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Are you a cat person or a dog person?

In my opinion the dogs are more loyal, they are very friendly, they
cherish their owner and treat him as a deity. Properly treated and raised dog is the most loyal and kind
companion for life. On the other hand, there are cats. Cats are soft, passionate, playful, but they care very
little for their owner, and THEY want t be treated like deities. Properly treated and raised cat is independent,
and selfish. That being said, I do enjoy fluffy soft balls of fur, but I am a dog person. And what about you, my

Waiting for your reply,


Just finished writing you a letter about something really important in life of each and every person… tell me
what do you think about that?

Tell me, if you would have a chance to go out on a date with me tomorrow, how would it go?? If being really
candid, I imagine us being on the picnic, sitting on the grass, slowly drinking a nice vine with a bit of rich
cheese. At the same time, watching sunset, big orange sun is slowly hiding over the horizon. We light the
candles, I put my head in your lap, and you softly caress my face and hair… we talk hours and hours, sharing
our minds and thoughts, joking and playing around…

Would you like to continue this story?

Very interested in what you have to say,


Waiting for your reply,


how do you see a perfect evening with me? I wrote you a dreamy letter about my vision... enjoy (L)

What place would you like to travel as soon as the travel will be safe and possible? I love to travel and this
house arrest made me crave traveling so much! In the past I’ve visited China, Thailand, Shri-Lanka, and
various places, and I’m used to travel quite a lot. Would be very nice to resume that tradition. Maybe you
have any places in mind? How about we plan our little vacation together? Maybe you would be interested in
that with me? Just as friends at first, and then see where that will lead us?

Waiting for your reply,


traveling will be resumed soon, I heard! I wrote you interesting letter about that, maybe we could plan a
little vacation together? could be fun (L)

What are you dreaming about? When you have nothing to do, when your mind wonders off somewhere,
when you are letting go of any control, where it ends up? Share some dreams of yours, I would gladly dive in
into your fantasy world ands see how I fit into it. Then, if you would be interested, I could share you my
fantasies and dreams as well. Or, perhaps, we could create our mutual dreams and fantasies, together, and
see how they interact?

Waiting for your reply,


I am so dreamy recently! I’ve decided to write you a letter about dreams… would you like to see it? tell me
what do you think :*

Do you feel some sentimental attachment to material things in your life? Is there anything that you still keep
from your childhood times? I still keep my first ever dairy, that I’ve started when I was 13 and filled up when
I was 15. Teen years, years of different changes, worries and hurries. The notebook itself was a gift from my
grandmother. I like to re-read it from time to time, or just look at it’s covers. Do you have something like
that? Would you like to read my dairy?

Anticipating your reply,


and also, I have wrote you a letter, and I hope that you will enjoy me sharing something very close to the

So, there is this story that happened to me recently. As you know, beside the phycology, I do freelance
designing of clothes and interiors. Recently, I’ve got a contract on designing several “looks” for an upcoming
fashion show that will take place somewhere in Moscow in August. All the looks had to have a facemask as
the necessary detail. I’m attaching a few examples of my creations. Do you think there is no way back from
this event of the virus for our World? We will have to wear masks forever now?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there, darling! something very strange happened on my work recently… I wrote you a letter about
that :*

Someone once said that I was naturally talented for visualizing my imagination. I don’t know if that is true,
but I do have a really easy time to imagining things in my head and then putting them to paper, or even
more so – to reality. That is why I developed my designer skills to the point I can make a living of them. What
do you think about my portfolio? I’m sending you a couple of examples of interiors and exteriors that I’ve
done recently. Would like to know what is your favorite of them all. Also, what is your natural talents?
Besides being exceptionally charming, of course.

Waiting for your reply,


What are your natural talents? What are you really good at, don’t be shy, tell me all about it! I wrote you a
letter about my talents as well (L)
Are you a taker or you are a giver? I am trying to figure out this aspect of my life for a long time. I do enjoy
giving gifts, caring for another, especially for the ones close to me, I am very generous and need only the
basics things. Yet, from the other point, I do love to be cared about and supported, I really love receiving
gifts, they cheer me up and I enjoy being completely covered in fulfilled wishes. So that makes me
somewhat a hybrid of taker and giver. And what type of a person you are?

Waiting for your reply,


are you a taker, or a giver? I wrote you a special letter about myself and yourself, and I hope to know what
do you think about that :D

imagine that you would have a time capsule or something like that, and that contraption would allow you to
travel to the past to your younger self. Let’s say about 15 years younger than you are now. What advice
would you give to your younger self? It is a very interesting topic to think about. If I had that chance I would
tell myself to say away from Belarusn man and aim to the west, like I am doing now. I’ve wasted a lot of time
and nerves on trying to build relationship. Oh, and also invest on bitcoin hhaha J

Waiting for your reply,


would you call yourself a wise person? do you like giving advises? I wrote you a letter about that, enjoy :*

I got to spend a pretty extensive duration of time today with a little boy of 5. He is my best friend’s son, and
he is totally amazing little angel. He is very intelligent comparing to his peers, his speech is very clear and
articulated, he is agile and very strong for his age. And he knows a great deal in modern technology. Besides,
he has told me that he thinks about getting himself a girlfriend ha-ha! It fascinates me, how fast modern
generation is getting “adult”. Do you think kids these days growing up way to fast?

Waiting for your reply,


what do you think about modern generation? I shared a little bit of thoughts in my letter to you, darling. I
hope to know your opinion on that

how long do you think the world will be returning back to normal after this grand turmoil with the virus and
political unrest? I wonder, will we be able to travel in planes like we used to have, or attend concerts and
mass sport events? Will there be a chance to see a movie at the cinema? The prospect of being regulated in
freedom of movement and time spending is making me feel very uneasy. What do you think about this
whole situation?

Waiting for your reply,


how are you coping with the current situation in the world, my dear? I wrote you a letter and hopefully you
will share your thoughts with me too
Recently I’ve experienced not the best feeling in my life. I’ve met my friend from high school at the parking
lot. She was almost unrecognizable from the last time I saw her around 10 years ago. In these 10 years she
grown fat, she aged 20 years, even her posture was twisted and as if shy. I’ve invited her for a cup of coffee
in a local coffee shop, and she told me her story. Apparently she is married to a very abusive man. That is
why she looks so changed and different. And she can’t do anything about it, because, by her words, she
loves him. What do you think about this whole situation?

