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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

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Reliability analysis with cross-entropy based adaptive Markov chain

importance sampling and control variates
Moien Barkhori Mehni a, *, Mohammad Barkhori Mehni b
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Keywords: In reliability analysis, high dimensional problems pose challenges to many existing sampling methods. Cross-
Importance sampling entropy based Gaussian mixture importance sampling has recently gained attention. However, it only per­
Markov chain forms well in problems with low to moderate dimensionality. Several efforts have been made to improve this
Kullback-leibler divergence
method. This paper, suggests a method of improving the performance of cross-entropy based Gaussian mixture
Control variates
Monte Carlo simulation
importance sampling, and compares its performance with the recent advancements. To enhance the efficiency for
Cross entropy high dimensional problems, the paper proposes to employ Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. In this
new approach, Markov chain samples gradually populate the failure domain in accordance with an optimal
density function. In this process, a seed generation scheme ensures that the Markov chain truly covers the whole
failure domain. Then, the parameters of the Gaussian mixture model are derived by modified closed-form for­
mulas. The incorporation of MCMC and modification of the parameter updating rule make the method more
robust against the dimensionality. Also, a control variates scheme further improves the performance. The per­
formance of the proposed approach is compared with recently developed importance sampling algorithms. The
results support the efficiency, robustness and accuracy of the proposed method.

1. Introduction well in computing the integral (1). Nevertheless, these methods often
become computationally inefficient in real engineering problems where
The main objective of reliability analysis is to compute the failure the number of random variables is relatively large. Besides this, in
probability of an engineering system by taking into account the uncer­ practice, evaluating the limit state function g(x) demands running costly
tainty of input variables. Suppose a random vector, X, contains all un­ numerical models. Consequently, a method yielding accurate enough
certain variables involved in the problem. The state of system results with minimum limit state function evaluations is preferable [1].
performance is reflected in the limit state function, g(x), returning In this regard, first-order (FORM) and second-order reliability methods
negative values for unsatisfactory performance and positive values (SORM) approximate the limit state function with a relatively low
otherwise. The failure probability Pf is then computed by a multidi­ computational burden [2,3]. Despite their computational benefits, their
mensional integral (1) as: performance degrades with multimodal problems and nonlinear limit
∫ state functions. Besides this, it is impossible to quantify the approxi­
Pf = I(x)P(x)dx (1) mation inherently involved in these methods. On the contrary, sto­
chastic simulation methods like Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) [4–8]
Where P(x) is the joint probability density function of random variables, and its variants like line sampling [9–12], directional simulation
and I(x) is the indicator function defined by: [13–17], importance sampling [7,18–21] and variants of subset simu­
lation [6,22–24] etc. are asymptotically exact and more robust against
I(x)= {
1 if g(x) ≤ 0
(2) complex shapes of limit state function. Moreover, the quality of their
0 otherwise result can be easily assessed. Despite these benefits, MCS suffers from
In low-dimensional problems, various of numerical methods perform inefficiency in rare event simulations dominant in practical engineering
problems. For problems with very small failure probabilities, the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.B. Mehni).
Received 3 April 2022; Received in revised form 25 November 2022; Accepted 26 November 2022
Available online 28 November 2022
0951-8320/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

