SR Scmodel A 2023 P1 Gta 07 P1 Qp&key

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Sec: OSR.

IIT_*CO-SC Date: 21-04-24

Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 180

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:





Narayana IIT Academy 21-04-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-7(P1)_Q’P
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 3) +4 -2 3 12
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 4 – 7) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 4 12
Sec – III (Q.N : 8 – 13) Questions with Non-Negative Integer type +4 0 6 24
Sec – IV (Q.N : 14 – 17) Questions with MATRIX MATCH +3 -1 4 12
Total 17 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 18 – 20) +4 -2 3 12
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 21 – 24) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 4 12
Sec – III (Q.N : 25 – 30) Questions with Non-Negative Integer type +4 0 6 24
Sec – IV (Q.N : 31 – 34) Questions with MATRIX MATCH +3 -1 4 12
Total 17 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I (Q.N : 35 – 37) +4 -2 3 12
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Sec – II (Q.N : 38 – 41) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 4 12
Sec – III (Q.N : 42 – 47) Questions with Non-Negative Integer type +4 0 6 24
Sec – IV (Q.N : 48 –51) Questions with MATRIX MATCH +3 -1 4 12
Total 17 60

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SECTION - I (Maximum Marks : 12)

This section contains SIX (03) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
 3
1. L1 is a tangent drawn to the curve x 2  4y 2  16 at A  5,  . L 2 is another tangent parallel
 2
to L1 which meets the curve at B. L3 and L 4 are normal to the curve at A and B. Lines
L1 , L 2 , L3, L 4 form a rectangle, then

A) equation of tangent at B is 6y  5x  16
B) equation of normal at B is 12x  10y  75  0
C) radius of largest circle inscribed in the rectangle is
D) Radius of the circle circumscribing the rectangle is 109
  5  7
2. If    ,   such that f     tan      cos      tan     has maximum and
 9 36   18   18   9 
minimum value as I1 and I 2 respectively, then
11 3  2 2 2 2 1 11
A) I1  B) I 2  C) I 2  D) I1 
3 2 2 2 3
3. A bug starts from the origin O (0,0) in the co – ordinate plane jumping from one point to
another at the rate of one jump per second. It moves according to the rule that from (m,
n) it jumps to either  m, n  1 or  m  1,n  ,  m, n  W  , either been equally likely. Five
second from the start the bug reaches (, ) then:-
A) The number of different values that |    | can take is 3
B) Probability that bug reaches (, ) if |    | 1, is
C) Probability that bug reaches (, ) if |    |  1 is
D) Probability that bug reaches (, ) if |    |  1 is

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SECTION–II (Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONLY ONE of these four option is the correct answer.
For each question, choose the correct option corresponding to the correct answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If only the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the option is chosen.(i.e the question is un answered)
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.
4. If a twice differentiable function satisfying a relation f (x 2 y)  x 2f (y)  yf (x 2 )  x, y  0 and
f '(1)  1 , then the value of f ''   is:-
1 2
A) B) 7 C) 3 D)
7 7
2  1  2
Let I1   2, I2   cot 1       2
5. , I3  cot 1   , then which of the
16  
  2
 1 2  1
following is TRUE?
A) I1  I2  I3 B) I1  I 2  I3 C) I 2  I3  I1 D) I 2  I1  I3

x 2 sin 2x  sin 2x (x tan x  1)

6. Let p(x)   dx , then p(1)  p(0) 
(x 2  1) 2

1  cos 2 1  cos 2 cos 2

A) B) C) 1  D) none of these
4 4 4

7. ABCD is a tetrahedron with A  (2, 0, 0), B  (0, 4, 0) and CD  14 . Edge CD lies on the
x 1 y  2 z  3
  . If locus of centroid of tetrahedron is 2  y  y1  z  z1 , then
1 2 3 1 a b
a  b  y1  ?

A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10
SECTION-III (Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains THREE (06) questions. The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER
For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the on-screen
virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +4 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
2r 2  48r  1
8. If the value of  (50  r) 50C  k , then the value of [k] is (where [.] represents greatest
r 1 r

integer function)

9. If the orthocentre of the triangle formed by the points t1 , t 2 , t 3 on the parabola y 2  4ax is
the focus, the value of | t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3 t1 |
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10. Let f : R  R be a differentiable function with f (1)  3 and
xy x y

 f (t)dt  y f (t)dt  x  f (t)dt x, y  R

, f (e)  ?
1 1 1

        
11. Let a and b be two non collinear vectors such that a  b  2 and a  b  a  2b . If r is
      
any vector such that | r |
 
and r  a  b  3a  2b , then the value of  r a b  is

12. The square of the product of reciprocal of roots of the equation 2 cot 1 (2x  1)  sin 1 x  

x  2 y  3 z 1
13. A ray of light originating from point A(1, 2,3) strikes a line mirror L :   at
1 2 3
point P and after reflection it passes through the point B(3, 6,9) , then 