Waiting for your reply,


how to deal with abusive men? I wrote you a letter on a very important topic, I hope to know your thoughts
about it soon

I am creating a interior designs for a living, but I know nothing about repairing things on my own. I start to
notice that I need a pair of strong masculine hands around the house. Door is jamming, electricity is
malfunctioning, need a couple of screws to be screwed and nails to be nailed ha-ha. Are you a handyman? If
something in your house is broken, do you go to call a specialist, or fix it yourself? What is the most
significant thing you ever did in terms of repairing your living place?

Waiting for your reply,


the front door in my house is jamming, do you know how to fix it? are you a handyman? I wrote you a letter
about this topic, would be interesting to hear your thoughts in detail

Do you like the rain? It is getting warmer in Minsk and little by little it starts to look like summer. Recently
we had a rain here, and It felt really nice to be caught by it. It was refreshingly warm. I put my cellphone into
a plastic bag and just carelessly walked under it. It was pouring like a waterfall, people were rushing to the
nearest cover, and I was the only one who did not care at all. I felt like some sort of superhero, I felt like I’m
invulnerable. That was such a nice experience, that I decided to share it in a letter with you.

p.s. note to self – stop wearing a lot of white clothes when it is a big chance of rain

Waiting for your reply,


have you ever been caught in the rain? I shared my experiences of recent with that in a little letter for you,
my dear :*

How do you vent off the negative emotions that you accumulate during the stressful working days or weeks?
It is very important to have emotional discharge and let your hormones free. I use working out for that
matters. High intensity trainings are helping me to cope with any sort of stress. It is very ironic, because I put
my body under the stress and my mind getting its rest. And how do you vent of some steam?

Waiting for your reply,

how do you calm yourself, if you got angry? I wrote you my way of coping with these situations, I hope you
will share yours :*

How many friends do you have? Are you easygoing person to approach for friendship? I am very friendly
person, I can easily find a common language with any person in my surroundings, but I have very little true
friends. In fact, I have one THE friend, that I can count on in any situation. We’ve known each other since our
schoolyears and I been through a lot. Even though me and her had a lot of fights and sometimes outright
conflicts, I preferred to find peace every time with here. We have a saying in Belarus that I would not dare to
translate, but it says that it is better to have one old friend, than two new ones. Do you agree with that?

Waiting for your reply,


are you a friendly person? How many friends do you have? I wrote you a letter about my friendship,
hopefully you will enjoy it, dear :D

I’ve had very unusual dream recently. In that dream, I was not Polina, but I was some green sprout, that was
growing ever so slightly with every day. I was in the ground, but then I hit the tough asphalt, and stopped
growing. After couple of days passed, I started growing with even more strength, and eventually I broke
through the asphalt and woke up right at the moment when I saw the light. Do you have any idea what that
dream could mean? Do you believe in meanings within our dreams?

Waiting for your reply,


this night, I had very unusual dream, that inspired me to write you a letter about it. enjoy :*

There are so many forms of love expression. I like to make my beloved feeling like a king. Cooking delicious
meals, supporting him emotionally, being a good listener for his troubles, giving him advise, sharing
passion… I also love all little cute gifts and presents – maybe some small postcard with funny kitten saying “I
love you”, or some tasty heart shaped candy. I also would love to meet my king with well done meal and
massage after his workday. Would you like to be my king, ha-ha?

Waiting for your reply,


how do you express your love? I got and idea to share my ways of expressing love in a letter to you, let me
know what you think

I would like to share the proudest moment of my life with you. I’m not the best bragger, but I would like to
share one of the proudest moments in my life. After I’ve finished my university and got my psychiatric
license, the client influx was not blooming. Nobody would like to trust to young female blond haired shrink.
But my first ever client, mature woman of 45, felt progress with her troubles on the fifth session. The
moment when she told me that I’ve changed her life is the moment I would love to relive. What about you?
Do you have any proudest moment you would like to live all over again?

Waiting for your reply,


tell me about your proudest moment ever? I wrote you letter about mine, I hope you will like it
Many people say that this is the darkest year they ever saw. Do you agree with that? I find it hard to agree,
maybe because I was raised in wild 90ties. It was a period when Soviet Union collapsed, and in Belarus there
was one endless gang war that lasted for over 5 years. People got shot on the street, everyone had a gun,
even children used to have some sort of weaponry and were involved in crime schemes. Yes, COVID-19, civil
unrests, it is all very sad. But worst year? They never lived in Belarus, ha. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


Is 2020 worst year ever? I shared my thoughts in a letter about it, hope to know your opinion

Is a man head of the family? Do you agree that all the decisions must be completed by a man? In Post soviet
countries like mine it is a very common to have gender roles separated that way – man provides for the
family, while woman stays home, responsible for children and keep household. But relatively recently, due to
economical made it so both members of the family need to work. That caused shifting of these roles and
even sometimes swapping them. What do you think about it?

Waiting for your reply,


A man must provide and a woman must abide? What do you think about gender roles? I wrote you a
letter :*

Are you a cat person or a dog person? In my opinion the dogs are more loyal, they are very friendly, they
cherish their owner and treat him as a deity. Properly treated and raised dog is the most loyal and kind
companion for life. On the other hand, there are cats. Cats are soft, passionate, playful, but they care very
little for their owner, and THEY want t be treated like deities. Properly treated and raised cat is independent,
and selfish. That being said, I do enjoy fluffy soft balls of fur, but I am a dog person. And what about you, my

Waiting for your reply,


do you prefer cats or dogs? I shared my opinion about pets in my letter to you. Hoping to read you back :D

so I followed a dragonfly. dragonfly was almost white, and it has blue “eyes” and i strongly projected myself
onto that little creature.
the dragonfly is very fast. it was catching little bugs right out of the air on the fly, like some sort of a fighter
jet. the dragonfly is very strong, the bit of it's mandibles can pierce even human skin. but despite all that
speed and strength, it can set still like it is not a living object. the dragonfly can sit still in one place for hours,
with no movement, only breathing.
i think i need to become more like a dragonfly. what do you think?
Waiting for your reply,


I rush through my life sometimes… yesterday I had a wonderful chance to observe nature and decided to
share my thoughts with you, dear
Jealousy is a very common phenomenon. It is considered very natural, and even the most primitive
mammals can get jealous. But humans are possessing a various form of jealousy. Some can be jealous to not
only lovers and partners, but to friends, objects or even events. That is why it is important to understand
what causes jealousy, because if that feeling is left “unchecked”, it can lead to various destructive
consequences. Are you a jealous person?

