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3 Assess emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions

This conflict you refer to does not relate to organisational conflict – you are discussing world
wide conflict which is not relevant to this AC .

I would encourage you to look at trends such as the recent increase in strike action and the shortening
of strikes. You need to make sure you discuss 2 trends and use data to show that they have occurred.

For 2nd Submission:

You still including irrelevant examples which focuses on global conflict, this should be removed from
your answer. The trends you have used were not contemporary.

For resubmission, you need to mention 2 trends dated less than 2 years from now, and then you should
assess each of those trends. trends should be related only to the types of conflict and industrial
sanctions, such as:

Remote working: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, an emerging trend has been organisations
adopting a flexible, home working approach with its staff.

Or recent trends related to trends in number of strikes,

2.4 Distinguish between third-party conciliation, mediation and arbitration.

You are not quite correct in relation to an arbitrators decision being legally binding -the parties must
first agree that this is the case.

For 2nd Submission:

You still have not covered the above feedback.

4.1 Explain the main provisions of collective employment law.

Your first paragraph relates to individual employment law, rather than collective employment
law and is therefore irrelevant.

You then need to go on to explain some relevant provisions such as the statutory recognition process, or
picketing, or balloting, or the legal enforceability of collective agreements. You need to include what the
relevant UK law is.

For 2nd Submission:

Your answer is very brief and incoherent and not sufficient.

You need to provide a real discussion and explanation, mentioning the above feedback topics or points
is not sufficient.
Development Points

Where a question asks you to make an evaluation or assessment, remember that this means
you need to provide both sides to an argument and then form your own judgement.

You should ensure that you are answering the question that is being asked. You have provided
information that is not required in places which has used up your word count and has meant that you
have not answered the question properly.

It is important to remember that you should include research and sources of no more than 2
years old when asked about emerging trends and developments.

Making use of examples and case studies to develop your writing will also make your work more
robust and demonstrate understanding and application.

At this level is it expected that you do further academic research into concepts and
theories/models; including these in your responses will help you develop and demonstrate depth
and understanding.

I would recommend that you revisit the guide on Harvard Referencing – it is required that you
follow this style.

You have made a very good start, but now need to revisit the criteria that have not passed,
follow the resubmission guidance and resubmit when you have taken the remedial actions.

Resubmission Guidance

Please only make changes to A.C. with a score of 1. Answers awarded a 2,3, or 4 have passed and should
not be amended.
For 2nd Submission:
You need to pay more attention to the feedback given.
You need to redo the ACs scoring 1 as per given feedback, and resubmit

1. Highlight the amendments in different colour.

2. Don’t change any of the passing ACs, and
3. Keep your overall word count within the allowed limit.
4. Declare your latest word count in your cover sheet under 3rd Attempt.

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