictory situation for PSM. In essence, it quests for
bespoke content to meet individual interests—yet is required to serve a
general audience.
This book makes the claim that the ABC forged its respected position
in Australian society because of its initial and sustained status as a purveyor
of participatory culture and as an educator in culture. Its reputation for
probity and excellence in investigative journalism came much later. But
the ABC has been drawing down on its remaining cultural capital reserves
in recent times amidst claims of inaccuracies, partiality, trivialisation and
bias. Journalism augmented the ABC’s cultural status, but did not form it,
so the deletion of cultural content (this includes in-house drama produc-
tions and the decision to avoid covering the 2020 Olympic Games (moved
to 2021 because of the Coronavirus pandemic) and platforming strident
and legally contentious opinions on social media as representative of all
Australian publics are some examples of how it has seriously challenged its
status as an Australian icon and institution tasked with being universal—
‘all to all’. Scannell (2005) said institutions, such as PSMs, faced the

challenge of “squaring the circle” (Ibid. p. 141.) of being inclusive while

also encouraging differences. Aunty has lost sight of both her universality
in her drift from being a reflective institutional broadcaster to an on-
demand outfit, motivated to respond to social media as a source of con-
tent in the belief it represented issues of concern to the greater good. Yet,
research has shown that the practice of using social media as a guide to
public opinion is problematised. Specifically, when journalists use person-
ally identifiable data (that individuals may not want published) and, in
addition, not all citizens put their voice on social media (Dubois et al.,
Taking the particular as representative of the general compromises the
historical concept of the ABC’s (and indeed all PSM outfits’) universality.
To the extent that the literature has argued PSMs demonstrated “a need
for a ‘public service’ algorithm that goes beyond the narrowing down of
choice to personal preferences” (Van den Bulck & Moe, 2018). A constant
emphasis on probity and thoroughness throughout the ABC’s history as
an educational and news organisation has been explicit and implicit
Institutional Logics in supporting its élite, privileged role and gathering its
audiences in the cultural, institutional and educational fields. Even the
ABC logo and three letters itself20 exerted institutionalised capital. They
were easily recognised and identified with a quality, valued, credentialed
organisation: “The ABC is a fine set of initials for a body setting out to
enlighten the nation, connoting the beginning of knowledge” (Inglis,
1983 quoting first ABC Chairman Sir Charles Lloyd-Jones).21 It was
renowned for: “accuracy, impartiality, independence and integrity …” and
“the pattern I have described seems to recur regardless of technological
change” (Chadwick, 2012).22 But this book argues that cannot be the
case, with its digital changes, and chopped activities bringing a loss of
public goodwill and decline of its credibility, eroded by an infiltration of
opinion and lack of attendance to the needs, best interests and educational
aspirations of all Australians. The ABC has relinquished its once powerful
role in its media field through a lack of planning and lack of respect for
what it jettisoned. Attention needed to be paid to: what could be pre-
served and what needed to change in the monumental shift in media, the
challenge of funding cuts and general loss of passion in Australia to sup-
port anything ‘public’? These were critical concerns for the institution and
governments, and both needed to rivet their attention on this question for
the sake of the institution as a national asset. The book will examine some

diverse case studies, as part of this discussion of the disjuncture between,

put simply, the theory of the ABC and what has evolved as practice.
In addressing these concerns, an important part of the institutional
analysis of this book situates the ABC in the history and vested purpose of
the outfit and situate ongoing institutional changes in the light of these.
The Postmaster-General’s original oversight of the finances of the ABC
reinforced that the “new” medium of radio was to build Australian culture
through the communication of information and education (The Courier
Mail, 1934)23 via Federal Government influence (Petersen, 1993).24
According to Petersen (1993) rural Australia was prioritised where “politi-
cal interest was focused around the demands from country people that …
should have priority access over the new medium” (ibid.). In response to
regular complaints that the ABC has become Sydney and Melbourne-­
focused and regional and rural Australians are unrepresented and left
unengaged, the ABC announced in 2020 that it would focus more on
these apparently forgotten demographics (FarmOnline & AAP, 2020).25
This was part of its five year plan announced in 2020. Then in 2021 it
announced that it would move 300 of its Sydney staff to a new western
Sydney office because the Chair Ita Buttrose said there were “fair”
perceptions that the ABC was “too inner-city focused” (Samios, 2021).
Communications Minister, Paul Fletcher, who has oversight of the ABC
said it was a “good first step” (Ibid). Earlier the ABC (2016)26 had said:
“as Australia’s oldest national broadcaster, the ABC has a long connection
with, and a deep commitment to, serving all Australian audiences” but
admitted in 2019 there were: “some parts of the community that we don’t
serve as well as we could be” (Duke, 2019a)27 and that the new focus
would be: “people living in Sydney’s west … along with Melbourne’s east,
Brisbane’s south and Perth’s south west, and regional cities like Newcastle
and Geelong” (ibid.). Earlier, in 2019 the Australian Parliament had
amended the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 ABC Charter
to require it to be more representative of regional and national identity as
well as the “geographic and cultural diversity of the Australian commu-
nity” and have two board members with “a substantial connection to, or
substantial experience in” regional Australia with the concomitant estab-
lishment of a Regional Advisory Council to advise the board and for it to
report annually on the number of staff employed in regional and metro-
politan areas including the journalist support staff ratio (Parliament of
Australia, 2019).28

But the ABC’s Head of News, Gaven Morris, also revealed that while
the ABC “loved” its older audience, it was now looking at “an audience
growth strategy” (Duke, 2009a) because of what were described as falling
television audiences and static numbers of radio listeners. Morris added
none of the ABC’s new approaches would mean it was competing with
commercial media outlets (Loc. Cit.). Former ABC Chairman, Jim
Spigelman, said: “independent surveys have consistently affirmed that
about nine in ten Australians believe that the ABC provides ‘valuable ser-
vices’ to the Australian community and about half believe that the services
are ‘very valuable’” (Spigelman, 2013).29 Past Managing Director,
Geoffrey ­Whitehead, identified these key issues facing the ABC, that also
pointed to the evolving participatory media environment: “for radio, how
to distribute an existing valuable program content more effectively to
more Australians; for television, how to divert more resources into distinc-
tive, entertaining as well as informative Australian content” (Whitehead,
In terms of Bourdieu’s theories of practice, field, symbolic power and
cultural capital, Aunty has no mastery or legitimacy in the perilous
commercial media field. It is a field that is at odds with her public service,
publicly-funded remit. Yet, with the ABC now operating in the commercial
field the consequence has been that the informed news needed in the
public sphere is being strangled in a diverse mêlée of operators scrabbling
for “hits” (popularity) and paying subscribers. Commercial news enter-
prises are businesses run for profit. News is published to sell. The end of
the ‘rivers of gold’ of classified advertisements for newspapers and the shift
in advertising online, the promotion of opinion in lieu of facts, and the
audience reluctance to pay for editorial content and insatiable hunger for
entertaining news that can be shared on social media means competition
is relentless and ferocious.
This book argues that the ABC ventured promptly, innocently and
wholeheartedly into this digital commercial content field without valuing
the special nature of its existing field, élite cultural capital and reputa-
tional capital that was its unique ‘selling point’ and access point for all
Australians. The ABC must belong in the digital space, prominently, but
in the process of wanting to fit-in and be ‘liked’ in this new field means one
of two assumptions were made: (1) much of Aunty’s capital has been
devalued because it was considered dated and ‘old hat’ or, (2) the organ-
isation assumed that its reputational capital and cultural capital were
perennial qualities that would follow it everywhere and anywhere.

According to Bourdieu (1983), however, the field had to be “reproduced”—

or it would be “lost”. So, there should be no surprise that there is
“unprecedented hostility” (Meade, 2018a) towards the ABC by News
Corporation now that Aunty has placed herself in the commercial field and
that “the existential threat to the national broadcaster has perhaps never
been greater”31 (ibid.), and growing. Commercial media now finds itself
with a fully-publicly subsidised actor in the midst of its sandpit. Research
in Europe showed the commercial sector there was not performing as well
as the PSM, yet PSM also faced survival challenges (Sehl, 2020).
The literature has identified a gap in understandings of the concepts of
“public interest, public good, and public culture” (Tracey, 1998)32 where
the fundamental crisis in public broadcasting is one of, as Tracey (1998)
described, “a sense of responsibility to a public as well as a private interest”
(ibid.)33 all precipitated by “a broadband culture” which included “unlim-
ited sources of entertainment” (Loc. Cit.).34 The painful consequence has
been that all public service broadcasters (and public serviced generally) are
shrinking and downsizing by being forced to apply the same ‘for-profit’
private sector management expectations that emerged in the 1980s of:
‘efficiencies’, ‘targets’ (Tracey, 1998), ‘quotas’, ‘performance’, ‘econo-
mies of scale’, ‘outcomes’, ‘dividends’ (and even ‘bonuses’ and rewards for
performance). The once intangible, invisible value of national enrichment
and the efficacy of independent public broadcasting have been monetised
and traumatised in the process by these ‘foreign’ expectations. The ethe-
real, unquantifiable role of the ABC has never been successfully valued
against its mammoth contributions to Australia. That is the ultimate
tragedy of its present decline. As a once stellar fixture of the Australian
media there is blame on two sides—it was taken for granted and it also
took itself for granted. As the respected media academic, Professor Paddy
Scannell, (2005) said “it is a mark of how far we have lost sight of the
essential meaning of broadcasting that it is discussed today in the language
of economics and consumer choice and the political rhetoric of citizenship”
(Scannell, 2005 p. 142). The citizen is now the consumer.
It is not the objective of this book to speak in detail about matters,
incidents and hearsay from within the ABC’s past or present, its manage-
ment, simmering staff conflicts, unhappiness or score-settling. This book
is not a polemic, nor is it a nostalgic attempt to idealise and valorise the
ABC. Despite the best and well-meaning efforts of various leaders and
managements, the ABC was always problematised and challenged. It is
also not the objective of this book to re-write the history of the ABC from

1932 to the present. These matters have been addressed ably and in detail
by extant grey and academic literature written by ABC historians and for-
mer ABC employees. This literature includes: Bolton (1967), Dixon
(1975), Inglis (1983, 2006), Thomas (1980), Semmler (1981), Buttrose
(1984), Pullan (1986), Whitehead (1988), Davis (1988), Molomby
(1991), Petersen (1993), Littlemore (1996), Williams (1996), Dempster
(2000), Salter (2007), Scott (2016), O’Brien (2018) and Holmes (2019).
Several of these books appear to “set the record straight” or “settle scores”
and some contain personalised and anecdotal accounts. Cunningham
(2013) said the majority of literature on the ABC had been focused on its
history or commentary and this was either defending or attacking the
organisation but that “an analysis of its innovation track record may offer
a more nuanced pathway” (Cunningham, 2013).35 It is the intention of
this book to address the shortcomings in the literature by contributing to
that discussion with a view to the future of Australia’s only fully publicly
funded, universal media service in an ecology of high-pressure, innovative,
niche media and technology.
Therefore, this book does not seek to replicate the magisterial works of
Professor Ken Inglis who wrote two books on the history of the ABC. His
works encompassed until 2006. Inglis’ analyses of the ABC are often anec-
dotal and personal (especially Inglis, 1983, pp. 45, 87, 65, 116, 149, 256,
331, 398, 415; Inglis, 2006, pp. 126, 239, 295, 342, 393, 462, 468, 492,
514, 522). Instead, this book seeks to take up the story of the ABC, but
through a lens that analyses selected aspects of leadership, institution and
policies and the key challenges of media technology which have impacted
on and will influence the ABC’s future. As this text seeks to analyse the
organisation using Institutional Logics, it will interrogate management
and leadership practices and symbols through language (Thornton et al.,
2012a)36 and Bourdieu’s field theory using content which is on the public
record. It will also pursue themes based on in-confidence interviews with
former prime ministers of the Commonwealth of Australia, former ABC
Managing Directors, former ABC chairs, former ABC board members and
former ABC senior staff. However, all quotes from former political lead-
ers, former chairs, former managers and former staff included in this book
have been taken from the public record only. These quotes sometimes
reference earlier managers where there are linkages with similar issues,
visions and impacts in setting up the role and public expectations of the
ABC and how these have been re-interpreted by the ABC in a digitally
connected commercial media ecology.