number of random samples required for an acceptable accuracy pro­ Carlo can accelerate the exploration of the failure domain [38,39]. In the
hibitively increases, as the variance of MCS estimation is inversely limit state approximation methods, the limit state function g(x) is
proportional to the failure probability. To reduce the variance of MCS replaced by a substitute model ̂ g (x) with a low computational burden.
and the number of required samples, some advanced simulation Then a sampling function is defined as Eq. (7).
methods have been developed. /∫
Importance sampling (IS) is a well-known variant of MCS. It im­ h(x) = Îg(x)<0 (x)P(x) Îg(x)<0 (x)P(x)dx (7)
proves the performance of MCS by introducing an alternative sampling
density h(x). Therefore, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as (3) The main distinctions between limit state approximation methods
∫ come from the algorithms which generate the training data and learning
Pf = h(x)dx (3) algorithms. There is a rich list of surrogate models like variants of
response surface methods [40], neural networks [41], support vector
Given that the support of h(x) involves the failure domain, the esti­ machine regression [42], Gaussian processes [43,44] and polynomial
mation of IS can be obtained by Eq. (4) as: chaos expansion [45]. The limit state approximation methods also suffer
from the curse of dimensionality. The primary remedy for this problem
̂f = 1
I(xi )P(xi )
(4) is the application of dimensional reduction techniques to reduce the
N i=1 h(xi ) number of random variables and to decrease the computational cost
[46–48]. The interested reader can find a comprehensive review of
where the independent samples xi are drawn from h(x). The choice of importance sampling and recent developments in [49]. The main
sampling function h(x) dramatically influences the variance of impor­ objective of this paper is to explore solutions to enhance the perfor­
tance sampling estimation. It could be shown by variational calculus mance of recently developed parametric cross-entropy-based impor­
that the optimal sampling function h∗ (x) would yield a zero-variance tance sampling using the Gaussian mixture density function. The
estimate [25]. method presented here aims to improve the performance of importance
I(x)P(x) sampling, especially in high dimensions.
h∗ (x) = ∫ (5) The cross-entropy method finds the optimal parameters by mini­
mizing a discrepancy measure like Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.
Obviously, we cannot use h∗ (x) directly because the denominator is Recently, Gaussian mixture density has gained attention for sampling in
the sought-for failure probability. The more the sampling function re­ multimodal problems [18,19,50,51]. Three methods, namely cross en­
sembles h∗ (x), the better the estimation becomes [7]. Parametric and tropy with Gaussian mixture (CE-GM), CE with single Gaussian (CE-SG)
non-parametric importance sampling and limit state approximation and sequential importance sampling with Gaussian mixture (SIS-GM)
methods are the main categories for generating sampling functions. In are compared in [18]. The study concludes that CE-SG outperforms
the parametric adaptive importance sampling scheme, a parametric CE-GM and both perform poorly in high-dimensional problems; SIS-GM
finite mixture of a family of distributions is chosen, and the parameters is more robust in finding all failure domains and in dealing with high
are optimized to minimize the discrepancy of distribution with h∗ (x). For dimensions but demands a relatively large number of samples to yield
this, a distance measure is implemented. Usually, cross-entropy methods accurate enough estimations. To enhance the efficiency for
are suitable choices [26,27]. The major obstacle to parametric impor­ high-dimensional problems, this paper presents a new method called
tance sampling is the curse of dimensionality. By increasing the number cross-entropy-based Markov chain importance sampling with Gaussian
of uncertain variables, the number of free parameters rapidly increases. mixture (CE-MCIS). This new method merges the Markov chain simu­
This demands a much larger number of training samples to truly obtain lation into CE-GM and modifies Gaussian mixture parameter updating
the optimal parameters. Some efforts exploit the specific characteristics rules. The control variate method is also implemented into the method
of high- dimensional random spaces. For instance, [5] proposes to use to reduce the estimation variance. The performance of the CE-MCIS
Mises-Fisher mixture as the sampling density to generate samples on the method is compared with SIS-GM, CE-SG and CE-GM through several
surface of a hypersphere. This reduces the number of mixture model system and component reliability problems. Especially, This comparison
parameters to the order of O(d) compared to the Gaussian mixture is made with several state of the art high-dimensional importance
model with an order of O(d2), where d is the dimensionality. Alterna­ sampling contributions which have been recently put forward [5,20,32].
tively, the dimensionality reduction method can find the In [5], by leveraging the properties of high-dimensional standard
low-dimensional structure of failure space and then the sampling func­ normal space, the authors use von-mises Fisher density mixture as the
tion is developed in this projected low-dimensional subspace [20, sampling function on the unit hyper-sphere. By building a connection
28–32]. On the other hand, in nonparametric importance sampling between importance sampling and Bayesian inverse problems, the au­
methods, a kernel-based density function is defined as Eq. (6), thors in [20] implemented a dimension reduction technique from
∫ Bayesian inference to find low-dimensional structure of high dimen­
1 ∑M
[( )/ ]
h(x) = d
Kq x − x(m) θ : Kq (x) ≥ 0, Kq (x)dx = 1 (6) sional rare event simulation problem to construct a low dimensional
Mθ m=1
sampling distribution. The algorithm proposed in [32] updates the
covariance matrix of Gaussian sampling function in sample mean vector
where Kq (x) is the non-negative kernel density, which is commonly a
direction. The results show that the proposed method significantly
Gaussian function. θ > 0 is a model parameter called bandwidth. The outperforms CE-SG, CE-MG and SIS-GM methods in robustness,
samples x(m) are drawn from optimal density function h∗ (x). Finding computational efficiency and accuracy. Compared with recently devel­
optimal density function amounts to finding the optimal bandwidth oped high dimensional importance sampling methods presented in [5,
parameter θ∗ . The non-parametric method also suffers from the curse of 20,32], the proposed method shows promising performance comparable
dimensionality. One procedure is to find most influential random vari­ with these methods.
ables and develop an importance sampling function for those variables The rest of the paper is structured as follows. An outline of cross-
[33]. Another alternative is implementing efficient sampling methods to entropy-based importance sampling is provided in Section 2. Section 3
generate samples from the optimal density function h∗ (x). Markov chain discusses the proposed CE-MCIS method in detail and presents its al­
Monte Carlo is used in [34] to draw the training samples. Advanced gorithm. In section 4, the performance of proposed method is examined
acceptance-rejection sampling methods could also be used for this via numerical examples regarding robustness, efficiency and accuracy,
purpose as used in [35]. Advanced MCMC methods like Metropolis and the results are compared with SIS-GM method. Finally, the
adjusted Langevin diffusion algorithm [36,37] and Hamiltonian Monte

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

conclusions are drawn Section 5. 3. Cross entropy-based Markov chain importance sampling