SECTION-IV (Maximum Marks : 12)

SECTION 4 (Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) Matching List Sets. Each set has ONE Multiple Choice Question
Each set has TWO lists: List-I and List-II. List-I has Four entries (P), (Q), (R) and (S) and
List-II has Five entries (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).
FOUR options are given in each Multiple Choice Question based on List-I and List-II and ONLY ONE of these
four options satisfies the condition asked in the Multiple Choice Question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3ONLYif the option corresponding to the correct combination is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks: – 1 in all other cases.
2 1  a11 (n) a12 (n)  a (n)
14. Let A       . If lim 12   where  2  a  b
1 0  a 21 (n) a 22 (n)  n  a 22 (n)

(a,b  N & a  b)

List – I List – II
I) a P) Prime number
II) b Q) Perfect square
III) ab R) Perfect cube
IV) a 2  b2 S) Multiple of5
T) Multiple of 10
The correct option is

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A) (I)  (Q); (II)  (R);(III)  (T);(IV)  (S)

B) (I)  (Q);(II)  (R);(III)  (P);(IV)  (S)

C) (I)  (P);(II)  (S);(III)  (R);(IV)  (T)

D) (I)  (P);(II)  (R);(III)  (T);(IV)  (S)

15. Consider the curves 2 | z  2a | z  z and | z  4a | 3a where z  x  iy

List – I List – II
If z1 is the point intersection of
(I) common tangents (not parallel to (P) A prime number
|z |
imaginary axis), then 1 is

If A is the area of triangle formed by

chord of contact(for | z  4a | 3a) and
(II) common tangents from z1 (used in 1st (Q) Perfect square
part), then is
3a 2

Number of common points to both

(III) (R) Perfect cube
curves is
If equation of chord of contact from
z1 (used in part I) to the curve
(IV) (S) Multiple of 10
2 | z  2a | z  z is  ka , then k is

(T) Multiple of 5
The correct option is:

A) (I)  (P);(II)   R  ;(III)  (T); (IV)  (Q)

B) (I)  (P);(II)   Q  ; (III)  (T); (IV)  (R)

C) (I)  (P);(II)   R  ;(III)  (P);(IV)  (Q)

D) (I)  (P);(II)   Q  ; (III)  (P); (IV)  (R)

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16. If Sn   r! , then for n > 6 (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function)
r 1
  S      S     S   
1  sin 1  sin  Sn  7  n    ;  2  cos 1  cos  Sn  7  n    ; 3  tan 1  tan  Sn  7  n    ;
   7     7      7 
 S  
 4  cot 1 cot  Sn  7  n   , then which of the following is correct
  7 
List - I List – II
P. Value of 1 1. 5

Q. Value of  2 2. 5  2

R. Value of 3 3. 6  2

S. Value of  4 4. 2  5
The correct option is
A) P  2; Q  4; R  3;S  1 B) P  2; Q  4; R  2;S  1
C) P  4; Q  2; R  4;S  1 D) P  4; Q  2; R  2;S  3
17. Match the equations in List – I to solution in List – II :

List – I List – II
2  x  1    2   k
tan      e for
(I)   2  2x    (P) Only one solution for k  (0,1/ e)
0  x 1
  1
(II) In x  kx has (Q) Only one solution for k    , 0 
 e 
 1 
(III) xex  k has (R) Two solutions for k   ,0
 e 
Two distinct solutions for
(IV) Xlnx = k has (S)  1
k   0, 
 e

No solution for k   0, 
 e
A) (I)  (RT);(II)   PR  ;(III)  (PR);(IV)  (QS)

B) (I)  (RT);(II)   QS ; (III)  (PS); (IV)  (RS)

C) (I)  (RT);(II)   ST  ;(III)  (RS);(IV)  (P R)

D) (I)  (RT);(II)   QS ;(III)  (PR);(IV)  (P R)

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SECTION - I (Maximum Marks : 12)

This section contains SIX (03) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
18. A rod CD of length L and mass M is placed horizontally on a frictionless horizontal
surface as shown. A second identical rod AB which is also placed horizontally
(perpendicular to CD) on the same horizontal surface is moving along the surface with a
velocity v in a direction perpendicular to rod CD and its end B strikes the rod CD at end
C and sticks to it rigidly. Then:

A) Speed of centre of mass of the system just after impact is

B) The  (angular speed) of system just after collision is

C) Speed of centre of mass of the system just after impact is

D) The  (angular speed) of system just after collision is

19. Two adiabatic curves involving an ideal gas are plotted on a P.V diagram. A and B are
two points on these curves as shown in the diagram. Which of the following statements
is/are true?