Waiting for your reply,


do you often get jealous? I decided to give you my insight on jealousy as a psychologist in a letter :*

I wanted to ask you this unusual question, darling. So, are you a shy person? What can make you blush? For
some reason, the older I get the less shy I become. I remember in my younger years I was really shy and
reserved to myself, I was afraid to speak in public places or embarrass myself on stage. But these days I cant
even remember when was the last time I have been shy. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


are you shy? have you ever caught yourself thinking that you are afraid to embarrass yourself? I’ve decided
to write you a letter about myself :D

Recently, I had a very interesting dream and would like to share it with you. In that dream I was a strong
white lioness, very unique looking and exotic, but at the same time passionate and protective. I hunted and
provided for my lion cubs that I hid under a giant baobab tree. I was engulfed in my day to day troubles, just
like I am right now in my real life. In that way my mind projects myself, I guess. Do you think I’m resembling a
lion in any form?

Waiting for your reply,


hey! Take a look at me :D what animal do I look like? I wrote you a letter about my recent dream, and I was
pretty shy writing it, I hope you will like that

I hope you are having a great day today. Part of the great day today, is a wonderful end to the yesterday. It is
very important to relax properly after a workday. When I feel that stress is accumulating, I free up my
evening, and spend time directed only to myself. I watch a nice movie, I spend some time on the phone with
my parents or friends, I take a nice relaxing bath. I meditate and pray before sleep. And then the next day
after that feels amazing.

And how do you spend your relaxation time?

Waiting for your reply,

how to make sure that your day will be a good one? I share my secret trick in a letter to you :*

How you determine success, my darling? For me, being successful can be measured by the number of
children you have, or by the number of people who knows you, or by the number on your bank account. I
don’t think that successes can be measured at all. For me – success is being happy. If you wake up and fall
asleep with a smile – that is the biggest sign of success. No matter the reason that makes you smile and feel
satisfied with life – the only way is your only way. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


what do you call a success? decided to share my mind in a letter with you, I hope you will enjoy it

What is important in life? I want to share my vision with you. I change lives. I help people overcome their
problems, I heal their mind and souls. The grateful face of my first ever client imprinted In my mind forever it
seems. Ever since then, I try to help as many people as possible, to change their lives for better. I think that
in doing so I will create my legacy, and by that legacy I will be remembered by. And what is important in life
for you?

Waiting for your reply,


I hope you are doing great today, darling. I wrote you a letter about my legacy and what is important in my
life. I hope you will enjoy reading it (L)

Hey there, I want to share this interesting story that happened to me recently. So, cliché enough, I helped
those, who needed help. There was an old grandma, or babushka, who needed help to get over the road,
and I did that, guiding her by her hand. She was a little bit shy, but ever so grateful when we finished our
walk, and offered me a few apples as a reward. I refused to take a few, and took one, but managed to sneak
her a small sum of money. When I was walking away she noticed that and screamed blessings to my back. It
felt so good.

When was the last time you did something eternally good?

Waiting for your reply,


good deeds can make you feel good, don’t you agree? I wrote you a letter about something interesting that
happened to me recently, I hope that will be interesting to you

I had this strange and vivid dream the other night and I decided to share that with you, my dear. In that
dream I woke up in the world of peace and prosperity, but I was 20 years younger than me. World was free
of wars, poverty and crime, and everyone lived in harmony and peace. I had a lot of friends, and one of
them, I think, were you. I hoped we would fall in love then, but I woke up in the middle of it. How do you like
this dream?

Waiting for your reply,

I had the most wonderful and strange dream the other night and decided to write you a letter about it.
enjoy (L)

I want to ask you a very important question, my dear. My work is based around interacting with clients
online. I do therapy sessions online, and most of my designer requests and contacts are online as well.
Recent changes in the world shifted many people to working from their homes too. So I guess everyone is
depending on the technology these days. What about you? Can you imagine your life without technological
benefits of the modern world?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there darling! I wanted to ask you an important question, but could not fit it in a message, so I’ve sent
you a letter (L)

I would like to surprise you a little! What is the most anticipated holiday in your country? Christmas? It must
be! But in Belarus the most anticipated celebration and holiday is New Year. Christmas comes after it – on 7 th
of January. Yeah, we are weird like that a little bit. But that has something to do about different religions.
Anyways, back to New Year. It is the biggest celebration in Belarus and in most post-soviet countries. It is a
national-wide one, with everyone joining the celebration. Tell me about yours?

Waiting for your reply,


do you know what is the biggest celebration for Belarusn? I shared this secret in a letter to you, enjoy (L)

How do you usually spend summers? Do you try to get a week or two off work and chores to escape the
routine and spend some time on vacation? Where do you usually go? For me, there are several options
usually, currently limited to one, since the lockdown forbids travels abroad. So, my only option is to rent a
cottage in the countryside and enjoy the views of the Japanese sea. But I would much rather spend some
time on Bali, haha. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


what is your favorite type of vacation? I wrote a letter about my vacation, fancy to join me in? :D

What do you do when you are sad and slightly depressed? I’m not, but just asking, because being sad is very
natural thing you know. So, when something or someone makes me sad, I follow few simple steps. Firstly, I
put on some good music. Secondly, I take a walk by the pier – Minsk has one of the most beautiful seaside
views in the whole world. Thirdly, I try to recall my happiest and proudest moments in my life. In doing so,
usually, I get completely fine and calm, and sadness loses its ground. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


how often do you feel sad, my dear? decided to share a few tricks how to beat sadness in a letter to you, I
hope that will be useful for you

Do you have any interesting hidden skills? It can be really fun and surprising sometimes, to have unobvious
skill that you acquired somewhen in your childhood. For example, when I was a little, I became very
proficient with a yo-yo. It’s a toy on a little string that you can throw around and juggle with. I did become
rather good at that, spending hours of my free time, to look “cool” among my peers. I still can do it, but it is
absolutely useless. But can be surprising at parties, I guess. Maybe you have something like that?