2. Cross entropy-based importance sampling The basic idea of the proposed method will be outlined in the sequel.
The algorithm consists of three main steps. At the first step, which is
In Cross entropy-based importance sampling, the pivotal idea is to called pre-adaptation stage, some samples are produced in the failure
find the optimal parameters of a chosen family of density functions, domain in accordance with the optimal density function, h∗ (x). A pro­
which minimizes the estimation variation. The cross-entropy provides a cedure is developed to generate these samples and to cover the entire
suitable measure to tackle this problem. It is aimed that the sampling failure domain. At the next stage, which is called the adaptation step,
parameters are chosen such that the cross-entropy divergence of the more samples are produced in the failure domain using the samples
parametric sampling function and the optimal sampling density is generated in the previous stage and Gaussian mixture parameters are
minimized. Kullbak-Leibler divergence is a well-known cross-entropy adapted to the samples. By introducing Markov chain sampling and
measure. It reads as: modification of Eqs. (12)–(14) the degeneracy issue in high dimensional
∫ ( ∗ ) problems is resolved, and the algorithm becomes more stable and robust
h (x)
D(h∗ (x), h(x, v)) = h∗ (x)ln dx against dimensionality in comparison to SIS-GM, CE-GM and CE-SG.
h(x, v)
Finally, the estimation of failure probability is calculated in the evalu­
∫ ∫ ation stage. A control variates scheme is implemented in this step to
= h∗ (x)ln(h∗ (x))dx − h∗ (x)ln(h(x, v))dx (8) reduce the variance of estimation further. The proposed modifications to
the cross-entropy method involve the initialization, covariance matrix
where h(x, v) is the parametric density function with the parameter control, and remedy of the weight degeneration in high dimensional
vector, v. The optimization problem is expressed as: problems, which are explained afterwards.

argminv D(h∗ (x), h(x, v)) = argmaxv h∗ (x)ln(h(x, v))dx (9) 3.1. Pre-adaptation stage

Differentiating both sides of (9) with respect to the parameter vector 3.1.1. Populating the failure domain
v yields: For the first step, the random space is transformed to standard
∫ ∫ normal space by methods like NATAF [53] or Rosenblatt [54] trans­
∇v h(x, v)
∇v h∗ (x)ln(h(x, v))dx = h∗ (x) dx = 0 (10) formations. To draw samples from the optimal sampling function h∗ (x),
h(x, v)
using Markov chain simulation, some seeds in the failure domain should
As suggested by the original paper [19], by introducing the Gaussian be generated. To do this, the subset simulation [6] procedure is imple­
mixture (GM) (11) as the parametric sampling density, the random mented. In this study, this process is called the pre-adaptation stage. At
vectors xi are drawn from h(x, u) in an iterative process. the first iteration, Np samples are drawn from the original distribution
which is standard normal here. At every iteration k of the pre-adaptation

h(x, v) = πk N(x, μk , Σk ) (11) stage, Np samples are generated in the intermediate failure region
k=1 defined by rk = {x|g(x) < tk }. The threshold tk+1 is defined as the lower ρ
quantile of the limit state evaluation for the samples generated in iter­
In the Gaussian mixture (11), the parameters μk Σk and πk are,
ation k. So the thresholds tk produce a descending sequence. The samples
respectively, the mean vectors, the covariance matrices, and the weights
drawn in region rk+1 in iteration k are used as seeds of Markov chains to
of the normal distributions. These parameters are given in the following
populate region rk+1 at iteration k+1. The process goes on till tk+1 < 0 .
closed-form relations (12) to (14) for updating the sampling parameters
Finally, the samples falling in the failure domain would be selected as
of the density function [19].
seeds of Markov chains to draw samples from optimal density function.
I(xi )w(xi , u)γj (xi )xi The component-wise Markov chain [6] or conditional M-H sampling
μj = ∑N i=1 (12) discussed in [8] could be used in this process to generate the samples in
i=1 I(x i )f (xi )w(xi , u)γ j (xi )
each intermediate region. The latter method is utilized here for its
∑N ( )( )T promising performance in high dimensions. The number of samples in
i=1 I(xi )w(xi , u)γ j (xi ) xi − μ xi − μj
(13) each iteration, Np, and the ρ ratio are adopted in the tradeoff between
Σj = ∑N
i=1 I(x i )f (x i )w(xi , u)γ j i)
(x the computational cost and the accuracy in capturing all the failure
∑N modes.
I(xi )w(xi , u)γj (xi )
π j = ∑i=1
N (14)
i=1 I(xi )f (xi )w(xi , u) 3.2. Adaptation stage
In Eqs. (12) to (14), the ratios γ j (x) and w(x, u) are defined as follows:
( ) 3.2.1. Weight degeneration control
π j N x, μj , Σj As previously mentioned, the weight ratio w(x, u) defined by Eq. (16)
γ j (x) = ∑K (15)
k=1 π k N(x, μk , Σk )
becomes degenerate in the case of high dimensional random space. By
drawing samples from the optimal distribution, h∗ (x), the weights would
f (x) be equal to a constant.
w(x, u) = (16)
h(x, u) ∫ ∫
f (x) I(x)f (x)
w(x, u) = = I(x)f (x)dx (17)
Here, the random vectors xi are drawn from h(x, u) with parameters u I(x)f (x)
from the previous iteration. This could be problematic, especially in high Cancelling out the constant weight in the numerator and the de­
dimensional problems, where the ratio w(x, u) becomes degenerate [5, nominator of the Eqs. (12) to (14) would simplify them to the following
52]. Moreover, The algorithm presented in [19] suffers from sensitivity forms:
to the choice of the initial parameters. To remedy these deficiencies, it is ∑N
proposed to couple the Markov chain sampling procedure into the I(xi )γ j (xi )xi
μj = ∑N i=1 (18)
importance sampling scheme. i=1 I(xi )f (xi )γ j (xi )