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A) Heat is given to system in the process AB.

B) Heat is rejected by system in the process AB

C) Whether heat is rejected or absorbed by the system during the process AB does not
depend on the magnitude of the slope of line AB

D) Whether heat is rejected or absorbed by the system during the process AB does not
depend on the exact position of the point A and B on the P – V diagram, so long as A is
on lower curve and B is on upper curve

20. From a cylinder of radius R, a cylinder of radius R/3 is removed as shown. Current is
flowing in the remaining cylinder is I. The distance OA is equal to . Magnetic field
strength at:

3 0 I 0I
A) Point B is B) Point B is
8R 8R

3 0 I 0I
C) Point A is D) Point A is
8R 8R

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SECTION–II (Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONLY ONE of these four option is the correct answer.
For each question, choose the correct option corresponding to the correct answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If only the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the option is chosen.(i.e the question is un answered)
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.
21. A convex lens of focal length 15 cm is split into two halves and the two halves are
placed at a separation of 120 cm. Between the two halves of the convex lens a plane
mirror is placed horizontally and at a distance of 4 mm below the principal axis of the
lens halves. An object of length 2 mm is placed at a distance of 20 cm from one half lens
as shown in figure.
(Final image forms due to refraction through lens L1 , then reflection from mirror and
finally refraction through lens L 2 )

A) The size of the final image is 1 mm B) The size of the final image is 2 mm

C) The size of the final image is 3 mm D) The size of the final image is 4 mm

22. Two strings AB and BC of length 1 meter and 1/2 meter respectively are joined together
at end B as shown. Point B is the junction of both strings. The mass per unit length of
string AB and BC are

0.16 kg/m and 0.25 kg/m respectively. A tension of 100 N is maintained in both the
strings. A sinusoidal wave pulse of amplitude 2 mm is produced at end ‘A’. It is partly
reflected and partly transmitted at joint B. Find the ratio of amplitudes of transmitted and
reflected waves.

A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8

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23. Precession is the result of the angular velocity of rotation (spin) and the angular velocity
produced by the torque. It is an angular velocity about a line that makes an angle  with
the precession axis. In the diagram, a top of mass m is performing precession motion.
The torque due to gravitational force Fg causes a change in the angular momentum L in
the direction of that torque causing the top to precess with angular velocity P which is
given by:

(Given r is the distance of COM from point of rotation ‘P’. Is & s are the moment of
inertia and angular velocity of top about spin axis respectively.)
[Work under the approximation that spinning angular velocity is much greater than
precession angular velocity]

mgr mgr 2 s Is mgr

A) B) C) D)
Is s2 Is s2 mgr s Is

24. A spherical metal ball of radius ‘r’ is laying at the bottom of stationary container
containing liquid of density  as shown in the figure. The force exerted on the upper
hemispherical portion of the sphere due to pressure ( p0 = atmospheric pressure) is:

r 2 r 2
A) 3P0  7rg  B) 3P0  7rg 
3 2

C) r 2 3P0  7rg  D) 2r 2 3P0  7rg 

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SECTION-III (Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains THREE (06) questions. The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER
For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the on-screen
virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +4 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
25. A stone projected at an angle of 60º from the ground level strikes at an angle of 30º on
the roof of a building of height ‘h’. If the speed of projection of the stone is Ngh , find

26. A particle is projected from point A, that is at a distance 4R from the centre of the earth,
with speed v1 in a direction making 30º with the line joining the center of the earth and
point A, as shown. Find v1 if the particle passes grazing the surface of the earth.
Consider gravitational interaction only between these two. Express you answer in the
form m / s and fill value of X.
(use  6.4  107 m 2 / s 2 )

27. A solid has a volume v0 when external pressure is p0 . Bulk modulus of the material is
B. Now the pressure is increased to p. The additional energy per unit volume now stored

in the material is

3 p 2  p02  . Report the value of z.

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28. A ray of light travelling in glass (  3 / 2) is incident on a horizontal glass air surface at
the critical angle C . If a thin layer of water (  4 / 3) is now poured on the glass air
surface, the ray of light emerges into air at the water air surface at an angle of  / k
radians from the normal at that point, find the value of k.

29. Resistance of each resistor is ‘R’ and resistance of circumference is negligible as shown
in figure. The equivalent resistance across AB is . Fill the value of  .

30. Two uniform square plates each of mass m are connected by a uniform rod of length 
and mass m as shown. Time period of SHM in the plane of figure about point P is given
by 2 .