Waiting for your reply,


what is your hidden superpower? I wrote you a letter about mine, tell me what you think :*

I’ve had some strange incident the other day. In long story short, my mother has sister, who always mistreats
her. During their younger years, she always spread nasty gossip about her, dragged her reputation through
the mud, always lied to her and betrayed a several time for material reasons. Yet my mother always treats
her sister with most of respect. When I asked her why, she told me that family blood is higher than anything.
Do you agree with that position?

Waiting for your reply,


do you agree that anything can be forgiven to a family member? I wrote you a letter about very hard topic
for me, and I hope for your understanding

I wanted to tell you a story about my work-related things. So, I have this client, who is a very young but very
successful artist in Belarus. He is very famous. He rose to popularity withing one year, only a year ago he was
singing on the corner of the street, and now his records are listened by thousands. What is ironic is that he
does not enjoy that. He hates it. It causes him tremendous suffering, all the popularity, all the fame, haters,
stalkers and everything that comes with it. And I asked myself would I like to be famous? I think – not. What
do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


I want to share a story about my work… it is pretty big, so I wrote a letter to you, so it could fit here (L)

Hey there, darling! I wanted to tell you a little story. So, in Minsk its getting really hot here. And I have this
strange mechanism that makes me crave the opposite weather that is outside. When it rains, I crave sunny
weather, when its hot and dry I want rain and humidity, and when it is as hot as it is currently, I really want
some knee-deep snow! In Minsk snows are very common and if it falls – it falls big. Even now I never refuse
a round of snow wars or building a snowman. Do you like messing around in the snow?

Waiting for your reply,


basic question, I know, but what is the weather like at your place? I wrote you a little childhood story in a
letter, and I hope that would be interesting to see :*

I want to tell you this little tradition my family and I used to have back in the day. Every 3rd friday of the
summer we packed our things and ventured out into the woods to camp. After I cam from school, my father
and my other already packed our small backpacks and a tent, a few days worth of food, and we drove to the
deep point of the forest. Then, we spent a few days, usually till the Sunday evening, and drove back home.
Our friends and close relatives always joined us on these trips. Would you like to take a trip like that with me
one day?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there, my darling, I decided to write you a letter with a small proposition. tell me what do you think :D

One of my friends decided to start doing martial arts very late in his age – she was about 23 when she first
attended a karate class. But very soon, after a few months of training she won a championship for the
beginners. And about 4 years in she won Belarusn National Championship and also completed the test for
the black belt. She is a true example that with that right amount of determination and perseverance you can
achieve anything on any point in your life, so there is no such thing as “too late” for anything. Do you agree
with me, or not? Tell me why?

Waiting for your reply,


Is there anything your would like to do, but haven’t done yet, being afraid that it is too late? I wrote you a
letter, and maybe that will inspire you to change your mind about it (L)

How does your morning usually start? I wake up, I have an old habit of putting my alarm clock on 5 minutes
earlier than I need to wake up, to have that sweet morning laziness in bed. After that I do my little morning
stretching routine and have myself a small breakfast and a cup of coffee. Coffee is very important to me, and
I love how it fills me with energy withing a few minutes. I love to drink my coffee filtered black, a whole cup
of it and for the rest of my day I don’t need any caffeine. What about you? Would you like me to get you a
cup of coffee to bed?

Waiting for your reply,


how does your morning usually start? do you like coffee? I shared my morning routine in a letter (L)
As a psychologist I know that giving false information, using twisted fact, and hiding the truth is important
and definitive part of human behavior. Yet I always ask myself a question – is it possible to not lie
completely? Statistically, adult person lies 15 times during the day, and that is counting in little lies to
yourself. So lie is so common that one can use it to give himself a reason and boast one’s sense of right. Do
you lie? How many times do you use lie per day?

Waiting for your reply,


do you agree that it is impossible to tell the truth all the time? I shared my thinking in a letter to you, and
you may find it interesting, as I shed a light on some phycological insight

Have you ever dreamt about winning a lottery? Do you think it is possible? I have seen a small documentary
about a simple man winning a jackpot of one million dollars and it changed his life forever. He took his
chances and he won, and funny enough, it was the first and the last time he bought a lottery ticket. Have
you ever tried to buy a lotter ticket? Or maybe you test your luck in casinos and such?

Waiting for your reply,


have you ever won a lottery? I just wonder, how lucky you are? I wrote you a little letter with my thoughts
on this topic, and I would love to know your opinion :D

I decided to bust some myths today, that you may have heard as stereotypes. It is almost a common
knowledge that Belarusn are fond of alcohol, fighting and Putin. That is very big and very untrue
precognition. Firstly, despite our president being at the office over 20 years now, many are very
unsupportive of his reign. Secondly, fighting is something that Belarusns very rarely do, hence the unloved
president at the office, hah. Thirdly, alcohol is as common of a problem in Belarus as it is everywhere. What
do you know about Belarusns? What national precognitions could you dispel about your home country?

Waiting for your reply,


what do you know about Belarusn women, or Belarusns in general? I’ve dispelled a few national
precognitions in my letter to you. I hope you will find it interesting :D

I know that you are very responsible, strong and determined man, but do you have a funny side in you? My
grandfather, a very respected and well know soviet general, always said that “even the kings have jesters in
them” and that no matter how solid and stoic you are – there always must be a silly side to you. having fun is
the best countermeasure to stress. Do you agree with that? If so, tell me, how do you prefer to have fun,
what is your go-to card to cheer yourself up?

Waiting for your reply,


are you feeling stressed out, honey? I wrote you a letter that might help you with that (L)
I need to ask you a question and I hope for your sincere answer. Are there things in your life that you are
truly hate? Maybe doing dishes, mopping the floor or taking out the garbage? I had a few hours in the queue
to the hospital recently (nothing major, don’t worry) and it made me realize that I hate unreasonable waiting
the most. I can wait if there is a reason behind the delay. If I wait just because someone is unprofessional or
lazy – it drives me mad. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


what is it you dislike the most in life? I wrote you a letter about my dislikes, and I hope to know yours

Wanted to ask you this monumental question, my darling. Do you think that position of power over other
people corrupts any man? There is no need to go far to have an example. Any man, who gets into Belarusn
government, no matter how nice and noble he seems to be on his pre-elections, turns into a greedy, fat and
oppressive thief in suit. There are no exceptions of that rule, believe me, and the Belarusn history, ha-ha.
What do you think about that?