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

∑N ( )( )T variables X and Y are as follows:

i=1 I(xi )γ j (xi ) xi − μ xi − μj
Σj = ∑N
i=1 I(xi )f (xi )γ j (xi ) I(x)f (x)
X= (24)
I(xi )γj (xi )
π j = ∑i=1
N (20) J(x)f (x)
i=1 I(xi )f (xi ) Y= (25)
Here, the degeneracy issue is eliminated by Markov chain, which draws
samples following the optimal density, however at the cost of correlation where J(x) is the indicator function, which returns 1 for a negative
between the sampled vectors. The important note in the application of realization of the linear function tangent to the limit state, L(x) ≤ 0, and
Eqs. (18) to (20) is that the older parameters μj , Σj and πj from the 0 otherwise. Accordingly, the new estimator of the failure probability
previous iteration are used to obtain the new ones in each iteration. would be:
(I(xi ) − αJ(xi ))f (xi )
3.2.2. Initiation and covariance matrix control ̂f = 1
P + αΦ(− β) (26)
N i=1 h(xi )
At the adaptation stage, the sampling parameters are calculated by
Eqs. (18) to (20). The number of Gaussians has a substantial role in the
where Φ(.) is the cumulative standard normal function, and β is the
performance of the method. With fewer Gaussians, some important
design point distance to the origin of standard normal space. The design
failure modes may be lost; in contrast, high number of Gaussians in­
point can be found by any constrained optimization technique like
creases the number of samples to get a satisfactory accuracy. There are
Hasofer-Lind method. The samples xi are drawn from h(x) which is the
various methods to obtain the optimal number of densities, one of which
adapted Gaussian mixture density function. The optimal α factor is
is k-means algorithm [55]. This method can find the clusters and the
estimated as:
centroids of samples generated in the last iteration of the pre-adaptation
∑N ∑N
phase. To check the quality of clustering, the silhouette value can be I(xi )J(xi )f 2 (xi )
− Φ(− β) I(xi )f (xi )

i=1 h2 (xi ) i=1 h(xi )
used. The weights are initialized by πj = 1/K, where K is the number of α= ∑N (J(xi )f (xi ) )2
Gaussians. The initial covariance matrices are set to unitary matrix Σj = i=1 h(xi )
− Φ(− β)
I. For the initial location vectors μj , K centroids of the initial samples in
For more clarification, the outline of the proposed algorithm is pre­
the failure domain are captured by the k-means algorithm. This pro­
sented as follows.
cedure makes the algorithm robust and ensures capturing all the failure
modes. It should be noted that by increasing the number of dimensions
3.4. Cross entropy-based Markov chain importance sampling algorithm
d, the number of parameters to be evaluated rapidly increases. This
means a lot more samples need to be drawn to yield accurate enough
Before starting the algorithm, the random space should be trans­
sampling parameters. Furthermore, the correlation of samples drawn
formed to the standard normal space by an appropriate transformation.
from MCMC worsens the situation. Here, in the case of high dimensional
The steps of CE-MCIS algorithm are summarized as follows.
problems, where d>15, it is proposed to fix the covariance matrices as
the unitary matrix I. This modification is supported numerically and
1- Pre-adaptation phase: At this stage, some sample seeds are generated
theoretically, as the optimal covariance matrix approaches to the uni­
in the failure region by the procedure explained in Section 3.1.1.
tary matrix in the standard normal space [52].
2- Initialization: As articulated in Section 3.2.2, the initial values are
At every iteration of the adaptation the phase, Na samples are
assigned to the sampling parameters.
generated from the optimal density function by MCMC. At the first
3- Adaptation: At this phase, the Gaussian mixture (GM) is adapted to
iteration, samples are generated in the failure domain by the Ns seeds
the samples generated in the failure domain, obeying the optimal
from the last iteration of the pre-adaptation stage. The k-means algo­
density function. In each iteration of this phase, Na samples are
rithm could be employed to generate these initial seeds. Afterwards, the
drawn from the optimal density function by Markov chain simula­
chains for each iteration would be the continuation of the chains from
tion. The final samples of each chain would be the seeds for the next
the previous iteration.
iteration. To generate Markov samples, the conditional metropolis-
Hastings algorithm presented in [8] is utilized for its acceptable
3.3. Evaluation stage behavior in high dimensions. The sampling parameters are updated
in each iteration by Eqs. (18) to (20) . The iterations repeat till the
3.3.1. Control variates implementation stopping criterion is met. The coefficient of variation (COV) for the
In this section, the variance reduction method of control variates is failure probability estimation for a prefixed number of samples (Nf )
introduced and implemented into the importance sampling algorithm. is proposed as the adequacy criterion. The COV estimate (̂ δ) is
Suppose the objective is to evaluate the mean of a random variable X. calculated by small number of m samples generated from the adapted
Another random variable Y with known mean μY and correlated with X Gaussian mixture as:
is introduced. With this basis, a new random variable Z is defined as √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
√ ⎡ ⎤