The purpose of this book is to test the claim that when the ABC con-
trolled the élite field of media it was far more effective in holding power to
account because it had agency in the élite field—where power resides. The
ABC once had a strong capability in ‘jostling’ and pressuring politicians
and public figures. The ABC insisted on a higher standard of questioning
with a researched, knowledge-based approach to topics being interro-
gated. This book aims to discover a new discernment of how the ABC has
functioned as a uniquely Australian 100% taxpayer-funded public service
media enterprise, the impact of digitisation and the pervasive in-roads of
social media on the organisation. There are diverse forces at work that are
strangling the voice of Aunty—a dear, smart, elderly lady who lives in chal-
lenging times. This book suggests the way forward and how she may sur-
vive it all. The ABC exists in a self-described “digitally-disrupted” age
(Hua, 2016). But it could be more aptly be described as a “digitally-dis-
turbed” age with a psychological reference to the perturbations caused by
the merger of news with social media and, in addition to this, shackled
with a widespread lethargy for the public funding of anything, and new
challenges ahead in the aftermath of the Australian (world) economy
being trampled by the novel Coronavirus pandemic, which was both a
health and economic crisis for the nation (and the world). The conse-
quences of paying for these twin crises means in the future governments,
to use the old proverb, will be ‘turning coins twice’ before spending them.
A re-doubled economic restraint by governments may have even more
consequences for the ABC, as the downturn in advertising and the econ-
omy is having for the traditional commercial media where there have been
massive staff losses in an industry already suffering from the targeted and
cheaper advertising of digital media (Pascoe, 202037; Mason, 2020b38).

1.2   Theories and Methodology Framework:

The Main Arguments
This book applies aspects of French sociologist and anthropologist Pierre
Bourdieu’s field, habitus and cultural capital theories and merges them
with Institutional Logics theory in order to provide a methodological
framework of analysis. The ABC’s habitus contributes to the production of
meaning and is Bourdieu’s (1990) theory of the system of: “durable,
transposable dispositions, structured structures predisposed to function as
structuring structures” (Bourdieu, 1984)39 shaped by “vocations”,
“aspirations” and “expectations” (Bourdieu, 1983).40 The second

methodology of this book, merged with Bourdieu, is Institutional Logics.

It has been criticised as having been used to analyse such a broad range of
academic content that it lacks specificity and may be a blunt instrument in
analysing individual organisations (Lincoln, 1995).41 Yet, in a publicly
funded, public service arts and culture-based organisation the merger of
Institutional Logics with Bourdieu’s field (1983) and cultural production
are complementary theories that provide a useful research paradigm
because of the dynamic synergies between the two.
Institutional Logics, first described by Friedland and Alford (1991) and
Thornton et al. (2012b)42 said that it had grown to be: “recognised as a
core perspective in sociology and organisation theory (Greenwood et al.,
2012)”.43 It speaks specifically to the understanding that “construction of
a cultural institution’s identity is related to the construction of strategic
capabilities and resources” (Glynn, 2000).44 It is hoped that this book will
contribute to the body of research to which Institutional Logics has been
applied to organisations, including symphony orchestras (Glynn, 2000;
Glynn & Lounsbury, 2005),45 book publishers (Thornton & Ocasio,
1999; Thornton, 2001, 2002) and banking (Marquis & Lounsbury,
2007). This book seeks to offer analysis of the ABC using Institutional
Logics and leadership and how cultural challenges and adjustments have
been managed in the face of funding cuts and the media revolution of
digital media. Institutional Logics “represent frames of reference that con-
dition actors’ choices for sense-making” (Thornton et al., 2012b).46 The
book does not take a chronological approach to the ABC. Rather, it selects
various incidents and applies them to framework analysis. Thornton et al.
(2012b) pointed out there were three aspects to Institutional Logics: prin-
ciples, practices and symbols and these can be linked with Bourdieu’s the-
ories of logics and practice (ibid.).
This book takes a unique approach providing a different analytical
framework to investigate how the ABC has adapted to changing institu-
tional dynamics by adding to the prevailing literature, which is more
focused on personal memoirs and reflections. Using Bourdieu combined
with Institutional Logics theory it is hoped this will further the literature
on analysing public broadcasting organisations by using such methodolo-
gies and deepen understandings of the struggles and questionable futures
faced by all public service media (PSM), which is at odds with the impor-
tant role they have fulfilled. It is envisaged that these frameworks will also
help describe the use of fields in determining outcomes, organisational
policy and change within the organisation, and other public broadcasters.

It will canvas how the ABC can re-build itself as the élite media organisa-
tion and return to being an individuated standard-setter, a flag-bearer
within its new field of commercial media.
Through a theoretical framework, this book argues:

1. That the key informal networks being assembled in 1932 were a

significant group of actors to complement commercial media—
intellectuals, musicians, academics, writers—thereby establishing
Bourdieu’s élite field of the ABC which was driven by musical artists
and musically—cultivated ABC managers who wanted to bring free
quality music to the masses. It was an élite, privileged culture that
accomplished it. It was these actors who created the enduring love
for the organisation in spite of its role being “subordinated to its
commercial competitors” (Jones & Pusey, 2010).47 The ‘poor Aunt
of media’ became outrageously, joyously rich in cultural capital and
reputational capital through music and learning.
2. And that, therefore, the key actors forming the habitus and cultural
practices through institutional networks built the organisation’s
Institutional Logics—artistic and entertainment, intellectual and
informational. The heydays of ABC, orchestras and the like were
embodiments of social capital and cultural capital. The ABC was
based on cultural Institutional Logics, where managers created and
mingled in a specific élite field, a reputational capital now threatened
with a headlong clash with Media Logics48—the theory that the media
has inherent rules of the game describing how content is made,
consumed and iterated. There is destructive tension between the two.
3. The ABC has taken the necessary shift into the commercial digital
field, bristling and laden with competition, taking with it Media
Logics, but forgetting its cultural Institutional Logics background
and its immeasurably valuable legacy and reputation. The organisa-
tion’s shift in field from its own élite cultural field to the contested,
commercial, digitised field of news, opinion, commentating, abun-
dant experts and strident voices, occurred in the belief that the ABC
could live off its reputation built on what could be described as
bourgeois power systems (1984).49 Yet, this new-found, aberrant
belief that bourgeois power systems are toxic and unwanted has
damaged and confused the ABC brand—because it formed its
reputation within a bourgeois power system. It needed to take pride
in its élite, privileged background and re-value it. While all opinions

have always mattered, the ABC’s ones mattered most, somehow,

because they were argued with knowledge and respectful inclusive-
ness. It once knew that and held itself erect and disdainful from
uninformed opinion, confident in keeping Australians informed. It
failed to plan and value this heritage and its critical institutional
memory that supported this.
4. The ABC has been pressured on two sides—through technological
necessity and funding cuts—to create a vigorous presence in the
digital space and has responded with great enthusiasm. It has inno-
vated but also re-created spaces once controlled or patrolled by
commercial providers. It has also failed to prepare and update policy
and leadership on how it would specifically retain its cultural capi-
tal. Its management statements imply that everyone knows and
loves the ABC and that this would continue into perpetuity.
Management and staff brook no criticisms, vastly oversimplifying
any attacks (or comments) as part of a Murdoch conspiracy to
destroy the ABC. The rush to digitisation presented unplanned
challenges for the ABC in an online field emboldened with its jour-
nalists platforming opinion as if representative of all Australians and
their civic society. It is mimicking the less fastidious commercial out-
fits in this over-reach and losing its distinctiveness.

Using combined aspects of Bourdieu’s theories, this book seeks to

understand how the ABC built and legitimated its power and how that
power is waning and its voice being strangled, yet could be reclaimed.
These theoretical frameworks will reveal the structures and practices of the
organisation that are usually hidden within the received and normalised
operations and cultural practice and habitus of the organisation by analys-
ing the field in which the ABC operated, how it has shifted from that field
into the digitised and commercialised field of media and the role of key
actors that illuminate the consequences of that process. It will shed light
on how the ABC has managed its transition from being a unique public
service broadcaster to a public service media outlet.
This analysis forms a branch of neo-institutional analysis where field and
actors can be unpacked to nuance understandings of performance, prac-
tice, culture and power relations. This segues with Bourdieu’s theories of
field, social capital and cultural capital and how actors and institutions
accumulate this in their field. Rather than analysing the organisational
result, the neo-Institutional Logics’ focus of investigation is process.