Waiting for your reply,


have you ever felt powerful? do you think that power can corrupt a person? I wrote you a letter and would

be very interesting to know what do you think 😊

Have you ever noticed about yourself that it is hard to cut loose the memories of familiar places and things?
My friend has a whole room of old journals, entire books of photos from her past, various things, souvenirs,
mementos, various little and not so old things that remind her of her past life. Sometimes, I think that she
spends way too much time dwelling on her past. Yet she says that past is a very important foundation for a
good future. Do you agree with my friend?

Waiting for your reply,


how often are you diving into your past memories? I’m asking this question because I met a friend the other

day and she inspired me to write you a letter. tell me what do you think 😉

I know that you are very intelligent man, and that is why I decided to ask you this question… How do you
keep your mind sharp? I use books and various mental problems to solve, that keeps my mind working and
always on the peak of my intellectual capabilities. I hate periods when my mind is dull and sluggish.
Sometimes that happens when I have lack of sleep or proper rest, or when I get stuck in one task or deal and
do not switch to another for a long time. That can make my mind dull, and that is why I ask you how do you
keep your mind sharp.

Waiting for your reply,


do you like to keep your mind occupied with something? I wrote you a letter about your intelligence, and I
hope to know what do you think (ha-ha, what a pun) about it :D

Hey, I wanted to tell you something. How do you maintain a good reputation? My work is highly based on
my reputation. Nobody will hire a coach if he or she will have a bad rep among his or her clients. That is why
I try to treat everybody honestly and with respect. Only in that way, in my opinion and experience,
reputation will be perfect and useful for your labor. Do you agree? How do you manage your reputation?

Waiting for your reply,


what kind of a reputation do you have among your friends? do you have any idea about that? I shared my
thought about reputation in a letter that I just sent you

I need to ask you this question, my dear. Are you a good planner? I try to plan everything in advance. I have
a special daily organizer that helps me navigate around my day to manage thing I do and I things I need to
next. That organizer has a special segment for each day, month and year, so you can sort your tasks
according to the time they need to be completed. The last page of that organizer is a page for dreams. Lets
imagine that you have an organizer like that. What would you write in there?

Waiting for your reply,


do you prefer to dream, or to plan? what kind of a mind you have? tell me, my dear. also, I have sent you a
letter about this subject, and I hope that you will like it

Let us play a little imagination game. Imagine that we are living together, treasuring each other in love and
care mixed with passion and support. What would be the perfect start of the day? What sort of breakfast
would you like to have? Cooked and delivered to you in bed by me, or maybe you would cook that for me,
without waking me up? Or maybe we could postpone cooking and cuddle a little in the morning, and then
go out to some café to have breakfast? What kind of morning would you prefer with me?

Waiting for your reply,


how about we unstrap our imagination today, darling? I sent you a letter, tell me what do you think about it

Hey, I want to share something with you today. Judging by my knowledge of psychology, I want to share
some info with you that you may find useful. It is very important to stay creative and express your fantasy
with the tools you have at your disposal. For example, some people sing, some people tell funny stories, but
me, I prefer drawing. I love to draw different figures and fancy dresses, interiors of houses, sometimes I even
dream about that. What about you? Do you like to be creative?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, by the way, I wrote you a letter about creativity, enjoy :*

Today I wanted to share something that I think you will find interesting and maybe even useful. Conflicts are
inevitable in human nature, but I, as a psychologist, know a way to solve them without fighting. It is a called
a “diplomacy rule” or as “neutral discussion territory”. It is assumed that two people, who care for each
other, start a discussion, where each of them takes turn in talking. For signifying the turns usually a pillow
used, or some sort of small token. The one who is holding a token is allowed to talk, and the other is only
allowed to listen. What d you think about this method?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there, darling. in a letter I just sent, I’ve decided to tell you about a method to avoid conflicts. tell me
what do you think about it ;)

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit. Today, I wanted to share my thoughts about age. You,
see, I have an opinion, that age is just a number in the ID. I have seen teenagers as talented and as
intelligent as university professors, and I’ve seen senior citizens as active as teenagers. It is a mentality and
world view that makes up your age. You need to be cheerful, happy, enjoying life and that will make you
forever young. I am 27, yet I feel as fresh as when I was 16. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


does age matters to you, darling? I shared my thoughts about it in a letter to you, and I hope to know your
honest opinion

Do you want to become a better person? I think about that a lot. I think and I strive to become a better
person than I was yesterday. I achieve that with self-reflection and understanding what is on my mind. I also
try to pinpoint my flaws and work on them. My current one is being way to naïve. In my age, I cant allow
myself to believe in fairytales and miracles against all the odds, yet I still do. Do have this issue as well?
Maybe you will you make my naïve dreams come true?

Waiting for your reply,


I just finished writing you a very important letter. I hope that you will find it interesting and I would like to

know what do you think about it ;)

Do you want to be famous for something? Maybe you are already are? Not to brag, but I am pretty famous
locally, but I always look for someone to look up to. In my youth it was my father. He was a wonderful man of
a humble upbringing, that became successful over the years with determination and force of will. I always
tried to follow his example and one day he told me that he is proud of me. That was the best day of my life.
Do you have or had an idol in your life, darling?

Waiting for your reply,


I decided to share something very intimate with you and wrote you a letter, darling. tell me your thoughts (L)

Hey honey… I hope that this letter finds you in good health, because mine was acting up recently. Weather is
no really good, and sometimes, when the weather Is bad, my head can ache really hard. In these days my
productivity goes down, I get easily irritated, I get tired really fast and I always want to sleep. I think it has
something to do with low blood pressure. Are you familiar with the problem? Maybe you have some advice
that I could use myself?

Waiting for your reply,


Im not feeling so good recently and decided to write you a letter, seeking for your advice

Hello darling, I have decided to write you this little silly letter about my childhood. When I was a little I loved
joking around. They called me Polina the Jester, because I enjoyed memorizing all the different jokes and
funny stories, acting all goofy and making different lighthearted pranks on my friends and family. I was a soul
of any company and could cheer up anybody. To this day I still try to have this upbeat spirit to influence my
surroundings. What about you? Tell me your most favorite joke?