Z = X − αY + αμY (21) √ ⎢ 1 ∑m I(xi )f (xi )2
√ ⎢ ⎥
√1 i=1 h(xi )2 ⎥
δ=√ ⎢ ⎥
Obviously, μX = μZ , but the variance of Z would be √Nf ⎢ ( ∑ )2
− 1 ⎥
√ ⎣ 1 m
I(x i )f
(x i )
h(xi )

σ = σ 2X + α2 σ2Y − 2ασ XY
Z (22)

By inserting the optimal coefficient α = σσXY2 into (22), the minimal


variance of Z would be

(σXY )2 For stopping the algorithm, it suffices ̂

δ ≤ δtarget .
σ 2Z = σ 2X − (23)
According to this equation, a reduction in variance can be achieved
with an increase in the correlation of X and Y. In our case, the correlated

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

1- Failure probability estimation: After drawing N samples from the combination of a linear and a convex limit state function on the opposite
final adapted Gaussian mixture, the failure probability is estimated sides of the origin. The results reported for SIS-GM, CE-GM and CE-SG
by Eq. (26). are extracted from the original paper [18]. The fifth to eighth exam­
ples include high-dimensional non-linear examples through which the
The flow chart of MCIS algorithm is also depicted in Fig. 1 in which proposed method is compared with the high-dimensional methods pre­
colors differentiate the phases of the algorithm. sented in [5,20,32].

4. Numerical examples 4.1. Parabolic concave limit state function

Through several numerical examples, the performance of proposed The first example involves a parabolic limit state with two failure
CE-MCIS method is investigated in comparison with the sequential modes presented by Eq. (29). The limit state function and optimal
importance sampling (SIS-GM) method, cross entropy with Gaussian sampling distribution contour lines are displayed in Fig. 2. The random
mixture (CE-GM) and cross entropy with single Gaussian (CE-SG) arti­ space consists of two independent standard normal random variables.
culated in [18] and high dimensional methods presented in [5,20,32]. The reference failure probability obtained by crude Monte Carlo with 5
As the performance measure, the total number of limit state function × 106 samples is 3.00 × 10− 3.
calls is chosen for being the main computational burden in structural
reliability analyses. Here, eight examples have been considered, all of g(x) = 5 − x2 − 0.5(x1 − 0.1)2 (29)
which occur in the standard normal space. The first example is a
For the pre-adaptation phase of CE-MCIS method, Np =1000 samples
two-dimensional concave parabolic limit state function with two distinct
are generated in each level, and ρ = 0.05 is chosen as the quantile ratio.
modes. The second example consists of a series system with two stan­
This means there is 50 chains with the length of 20 samples. From the
dard normal random variables, challenging the methods with four fail­
last iteration of pre-adaptation stage, 50 seeds are extracted by k-means
ure domains. The effect of dimensionality on the performance of
algorithm for the chains of adaptation stage. Each chain would generate
methods is explored in the third example with a linear limit state
20 samples, which means there would be Na=1000 samples in each
function and a fixed failure probability. The forth example is the
iteration of the adaptation stage; the final estimation is derived by N =

Fig. 1. the flowchart of MCIS algorithm.

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

Fig. 2. The parabolic concave limit state function and optimal sampling density contours.

1000 samples drawn from adapted Gaussian mixture. For each level of pre-adaptation stage and Na=1000 samples per iteration in the adap­
SIS-GM, 4000 samples are generated. By generating N = 4000 samples tation stage. For the final results, N = 1000 samples are generated in the
per level, both CE-GM and CE-SG methods become stable and unbiased. estimation step. In the case of SIS-GM, CE-GM and CE-SG methods, 8000
The average results obtained from fifty independent runs of four samples per level are generated to get unbiased results. Both CE-GM and
methods are summarized in Table 1. CE-SG methods need three steps to converge, while SIS-GM method
All methods could reach unbiased results and detect failure regions. converges in four steps. The averaged results of fifty independent runs
Regarding the COV of estimations, CE-MCIS yields more accurate results are presented in Table 2. The reference value for failure probability is
with a much smaller number of calls on the limit state function. CE-GM 2.24 × 10− 3.
and CE-SG methods need about three steps, while SIS-GM needs one This problem with four failure regions is challenging for all methods
more step, which yields to more computational effort. to cover all failure region and yield unbiased result. Also, Fig. 4 shows
that CE-MCIS is able to detect the failure modes of the problem and
4.2. Series system with four modes populate the important regions of the failure space. The results in
Table 2 show that CE-MCIS achieves the same level of accuracy of the
This example consists of the union of four failure regions defined by other methods with much fewer samples. The results also show that all
four limit state functions as Eq. (30) and shown in Fig. 3. The two methods can detect all failure regions and yield unbiased results.
random variables involved are standard normal and independent.
x1 + x2 4.3. The linear limit state function with varying number of variables
0.1(x1 − x2 )2 − √̅̅̅ + 3
In this part, the performance of both methods is investigated in
x1 + x2
0.1(x1 − x2 ) + √̅̅̅ + 3 dealing with varying dimensions. The linear limit state function is
g(x)= min{ (30) expressed in Eq. (31). The exact failure probability is Φ( − β), irre­
x1 − x2 + √̅̅̅ spective of the number of random variables [56]. By choosing the reli­
2 ability index β = 3.5, the failure probability would be 2.33 × 10− 4.
x2 − x1 + √̅̅̅ 1 ∑ n
2 g(x) = β − √̅̅̅ xi (31)
n i=1
The CE-MCIS is performed with Np =1000 samples per level in the
To have comparable results for different number of random vari­
ables, in the case of CE-MCIS method, the number of samples used in
Table 1
The results for the concave limit state function. each level of pre-adaptation phase and each iteration of the adaptation
phase are fixed. The pre-adaptation phase is performed with Np = 1000
E( P δ̂ Ntot
samples per level, while in the adaptation phase, Na=2000 samples are
̂f ) Pf

