Accomplice Evidence - Sec 133, 114 (B)

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A ccompice Evielence

LSectane 13, l CbJ

An CcmPlee is a person whe has teken p a t in th e CsTmm

cm a 1ltY a s SoCLa te otner in Cnme,

hen Cn otence (s CommI Hesd m r e Than Ne persm in

Cem c e r t
eNe pqute prng In its CommISS]sm
acecmpllce He ls Called an
aPprrver fhe is
rane tpard
mder Sechm the Cede L Caimins Procedure ,
1973. An aieumpllC e
becmeing bec c m
J aPprver e3

po Secuhm sItheSs hen he


aPpeas as a ethess ftr th

Pro sewtt sTn
gains he Accused
ersn ith h snm be a c e

togethe In the CemmIsson he Cime he west7sm

qMses ht is the
vewe he ewieence f
foamen Cnmin tumes wItmess,
n DeMS V. Divectenr g blic Proseutn a s A 37

the House g Lres sbsemed thet an accomp llee s

Persm ho pa pakes in thee CesmmiSb/Sn he eue

Cime charged cgains f an qccused. He s to be o t 1

CatminrS Shether as PolneipalS sr

- qcdessojes bere
the at a
perssn Cmm1 t g proCurmng, Aldi
and qbetng. 1But here CSes In Shleh a
hes be en held to be An cc mplice een
he is hot a
p4atici pes Ctmin 1S VIZ!

ecevers oL stolen proesty are taken to be. qcemplices

the thi eres from whm they dece ive s d S, ona t a a the
laHer for thet
A ccmpliceS tn preulau s
fences Cummi Hedby*e
accused m a, re eeemed to be. accomnPllees tHe
oHencees fer h1ch the accUSes Is on tncd, Shen ewoenca
a ceu sed
hausng CSmmthed es lenhca

THpe Sn Stthe ccaston S De dmssible t o prove te

Sysem and Inen

the qecuSe in C m mi t t n a t h e
otence cherred
Who 's Not an Accempliee

The fellouing no+ acc emplices-

clas ses q Persons are

when a persn,
Umder th death ar other fom -P
Ssme Shieh he 'is mable to esst, Cesmmjts a cme
alma t h others he Ts not tin parsiepant in tt but
Vicm SUch Crm_stanaes

CG A person Sho mereu stthesses a c me and eoes ho

else sUt S t e r o r , 1s h e

an acc emplice.

C)Detectives, Pad nevr 1ofsmers and ap er

tme s es Lto t a P the accosed) a re h o acco mpl tces , A

Court may mconnoboae eshm ohy

top H H ESses 'is Sats-fed thei tuthfulness.
LPrak sh Chand V. State AIR 1a7H) Sc
Tis aluays fer the a to decde heher + s sfe.

to and a t upen toeP s Imess . His pHalty f

the p secunm
qate hich Can hapd|y be

The chaaoke posHm t luf, and h e Socal standiny

tme wlthess would ge a

lonq wayL in
helping, thetvdae to
his evtlence.

Sechom 133 Accomplice

An aceem plice shall be a
Compee nt mess aaans an
Person and a Cenuemon s not ilea merey
because t Poceeds pon the m corsbemaed teshmany

Sectian |14. 1/ustration Cb)
The Ce may presme t h e aceompllce s muosthy

ereat mless he is Corobome in materda prptles

- las

Hswerer Sechom 1 also

ives Instences uohen th is
dees not
aPp A persm the hghea characher IS
med fe mans death
ac ngg
-encee tn
anang Ce rtain
machine B, a pesm
el chara eher, sha alse toli pattn the ang
ement descnbe 3
Presey shat a s dne ans admit
and expains e Com m n
Careless nes s A and h1mset
The otHer Ihstan ce
7s A Cnme s CemmiHes bY sever
persens .