Institutional Logics offers a means of analysis that “links the actions of

actors (organizations) to a larger social structure (the field), posits that
actors are knowledgeable (‘mutual awareness of … a common enterprise’),
and suggests that institutions constrain the very actions that produce them
(‘emergence of … structures of domination’)” (Barley & Tolbert, 1997).50
The once neutral, impartial approach of the organisation has been chal-
lenged by media convergence where the discrete siloes of professional
media are gone and the field of media can now range from an ABC news
report to the purchase of a new pair of shoes.
The ABC’s transition has tried to amalgamate: opinion, conjecture,
binary views and researched information; and, it has proven an awkward
mix. While trying to remain a representative voice for all Australians by
taking part in strident social media discussions and allegations, it asserts
and references legislative, historical expectations, statutory independence
and concomitant intentions that it should be ‘all to all’ to justify its future.
This ‘all to all’ approach of the ABC was challenged by Federal Liberal
Government’s Mansfield Report “The Challenge of a Better ABC” (1997)
in recommending that the ABC reduce its commitment to everyone and
focus on regional activities. But its endowment of respect and cultural
capital that it took with it from its field to the new commercial field inter-
woven activities with social media is losing its gloss. Former Managing
Director Mark Scott identified that the ABC had “an enormous connec-
tion” with the Australian public (Crisp, 2011).51 Yet it is haunted now by
the voice of the emerging anecdotal, if somewhat crude question: “why
publicly pay for something when there is so much content out there
already?”. The shift to digitisation means the ABC has moved from pro-
viding a “a public sphere where we can chatter away, building our future”
(Funston, 1997),52 to a clamouring warzone shouting to be heard in a
crowded field of other actors. What is Aunty to do about her voice? The
ABC has shifted from its own distinct field, which complemented com-
mercial media, to a living hell. She is in a ‘guns loaded and drawn’, ‘fire at
will’, open combat with commercial media—and Aunty is not coping well.
The concepts of Institutional Logics theory and Bourdieu’s field, habi-
tus and cultural capital theories provide an analytical framework to attain
insights into the emerging threats to the democracy it informs and is
expected to support; and, how these challenging times may inform broad-
casting or Australian public service media policy in the future. Bourdieu
said “any field has its own rationale for its existence and this explains the
value of and legitimates the game” (Bourdieu, in Thomson, 2005), the

commercial field also has its rationale. This is the doxa of the field, or the
self-evident truths of the field.53 The ABC rushed into the commercial field
without taking a new doxa of a new field—place of institutional operation—
into account. This book will re-visit some of the history of the ABC and
its self-evident truths, but only to contextualise the current perils it faces,
or as a means of backgrounding issues being analysed.
This book also argues that instead of its BBC basis being a “cultural
straightjacket” (Martin, 2002)54 it accrued capital successfully in its élite,
privileged Australian field that gave it the status of being the nation’s most
respected and loved broadcaster. It is the apparent abandonment of this field
and pressures from government and the media itself to embrace the digital
audiences that has forced the ABC to compete in a hostile and foreign com-
petitive field of commercial media. A field where it does not belong and to
which Aunty arrived leaving her cultural capital in her old field—she aban-
doned her “superannuation fund” of cultural capital when she left her
“ABC field”. Her cultural capital turned out to be an impermanent attri-
bute in the rough and tumble of commercial and online media. Aunty is
challenged to find the high ground and carve out her own field within the
field, in order to survive. She has to expend much time, planning and effort
again if she is to re-build her cultural capital. Aunty not only took the theo-
retical field, as a sports reporting outfit, she literally took the field and has
been a trail-blazer in terms of sports coverage, breadth of activities covered
and the cultivation of knowledgeable presenters. It also was an institution
that promoted from within its ranks and Image 1.1 shows how the man who
would one day lead the institution began as a golf (sports) reporter in the
1940s. The other man, the sound technician, was also promoted to a leader-
ship role. It was a sign of the prominence with which the ABC sought to
place itself in a field that served all tastes and interests in sport.
The ABC’s adoption of commercial narratives and formats means the
ABC has undergone a loss of differentiation, which had been critical in the
past to justifying its funding. It is in pursuit of ABC leaders’ new visions of
‘relevance’ and ‘digital story-telling’ and ‘digital narratives’ but without
incorporating the hard-­won credibility of its past. It is also surprising that
the ABC is so shocked by the fierce competition in the ABC’s new field
where it offers its work for free in a monetised field. That there is anger and
bewilderment about this clash is puzzling because it is simple business
economics. It is a market and Aunty is in it. Bourdieu (1983) described field
as a semi-autonomous sphere of activity where “homologies” (similarities
between different parts and structures) show links between an institution’s

Image 1.1 The ABC takes the field (literally): Sporting announcer Talbot
Duckmanton standing (with technician Stanley Bancroft seated) providing radio
commentary from a Sydney golf course, c. late 1940s. From this relatively simple
start, the ABC developed a pivotal role in presenting sports to Australians.
Duckmanton became General Manager of the ABC from 1965–1982. Bancroft
retired as ABC Supervisor Radio Operation, NSW in 1974 after 50 years’ service.
Both men’s suited attire, while a reflection of the times, also expressed how the
institution valued unseen radio. Image courtesy of the National Archives of
Australia. NAA: C1748, L17321

place in field, perception and behaviour. Changing perceptions of the

organisation by its audiences and its staff are another manifestation of the
change in field, and the consequences. According to Bourdieu (1991), one’s
position in the field shaped one’s views. In addition, this concept of symbolic
power was played out in the media (Bourdieu, 1991, 1998)55:

On va de plus en plus des univers ou le monde social est decrit-prescrit par la

television. La television devient l’arbitre de l’acces a l’existence sociale et poli-
tique [We are going more and more towards a society where the social world
is described and dictated by television. Television becomes a referee for an
access to social and political life.]. (Bourdieu, 1996)56

In summary, Bourdieu was saying television was responsible for induc-

ing a loss of critical thinking. Bourdieu’s perception can also be applied
to social media, which has supplanted the immediacy of television, and
given rise to a surge in online content with an unknown agenda, identities
concealed (or fabricated) and information poorly sourced and vetted but
shared rapidly nonetheless (Matei et al., 2015).57 Added to this has been
a diminishment of critical thinking where the literature said “the leaf and
the branch of social media is visible, but not the tree or the forest” (Smith
et al., 2015)58 and where the landscape of social media can show the ulti-
mate irony of a deeply fragmented riotous, abusive cohort, when its
promise was boundless, harmonious, supportive, democratic, socially-
networked, cooperative groups and communities.
‘Cultural practices’, according to Bourdieu (1984),59 are “highbrow”
activities of the élite who go to opera, art galleries, ballet, museums, read
books, or are educated to a high(er) level than the general community.
Supporting the ABC’s quasi-educational role in upholding this élite was
the ABC’s emphasis on quality music as a “high ABC priority” (Thomas,
1980)60 from its early years in launching military bands, dance bands,
orchestras, choirs, instrumental groups, writing and composition competi-
tions and later eisteddfau. Ironically, well-paid US military servicemen
during World War II (“over paid, over sexed and over here”) were a large
part of ABC audiences for these concerts which helped grow their success
among the Australian community during this time and was sustained after
the American services had left (ibid.). This was:

A testimony to the success with which the ABC handled the musical educa-
tion of Australia, or at least of a certain group of Australians. (Thomas, 1980)61

The ABC’s cultural capital was such that it became a mark of social
distinction in Australian life to say you were an avid viewer or listener,
naming presenters or programs added to one’s personal status and to say
“I love the ABC” was an all-encompassing nod to its content and the
backflow of cultural capital it bestowed on the individual. It indicated you
were of the privileged, Australian élite. The ABC acquired Bourdieu’s
(1986) three forms of cultural capital through these practices: embodied:
“embodied long-lasting dispositions of the mind and body” (Bourdieu,
1986),62 carried out through the logics of the ABC Charter, policies, “this
is the way we do things”; objectified: “in the form of cultural goods (pic-
tures, books, dictionaries, instruments, machines, etc.)” (Bourdieu, ibid.)
where in the case of the ABC its objects were content, former physical
ABC Shops around Australia (shops were closed and moved to online sales
in 2015 and this ended altogether in 2018), websites and the logo; and
institutionalised: “a form of objectification … it confers entirely original
properties on the cultural capital which it is presumed to guarantee”
(Loc. Cit.) such as the boastful audience members who claim their dedica-
tion to the organisation (described previously) as well as the enduring
support of the lobby group “Friends of the ABC”.
The ABC had given Australians access to informed social positions
(Bourdieu, 1984)63 on music, the arts, intellectual debate. The ABC was
never “explicitly demanding”64 (ibid.) of attention ipso facto—it was not
compulsory, or a solo media operator; rather because of the organisation’s
range of content and vast footprint, it became inevitable (and sometimes
through no choice in regional Australia) that many Australians were part
of the audience. ABC audiences also became attached by timetabled con-
tent and incorporated listening (and viewing) in their daily routines (“I
always listen to the 6.00 am news bulletin while I’m getting breakfast”,
and so on). Australian ABC audiences became loyal followers of content;
they religiously watched the investigative television current affairs pro-
gram “Four Corners” each Monday (and previously Saturday evening,
repeated on Sunday), launched in 1961; they listened each morning to the
flagship but now defunct 15 minute “7.45 News” bulletin on ABC Radio.
In 2020 this bulletin was cancelled as “part of a major overhaul of the
national broadcaster” (Worthington & Hitch, 2020).65 The bulletin
divided into 10 minutes of national news and five minutes of state news
had been a jewel in the crown of the ABC’s cultural capital, but it was no
longer supported or recognised as such by the organisation. The cultural
capital of the bulletin had been built up since 1947, when the first

independent ABC News bulletin went on air (Inglis, 1983)66 and with the
7.45 am main bulletin and the major 7.00 pm report “news bulletins were
the ABC’s most popular offerings” (Inglis, ibid.)67 with bulletins preceded
by The Majestic Fanfare news theme from 1952 (Loc. Cit.), adding clas-
sical music heft to the cultural capital of the product and:

introducing bulletins respected for their accuracy, sobriety, and even-handed

reporting from the formal arenas of national, state and local politics. The
doorkeepers to ABC newsrooms kept out the sensational and the seamy, and
rarely let in the warmth or wit. (Inglis, ibid.)

This book furthers research called for by Nick Couldry (2004) who
suggested researchers “decentre media research from the study of media
texts or production structures” and instead focus on practices in and
around the media (Couldry, ibid.).68 To further that aim, the book will
analyse theoretical frameworks being applied to this analysis of the “stran-
gling of Aunty” by considering the institutional role of the ABC. Using
Bourdieu’s (1984) field, practice and habitus theories this chapter will
analyse using a degree of exegesis the role of the ABC in field, practice and
habitus; and how it once set a standard for educating Australians by
providing access to information and arts by acting as gatekeeper of what it
considered, as a representative institution, the noteworthy constituent
elements of Australianness. The ABC’s focus on this was articulated by the
Managing Director, David Anderson, who told a 2019 senate estimates
committee hearing into the Federal Government’s ABC budget freeze for
three years (costing the broadcaster AUD83.7 million) that its future
depended on localisation:

One of our priorities for the future is certainly to remain as local as possi-
ble … our role is to reflect the culture and community of the country back
to itself. You struggle to do that unless you are local. (Dalzell, 2019)69

It signalled a shift from the national to the local, the presumed repre-
sentative of the national. As a corollary, this book will conduct a prosopo-
graphical analysis of what constitutes the Australian élite who have
supported the broadcaster and the field it occupied because “certain con-
ditions of existence are ­ designated” (Bourdieu, 1984)70 and then re-
enacted, and this process has ensured the survival of the institution funded
to be a representative national, rather than local, institution. It will examine

how the ABC has negotiated its role as a key member of the Fourth Estate
in Australia, and whether the concept of the Fourth Estate is sustainable
and credible enough in a digitally-disrupted media. Bourdieu scholars
Benson and Neveu (2005)71 said journalistic agents “possess high volumes
of power” (ibid.) and Bourdieu (1998)72 stated this power was such that:

The journalistic field tends to reinforce the “commercial” elements at the

core of all fields to the detriment of the “pure”. It favors those cultural pro-
ducers most susceptible to the seductions of economic and political powers,
at the expense of those intent on defending the principles and the values of
their professions. (ibid.)