CE-MCIS 3.01 × 10− 3

0.029 5.2 × 103 generated per iteration. For the target cov (δtarget ) a value of 0.10 is
SIS-GM 3.00 × 10− 3
0.05 16 × 103 chosen for Nf = 4000. Furthermore, it must be noted that for greater
CE-GM 3.02 × 10− 0.04 12.23 × 103 than 10 number of random variables, the covariance matrix is fixed to
CE-SG 3.01 × 10− 0.05 12.00 × 103
the unitary matrix. The control variates part of CE-MCIS is also

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

Fig. 3. Contour lines of the optimal density function and the limit state function for the second example.

Table 2 x1 + x2
0.1(x1 − x2 )2 − √̅̅̅ + 2.5
Comparison of methods for series system problem. 2
g(x)= min{ (32)
E( P
̂f ) δ̂ Ntot x1 + x2
Pf 3.2 + √̅̅̅
CE-MCIS 2.24 × 10− 0.04 5.6 × 103
SIS-GM 2.20 × 10− 3
0.05 32 × 103 The limit state function and the contour lines of the optimal density
CE-GM 2.21 × 10− 0.06 24 × 103 function are illustrated in Fig. 7. About 85% of the probability mass is
CE-SG 2.22 × 10− 0.06 24 × 103
located in the convex region, and the reference value of failure proba­
bility is 4.90 × 10− 4. The CE-MCIS is performed with Np=1000 sample
neglected to get comparable results with other methods. The other three per each level of the pre-adaptation stage and Na =1000 samples per
methods are performed with ns=8000 samples per level. The CE-SG, CE- each iteration of the adaptation stage. The final estimation is obtained
GM and SIS-GM methods converge in 5.67, 5.58 and 5 steps, respec­ by N = 1000 samples generated from the adapted Gaussian mixture
tively. To obtain the reported results, CE-MCIS needs 104 total limit state density. The value of 5% is chosen as the target COV of the algorithm. On
function calls on average, which is one-fourth of what SIS-GM demands. the other hand, SIS-GM, CE-GM and CE-SG algorithms are performed
The bias and COV increase with increasing the dimensionality. Still for with ns=8000 samples per level. The averaged results of fifty runs of all
CE-SG and CE-GM this problem is such dramatic that the results are no methods are compared in Table 3.
longer reliable for dimensionality larger than n = 20. As Table 3 shows, all methods deliver unbiased results; however,
As it is clear from Fig. 5, the COV of estimation increases for all with the same level of accuracy, CE-MCIS demands much less compu­
methods with the increase in dimensionality. The COV mildly increases tational burden than the others. The SIS-GM method estimates the result
for both MCIS and SIS-GM, while it dramatically increases for CE-GM by multiplying the probability estimations calculated at each level.
and CE-SG. It is also clear from Fig. 6 that with the increase of the Consequently, the error of each level is propagated to the final result.
number of random variables, the results of SIS-GM become negatively Moreover, its probability estimations are obtained by the correlated
biased compared to those of CE-MCIS, which are nearly unbiased. The samples generated by Markov chain. Meanwhile, CE-MCIS utilizes the
bias for both CE-GM and CE-SG is so significant that they become un­ Markov samples to adapt the Gaussian mixture to the optimal density
reliable for dimensionality larger than 20. function, and its outcome is gained by iid samples drawn from the
adapted mixture.
4.4. Union of convex and linear limit state functions All methods successfully could detect the two failure regions, as
shown in Fig. 8 for CE-MCIS method.
This example evaluates the performance of methods in dealing with a
series system limit state function, consisting of convex and linear func­ 4.5. Large portfolio losses
tions in two-dimensional standard normal space. The problem has two
distinct failure regions on the opposite sides of the origin. The analytical This example is presented in [32]. The limit state function is defined
limit state function is presented in Eq. (32) as: in Eq. (33) as:

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

Fig. 4. The samples generated in the evaluation phase of CE-MCIS for series system problem.