Fill the value of    (where ,  are the smallest possible natural numbers.)

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SECTION-IV (Maximum Marks : 12)
SECTION 4 (Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) Matching List Sets. Each set has ONE Multiple Choice Question
Each set has TWO lists: List-I and List-II. List-I has Four entries (P), (Q), (R) and (S) and
List-II has Five entries (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).
FOUR options are given in each Multiple Choice Question based on List-I and List-II and ONLY ONE of these
four options satisfies the condition asked in the Multiple Choice Question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3ONLYif the option corresponding to the correct combination is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks: – 1 in all other cases.
31. Match the following.

Column – I Column – II

A ball released in a long column

(a) (P) of viscous fluid (y = velocity, x =

An uncharged capacitor connected

(b) (Q) to a real battery (y = current, x =

A charged capacitor being

(c) (R) discharged by a resistor (y =
charge on capacitor, x = current)

A charged capacitor filled with

dielectric (at x = 0 is +ve plate and
(d) (S)
at x   d is – ve plate. y =
potential, x – coordinate)

A table tennis ball rising in

(T) viscous fluid.
(y = velocity, x = time)

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Now choose the best match:

A) (a)  P, T; (b)  Q; (c)  S; (d)  R

B) (a)  P, T; (b)  S;(c)  S; (d)  R, T

C) (a)  P; (b)  Q;(c)  S; (d)  R, T

D) (a)  P, T; (b)  T;(c)  S;(d)  R

32. Match the following Column – I with Column – II [Assume Hydrogenic Atoms only]

Column – I Column – II
Radius of orbit is related with
(a) P. Is proportional to z
atomic number (z)
Current associated due to orbital
(b) motion electron with atomic Q. Is inversely proportional
number (z)
Magnetic field at centre due to
(c) orbital motion of electron related R. Is proportional to z3
with (z)
Velocity of an electron related with
(d) S. Is proportional to z3
atomic number (z)

T. Is proportional to z5

Now choose the best match:

A) a  Q, B  R, C  S, D  T B) a  Q, B  S, C  S, D  P
C) a  Q, B  R, C  S, D  P D) a  Q, B  S, C  R, D  P
33. A monochromatic parallel beam of light of wavelength  is incident normally on the
plane containing slits S1 and S2 . The slits are of unequal width such that intensity only
due to one slit is four times the other. The separation between the slits is d and that
between screen and slit plane is D. Match the statement in column – I with results in
column – II. (d << D), (y << D) and    d  . Where y is distance of point of
observation from central bright.

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Column – I Column – II
A. The distance between two points on screen P. D
having equal intensities, such that intensity at 3d
those points is 1/9 times the maximum
B. The distance between two points on screen Q. D
having equal intensities, such that intensity at d
those point is th of maximum intensity.

C. The distance between two points on screen R. 2D

having equal intensities, such that intensity at d
those points is the of maximum intensity

D. The distance between two points on screen S. 3D

having equal intensities, such that intensity at d
those points is the of maximum intensity.

Now choose the best match:

A) A  Q, R,S ; B  P, Q, R,S; C  Q, R,S; D  Q, R,S
B) A  Q, R ; B  P, Q, R,S; C  Q, R,S; D  Q, R,S
C) A  Q, R,S ; B  P, Q, R,S; C  Q, R,S; D  P, Q, R,S
D) A  R,S ; B  P, Q, R,S; C  Q, R,S; D  Q, R,S

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34. A stick with mass m and length 2R is pivoted at one end on a vertical wall. It is held
horizontal, and a disc with mass m and radius R is placed beneath it, in contact with both
it and wall as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between disc and wall is  ,
between disc and stick is s . System is released and it does not fall. Now match column
I and II.

Column – I Column – II

(A) (S ) min (P) 1

(B) (  ) min (Q) 2

Vertical component of contact force

(C) (R) 2 mg
between stick and disc

Vertical component of contact force

(D) (S) Mg
between wall and disc

(T) 5mg

Now choose the best match

A) A  Q, B  P, C  R, D  S B) A  Q, B  P, C  S, D  R

C) A  P, B  Q, C  S, D  R D) A  Q, B  P, C  S, D  T

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SECTION - I (Maximum Marks : 12)

This section contains SIX (03) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
35. The correct statement(s) about biopolymer X is(are) :

A) It is a non-reducing sugar
B) It exhibits mutarotation
C) It has   C1  C4  glycosidic linkage
D) Its hydrolysis product is D-Galactose

36. The reaction sequence(s) that would lead to m-xylene (1,3-dimethyl benzene) as the
major product is(are):
1. NaNO 2, HCl
273 K CH 3Br
Na, Et 2O
2. CuBr, HBr
A) Me