In the case of the ABC, it has exercised its power in its field through a
record of journalism that was incisive, consequential and investigative, for
example, and its journalists winning annual Walkley Awards73 in a peer-­
awarded acknowledgement of their efforts in grappling with weighty and
pertinent national matters that have had complicated and consequential
repercussions in confronting destructive power relations and manifesta-
tions of corruption, for example.
The ABC has exerted cultural power in other ways. For example,
through the insistence on an educated British accent of presenters in
organisation’s early days, transitioning to educated Australian accents,
then general Australian accents. Allied with this early development of the
ABC was the management of the spoken word and preference for the
British accent among presenters. The late Australian historian Manning
Clark said the early ABC promulgated a “dyed in the wool” (Clark, 1995,
1962)74 British view of the world, its interests and values. The recruitment
of male radio presenters in the early days who were expected to wear din-
ner suits when announcing in the evening was another cultural statement,
albeit largely unseen. Cultural assertions will be unpacked later in this
chapter. Then, in the appointments of men with knighthoods as chairmen
of the ABC from the creation of the Australian Broadcasting Commission
in 1932 with Sir Charles Lloyd-Jones to Sir Henry Bland in 1976 (the
exception is William Cleary in 1934), and the development of talks by
university professors in the earlier years of radio. All with an eye to
economic capital in terms of measuring its relevance through audience
feedback and later ratings. So, while it has economic capital through a
budgetary allocation, it actually obtained its autonomy through its cultural

capital. It also legitimised its dominance as a public broadcaster through

the social capital accrued by its staff and the expertise the organisation
gathered in the form of its specialist programs and presenters. Cultural
capital was annexed through the high-level connections of its leaders with
key international musicians, academics, politicians and supportive and
agentic public servants. Major research by DiMaggio (1987) of US arts
organisations, including symphony orchestras, theatres and museums,
found that “most administrators came from relatively privileged social
backgrounds and were notably well educated” (DiMaggio, 1987).75 And
although public arts organisation in the US may have had sponsors and
benefactors, there are strong similarities with public cultural organisations,
such as the ABC, in that they must be successful, attract audiences and be
accountable to the public that subsidises their endeavours with patronage.
They must also innovate and provide a public service by anticipating or
spotting public need and issues confronting the greater good.

1.3   ‘Leaving the ABC Building’: Pierre Bourdieu,

and the Once Exclusive ABC Field

Bourdieu’s (1977) theories provide an understanding of how power func-

tions, and how it is transmitted and maintained, in this case within an
institution. As a consequence, organisations function because staff know
‘the rules of the game’ of the field in which they and the organisation
operate. Thomson (2005) described Bourdieu’s theories as a “tool kit” for
analysis of these rules.76 Bourdieu (1977) also explained that when an
organisation left its field and its symbolic capital had changed there was
“hysteresis” meaning:

When the environment with which they are actually confronted is too far
distant from that to which they are objectively fitted. (Bourdieu, ibid.)77

The preceding diagram (Diagram 1.1) outlines how Power relates to

the Journalistic field through Doxa (defined in the diagram) as an over-­
riding concern in the drifting rules of the media game, and in the fields of
journalism, described for the purposes here as being either ‘public’ or
‘commercial’. The knowledge of the field is derived from the interaction
of the rules of the field combined with the institutional habitus and capital
and, according to Bourdieu, evolves and adapts to external influences. In
the case of the diagram, social media and the pressing need to be first has

Journalistic field

(political and economic
pressures of budgets, political influences, impact of commercial and social media, digitisation,

Doxa – are the tacit

understandings that
organise actions in a
field, influenced by

Public field doxa: Commercial field doxa:

- Manage respected - Balance diverse

brand/national asset opinions and
- Charter requires impartial commentary
and balanced content - Editorial policies and
- Inform all citizens curation
- Public service - Profit orientation
- Editorial policy and - Respond to investors
curation - React to advertisers
- Responsibility for judicial - Understand consumer
use of funding wants
- All taxpayers are - Identifiable owners,
“owners” shareholders and

Social media (the emergent commercial)

field doxa:

- The Wild West (unregulated)

- No curation or verification
- Activism
- Abuse
- Self-appointed experts
- Covert state actors
- Celebrities
- Profit-focus
- Create consumers, harvest and
sell personal data to third parties

Diagram 1.1 Diagram of the field and power. Influences upon the ABC within
the Journalistic field—(using Bourdieu’s field theory interpreted by Small)

caused media institutions to drift and merge into what is being described
as the emergent commercial media field dominated by social media. As a
consequence of this, the rules of how public and commercial media oper-
ate have changed. Media is now tempted to absorb the rules of the wild
west of social media; and, in the rush to be first has tended to adopt a
sameness in style, ethical approach and content. The preceding diagram
illustrates how the media, in general, has acknowledged the advent of a
new social media field by actually drifting into the field. However, for the
point of this analysis the ABC is the focus of attention, not shifts by
commercial media. The ABC has adapted to the habitus of the emergent
commercial field. Bourdieu (1990) described habitus as encompassing:
“the unconscious taking in of rules, values and dispositions”, whereby
people live in social space, and individually and collectively “internalise
their position in social space” (Bourdieu, ibid.).78 Generic statements such
as “this is the way we do this here” indicate the habitus of the group or
organisation and the ABC exhibits its unique habitus through its marketing,
for example, by ironically encouraging a sameness with social media in
implicitly encouraging staff to contribute, or ‘like’ opinions and views
online, for instance. Habitus refers to the way the individual responds to
social situations based on their own learning and understanding and what
society tells them is acceptable. In this case, it is being used to refer to an
organisation and its actors, how they enact their cultural capital and how
they show taste (Bourdieu, 1984)79 for the arts or academic research or
information, for example. They acquire habitus through social engagement.
Habitus is valued habits:

the durably installed generative principle of regulated improvisations, pro-

duced ‘practice’s which tend to reproduce the regularities immanent in the
objective conditions of the production of their generative principle, while
adjusting to the demands inscribed as objective potentialities in the situa-
tion. (Bourdieu, 1977)80

There has been limited work in attempting to combine an understand-

ing of habitus with Institutional Logics in analysing public service media,
or even Institutional Logics and Bourdieu with other institutions which is
“particularly surprising in view of the original debt owed to Bourdieu by
institutional theory” (Malsch & Gendron, 2013).81 There has also been
limited research into combining Bourdieu’s understandings of practice
with analysis of public service organisations aside from the education

sphere (Hastings & Matthews, 2015)82 although in terms of describing

the habitus of the ABC it is a challenge because the ABC is unique.
Hastings and Matthews (2015) said Bourdieu’s emphasis on symbolic
power may not translate smoothly to an understanding of how the public
service functions because “symbolic power in explaining inequities in the
distribution of public services may not be immediately obvious” (Hastings
& Matthews, ibid.). However, even ­Bourdieu said “the logic of practice is
logical up to the point where to be logical would cease being practical”
(Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992).83
This analysis will extend this theoretical gap in applying Bourdieu and
Institutional Logics to public service media by analysing the inequity of
power distribution within the ABC through staff culture which has at
times hijacked the ABC’s impartial image and eroded its once more
emphatically impartial approach to news. Coupled with this, there has
been no analysis of the “hysteresis” manifested by public broadcasters,
especially of Aunty. These lags have not only challenged leadership of the
ABC but also exposed shortfalls in institutional policy, government policy
and legacy protection in preserving ABC independence and institutional
memory as a counter ballast to the stunts, stridency and ephemerality of
the social media field. The ABC’s publicly-stated institutional problems
focus on three worries: Conservative governments, budgets and Rupert
Murdoch. But less is spoken of other actors in the commercial field in
which the ABC now finds itself mixing, notably the over-bearing, giant
social media organisations and their amorphous, octopian social media,
their embrace of citizen, participatory journalism and the consequent
self-disintegration of ABC independence through its heavy involvement
in social media and the (less acknowledged) accompanying doxa of what
this research has described as the emergent commercial field which, for
the ABC, blends public media with Web 2.0 interactivity and
commercial media.
According to the Bourdieusian theoretical schema, a loss of field involves
erosion of power relationships and capital; and this is impacting on the
ABC in a diminishment of relevance in tandem with imitation of other
content and styles. There has been a failure to value, translate and sustain
its power relationships and capital in a digital environment. Field is “a
network, or a configuration, of objective relations between positions”
(Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992)84 and is Bourdieu’s empirical analysis of
how power manifests. The ABC accrued and manifested power in its own
field, and field is “a separate social universe having its own laws of functioning

independent of those of politics and the economic” (Bourdieu in

R. Johnson, 1993).85 This meant that the ABC had created more than a
field—it had its own cosmos and held an extraordinarily powerful role in
Australian media as a standard-setter, bench-marker, key interpreter of
circumstance and authority. The ABC was once the author of Australian
culture and civic engagement. This harked back to its policies, capital and
privilege: “this is the way we do things”. This stance was almost incontestable
because of the uniqueness of its exclusive field. Bourdieu (1990) likened
the field to sport where players had “a feel for the game” and developed a
“mastery acquired by experience of the game”.86 Once having mastered the
rules, the symbolic power of the field bestowed legitimacy on its players/
actors (and the ABC). Bourdieu’s cultural theory of field describes field as
being in constant struggle, and akin to a rugby football field—the rules are
known, the areas of the field are used for specific purposes in the game,
players play in positions, rules can be challenged and while there can be
“deviations” (e.g., eye-gouging while the referee is not looking) most of
the time the rules are clear-cut and known by the players, referees, coaches
as well as the eagle-eyed, miss-nothing, designated senior referees and team
adviser body—the football crowd (the ABC audience).
Bourdieu (1994)87 asserted the bourgeoisie established the difference
between what is free and what had to be paid for (in contrast to aristocracy
and conspicuous spectacle) as they also did for work and recreation, man-
ufacturing and art (ibid.)88 and indeed public and private media would fit
into this paradigm and, therefore, the Australian middle class that created
and ritualised the ABC. Bourdieu (1996) spoke of how “the commenta-
tor” in creating symbolic goods made an “injection of meaning and value”
(ibid.).89 Bourdieu’s (1991) theory of ritualised exchanges means the
higher degree of ritual lessens the flexibility in the system. In the light of
this theory, it can be shown how profound the disruption damage by
digital media has been to professional journalism—in the era of citizen
journalism, crowd-sourced news, valued, hyper-linked, tagged,
commented, liked and monetised reaction. The ABC has moved to the
commercially dominated emergent field forgetting how well it (usually)
had managed its own special field.
Bourdieu (1977) described journalists as having the same cultural capi-
tal as bankers, business leaders and managers of states. Yet, unlike their
peers, journalists are complex and tormented professionals in that while
they are expected to embrace ethical values that prize news as objective,
they also write news that has to sell. On reflection, perhaps, not unlike