Fig. 5. Coefficient of variation of failure probability estimation vs dimensionality.

n All the random variables are independent standard normal. Here
g(x) = bn − I{ψ (U,μ,ηj )≥0.5√̅̅n } x1 = U, x2 = μ, x2+j = ηj , and the function FΓ (.) is cumulative distri­
bution for Γ(6, 6). The proposed method is compared with importance
( ) ( / ( )1/2 )[ − 1 ]− sampling algorithm presented in [32] for n ϵ {30, 100, 250}. The pa­
ψ U, μ, ηj = U 4 + 3 1 − q2 FΓ (Φ(μ))
rameters of CE-MCIS are presented in Table 5. The final results of
CE-MCIS are obtained by averaging over thirty independent runs of the

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

Fig. 6. Averaged estimation of failure probability vs dimensionality.

Fig. 7. Contour lines of the optimal density function and the limit state function for the fourth example.

algorithm. The results are also compared in Table 4. but at higher dimensions CE-MCIS outperforms the two.
It is clear from Table 5 that the accuracy of proposed CE-MCIS
method is comparable to iCE-m* and CE-m*. CE-MCIS demands more
computational cost than iCE-m* and CE-m* to reach the same accuracy,

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

Table 3 hyper-planes in the standard normal space. The limit state function is
Comparison of methods for the forth example. defined in Eq. (35) as:
E( P
̂f ) δ̂
Ntot g(x) = min(g1 (x), g2 (x))
− 3 3
CE-MCIS 4.90 × 10 0.037 5 × 10
SIS-GM 4.87 × 10− 0.030 32 × 103
CE-GM 4.80 × 10− 0.050 32 × 103
CE-SG 4.89 × 10− 0.040 24 × 103

Table 4
4.6. Modified Ackley function Final results for large portfolio loss example.
CE-MCIS iCE-m* CE-m*
This example is also adapted from [32]. It involves a highly nonlinear 3 3 3
n = 30 E( ̂
Pf ) 4.18 × 10− 4.29 × 10− 4.24 × 10−
high-dimensional limit state function presented in Eq. (34). Pf=4.29 × 10− 3
δ̂ 0.06 0.10 0.07
⎛ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ⎞
√∑ Relative bias -2.5% -0.06% -1.3%
√ n ( )2
g(x) = cn − 20exp⎝ − 0.2√ aj xj − 3 ⎠ Ntot 10030 7900 8100
3 3 3
j=1 n = 100 E( P
̂f ) 1.79 × 10− 1.90 × 10− 1.8 × 10−
( ) Pf=1.8 × 10− δ̂ 0.081 0.085 0.084
1∑ n
( ( ))
− exp cos 2π aj xj − 3 (34) Relative bias -0.55% 3% 1.3%
n j=1 Ntot 10400 8000 8100
5 5 5
n = 250 E( P
̂f ) 1.05 × 10− 1.01 × 10− 0.94 × 10−
2(j− 1) Pf=1.0 × 10− 0.11 1.10 0.60
where aj = n is a fixed vector. The constant cn is chosen according to δ̂

dimension number n ϵ {30, 100, 200} as {12.98, 11.968, 11.5565} to Relative bias 5% 1% -5.9%
Ntot 17700 8000 8100
adjust the probability. The proposed method is run thirty times inde­
pendently, and its results are compared with algorithms proposed by
[32] in Table 6. The parameters of CE-MCIS are also presented in
Table 7. Table 5
The results indicate that CE-MCIS can reach as accurate estimations Algorithm parameters for portfolio loss example.
as iCE-m* and CE-m*. Concerning computational efficiency, CE-MCIS Preadaptation adaptation estimation
outperforms CE-m*. iCE-m* shows more efficiency, but the results are n ρ Samples Seed Samples Target Samples for
per level number per CoV estimation
comparable to the proposed method.
(Np) (Ns) iteration (δtarget ) (Nf)
4.7. Parallel hyperplanes 30 0.05 1000 30 3000 0.08 4000
100 0.05 1000 30 3000 0.08 4000
This problem is presented in [5]. The series limit state is defined as 250 0.05 1000 50 5000 0.10 4000
the minimum of two linear functions which define two parallel

Fig. 8. Samples generated in the estimation stage of CE-MCIS for the fourth example.