1. CrO2Cl 2, CS2 1. CH3Cl, AlCl 3

2. H3O
+ 2. Zn-Hg/HCl

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NO 2 1.Fe/HCl
2. NaNO 2, HCl
then H3O+
273 K
3. CuCN 2. N2H4, KOH, 
C) Me

Me +
1. Mg, Et2O 1. LiAlH 4 then H 3O

2.CO 2 2. MnO 2
3. H3O 3. N2H4 , KOH, 
D) Br

37. Correct statement(s) among the following is/are

A) CO2 is a discrete molecule while SiO2 is a network solid

B) During hydrolytic polymerization of R 2SiCl2 , R 3SiCl is added to control the chain


C) Silicon has no graphite analogue as it does not form p  p bonds itself.

D) Trisilyl amine is less basic than trimethyl amine

SECTION–II (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONLY ONE of these four option is the correct answer.
For each question, choose the correct option corresponding to the correct answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If only the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the option is chosen.(i.e the question is un answered)
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.

Above conversion is carried out with the help of :

A) LiAlH 4 B) NaBH 4

C) NH 2  NH 2 / OH  / Δ , then H  D) Zn  Hg / HCl

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39. Which of the following reaction represent Hydrolysis of Cl2O6
A) Cl2O6  H 2O  HClO3  HClO 4 B) 2Cl2O6  2H 2O  HClO 2  3HClO 4
C) 3Cl2O6  3H 2O  HOCl  5HClO 4 D) 4Cl 2O6  4H 2O  HCl  7HClO4
40. Spinel is an important class of oxides consisting of two types of metal ions with the
oxide ions arranged in CCP pattern. The normal spinel has 1/8 of the tetrahedral holes
occupied by divalent metal ion and 1/2 of the octahedral holes occupied by trivalent
metal ion. If CCP arrangement of oxide ions remains undistorted in the presence of all
the cations, percentage of the packing fraction of crystal are:
A) 72% B) 54% C) 88% D) 76%

41. For the reaction A  g  

 nB  g  , the rate constant is 6.93 104 s1 . The reaction is
performed at constant volume and temperature, starting with pure A(g). If after 1000 s
from the start of reaction, the pressure of system becomes 3 times the initial pressure, the
value of n is

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 2

SECTION-III (Maximum Marks : 24)

This section contains THREE (06) questions. The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER
For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer using the mouse and the on-screen
virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +4 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
42. Consider following species

Total number of species having aromatic character is____

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43. Solid BaF2 is added to a solution containing 0.1 mole of sodium (1 litre) until equilibrium
is reached. If the Ksp of BaF2 and BaC2O4 (s) is 106 &107 respectively. Assume addition
of BaF2 does not cause any change in volume and no hydrolysis of any of the cations or

anions. (Given : 116  10.77 ) If concentration of Ba 2 ions in resulting solution at

equilibrium is represented as 2.7  10 x , then x is:

44. An element X (Atomic mass = 25) exists as X 4 is benzene. 51g of saturated solution of
X in benzene was added to 50.0 g of pure benzene. The resulting solution showed a
depression of freezing point of 0.55 K. Calculate the solubility (in gram) of X per 100g
of benzene.

( K f for benzene = 5.5 K kg mol1 )

(Assume 100% association takes place)

45. How many of the given compounds can produce XeO3 upon hydrolysis

XeF6 , XeF4 , XeO 2 F2 , XeOF4

46. No. of following reagents in which ppt A is soluble is:

AgNO3  NaCl  A 

(i) aqNH3 (ii) aq.KCN (iii) aq Na 2S2O3 (iv) Conc.HCl

(v) aq.NaOH (vi) aq.Kl

47. The total number of electrons in t 2 g orbital of Sodium nitropruside i.e.

Na 2  Fe(CN)5  NO    X and the total number of electrons in t 2 g orbital of brown ring

complex i.e.  Fe  H 2 O 5  NO    Y , then find value of X  Y


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SECTION-IV (Maximum Marks : 12)
SECTION 4 (Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) Matching List Sets. Each set has ONE Multiple Choice Question
Each set has TWO lists: List-I and List-II. List-I has Four entries (P), (Q), (R) and (S) and
List-II has Five entries (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).
FOUR options are given in each Multiple Choice Question based on List-I and List-II and ONLY ONE of these
four options satisfies the condition asked in the Multiple Choice Question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3ONLYif the option corresponding to the correct combination is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks: – 1 in all other cases.
48. Resonance, hyper conjugation and inductive effects, affect chemical properties of
molecules / ion. These electronic effects, affect electron density at different centres
in molecules. Now consider molecules given in List – I with their
properties in List – II.