bankers who buy and sell money, yet are challenged similarly by ethics,
restraint and the profit motive. Journalists are guided by professional
ethical values that dovetail generally with corporate mission statements,
but these provide aspiration rather than regulations or law. There is no
ultimate, independent body or singular legislation that calls all Australian
journalists to account, for example, except for the Journalists’ Code of
Ethics in Australia and individual news organisations’ codes of conduct,
mission statements and policies, as mentioned, as well as media laws. ABC
journalists are now part of the larger crowd of unindividuated operators
who all call themselves journalists, trained or not, vying for attention on
social media and craving ‘likes’ to support their work. Once ABC journal-
ists did not need ‘likes’—they just did their public service and were
esteemed and self-­satisfied with that. That is no longer adequate where
social media provokes and supports ambition, careers and popularity. The
ABC’s abandonment of its own field has created new challenges and pres-
sures for ABC journalists in the organisation’s rush to get its content
online, make itself popular and promote journalists as celebrities and
newsmakers. The discrete, detached, remote role of the self-effacing
observer journalist has long passed.
The ABC had cultural capital and prestige through its agency in its
own field within Australian society. Its cultural capital was mistakenly
assumed by its institutional leaders to be an enduring quality, but has
proved not so. Since the era of digitisation much of its unique status has
declined because its cultural capital is not an enduring lifeline in the
‘rough and tumble’ of the emergent commercial field. Bourdieu (1983)
warned about the diminishment of cultural capital which like the field:
“the accumulation has to be reproduced with every generation or it is
lost” (ibid.)90 and while the ABC’s cultural capital had been institutionalised
(Bourdieu, 1983): “capital does not exist and function except in relation
to a field” (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992).91 This book will examine how
there exists institutional mechanisms and organisational oversights by
which cultural capital has been formed and lost. The ABC has had to
move away from its special field into the crowded, noisy, commercial field
and within that field in Australia one news organisation dominates—News
Corporation. Lured and pushed by the rise of changed media, cheaper
content distribution and bigger audiences, the ABC’s prioritisation of
digital technology was seen as the most effective way of growing,
containing costs and keeping audiences. But in that embrace, it has made

missteps by lapsing into commercial opinion-­oriented content and digital

domains where it is compelled to buy its popularity.
Notwithstanding the received argument that Rupert Murdoch is out to
annihilate the ABC, is that it goes unremarked that the ABC is now com-
peting in a very dangerous emergent field—and is playing a game Aunty
cannot win because she is accountable to every Australian taxpayer, not
single owners and ranked shareholders. The field ruled by commercial
tycoons, like Murdoch, is not a space for our Aunty without her cultural
and reputational capitals—she cannot survive, let along thrive there
without it. She was robust in her own field of objectivity and aloofness and
separation of fact from opinion (impartial); now she has moved into a field
where the new rules of the game she plays make her completely vulnerable
and, worse, compromised. It is no wonder there are increasing attacks on
the ABC from the commercially based media—it goes unacknowledged or
unobserved that the ABC has placed herself in direct competition for the
same space, the same emergent field. In theatrical geography, Aunty has
left her private box and joined the mosh pit. She needs to reclaim, re-build
her reputational capital—as distinct in that emergent commercial
digital field.
In addition, Australian Financial Review journalist Neil Chenoweth
said of Murdoch: “he grew up in Australia in an atmosphere of ritual
feuding with other media” (Lieberman, 2007).92 News Corporation
picking fights with Aunty is not new and not going to go away—especially
not now. All the complaints about Murdoch’s fresh attacks on, or emerging
threats to, the ABC (Morton, 2020;93 Meade, 2020;94 Meade, 2018b;95
Rudd, 2018;96 Flanagan, 201497) have failed to acknowledge this singular
and significant issue and it is one of basic business: the ABC has shifted out
of its exclusive field and into the field of the media rabble and there are real
institutional consequences for that—political, financial, ideological,
competitive, organisational, public service. Then, there are the
consequences for all Australians, the Commonwealth of Australia and its
democracy, which is the most serious point to be made in this book. All
these factors threaten what seems to be a naïve and vulnerable Aunty. The
ABC has made the publicly-funded organisation more assailable than ever.
Further, the ABC has complicated itself by bringing it into play with
content that is rejected as inferior by some of its audience that has
traditionally looked to the ABC to delineate fact from opinion and provide
discerning ‘quality’ and prudence. Aunty is over-stretched and needs to
consider doing less to permit a return to a higher level of quality. It is an

institution that cannot be stretched thinner without compromise. The

commercials (all) jostling with her in the field argue that the ABC is using
public funds to compete in a commercial field—and that is the nub of the
growing onslaught against the ABC and should not be readily dismissed as
“another” attack by Murdoch. Murdoch has been described as having
“two fundamental beliefs: One is in free speech, which most people share;
the other is in the ideology of free markets” (Flanagan, 2014).98 This book
argues that these beliefs are also shared by the other commercial participants
in the emergent commercial field. The commercial field is not built for an
‘all for all’ approach. Instead, it takes the commercially-oriented Chaucerian
approach: “each man for himself (is the only rule)” (Chaucer, 1476)99 and
Aunty is not used, nor institutionally equipped, for that. Traditionally, she
has been civic-minded, not profit-minded, and she was never narcissistic;
she knew she was fabulous.
ABC audiences’ dated expectations of Aunty bound up with quality
content needed innovation, yet the divorce from its premium cultural
capital has been damaging to the brand. It would appear that these “rusted
on” ABC supporters with their standards and expectations of what a pub-
lic broadcaster should be are being overlooked in favour of a youth audi-
ence. This search of online youth is also a tortuous route and declines on
content quality has proved Aunty to be ignorant of the need to bring her
cultural capital with her. It is also insulting to youth audiences, Australia’s
future leaders, that they are believed to be implicitly seeking and deserving
of diminished quality news and information mixed with opinion. It shows
Aunty’s marketing has failed to engage with the essential need to preserve
its cultural capital accrued by educating generations of ‘cradle to grave’
Australian audiences from ‘Play School’, Double J–Triple J, from ‘The
Argonauts’ to Radio National, and to more ‘grown-up’ programs such as
Gardening Australia and the documentaries. ABC programming once
started, institutionally, at the beginning of the Australian citizen’s life and
envisaged its way to the end of that life.

1.4   Institutional Logics Theory: Inaugurating

the ABC as “the Gaiety of the Nation”

This is the first use of Institutional Logics combined with Bourdieu to

analyse a public broadcaster and the ABC. It is this aspect of the book
which offers a new theoretical perspective on public broadcasting and

public service media. This methodology permits analysis of “how individual

and organizational actors are influenced by their situation in multiple
social locations in an interinstitutional system” (Thornton et al., 2012b)100
where “each institutional order of the inter-institutional system
distinguishes unique organizing principles, practices, and symbols that
influence individual and organizational behaviour” (ibid.). These principles
and practices become the frames of reference that help actors make sense
of their fields, and following Bourdieu (1983) this sense-making includes
the language they use, their motivations and their self-efficacy (Thornton
et al., 2012b). This helps shape actors’ reasoning and their perceived roles
in the institution. This form of analysis of the ABC is pertinent because the
ABC is at a crisis point on many levels with the established principles and
practices of the organisation either considered dated, or unviable. There
has been a loss of translation from ‘old’ broadcasting media to the
emergent digital commercial field.
The opening night of the ABC was a telling and illuminating start for
the public broadcaster. The maps of the organisation’s future, visions and
expectations were rolled out clearly. The whole premise of the ABC had
begun as a special privileged space to build Australian culture and create
the field that accrued its cultural capital. The task was even more prodi-
gious because it was to situate Australians as a member of the British
Empire, to move Australians onwards from its liminal state as a colonial
outpost. It is a good starting point for analysing the Institutional Logics
of the ABC and the establishment of its field and habitus (Bourdieu)
because the ABC was not only charged with emulating its role model the
British Broadcasting Corporation, it was to (paradoxically) build Australian
nationhood and “weld the empire” (Lloyd-Jones, quoted in The Telegraph,
Brisbane, 1932).101 The first uttered words on the ABC’s role and purpose
as a government-established broadcaster were set out by the then Prime
Minister, Joseph Lyons, in his inauguration speech from Canberra102
(researcher’s underlined emphasis):

