Persuasive Letter

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Dear Dad

We recently moved to Wilmington, and I know you have some major decisions to make.

We moved recently from Jacksonville, and I feel like that was the best decision you have made.

The few days we have been around, I have found this new environment to be relaxing and very

convenient for my schooling. Similar sentiments have been echoed by my three younger siblings,

considering two recently got scholarships in a school ten minutes away. As you forge a way

forward with mom, I would like you to consider making this a permanent place for us as a

family. You have been debating on whether to purchase or rent the house we live in, and I would

like to urge you to buy it.

We moved because you were finding it hard to travel from Jacksonville all the way here

to come to work. Considering the permanence of your job, it would make sense to establish

permanence here. Mom also works barely thirty minutes away and she too would find it very

convenient to commute to work. This proximity compared to our previous residence will help

you and mom get more extra hours from work thereby building more connections with us and

getting enough rest for you. One of the other reasons we moved is because Ashley and John got

scholarships in Wilmington. This is very exciting not just for them but for the rest of us.

Considering they will be near school, no one will need to constantly drop them off or pick them

up from school. This will save them and you a lot of time and money.

The house we lived in previously was good, but not better than this one. We were paying

nearly as much rent as we would be paying mortgage installments here. It will be very

economical as we will save a lot in the long run. Compared to renting, buying the house will

mean an added asset that you can choose to resell at a higher value or rent out to earn rental
income in case we ever must move again, which is very unlikely. By buying the property, we

could get tax benefits of home ownership such as tax deductions and reduced property taxes.

The neighborhood is very serene and the neighbors very friendly. Having stayed for a

week, I have gotten a chance to interact with the neighbors and have befriended quite a number

of people who are in the same age bracket as I am. Most of our neighbors also go to the same

schools as we do and therefore it will be very easy and convenient to form study groups which

will help us grow academically. It is a very pleasant neighborhood and I gather from the

neighbors that they have fun activities such as block parties, book exchanges, and an annual

talent show, just to name a few. I believe that this community will help us as children grow not

just academically but also socially. By establishing permanence in Wilmington, we will be able

to build long lasting relationships with the people around us and the general society.

Even though we will be making monthly payments towards our mortgage, these

payments will not rise over the years as opposed to rental costs. In addition to this, we will have

the freedom of the house all to ourselves. We can make decorations and modifications as much

as we want without having to answer to a landlord. These are upgrades that will help make the

house more homely. We could finally put a swimming pool in the backyard as we have always

wished, and Ashley can paint her room pink. I can’t wait to brag to my friends about our house

when we buy it. It will increase our social status significantly and our friends from Jacksonville

will be very jealous.

By moving to Wilmington, all the pieces of the puzzle appear to have come together

perfectly, and I would not like to leave this place any time soon. It provides convenience for you

and mom’s commute to and from work, saving a lot of time that would have been wasted on the

road. Relocation has also proven to be convenient for the daily commute of us kids to and from
school without the need for a bus. If you decide to buy this house, it will be more valuable now

and in the long run versus if you chose to rent it. The final decision lies with you dad.

With Love,


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