List – I (Species) List – II (Properties)

(I) (P) Can undergo resonance

(II) (Q) Can undergo hyperconjugation

(III) (R) Can act as electrophile

(IV) (S) Can act as Nucleophile

(T) Can undergo tautomerization

Can react with grignard
Which of the following option contains all correct combinations?
A) I  P, II  R, III  T, IV  Q B) I – U, II – Q, III – S, IV – Q
C) I – S, II – T, III – P, IV – T D) I – P, II – R, III – S, IV – U

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49. Match the following.

[Note: a) All data mentioned are at 298 K. b) log 2 = 0.3]


I) 1M XOH(aq) [pK b  XOH   6] P) pH  2.4

At equivalence point when 20 ml of 0.5M

BOH is titrated with 2M HCl
II) Q) pOH  3.0
(K b (BOH)   109 M)

III) 0.1M C6 H 5 NH 2 (aq)[pK b (C6 H 5 NH 2 )  7] R) pH  10.0

20 ml of 0.125M C5H5 NHCl 

IV) 5 ml of 5 103 MHCl S) pH  2.7

[K b of C5H 5 N  5  1010 M ]

T) pH  3.4

Which of the following has correct combination considering list-I and list-II?

A) I-R; II-S ; III-T; IV- P B) I-Q; II-T; III-P; IV- S

C) I-Q; II-P; III- S; IV- R D) I-Q; II-P; III-R; IV- S

50. Match the list.

List – I List – II

(I) (P) 5p y

(II) Angular probability depends upon  and  (Q) 8

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2KE 2, 3
If A  then value of | A | is
3 P, E 4, 2
(III) (R) 3
E n,z  energy of electron in n orbit, z  atomic


Sum of number of maxima in the curve 4r 2 R 2 vs r

(IV) (S) 4p y
for 4p y and 7d xy

(T) 6d xy

A) I  P, T; II  P, T,S; III  R, IV  Q B) I  P, T; II  P, T,S; III  Q; IV  R

C) I  T; II  P,S; III  R; IV  Q D) I  T; II  P,S; III  Q; IV  R

51. Consider the following lists:

List – I List – II
(I) CH 2  CH  CHO 
NaBH 4 .alc
 (P) Acetal
pH(4  5)
(II) C6 H 5CHO  Ph  NH 2   (Q) Schiff’s base
pH(4 5)
(III) C6 H 5COCH 3  CH3  CH 2  NH  CH3   (R) Unsaturated alcohol

(IV) RCHO  2RCH 2OH 
 (S) Enamine

(T) Imine

Which one is correct?

A) I-R; II-Q ; III-S; IV- P B) I-T; II-Q; III-S; IV- P

C) I-E; II-S; III- T; IV- P D) I-R; II-Q; III-T; IV- P

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Sec: OSR.IIT_*CO-SC GTA-7(P1) Date: 21-04-24
Time: 3HRS 2023_P1 Max. Marks: 180
1 BC 2 CD 3 AB 4 B 5 D
6 A 7 B 8 49 9 5 10 6
11 6 12 2 13 7 14 B 15 C
16 B 17 D

18 BC 19 ACD 20 AC 21 B 22 D

23 D 24 A 25 3 26 8 27 6

28 2 29 16 30 11 31 A 32 C

33 C 34 B

35 AC 36 ACD 37 ABCD 38 C 39 A

40 D 41 C 42 4 43 5 44 2

45 4 46 4 47 11 48 D 49 D

50 A 51 A
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x 2 y2  3
  1;  5,  line on the curve
16 4  2
5x 3  y 
Tangent at A,    1
16 2  4 
 5x  6y  16
Tangent at B, 5x  6y  6
 3
Normal at A, 6x  5y   , A  5, 
 2
15 75 75
30   1    ;6x  5y 
2 2 2
5  
2. Let A     A , 
18 6 4
 
f (A)  tan A  cos A  cos A  A   , 
6 4
11 2 2 1
Hence, I1  , I2 
2 3 2
3. After 5 second bug can reach at (5, 0), (4, 1), (3, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4) and (0, 5) along 1, 5, 10, 5, 1
different paths.
4. Differentiate both the sides, keeping x constant
2xyf '(x 2 y)  f (y).2x  y.2x.f '(x 2 ); put x = 1
yf '(y)  f (y)  yf '(1)  f (y)  y
Differentiate w.r.t. y
yf ''(y)  f '(y)  f '(y)  1
f ''(y) 

  2
5. Use the function f(x) = cot 1 (x) 
x2 1
x 2 sin 2x  sin 2x(x tan x  1)
6.  (x 2  1) 2