Shortly after the British Broadcasting Company began its services in Great
Britain the Commonwealth Government took the first steps in the establish-
ment of similar services. Early in 1924 a wider scheme of control was pre-
pared, ensuring the permanency of the service and its gradual extension and
improvement. The second stage of progress in the broadcasting service
lasted for five years. Two classes of licences were granted by the Postmaster-­
General-­one providing for the establishment and maintenance of stations
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
looking as we do on Christian there before us, we see that the features of
her brilliant countenance are as like as brothers and sisters may be—like,
and yet unlike, for the pressure of that great sorrow has fallen lightly on
little Mary’s buoyant spirit. She is still “little Mary,” though her head is
higher now than Christian’s, who calls her so. Those two years have added
no less to her inner growth than to her stature, and Mary Melville, with all
the mirth and joyousness of her earlier girlhood, has the cultivated mind of
a woman now. There are many bright young faces shining in this gay room,
but there is not one like little Mary’s; not one eye in this assembly can boast
such a sunny glance as hers, graver than her peers when it is called to look
on serious things, and beaming then with a youthful wisdom, which tells of
holy thoughts and pure intents within, and anon illumined with such a flash
of genuine mirthfulness and innocent gaiety, so fresh and unconscious in its
happy light, as would startle the sternest countenance into an answering
smile. She is much loved, our sprightly Mary, and is the very sun and light
of the circle she moves in; and friends who have known her from her
childhood, tell one another how like she is to Halbert, and shake their
heads, and are thankful that she can never be exposed to similar
temptations. Do they think that Mary, like her brother, would have fallen,
that she must succumb too, before the adversary’s power, if tried as hardly?
Ah, it is not well that the innocent lamb, so tender, so guileless and gentle,
should be exposed to the power of the wolf, and who can tell but that there
may be deadly danger lurking about her even now.
Christian’s smile grows brighter as it falls on Mary, “little Mary’s”
sparkling face, and her voice is happier and more musical in its modulation
as she answers her affectionate inquiries. They speak truly who say that
Christian has no thought of herself: at this hour Christian would fain be on
her knees in her solitary room, pleading for her lost brother; not lost, deaf
Christian, say not lost—is there not a lingering tone of sweet assurance in
thy mournful heart, which, if thou would’st but hear it, speaks to thee out of
the unknown secret stillness and says, Not lost, not lost, dear Christian,
though thou yet knowest not how the faithful One has answered thy
weeping prayers.
But, hush! little Mary is singing; a simple plaintive melody, as natural in
its pleasant notes, as the dropping of the withered leaves around her absent
brother, in yon far American forest. There is a charm in these old songs
which far surpasses more artistic music, for scarce is there a single ear on
which they fall that has not many remembrances and associations
awakened, or recalled, it may be joyful, it may be sorrowful, connected
with their simple measure and well-known words, and in such, and in no
other, does Mary Melville delight. There is one sitting by Mary’s side who
seems to comprehend what few of the listeners do, or care to do, the
singer’s delicate and sweet expression of the feeling of her well-chosen
song. He has never seen her before to-night, but he seems to have made
wonderfully good use of the short time he has spent beside her; and Mary
has already discovered that the gentleman-like stranger, who devoted
himself to her all through the evening, is a remarkably well-informed,
agreeable man, and quite superior to the frivolous youths who generally
buzz about in Elizabeth’s drawing-room, and form the majority of her
guests. He has brilliant conversational powers, this stranger, and the still
more remarkable art of drawing out the latent faculty in others, and Mary is
half-ashamed, as she sees herself led on to display her hoards of hidden
knowledge, adorned with her own clear perceptions of the true and
beautiful, which, unknown to herself, she has acquired. It is a strange, an
unusual thing with Mary to meet with any mind, save Christian’s, which
can at all appreciate her own, and she is rejoicing in her new companion’s
congenial temperament, and, in a little while, there is a group of listeners
collected round them, attracted by something more interesting than the
vapid conversations which are going on in this large room. Mr. Forsyth’s
accomplishments are universally acknowledged, and he shines resplendent
to night; and one after another, dazzled by his sparkling wit and still more
engaging seriousness, join the circle, of which Mary is still the centre.
“Who would have thought,” say we, with Mrs. James, as she gazes
wonderingly over the heads of her guests on the animated face of her young
sister-in-law,—“who would have thought that Mary knew so much, or could
show it so well!”
Is Christian’s care asleep to-night; what is she doing that she is not now
watching over her precious charge? No, it is not; her eyes, which have
strayed for a moment, are now resting fixed on Mary. See! how her cheek
flushes at that man’s graceful deference. Listen to the laugh that rings from
the merry circle at some sally of his polished wit. Mary looks grave and
anxious for a moment, for his jest has just touched something which she
will not laugh at, and he perceives it, and at once changes his tone, and
turns with polished ease the conversation into a new channel. Is it well that
Christian should be ignorant of one who is engrossing so much of her
sister’s attention? No, it is not; and she feels that it is not; so she calls
James, and is even now, while Mary’s joyousness is returning, anxiously
inquiring of her brother who this stranger is. James does not even know his
name. A cousin of Elizabeth’s brought him to-night, and introduced him as
a friend who had been of great service to him; then Elizabeth herself is
appealed to; Mrs. James is quite sure that Mr. Forsyth is a very respectable,
as well as a very agreeable man; he could never have found his way into her
drawing-room had he been other than that; her cousin never would have
brought him had he not been quite certain and satisfied on that point. He is
very rich, she believes, and very accomplished, she is sure, and, being
unmarried, she is extremely pleased to see him paying so much attention to
Mary. Christian shudders—why, she does not know; but she feels that this is
not well, there is a something in his look—such nonsense! But Christian has
always such strange, such peculiar notions, and is so jealous of all that
approach Mary.
The gay young people that are around Mary make room for Christian, as
she glides in to sit down by her sisters’s side. She is very grave now, as
always; but some of them have heard her story, and all the nature in their
hearts speaks for her in tones of sympathy, and their voices are quieter
always when beside her. Over most of them she has some other power
besides this of sympathetic feeling; there is hardly one there to whom she
has not done some deed of quiet kindness, which would not even bear
acknowledgment; thus they all love Christian. She sits down by Mary’s
side, and her heart grows calmer, and more assured again; for Mary bends
over her, and seeks forgiveness for her momentary forgetfulness. Pardon
from Christian is easily obtained; yet, gentle as she is, it seems not so easy
to win her favour. Mr. Forsyth’s fascinating powers, displayed and exerted
to the full, are all thrown away. See how coldly she listens to and answers
him; nay, how impatient she is of his courteous attentions. What has he
done wrong? what can ail Christian?
Mr. James Melville’s party has been a very brilliant one; but it is all over
now: the street grows suddenly sombre and silent opposite the darkened
windows, and Mrs. James is not in the sweetest of moods: the baby, now
that all the other music has ceased, is exercising his vigorous lungs for the
amusement of the tired household; his weary mamma is aggravated into
very ill-humour, and unfortunately can find no better way of relieving
herself, nor any better object, than by railing at Christian’s folly. Mrs. James
is sure, if Mr. Forsyth were to think of Mary Melville, they might all of
them be both proud and pleased, for he would be an excellent match for her.
She could not think what Christian expected for her—some unheard-of
prodigy she fancied, that nobody but herself ever dreamt of—thus did the
lady murmur on to the great annoyance of James.
But we must leave Mrs. James and her indignation to themselves, that
we may follow the sisters home. They had little conversation on the way.
Christian was silent and absorbed in her own thoughts, and Mary wondered,
but did not disturb her; for Mary, too, has thoughts unusual, which she cares
not to communicate; and soon, again, we are in the old room, no way
changed since we saw it first, three years ago; and Mr. Melville—how shall
we excuse ourselves for passing him over so lightly and so long—is here
unaltered, as much a fixture in his wide, soft chair, as any piece of furniture
in the well-filled room; and Robert, we lost him amid the belles of Mrs.
James’s party! but here he is again, distinct, full grown and manly, and still
retaining the blithe look of old. Christian alone has yet a disturbed
apprehensive expression on her usually calm and placid face, and she
“How can James like such parties? it is so different from his wont.”
“Yes,” says Mary innocently, “I wonder that Elizabeth likes them. If
there were just two or three intelligent people like Mr. Forsyth, it would be
so much better.”
Poor Christian!
The protection of the Almighty has been implored “through the silent
watches of the night,” and Mr. Melville’s household is hushed in sleep—all
but Christian; for this quiet hour when all are at rest, is Christian’s usual
hour of thoughtful relaxation and enjoyment. But she had a clouded brow
and an uneasy look when she entered her room to-night—that room of
many memories. At length there is no mist of disquietude to be seen upon
her peaceful face; no doubt in her loving heart: she has gone to the footstool
of the Lord, and borne with her there that child of her tenderness and
affection, over whose dawning fate she has trembled, and has committed
her into the keeping of the Father of all; and she has poured forth, with
weeping earnestness, the longings of her soul for that lost brother, whom
even yet she knows not to be within the reach of prayer. Often has she
thought that Halbert may be dead, since day after day these years have
come and gone, and no tidings from, or of him, have gladdened her heart.
Her spirit has been sick with deferred hope, as month after month went by
and brought no message. But she is calmer to-night; the load is off her soul;
she has entrusted the guardianship of the twain into His hands who doeth all
things well, and with whom all things are possible; and wherefore should
she fear!
The light in her chamber is extinguished, and the moonbeams are
streaming in through the window. A few hours since she watched their
silvery radiance stealing, unheeded and unseen, into yon crowded room,
drowned in the flood of artificial light which filled it, and then she had
thought these rays an emblem of Heaven’s Viceroy—conscience—unknown
and unnoticed, perchance, by those gay people round about her, but even
then marking with silent finger upon its everlasting tablets, the hidden
things of that unseen and inner life in long detail, moment, and hour, and
day, for each one of them. But now, in the silence of her own room, these
beams have another similitude to Christian, as they pour in unconfined,
filling the quiet chamber. They tell her of peace, peace full, sweet, and
unmeasured,—not the peace of a rejoicing and triumphant spirit,—the
sunbeams are liker it,—but of one borne down with trial and sorrow, with a
sore fight of affliction, with a fear and anguish in times past, yet now at rest.
Oh, happy contradiction! distracted with cares and anxieties, yet calm amid
them all, full of the memories of bygone sorrow, of forebodings of sorrows
yet to come, but peaceful withal, how blessed the possession!
It falls upon her form, that gentle moonshine, and her features are lit up
as with a twilight ray of heaven: it lingers over her treasures as though it
loved them for her sake. It streams upon that portrait on the wall, and
illuminates its pensive and unchanging face, as with the shadow of a living
smile; and Christian’s heart grows calm and still within her beating breast,
like an infant’s, and holy scenes of old come up before her liquid eyes, like
ancient pictures, with that steadfast face upon the wall shining upon her in
every one; not so constant in its sad expression, but varying with every
varying scene, till the gathering tears hang on her cheeks like dewdrops,
and she may not look again.
And there is peace in that household this night, peace and sweet serenity,
and gentle hopefulness; for a blessing is on its prayer-hallowed roof and
humble threshold, and angels stand about its quiet doorway, guarding the
children of their King—the King of Kings.


There is no emblem of our lives so fit

As the brief days of April, when we sit
Folding our arms in sorrow, our sad eyes
Dimmed with long weeping; lo! a wondrous ray,
Unhoped-for sunshine bursting from the skies
To chase the shadow of our gloom away.
And lest the dazzling gladness blind us, lo!
An hour of twilight quiet followeth slow,
Moistening our eyelids with its grateful tears,
Strengthening our vision for the radiant beam
That yet shall light these unknown future years,—
Each joy, each grief, in its appointed room,
Ripening the precious fruit for heaven’s high harvest home.


Benedict. Pray thee, sweet Mistress Margaret, deserve well

at my hands by helping me to the speech of Beatrice.
* * * * *
Sweet Beatrice, wouldst thou come when I called thee?
Much ado about Nothing.