Waiting for your reply,


I hope that you remain in the most wonderful spirit recently. I sent you a little letter that hopefully will bring
a smile to your face, darling
I may be late on the news, but I have a wonderful notion to share. Recently, Belarusn government came to a
conclusion that it is possible to open borders with a few European countries. That made me very happy,
because that means that good things are finally coming back to my life. Firstly, I can travel again, I missed
that so much, and secondly – we could plan our little vacation together. What do you have in mind, darling?
Share that with me.

Waiting for your reply,


I bring wonderful news to you, darling. I wrote everything in a letter, no hurries, but im exited ha-ha :D

Do you enjoy the place you live in currently? In my times, I have lived in the houses, in the flats or
apartments, and even in the dorms. These days I rent a small flat in the Minsk citycenter, and I enjoy it very
much, it is light, spacious despite being not big, and very cozy. In my opinion, it is the most wonderful place
to live alone that I ever had. I would trade it for a cozy place with someone who loves me and I love him.
What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


tell me mor about the place you live in? I shared a story about my living space in a letter to you, enjoy (L)

Hey, I wanted to ask you this question, you may not answer it because it may be a little bit intimate. But here
goes. Are you getting nostalgic often? In my life, I do tend to have some sentimental attachments to place
and people that I get to spend a lot of time with. I miss my school; I miss my university. I miss my old
parents’ house and my grandparents’ cabin in the woods. What about you? do you get nostalgic often?

Waiting for your reply,


tell me, do you miss something from your past? do you get nostalgic often? I sent you a little letter, hope to
know your sincere answer

Do you have any regrets? Well, tell you what. You should not have any regrets about your life. Whatever you
do – makes you a person who you are today. Yes, sometimes everyone have their own missteps, sometimes
our judgment lets us down, sometimes our recklessness leads us into trouble and sometimes our fate just
decides against us. But there is no real point of regretting something, or indulging on self-pity. We should
move into our future, not drown in our past. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


I just sent you a letter, darling. tell me if you found that information useful
I wanted to ask you a question about things you need in life. Or in fact, rather share something about myself.
You see, in my life, I don’t need a lot of things. Usually I stick to a little amount of clothing, I don’t have
billions of pairs of shoes, I don’t like drowning in luxuries and abundance. I like to keep practical approach to
my day to day life and keep my “wants” in check. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


how much stuff do you need to be actually happy? I wrote you a letter, I hope you will be pleasantly
surprised by it

Lets talk a little bit about being honest and open. Or, rather, let me share my opinion on that subject, since
you are not a big talker. To me, it was never a problem to share my mind with someone who I can really
trust. It can be really easy at times, just to talk to a random stranger, than to share something with a person
you love and care for. That is where the fear of being judged and rejected comes in. On your
subconsciousness, you don’t fear being rejected by a random stranger, yet you do, if you are talking to
someone who you care for. What do you think, are you afraid of sharing something out of your mind with

Waiting for your reply,


how about we have a heart to heart talk today, dear? I just sent you a letter and I hope for your honesty

I have a confession to make, darling! I hope that you will not think less of me after that, haha. Well, I have to
admit that even though I keep very clean diet, sometimes, when I get a little bit sad, I buy myself a big can of
Pringles chips and eat them in one sitting. It is my guilty pleasure so to say. I’ve read that this is stress eating,
but I call it happiness eating, haha. What about you? do you have any guilty pleasures yourself?

Waiting for your reply,


I have a confession to make. I just wrote you a letter with it, I hope you will not judge me

I have been reading this wonderful book of a local author in Belarus, name of which you will never find on
the internet, but the ideas in the book are really good. In it, the main hero is very subdued, very shy and
closed. He lets other manipulate him, abuse him and mistreat them. Then in his life a stranger appears, who
teaches him to stand for himself, just once. The protagonist does that and changes his life for good. Just
because he stood up for himself once. Do you think that is possible?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, hey there honey. I decided to write you a letter about a book that I like. enjoy
What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship? Ive had a relationship without trust. And it
was a nightmare. You can be sure in anything that is going on, you always doubt yourself, your partner and
your choices. It’s a life full of stress and suspicions. That is why I think that to establish trust and to maintain
it is the most important task that couple can have. Do you agree with that? Do you have a trust issues?

Waiting for your reply,


I wrote you a letter about what I think is the most important thing in a relationship

I wanted to talk about something that is in my opinion really important to me. As my occupation suggest, I
know a thing or two about mind and how it works. I also know that mind has a need for improvement and
daily progress. If that need is not satisfied then the mind becomes anxious and weary. For that improvement
one can use self analysis. Write down during the day the things that made you happy and the things that
frustrated you. Then, and the start of the new day try to stay off the things that caused frustration, and keep
the things that made you happy closer. I hope that is helpful. Share your thoughts with me, please.

Waiting for your reply,


Hey there, honey! I shared something important in a letter that I just wrote you

Do you believe in magic? Have you ever had something completely unexplainable happen to you in your life?
Or maybe you’ve seen some magical performance by the artist who mastered a sleight of hand? Either way, I
really enjoy the notion of mystery in my life. There is something that surpasses our understanding, and that
makes our world even more beautiful. Magic, tricks, or miracles, or even – love. I think that love is the true
magic. So, when was the last time you’ve felt magic?

Waiting for your reply,


I think that love is magic :D I just sent you a letter and I would like to know if you believe in magic too (L)

I would like to share something about myself that you may like. I may not have the looks of it, but I really like
nature. Even despite my sophisticated look, I am a child o nature. I grew up almost in a wild condition,
spending most of my free time outdoors, exploring vast forests, or having fun by the river. I miss those times.
Currently, when I get sick of the city and all the luxuries and comforts of my modern life, I get out for 2-3
days with my friend to have a camping trip. When was the last time you’ve gone camping?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there, honey! I just sent you an interesting letter. I would like to know the answer to my question (L)
Do you think that fighting is a good thing? I tend to think that conflict should be resolved in talking,
communicating and discussing. But sometimes the direct confrontation is unavoidable. Fighting is in
human’s nature, and even more so, it’s in any living creature’s nature. But humanity develops in the right
direction – all the major squabbles are decided by the negotiation table, not with violence. That makes me
happy. Make peace, not war. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


are you easy to snap into anger? do you think that violence is an option? I shared some thought in a letter
with you, let me know what do you think

I wonder if you ever thought about this, but, how do you imagine the nearest future? The progress is very
rapid and unstoppable. Things we posses right now, like super powerful computers, incredibly advanced and
smart devices, robotics and high level of medicine that was not even imaginable only 15 years ago. I wonder,
how it will all look like in another 10-15 years? Will there finally be flying cars and robotic household
helpers? Have you ever thought about it?