(x 2  1) sin 2x  2x sin 2
 dx
(x 2  1) 2

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d  sin 2 x 
=  dx  x 2  1  dx
 
sin 2 x
= 2
x 1
7. Let C  (1  1, 21  2,31  3) and D  ( 2  1, 2 2  2,3 2  3)
 CD  14 | 1   2 | 14  1   2  1
49  2r 2
 48r  1  49  r 1 r 
8.  (50  r) 50
  50 C  50
r 1 r 1  r 1 
9. SA  BC

 2at1  0   2at 3  2at 2 

 2   2 2    1
 at1  a   at 3  at 2 
 4t1  t12  t 2  t 3   t 2  t 3 ….(1)
Similarly 4t 2  t 22  t 3  t1   t 3  t1 ….(2)
On subtracting (2) from (1), we get
| t1t 2  t 2 t 3  t 3 t1 | 5
10. Diff. both sides
x y
f (xy){y  xy '}  y '  f (t)dt  y f (x)   f (t)dt  xf (y)y '
1 1
Put x = 1
f (y){y  y '}  3y   f (t)dt  y 'f (y)
yf (  )  3y   f (t) dt
xf (x)  3x   f (t) dx
Diff.  f (x)  xf '(x)  3  f (x)
f '(x) 
f (x)  3nx  c  f (1)  3  c
f (x)  3nx  3  f (e)  6
    
11. 
r  xa  yb  z a  b ….(1) 
          
     
r  a  b  r.b a  r  a b  r.b  3, r. a  2

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From equation (1), we get 2  x | a |  ya.b  2x  y  1
3  xa.b  y | b |2  2x  4y  3
1 2  4 1
 x  ; y  . Als,| r |  z
6 3 3 2
  r a b   | z || a  b |2

12. Let cot 1 (2x  1)  ; 0    

1  cot  2t t 1
 sin 2   2
  t 3  3t 2  t  1  0
2 1 t 2t
 t  1,1  2; t  1  2 does not satisfy
 x  1,


S 
16. Sn  7  n   5

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Mv  2Mv1  v1 
 ML2  L  
2  M     Mv
 12  2 2   4

19. Let us consider a closed process ABCA. CA is an isochoric process. In CA, T

decreases as ‘P’ decreases.

QCA  nC V T is negative. Let it is  y .

QABCA  WABCA is  ve.

Let it is +z
 Q AB  Q BC  QCA   z
 Q AB  0  ( y)   z
 Q AB  z  y  0
20. Magnetic field inside the cavity remains constant
 
 0 J  
Bcavity 
21. For refraction at lens L1
1 1 1
 
v u f
1 1 1
 
v 20 15
v  60cm
v 60
Magnification, m    3
u 20
 A 'C '   2  6 mm
A ' b '  4mm, B 'C '  2mm

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For the lens L 2 u  60, f  15

1 1 1
  
v 60 15
 v  20cm
v 20 1
 m  
u 60 3
A ''C ''  .A ''C ''  2mm
O ''C '' 1 1 2
  O ''C ''  O 'C ''  mm
O 'C '' 3 3 3
22. v1   25m / s
v2   20m / s
| v  v | 2
A r   2 1  Ai  mm
 v2  v1  9
 2v2  16
At    Ai  mm
 v 2  v1  9
 t 8
23. Check for dimensionally correct option.
24. Imagine that lower half of sphere is removed and upper hemisphere is at the given position.

F2  F1  Fb
2 3
[P0  3rg]r 2  F1  r g
r 3
F1  [3P0  7rg]

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25. Let initial and final speed of stone by u and v.
 v 2  u 2  2gh
And v cos 30º  u cos 60º
Solving above equations we get
u  3gh
26. Conserving angular momentum
m(v1 cos 60º )4R  mv 2 R  2  2
Conserving energy of the system
GMm 1 GMm 1
  mv12    mv 22
4R 2 R 2
1 2 1 2 3 GM 1 GM
v 2  v1   v12  ;
2 2 4 R 2 R
1 8000
v1  64  106  m/s X 8
2 2
27. For any small change of pressure dp, there will be a change of volume dV and
dp   B . In this change, work is done on the system and the energy stored in the material is
dW   pdV   pdp
In the change mentioned in the question, the total work done is
v v
W    pdV   pdp
v v
The change in volume is negligible and volume can be treated as constant.
V V  p 2  p02 
W  0  pdp  0  
B p B  2 
Extra energy stored per unit volume is
V V  p 2  p02 
W  0  pdp  0  
B p B  2 
28. At point O
1 sin i   2 sin r
3 4
 sin c  sin r
2 3
sin r 
At point E
4 3
  1 sin 
3 4