E are half inclined to lament that the incidents of our story

confine us to one short month, nay, oftener to one little day of
every passing year, but nevertheless so it is, and we may not
murmur. Doubtless could we have sketched the glories of some
midsummer morning or autumnal night, or wandered by our heroine’s side
through the gowan-spotted braes in the verdant springtime, we should have
had pleasanter objects to describe, and a pleasanter task in describing them,
and our readers a less wearisome one in following us; but seeing that we
must, perforce, abide by “the chamber and the dusky hearth,” even so, let it
be. The hearth of our present sketch is in nowise dusky, however; there is
nothing about it that is not bright as the blazing fire itself. If you look from
the window you may see that everything without is chained down hard and
fast in the iron fetters of the frost, and covered with a mantle of dazzling
whiteness. With tenacious grasp the wintry king fixes the less obdurate
snow to the heavy housetops, decking them as with hood and mantle; with
malicious glee it rivets each drop of spilt water on the slippery pavement,
bringing sudden humiliation, downfall and woe, to the heedless passengers;
and from the southern eaves where the sun has for some short time exerted
a feeble power, hang long icicles in curious spirals, like the curls of
youthful beauty. Keen and cold, it revels in the piercing wind, which
coming from the bleak north in full gush round the chill street corner,
aggravates the wintry red and blue which battle for the mastery in the faces
of the shivering passengers, and screams out its chill laughter in the gale,
when some sturdy man who has but now chased its little glowing votaries
from their icy play is suddenly overthrown himself by one incautious step,
and with prostration lower than Eastern does homage to its power, to the
great and loudly expressed satisfaction of the urchins aforesaid, who have
resumed again their merry game with renewed zeal and vigour.
It is just the kind of morning to make dwellers at home hug themselves
on their comfortable superiority over those whom necessity calls abroad, to
dare the dangerous passage of these treacherous streets and meet the rough
encounters of the biting wind. The room we stand in is the very picture of
neatness and comfort; a beautiful infant of two years old is roaming with
unsteady step about the bright fireside and over the carpet, a wide world to
him, intently making voyages of discovery hither and thither, among the
chairs and tables, the continents and islands of his navigation; and beside a
pretty work-table, with her delicate fingers employed in still more delicate
work, sits Mrs. James Melville, her brow furrowed and curved in
deliberative wisdom, giving earnest heed to schemes which are being
poured into her attentive ear, and ever and anon responding with oracular
gravity. Who is this that seeks and has obtained the infinite benefit of Mrs.
James’s counsel, and that now with deferential courtesy lays before her the
inexpressible advantages he will derive from her advice and assistance, and
insinuates the unending gratitude of which he has already given earnest in
delicate and well-timed presents, such as delight a lady’s heart? He is
speaking of a brilliant establishment to be offered to some one whom he
seeks to win, and shall win all the more easily through his kind friend Mrs.
James’s advice and co-operation. He is speaking of wealth which hitherto
he laments,—and here the petitioner sighs and looks, or tries to look
pathetic,—he has not properly employed, wherewith that as yet nameless
third party shall be endowed, and he winds up all with an eulogium upon
the extraordinary ability, and undeserved, but not unappreciated kindness of
the lady who smiles so graciously at his well-timed compliments. Mrs.
James is completely won over, and her full assistance and co-operation
pledged, for the pleader is skilled in his craft, and wont to be successful.
Who can resist Mr. Forsyth’s eloquence and special reasonings? The work
of consultation goes on, the toils are laid for Mary, sweet Mary Melville’s
unwitting feet, and Forsyth, on the strength of his ally’s assurances, has
already brightened in anticipatory triumph, and if all things be as Mrs.
James says they are, and all Forsyth’s promises be realised, is not Mary’s lot
a bright one? Nay, but is this a man to hold in his hands the happiness of
Christian’s sister?
Mrs. James is determined to signalise herself as a match-maker, and
there are a thousand captivating circumstances which conspire to make her
eager in the furtherance of Forsyth’s suit. She reckons up some of them:
First, it will really be an excellent settlement for Mary; where among her
father’s hum-drum acquaintance could she ever have found one anything at
all like so good; secondly, Mrs. Forsyth’s wealth and style will bring even
her, Mrs. James Melville, into a more brilliant sphere; and above all, there
will be the crowning delight of overcoming, or rather being able to set at
nought, all Christian’s opposition. Mrs. James, self-confident as she is, very
bold, and even impertinent as she can be at some times, and strong in the
might of superior elegance and beauty, has always been awed in the
presence of Christian’s quiet dignity, and this had annoyed and galled her
greatly. There is something in that grave dignity which she cannot
comprehend, and still more aggravating is the fact, that do what she will,
she cannot quarrel with her gentle sister-in-law, and that all her innuendoes
fall pointless and harmless. Christian will not hear Mrs. James’s petulance,
be it ever so loud, for with one calm word she shows her its insignificance;
she smiles at her sarcasms against old maids, as she might smile at some
nick-name of childish sport; nay, sometimes, and it is the nearest approach
to mirth which Christian is ever known to make now, she will turn round in
defence of the maligned sisterhood, and chase with lightfooted raillery,
which savours of days of old, the heavy wit of her opponent off the field.
Mrs. James never saw Christian ruffled or disturbed by any speech of hers,
save on that occasion which introduced Forsyth to Mary, and she was too
watchful and too much delighted to let the opportunity of prolonging her
annoyance cease; and Mary, a frequent visitor at her brother’s house, has
since that time, nearly a year now, met her sister-in-law’s accomplished
acquaintance so often, that people begin to whisper about Forsyth’s
devotion, and to look forward to a bridal; and when he is spoken of before
Mary, they smile and look in her face, and the colour on her soft cheek
deepens, and the blood flushes on her forehead, and then when they wonder
at his versatile talents, as they often do, for he is intellectually in that
society a giant among dwarfs, Mary’s downcast eyelids grow wet with
pleasant moisture, and her heart thrills with pleasure, so that she, loving
Christian as she does, is unconsciously furthering Mrs. James in her plan of
annoyance. Our poor Mary!
But we are neglecting the conversation which is still going on between
Mrs. James and her visitor. Forsyth is preparing to go, his visit has been
already prolonged beyond all usual bounds, yet he lingers still,
endeavouring with his persuasive eloquence to bring about one other
“You will bring Mary here to meet me, on new year’s day morning, my
dear madam?” he says softly, and in the most insinuating tone, “will you
“New year’s morning,” interrupted Mrs. James, “that will never do. You
know I have always a party on the new year’s night, I shall not be able to
give you that morning.”
“Well,” answered Forsyth, as smoothly and persuasively as he could,
“but if you could give us your presence for a few minutes, Mary and I, I
hope, will be able to manage the rest ourselves, and you know, my dear
Mrs. Melville,” he added still more blandly, “I am anxious to come to an
understanding with Mary as soon as possible. Come, you must add this to
the many kindnesses you have done me already. You will consent, I see.”
Mrs. James could not resist. “Well then, on new year’s morning be here,
and Mary shall meet you,” she said, and her gratified friend bows over her
extended hand. “You may come, Mr. Forsyth, on new year’s morning.”
Mr. Forsyth can never sufficiently express his obligation; and having
succeeded in all things according to his wish with Mrs. James Melville, he
takes his leave at last, and rejoices as he hurries through the streets, so cold
and bitter to other passengers, but so bright and cheerful to him in his
present mood, that soon now he will be assured of Mary. He has no doubt
about it, none at all, and he is certain that all that he wants is just this
opportunity which Mrs. James is to secure him, and then Mary Melville will
be his own, plighted and pledged his own.
It is but a few days, yet new year’s morning is as tardy in approach as if,
so big with fate to that young, ingenious, and unfearful spirit, it lingered on
its way willing to prolong her state of happy unconsciousness. The elegant
Mr. Forsyth yawns through the long weary days; though it is the time of his
own appointing he is impatient and restless, and his yawning and
irksomeness is redoubled on that dull, cold, cheerless evening before its
dawn, and he gets really nervous as the time draws near. Strange that one so
practised in the world, whose heart has been so long a very superfluous
piece of matter, should have his dead affections so powerfully awakened by
the simple grace and girlish beauty of guileless Mary Melville. Strange,
indeed, and if he is successful in winning her—as who can doubt he will—
what hope is there for our sweet Mary when his sudden vehement liking
passes into indifference. Poor Mary’s constant heart should be mated only
with one as warm and as full of affection and tenderness as itself; but who
shall have the choosing of their own future—alas, who! or who, if the
choice was given them, would determine aright?—not Mary. But there is a
power, the bridegroom in anticipation wots not of, ordering the very words
which shall fall from his lips to-morrow, overruling the craftiness of his
crafty and subtle spirit, and guarding the innocent simplicity of the prayer-
protected girl, defending her from all ill.

York. I’ll not be by, the while; My Liege, farewell;

What will ensue hereof, there’s none can tell;
But by bad courses may be understood
That these events can never fall out good.
King Richard the Second.