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

Table 6 Table 9
Final results for Modified Ackley function example. Algorithm parameters for parallel hyperplanes example.
CE-MCIS iCE-m* CE-m* Preadaptation Adaptation Estimation
− 3 − 3 − 3 n ρ Samples Seed Samples Target Samples for
n = 30 E( P
̂f ) 1.63 × 10 1.62 × 10 1.62 × 10
3 per level number per CoV estimation
Pf=1.64 × 10− 0.063 0.076 0.13
Pf (Np) (Ns) iteration (δtarget ) (Nf)
Relative bias -0.61% -1.1% -1.2% (Na)
Ntot 10600 8000 8000 100 0.05 1000 50 5000 0.05 8000
3 3 3
n = 100 E( P
̂f ) 1.20 × 10− 1. 17 × 10− 1.22 × 10− 300 0.1 1000 100 10000 0.06 8000
Pf=1.18 × 10− δ̂ 0.077 0.13 0.294 600 0.1 1500 150 15000 0.06 20000
Relative bias 1.7% -1.2% 3.4%
Ntot 11400 8100 8000
3 3 3
n = 200 E( P
̂f ) 1.70 × 10− 1.69 × 10− 1.72 × 10−
Pf=1.72 × 10− 3 κ 1 ∑ n
0.11 0.116 0.269 g(x) = β + (x1 − x2 )2 − √̅̅̅ xi (36)
4 n i=1
Relative bias -1.16% -1.5% -0.05%
Ntot 14200 8000 8100
where β = 4 and constant κ ϵ {5, 10} determines the curvature, which
corresponds to failure probabilities {6.62 × 10− 6 , 4.73 × 10− 6 },
respectively. The number of random variables n is chosen from n ϵ {2,
Table 7
334, 1000}. The averaged results from twenty independent runs of CE-
Algorithm parameters for Modified Ackley function example.
MCIS are compared with those of the algorithm proposed by (iCEred)
Preadaptation Adaptation Estimation
[20] in Table 10. It is worth noting that [20] proposes a method which
n ρ Samples Seed Samples Target Samples for
per level number per CoV estimation
amounts to the computation of limit state function gradient. This by
(Np) (Ns) iteration (δtarget ) (Nf) itself can be very time demanding, since the gradient is a vector. The
(Na) authors also pointed out that their method is applicable where there is
30 0.05 1000 30 3000 0.08 4000 an efficient way of gradient calculation. Therefore, a direct comparison
100 0.05 1000 30 3000 0.09 4000 with CE-MCIS is impossible. To have a fair comparison, limit state calls
200 0.05 1000 50 5000 0.10 4000 plus gradient calls times dimensionality could be taken as the compu­
tational cost of iCEred. The number of LSF calls plus gradient calls is
reported for iCEred. The probability estimations are not reported in the
√̅̅̅ ∑
√̅̅̅ ∑
g1 (x) = β1 n − xi , g2 (x) = β2 n + xi (35) reference [20] so they are not also reported here. The parameters of
i=1 i=1 CE-MCIS are also presented in Table 11.
The theoretic failure probability is Φ( − β1 ) + Φ( − β2 ). Here β1 = β2 As expected, the iCEred method shows no sensitivity to dimension­
= 3.5 . The average results drawn from twenty independent runs of CE- ality, since this method is built on capturing the low dimensional
MCIS are compared with the proposed algorithms by [5] in Table 8. The structure of failure space. The main drawback of this method is its
parameters of CE-MCIS are also presented in Table 9. dependence on the limit state function gradient, which is very compu­
As it is vivid from Table 8, CE-MCIS can yield estimations with the tationally demanding. The gradient evaluation computational demand
same level of accuracy as CE-AIS-vMFM2 with significantly less grows proportional to the dimensionality. If we take the limit state
computational cost. function calls and gradient function calls times dimensionality as the
computational expense of iCEred, it is clear that CE-MCIS outperforms it
4.8. Quadratic high dimensional limit state function in high-dimensional problems.

This limit state is adopted from [20]. It is expressed in the standard 5. Conclusion
normal space as reads in Eq. (36),
This paper proposes a method called CE-MCIS, which mingles two

Table 8 Table 10
Final results for parallel hyperplanes example. Final results for quadratic limit state function.
vMFM1 vMFM2 κ =5 κ = 10 κ =5 κ = 10
4 4
n = 100 E( P
̂f ) 4.59 × 3.45 × 10− 4.56 × 10− n=2 E( P
̂f ) 6.60 × 4.71 × - -
Pf=4.65 × 10− 4 10− 6 10− 6
10− 4 δ̂ 0.06 0.05 0.05 δ̂ 0.045 0.025 0.06 0.06
Pf Pf
Relative -1.29% -25.8% -1.93% Relative -0.30% -0.42% - -
bias bias
Ntot 1.73 × 104 2.03 × 104 2.22 × 104 Ntot 8.10 × 103 8.10 × 103 518+2720 530+2560
n = 300 E( P
̂f ) 4.61 × 3.87 × 10− 4 4.55 × 10− 4 n = 334 E( P
̂f ) 6.51 × 4.65 × - -
Pf=4.65 × 10− 4 10− 6 10− 6
10− 4 δ̂ 0.06 0.05 0.05 δ̂ 0.061 0.089 0.04 0.05
Pf Pf
Relative -0.86% -16.7% -2.2% Relative -1.66% -1.69% - -
bias bias
4 4 4 4 4
Ntot 4.10 × 10 4.88 × 10 4.97 × 10 Ntot 4.52 × 10 4.53 × 10 507+2120 526+5370
4 4
n = 600 E( P
̂f ) 4.55 × 4.52 × 10− 4.58 × 10− n= E( P
̂f ) 6.75 × 4.25 × - -
Pf=4.65 × 10− 3 1000 10− 6 10− 6
10− 4 δ̂ 0.06 0.05 0.05 δ̂ 0.14 0.13 0.05 0.05
Pf Pf
Relative -2.15% -2.79% -1.50% Relative 1.96% -10% - -
bias bias
Ntot 5.60 × 104 8.72 × 104 8.83 × 104 Ntot 8.54 × 104 8.64 × 104 510+2470 540+2370

M.B. Mehni and M.B. Mehni Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 109014

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