Waiting for your reply,


how do you imagine future? I just sent you a letter and it would be really nice to know your opinion (L)

Hey there, darling, I wanted to share a little bit from my knowledge of human nature. Do you think that
world’s peace is possible? Do you think all the nations and people can be united in harmony? Well, maybe.
Maybe not. History has a few examples when the nations united for a greater cause, and one of these
examples is the country I was born in – USSR. It doesn’t have the brightest spot in the humans history, but
the ideas were very positive. What do you know about that?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, hey darling. what do you know about USSR? I wrote you a little letter, maybe that you will find
interesting :*

How often do you feel anger? What makes you angry? In my practice, I came to a conclusion that people
tend to get angry when something is not right. That may be lack of communication, wrongdoings, or just
pure misunderstanding. To avoid getting angry, one has to find a way to avoid these things and everything
will be in peace and harmony. For that, it is very important to maintain and open mindset, and be ready to
talk through everything that occurs in your life.

Share your thoughts with me about this subject?

Waiting for your reply,

what do you do when you are angry? how to avoid getting angry? I wrote a letter with the answer to these
questions in my letter to you, enjoy (L)

Hello darling! Привет! Hola! How many languages do you speak? I was wondering that, because I’ve read
the article that ordinary western man speaks 1 language most of the times. Funny enough, I was born in the
USSR, and I speak 3 languages fluently and two on a semi-decent level. Well, English and Belarusn are the
obvious choice, but could you guess the other 3? What about you? Do you know any languages other than
your native one?

Waiting for your reply,


hey honey, I just wrote you a letter and it would be nice to know your thoughts about the subject in it :*

I wanted to talk to you on a very serious topic, darling. Have you been addicted to something? in my life, I
never used drugs or drank alcohol. But I used to smoke when I was 20. I did that for 1 year, and I was
because I succumbed to peer pressure. All of my friends thought that smoking is cool, and if you don’t
smoke – you became rather an outcast. So, I started smoking too, but then quit. It was not hard, although I
struggled a bit after2 year or being clean. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


do you have any bad habits? I just wrote you a letter about mine, and I hope for your understanding (L)

Today I wanted to share a little bit more about my life, and one of its aspects – luck. Do you believe in luck?
And accidental aligning of variables or divine intervention of Higher Powers? Either way, sometimes, luck is
undeniable thing. Once, I got so lucky that I won a small sum on the lottery. Just put in some random
numbers in the tickets, and won. And I know a person, actually, one of my clients, who won 1 million at the
lottery. Rubles, but still, a million. And when was the time when you got lucky?

Waiting for your reply,


do you remember your luckiest moment? I decided to share a little about myself in a letter to you :*

I really like flowers. When I was a little girl, I used to tend my mother’s garden all the time. Aside from
cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes, she had a nice bush of roses there. I could spend hours admiring its
flowering, tending to that wonderful plant, cure leaves, apply different lotions to help it growing, and just
imagining how nice it would be to have a whole bouquet of these flowers as a gift. I think that there is very
little that can overcome nature and its beauty. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


do you think that all women love flowers? I just sent you a little letter, sharing my point of view, tell me what
do you think :P

I have you ever shot a gun? Well, my guess would be that you probably have. It is said that all men love
guns, and I can understand why. There is something magnetizing to a gun, its inner mechanisms and the
effect it can have. It is said that having an armed gun in your hand changes your world perspective. The
world looks much simpler when you are aiming down the sights. Is that true, darling? Tell me more about
gun laws in your country? Im very interested in that.

Waiting for your reply,


In this day and age, self-defense is very important. do you own a gun? I just wrote you a letter about guns, I
hope you will like that

Hey darling, I would like you to take a closer look at me. Do you think it is possible to improve something in
my appearance? Maybe there is something that bothers you that you would like me to change? Maybe
something in my clothing habits is wrong? Just tell me so, I would never be offended if my man would say
that I grown too fat or to skinny, or my dress does not suit me. I think that honesty and direct approach is
everything, in a relationship. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


? ustwroeyalI just wrote you a letter, tell me what do you think

I have a strange question for you… ?do you think im prettyIj
about it :*

Now, no time for games, darling… tell me, what is it you truly desire? Not pretending, no lies, no avoiding
question. Reach out into the deepest corner of your mind and try to grasp what is your biggest wish in your
life? If I to do so, I would say that its to help people. I want to make a difference. In one life, in several lives,
that matters very little. I want to make a world a better place. That is why I do my job. What about you?
Share with me, please.

Waiting for your reply,


today, I wanted to share my deepest darkest desires with you. but it did not fit on one message, so I sent you
a letter (L)
I wanted to ask you this question now, dear. Tell me, are you familiar with the stereotype that us, blondes,
are silly? I don’t know, if that is common in your country, but here in Belarus everyone seems to think that
blondes have lower IQ than anyone else. It is common notion that blondes are horrible drivers, bad at math
and overall, very silly and dull. How do you feel about it?

Waiting for your reply,


do you like blondes like me? I just wrote you a letter and would like to know your mind about it

I hope that this letter will find you in a good health and mood, darling. Let us talk a little bit about things that
confuse me. Don’t you think that all this mess with coronavirus is way too contradictive? A lot of facts that
go in direct conflict with other facts, some events that do not make any sense, governments that tweaks and
bends the rules however they see fit. Do you think that it’s a major threat, or just some play act of the
shadow powers? Tell me your views, darling.

Waiting for your reply,


hey darling, I just wrote you a letter about something that confuses me greatly. tell me what do you think
about it (L)

We are all living in times of changes, and I wanted to know what do you feel about it. You know, the
technological progress is rushing forward, the world changes so rapidly that sometimes I feel that one day
equals several weeks. How do you keep up with all that? Im afraid to lose my head in all this circus. To
maintain my focus im trying to meditate to regain control over my feelings and emotions. And what do you
do to stay calm and collected when the wind of changes blowing?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, glad to see you back online. I just finished writing you a letter. tell me your thoughts about it, please
do :*

I was wondering about your mind of a certain intimate subject. Are you a passionate man? What I mean by
that is that when you love, can you be like a bright flame that losing control? My father used to be like that,
in times when he was angry, even despite his deepest feelings for m mother, he could do some reckless acts.
And sometimes these acts had consequences that lasted for a long time. What about you? have you ever
done something in a rush of blood?