EW YEAR’S day at last arrived, the time so anxiously waited for

by Forsyth; a cold clear winter morning; and Mary, invited
specially by her sister-in-law, leaves home to help—to help in
some little preparations for the evening, was the reason or plea
assigned by Mrs. James to secure Mary on that morning; and even Christian
had nothing to object to a request so reasonable, though it must be said that
Christian did not like her sister to be much among Mrs. James’s friends.
Nor had Mary herself been wont to like it either, but the Mary of a year ago
is not the Mary of to-day; she has not grown indifferent to Christian’s
wishes; very far from that, Mary was perhaps more nervously anxious to
please Christian than ever in all lesser things; she felt that a kind of
atonement, a satisfaction to her conscience, for her encouragement of the
one engrossing feeling of her heart, of which she dared not indeed seek
Christian’s approval. For the thought that in this most important particular
she was deceiving, or at least disingenuous to her dearest friend, concealing
from her what it so concerned her to know, gave Mary, acting thus contrary
to her nature, many a secret pang. But though this secret clouded her brow
and disturbed her peace at home, she hid it in her own heart. Still how
strange that Mary should be lightsome and happier with her brother’s wife,
whose character was in every respect so inferior to her own, than with her
gentle sister; yet so it was, and Mary’s heart beat quicker when she entered
James’s house, and quicker still when she saw there was some other visitor
before her. Who it was she needed not to ask, for Forsyth sprung to her side,
as she entered the cheerful room, with low-voiced salutation, and a glance
that brought the blush to her cheek, and caused her fair head to bend over
the merry little boy that came running to her knee, and hailed her as “Aunt
“Call me uncle, James, that’s a good little fellow, call me Uncle Walter,”
said Forsyth.
Mary’s blush grew deeper; but James the younger was said to resemble
Aunt Christian in many things, and in nothing more than in disliking
Forsyth; and he was not to be conciliated, either with sugar-plum or toy, but
remained steadfast in his childish instinct of dislike, so he said bluntly,
“No,”—a bad omen this; but Forsyth was not to be discouraged, and Mrs.
James, nettled a little by it, proceeded at once to open the campaign. Some
new music was lying on the table, and she pointed to it.
“See, Mary, here is a present from Mr. Forsyth,” she said, laughingly,
“but there is a condition attached to it which depends on you for its
Mary, glad of anything to hide her confusion, bent over the table to look
at it. “Well,” she said, “and what is the condition that depends on me.”
“Nay, ask the giver,” said Mrs. James, “he must make his agreement
with you himself, I cannot make bargains for him.”
Mary was half afraid to lift her eyes to Forsyth’s face, but she did so, and
asked by a glance what it was he required.
“The condition is not a very difficult one,” said he, in his most bland and
soothing tone, “it was merely that Mrs. Melville would get you to sing this
song for me. I was afraid I should fail did I ask myself.”
“And why this song, Mr. Forsyth,” asked Mary, “is it such a favourite?”
“I heard you sing it a year ago,” was the answer, spoken too low, Mary
thought, to reach Mrs. James’s ear, and again the blood came rushing in
torrents to her face.
Mrs. James began to move about as though about to leave the room; this
silence would not do, it was too embarrassing, and Mary resumed, though
her voice had likewise grown imperceptibly lower. “Christian is very fond
of this song, and we all of us like it because she does.”
Mrs. James heard this, however, and, elated by Mary’s coming to her
house that morning, and her own expected triumph over Christian, she
could not resist the temptation. “Oh, Christian has such strange notions,”
she said gaily, “she likes things that nobody else does. I can’t conceive why
you are all continually quoting Christian—Christian! one hears nothing else
from James and you, Mary, but Christian, Christian.”
“Christian never set her own inclination in opposition to any other
person’s wish in her life,” said Mary, warmly; “you do not know Christian,
Elizabeth, or you would not speak of her so.”
“Miss Melville’s good qualities,” chimed in Forsyth, “Miss Melville’s
rare qualities, must gain as much admiration wherever she is seen, as they
seem to have gotten love and reverence from all who are within the range of
their beneficent exercise, and who have the privilege of knowing their value
fully;” and he smiled his sweetest smile in Mary’s face, as she looked up to
him with grateful glistening eyes, and inwardly thanked him for his
appreciation of dear Christian in her heart.
How superior, thought Mary, is he to such worldly people as Elizabeth,
and her coterie, he appreciates Christian, he can estimate her properly. Yet
Mary, all the time that her heart glowed under these feelings towards
Forsyth, felt that she had thwarted Christian’s warmest wishes, and is still
farther thwarting them by the very look with which she thanked Forsyth for
his championship. Mrs. James is at the window carefully examining the
leaves of some rare winter plants—another gift of Forsyth’s giving; and
there ensues another awkward silence. At length she breaks in once more.
“Am I to have my music, Mary? will you fulfil the conditions Mr.
Forsyth has attached to this, or shall I have to send it back again?”
Forsyth is leaning over her chair, anxiously waiting for her answer. Mary
is at a loss what to do, but cannot say, No. Again Mrs. James is occupied
with the flowers.
“This is an era with me, Miss Melville,” Forsyth whispered in Mary’s
ear; “this day twelve months I first saw you.”
Mary’s fingers still hold the music, but the sheets tremble in her hands.
“Is it, indeed?” she says. “Oh, yes! I remember, it was at Elizabeth’s annual
party! It is an era to us all, also. We too have many recollections connected
with the New Year, but they are all sorrowful.”
“Not mine,” returned Forsyth. “Do you know, Miss Melville, I was much
struck then by your resemblance to a young man I once knew in Edinburgh,
a very fine gentleman-like lad of your own name too. I often wonder what
has become of him. I had some hand in inducing him to change some
ridiculously rigid opinions of his; when a fit of superstitious fear came over
him, and I believe his regard for me changed to a perfect hatred.”
Here Mr. Forsyth looked over to Mrs. James, as much as to say, it was
full time for her to go away.
The light is swimming in Mary’s eyes, everything before her has become
dim and indistinct; and she trembles, not as she trembled a moment since,
with agitated pleasure—it is horror, dread, fear that now shakes her slender
frame, and looks out from her dim and vacant eyes. There is no trace now
of the blush which wavered but a little ago so gracefully upon her cheek, it
is pale as death, as she sinks back into her chair. Forsyth and Elizabeth both
rushed to her side. What is, what can be, the matter?
“Nothing, nothing, I shall be better immediately,” she said, shuddering
as she raised herself up again, and drew away the hand which Forsyth had
taken; “I am better now, much better.”
A look of intelligence and mutual congratulation passed between her
companions. Poor thing, she is agitated, and out of sorts with the novelty of
her position; but what matters that, they are quite sure of Mary now, and
Mrs. James glides quietly out of the room.
As soon as she has gone, and they are left alone together, Forsyth with
all the eloquence of look and tone and gesture he can command, pours his
suit into Mary’s ear. How entirely will he not be devoted to her, to her
happiness. How perfectly does she reign in his affections; but it seems,
unless from a shiver, which thrills through her frame from time to time, that
he speaks to a statue, alike incapable of moving from that charmed place, or
of articulating anything in answer to his petition. Forsyth becomes alarmed,
and entreats, beseeches her to speak to him, to look at him only, to return
the pressure of his hand, if nothing more definite is to be said or done; and
suddenly Mary does look up, pale and troubled though her countenance be,
into his face, and speaks firmly:—
“Where, Mr. Forsyth,” she said, gazing at him as though she could
penetrate the veil, and read his inmost heart; “where did that young man go,
that you were speaking to me of just now; the one,” she added, with hasty
irritation, as she marked his astonished and deprecating gesture—“the one
you thought resembled me; to what place or country did he flee? Answer
“Mary, dear Mary!” pleaded Forsyth, “why ask me such a question now?
why terrify me with such looks. That superstitious fellow can be nothing to
you; and you, dear Mary, are all in all to me.”
Mary’s voice is still trembling, notwithstanding her firmness, and the
very force of her agitation has made it clear. “Where did he go to?” she
repeats once more.
“I do not know; I believe to America, the universal refuge,” answered
Forsyth, half angrily. “But why do you torment me thus, and answer my
entreaties by such questions? What has this to do with my suit? Will you
not listen to me, Mary?”
As he spoke, she rose with sudden dignity, and repelled the proud man
who subdued and supplicating half knelt before her. “Much, Sir,” she said,
with emphasis; “it has much to do with what you have said to me. I, to
whom you address your love—I, who have been deceived into esteeming
you so long—I, am the sister of Halbert Melville; of the man whom your
seductions destroyed!”
It is too much, this struggle, the natural feeling will not be restrained,
and Mary Melville hides her face in her hands, and tries to keep in the
burning tears. Forsyth has been standing stunned, as though a thunderbolt
had broken upon his head, but now he starts forward again. She is melting,
he thinks, and again he takes her hand in his own. It is forced out of his hold
almost fiercely, and Mary, again elevated in transitory strength, bids him
begone; she will not look upon the destroyer of her brother with a
favourable eye, nor listen to a word from his lips.
A moment after, the passengers in the street are turning round in
astonishment, to look at that face so livid with rage and disappointment
which speeds past them like a flash of lightning, and Mrs. James Melville
was called up to administer restoratives to her fainting sister—sweet gentle

If I may trust the flattering eye of sleep,

My dreams presage some joyful news at hand;
My bosom’s lord sits lightly in his throne;
And, all this day, an unaccustom’d spirit
Lifts me above the ground with cheerful thoughts.
Romeo and Juliet.

HRISTIAN MELVILLE is seated alone by her fireside, engaged

in her usual occupations, and full of her wonted thoughts; but her
present anxiety about Mary has taught her to linger less in the
past, and to look oftener forward to the future than she has been
accustomed to do heretofore, since sorrow made that once bright prospect a
blank to her. Nay, Christian, in her happier hours, has grown a dreamer of
dreams, and all her architectural fancies terminate in the one grand object,
the happiness of Mary. She sees the imminent danger she runs of having to
relinquish her one remaining treasure, and that into the keeping of one she
distrusts so much as Forsyth. Christian cannot tell how it is that she has
such an unaccountable, unconquerable aversion to him. True, his name is
the same as that of Halbert’s tempter; and association is the root, doubtless,
of all her prejudice—as prejudice everybody calls it—and Christian tries, as
she has tried a hundred times, to overcome her repugnance, and to recollect
the good traits of character that have been told her of him, and to school her
mind into willingness to receive him as Mary’s choice; and she breathes,
from the depths of her heart, the fervent petition for guidance and
deliverance so often repeated for her innocent Mary—her child, her sister—
and then her thoughts speed away, and Halbert rises up before her mental
vision. What can be his fate? Long and wearily does she ponder, and bitter
fancies often make her groan in spirit as one burdened. Is he still a living
man?—still to be hoped and prayed for; or, is Halbert now beyond all
human hope and intercession? Her heart grows sick and faint as she thinks
of the possibility of this; but she almost instantly rejects it; and again her
soul rises to her Lord in earnest ejaculations. Oh! but for this power of
prayer, but for this well-ascertained certainty, that there is One who hears
the prayers of his people, how should Christian Melville have lived
throughout these three long anxious years; how should she have endured the
unbroken monotony of every uneventful day, with such a load upon her
mind, and such fancies coming and going in her heart; how possibly
subdued the longings of her anxious love through all this time of waiting
and suspense? But her prayer has never ceased; like the smoke of the
ancient sacrifice, it has ascended continually through the distant heaven: the
voice of her supplications and intercedings have risen up without ceasing;
and surely the Hearer of prayer will not shut his ears to these.
There is some commotion going on below, the sound of which comes up
to Christian in a confused murmur, in which she can only distinguish old
Ailie’s voice. At first she takes no notice of it; then she begins to wonder
what it can be, so strange are such sounds in this quiet and methodical
house, though still she does not rise to inquire what it is. Christian is
engrossed too much with her own thoughts; and as the sounds grow more
indistinct, she bends her head again, and permits herself to be carried away
once more in the current of her musings. But the step of old Ailie is coming
up the stairs much more rapidly than that old footstep was wont to come;
and as Christian looks up again in astonishment, Ailie rushes into the room,
spins round it for a moment with uplifted hands, sobbing and laughing
mingled, in joyful confusion, and then dropping on the floor, breathless and
exhausted with her extraordinary pirouetting, throws her apron over her
head, and weeps and laughs, and utters broken ejaculations till Christian,
hastening across the room in great alarm to interrogate her, afraid that the
old woman’s brain is affected,
“What is the matter, Ailie?” Christian asks. “Tell me, what is the
“Oh, Miss Christian!” and poor Ailie’s wail of sobbing mixed with
broken laughter sounded almost unearthly in Christian’s ear. “Oh, Miss
Christian! said I not, that the bairn of sae monie prayers suld not be lost at
“Ailie! Ailie! what do you mean? Have you heard anything of Halbert?”
and Christian trembled like a leaf, and could scarce speak her question for
emotion. “Ailie! I entreat you to speak to—to answer me.”
And Christian wrung her hands in an agony of hope and fear, unwitting
what to think or make of all this almost hysterical emotion of the old
faithful servant, or of her enigmatical words. “Look up, dear Christian; look
up!” Ailie needs not answer. Who is this that stands on the threshold of this
well-remembered room, with a flush of joy on his cheek, and a shade of
shame and fearfulness just tempering the glow of happiness in his eyes?
The brother and sister so fearfully and so long separated, and during
these years unwitting of each other’s existence even, are thus restored to
each other once more.
A long story has Halbert to tell, when Christian has recovered from her
first dream of confused joy, a three year long story, beginning with that
fearful night, the source of all his sorrows and his sufferings. Christian’s
heart is bent down in silent shuddering horror as he tells her of how he fell;
how he was seduced, as by the craftiness of an Ahithophel, into doubt, into
scoffing, into avowed unbelief, and finally led by his seducer—who all the
previous time had seemed pure and spotless as an angel of light—into the
haunts of his profligate associates, so vicious, so degrading, that the blush
mantles on Halbert’s cheek at the bare remembrance of that one night. He
tells her how among them he was led to acknowledge the change which
Forsyth had wrought upon his opinions, and how he had been welcomed as
one delivered from the bondage of priestly dreams and delusions; how he
was taken with them when they left Forsyth’s house—the host himself the
prime leader and chief of all—and saw scenes of evil which he shuddered
still to think of; and how in the terrible revulsion of his feelings which
followed his first knowledge of the habits of these men, whose no-creed he
had adopted, and whose principles he had openly confessed the night
before, sudden and awful conviction laid hold upon him—conviction of the
nature of sin; of his sin in chief—and an apprehension of the hopelessness
of pardon being extended to him; and how, turning reckless in his despair,
he had resolved to flee to some place where he was unknown, uncaring
what became of himself. He told her then of his long agony, of his fearful
struggle with despair, which engrossed his soul, and how at last he was
prompted by an inward influence to the use of the means of grace once
more; and how, when at length he dared to open his Bible again, a text of
comfort and of hopefulness looked him in the face; that he had said to
himself, over and over again, “It is impossible!” till hope had died in his
heart: but here this true word contradicted at once the terrible utterance of
his self-abandonment. “All things,” it was written, “are possible with God;”
and Halbert told her, how the first tears that had moistened his eyes since
his great fall sprang up in them that very day. He told her of the scene so
fair, where this mighty utterance of the Almighty went to his soul, and
where he found peace; in the words of the gifted American—

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