A, B and C, three
he Cumines G r e Captre
t h e spe and ep
a rom eqeh sther. Eah
esan aLccmE the cime Imp atng D, and th e
accounts Comebmte each othe in SUh Aman HEr as to
Tender PreuiOVS Cencert hg h Improbeable
No Ani thesis between Secton 1B3 and Secthon l1y
Seehon 133 is q Clear autnnsqhon to the CouYts to Cen vit om

me Come boako
teskhmany an accom pliee , b t sinee suh
ness , beang cnm inal himset, may not always be
trusaothy, the
Cants are oded the u s a t on appened to Seoharn l1y
th , if It ts hecessan the shaule prSme th E
he ts mrellqbl e mless his Staements C e spporte

Venfied y ome Inalepeneent evidence LDaqdw V. Stethe g

Nahaas hhg C19P7) 3 scc 2.c8

Secttem 133 ley otm ule s 3ut
aw. Sectton I14,
tlushh C6 Lays dum r l e L phodence Ths le s
Pudence hqs Come t be q ieeped
Law uicLa a s latten 6 t h in nelan an Engitc

Evidentia Vawe ofan A ccemplce

The eudence an accmplee s hsuld Send the teat
Venicatn em at teast th main potnts This is kArs
Coo bugtim

er ae the folloLoing dangers in accePHng. the m Cemeb

testmny en
a ccam plce
He s PaHeIpes Cotminis parn eApan In
a the Cm miSSIu
actua CHme), hence evidence Come foma ttinted
Sarc e , . Hs
test1mony shoul not Camu The Same ees
aus tnet a law-abidlung,
(2) He has been
athless to his Companlnns and nmay_be
athless to the Cot oeawse he has moh ne to shift
a l rom himsel+ +O his fomer
Comp anlums, h e
dange Ls tha he may seqv StUY hich

may Impli cae esen the Innoce+ tthhe qull

T h e 1s An Cle.
aPprover aned pqrdon)he hs been
favared the stahe and is therefore like t favem the
These reqsons dietae h e necess iy for esmeboaien. Ln fnc
an aPProvers eutqense has to S a t s t the double tes+:
his evdence mus be veltable
hls eulden c e shsule be mteialy C Coroborqked
The neture and ete S cerobsqton qc mplre.
evdence mus+ neces S y v r y oIth the C CUm Stq nees
each Cqse, and it ts mot PosSb)e en m CLae any_
herd and fast le Bu+ he
audung ules lald doum in
RVa BasKarvi lle Ciaic 2 Ke 6s) e d e a r u beyans

Cenov T are
I+ s net he ceSsay hat the shsuld be ndependent
Cnftmatron, n even e l , q the Cnme 7elaes the
acc enmplice
SUMent I there. is
as te
emaenad CentkmatrD
aremnStenCe the Case
Csftmqtrm binepenent evIence mus+ be
eentit the a
ccus es in reahsn to the cnme
Thus thee must be
Conftmaten tn n o t Snu has t h e
Cime been Commrtted that he accuses comm/tes it.
The c
Sme evdenee Sther h a n
independe+ esHmonY,e,
thet- fhe
thereere, me accompliee Cannot
Cemo barqke the cther
The corob caton need nor be
by diree evdenee thq+the
accused CemmHd the
the Cnme, t maY euen be
Tn Sresh Chandr 13ahm V. Stqe Bthar LHR 1y se
2-42), the Sopreme Curt r e
emphassed the
qsInq He Pe Smpton that the aPProVer ewIdence
Co- accused V Accempuee Bdenea
Confessien Co-accuses CSec7em) 3o) when more

Persems han ne eare ben ed dointy f the sqme

etence and a Cenfessien m-de yne q such posens

ttect himself and Some sther Such pe s n s å

PrvedA tHe Crt mey IKe Int Cons(erqtSN vch

Confessin nstt SOch sther persn as

gons the C o n t e S S ( GD.

persm ho maKes sveh

The Cenfessien c o - ccUse must implea e himse

as wel| aS some Othe accuses. r t h e r the Contessm
made silln btbe zelewgnt h e r
Hhey a e tointy7 t1es 6u+fe diterent otences (eg:
a'b uch en and vRpe) then alse the ian fessl er s i
be ireleva+. SHIl f t h e r the Csfess(n mus+ het

hwe been mase mder

The Con fe ss m Co- accusesIs not t e a e d in t h

Same as the testmmy tme accemnpllee

a The cenfess/en Co-qccosed Shot e Uence"

as t het endes nr + is e h tn the

presence the aceosea and nr th coun b e

teskd Cross- examinat7oh

The a Ccompllce ebtdence s tacen n ogth and tesied

C sS tXamiAtoN a hgher pobave Vqwe is

bThe philossphy Seehom 30 1s that Confe ss(on qL Co- Cus

ecttercl s Some2
Sortg San ehon n
uth hes CSntessiTN q a n s sthers and bimsef-.

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