sin  
29. Using symmetry
R R 3R
Req   
8 16 16

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  m
  
2 2
m 2 2 m 2 9 2
30. IP    2
 m(3)   m
6 6 12 4
 
m 2 m 2 m 2
=   9m 2
3 3 12
4  4  108  1  27
= (m 2 )  12m 2
12m  2 8
T  2  2
 3  3g
3mg  
 2
31. Charging of capacitor q  CV(1  e  t/RC )
Discharging of capacitor q  q 0 e t/RC
v 
In a viscous fluid ball finally attains terminal speed.
0.529 0
32. rn  A
2.2 106
Vn  z m/s
1.06  z 2
I mA
12.5  z3
B tesla
33. Initially at a distance x from central maxima on screen is
2X D
I  I0  4I0  2 I0 4I0 cos , where  
 d
I m ax  9I0 and I m in  I0
At points where intensity is th of maximum intensity, minima is formed
 Distance between such points is , 2,3, 4.......
3 2X 1 
At points where intensity is the of maximum intensity, cos   or x 
9  2 3
 2  2
 Distance between such points is , , ,   ,   , 2.....
3 3 3 3
2X 1 
(C) cos  or X 
 2 6
 
 Distance between such points is , ,   , 2,....
2 2
2X 1 
(D) cos  or X 
 2 6
 2  2
 Distance between such points is , , ,   ,   , 2,...........
3 3 3 3

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f1  f1
  1
f 2  2mg
2mg  s (mg)
s  2

37. Conceptual
40. The formula of spinel is ZnAl2 O4
We know that,
r 2
 0.225
r 3
 0.414
Where r is radius of anion and 4r  2a
Where a is edge length
So,  r 
2 2
Total volume of particles present in on
Packaging Fraction =
Volume of one unit cell
 4 3   2 4 3   4 4 3 
 rZn 2     rAl2    rO2 
 3   3   3 
 3
 
 4 a 3 (0.225)3   4 a 2 (0.414)3   4 a3 
  
  2     4  
(2 2)3   3 2 2 3

3 (2 2)3   3
   
 = 0.77
Packaging Fraction = 0.77
42. x = a, c, e, f
x  4 and y  1
16  1 17
Now   3.40
4 1 5

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2 
43. BaF2 (s)  Ba (aq.)  2F (aq.)
Lets ‘S’ be the solubility of BaF2 , but Ba 2 reacts with C2 O24 present in this solution & almost
completely convert into BaC 2O 4 .
Ba 2  C2O24  BaC2 O 4 (s)
Let y mole per lt. of Ba 2 is left after reaching equilibrium.
So, Ba 2  C2O24  BaC2 O 4 (s)Keq  107
y 0.1  s
So, We get the following two equations,
y(0.1  s)  107 & y(2s)2  106  (K sp )BaF2
Solving there two equations,
We get, S  0.096M
So, 

C2 O4  0.1  0.096  4  103 M

[F ]  2s  2  0.096  0.192M

[Ba 2 ]  y  2.7 105 M

44. Let x be the mass of element in 51.0 g of saturated solution.

Mass of benzene in 51.0g of saturated solution = (51  x)g
Total mass of benzene containing x g of solute = (50  51  x)g  (101  x)g
In benzene, it is given that X exist as X 4 .
4X  X 4
(a  1 & n  4)
Van’t Hoff factor in case of association is given by,
a 1 1
i  1 a  = 1 1  
n 4 4
n solute
Tf  i.K f .m  i.K f .
w solvent(kg)
1 x  1000
0.55   5.5 
4 25  (101  x)
x  1g
Hence, solubility of X per 100 g of benzene
m 100 1 100
= solute   2g
msolvent (51  1)
45. Hydrolysis of XeF4 and XeF6 with water gives XeO3 .
6XeF4  12H 2O  4Xe  2XeO3  24HF  3O 2
XeF6  3H 2O  XeO3  6HF
Partial hydrolysis of XeF6 gives oxyfluorides, XeOF4 and XeO2 F2 .
XeF6  H 2O  XeOF4  2HF
XeF6  2H 2O  XeO2 F2  4HF

46. i, ii, iii, iv

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+ RMgx RH
NH Acidic Hydrogen + +
N Mgx

6 x2
49. 10   x  103 ; pOH  3; pH  11
1 x
II) BOH  HCl  BCl H 2O
200.5 2V 200.5

20  0.5
 BCl   0.4
20  5
 4  10 5
0.4  x
 x  4  103
 pH  2.4
7 x2
III) 10   x  104 ; pOH  4; pH  10
0.1  x

IV) Ka  2  10 
5  
103  x  x 

 x  103
0.1  x 5  10
 H   10  10  2  10  pH  2.7
 3 3 3

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