Waiting for your reply,


can you call yourself a passionate man? I just wrote you a letter about passion, enjoy :*
Hey darling, I wanted to share a story about my client that I have been helping recently. She is a very nice
lady, and has a big family, but she has terrible anger issues. Sometimes in her tantrums, she does or says
hurtful things that cause a lot of pain to her friends and family. So we have found a solutions for her. Every
day, she jogs in the morning. And that keeps her calm, imagine that. The rhythm of her running steps
soothes her mind and cleanses it, and helps her control her anger. And how do you control her anger?

Waiting for your reply,


I just shared a story about my work in a letter to you (L) I hope you will find that interesting :*

I have to tell you about something that I’m guilty of. I don’t do this often, but something im not even hiding
this fact. Sometimes, after a tough workday, or a day full of chores, I lay down on my bed and call a food
delivery haha. I get so tired and lazy that I prefer not to cook, but order it to my doorstep. I tend to spoil
myself like that once in a while. Do you have a favorite takeouts in your city, or do you prefer to cook your
meals for yourself?

Waiting for your reply,


sometimes I let myself loose and act in the way I should not. I just wrote you a letter about it, tell me what
do you think :*

hey there darling. I have had a tough day and I wanted to share my mind on one subject. Are you a proud
man? I know, that pride is considered somewhat a negative quality by most people, and I think that it is very
wise to stay humble and somewhat shy. Let others praise you, but do not let the pride get onto your head,
that sort of thing. And despite being a pretty successful woman, I never let my ego bloat. What about you?
are you proud of something?

Waiting for your reply,


how bad can be a bloated self-esteem? In my career I’ve treated a lot of people who thought of themselves
as kings and queens, and I decided to write you a letter on this subject

Today I wanted to share more about myself with you. I work as a therapist or psychologist for almost 7 years
now, and I like to help people. You see, even though in the medical system phycology is considered more of a
joke discipline, in fact, its is undeniable that if the mentally person is stable and healthy, his body will reflect
that outlook and be much healthier than if the person is sad and depressed. So, cheer up, stay positive,
laugh more, and your immune system will be grateful for that. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


I wanted to share a little bit about my work with you, dear. so I have sent you a letter just now (L)
Hey there! I wanted to share a little thing that I never really understood. Why are people afraid of horror
movies? I mean, you are sitting in a comfortable chair, then all of a sudden jumpscare appears on the screen
with a loud sound, that forces you to have a reflex reaction. I never found that scary, I found that silly. How
about you? Do you have your favorite horror movie? Or you just like me, can not be scared of a screen? Ha-
ha! Share your thoughts, darling.

Waiting for your reply,


do you like horror movies? I just wrote you a letter and I would love to know your opinion on that one

The fall is here, and I was being busy with planning the rest of the year recently. In Belarus the biggest
celebration there is the New Year. We celebrate it loud, noisy and on a national wide scale. But right before
that I have my birthday. So im thinking about celebrating it in one day, you know, to save the strengths and
resources. How do you celebrate your birthday? What did you do for the last birthday party you’ve had? Tell
me, darling.

Waiting for your reply,


do you celebrate birthdays? I just have sent you a letter (L) lets share some stories about our celebrations :*

You know, today I wanted to share something about a thing I really love. And that is to sleep. Who does not
hah. When I was younger, I always felt guilty when I slept too long. Have you ever felt that way? It felt to me
that I have wasted my time and some smart part of my short life. But when I grew older I started appreciate
the long sleep more. It restores the energy in my body, it makes me feel great and upbeat, so why resist it?
And how many hours of sleep do you need per day?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there! how was your sleep today? sleep is a vital part of our lives, so I have decided to dedicate a letter
to it (L) enjoy :*

I think I might have a problem on my hands, darling. I try not to think about that too often, but it is what it
is. Im very dependent on a modern technology. I work, using my computer and phone, I relax, using my
phone, computer and TV, and I socialize, using the same things. If by any chance, the world of technology
will be destroyed, I will have to rebuild the world anew. Do you think that is a reasonable concern?

Waiting for your reply,


I have few concerns, and I have written you a letter with them, darling. hoping for your understanding (L)

I have to share something very intimate for me with you, because I think I can trust you. My biggest weapon
and my most used tool in my life is my imagination. It helps me to solve a lot of problems that my patients
have, and when im off work, drawing something, my imagination helps me to express myself. When was the
last time you painted or drew something? Just curious, tell me this little aspect of your life with me.

Waiting for your reply,


do you have a rich imagination? I just wrote you a letter and I hope that your imagination will be pleased by
it hah :P

Hey, I wanted to talk about this silly topic with you. When was the last time you got drunk? They say that the
drunk person is most sincere one, do you agree with that? In my experience, every drunk person acts in a
way he or she would never act, but in a certain way it can be said that they act like more of their “primal”
selves. Im not sure how to feel about it. And I never got drunk to that stage. Have you?

Waiting for your reply,


how often do you drink booze? I just wrote you a letter and it would be really nice to know your story with

Hey darling. Let us use imagination and fantasy about having a little date. Not something fancy in a luxury
restaurant, but maybe something more simple, wholesome, down to earth, like stroll in a park with a cup of
coffee, talking about sweet nothings and smiling, laughing, joking. It has been so long since I have done
something like this, what about you? Tell me, do you like something like that? Or maybe you have other
fantasies about me?

Waiting for your reply,


darling, I just wanted to share my fantasy with you, and wrote you a letter. tell me what do you think about it

Today, I wanted to share a story about my childhood, and the thing I really miss about it. Together, with my
family, when I was in my mid teen years, we gathered up, packed tents and grills, and drove all the way to
the forest. There, we would make a nice picnic, with lots of friends and close relatives. We did that in any
season, and I always was the most wonderful experience ever. Do you have warm memories form your
childhood that you would like to share?

Waiting for your reply,


In my letter to you, I just shared something that I never shared with anyone before. I hope you will like it (L)

You know, I was treating a client recently, and he had a very interesting case of political anxiety. Every time
someone mentioned or stirred some political discussions, he felt stress and fear. Turns out, when he was a
little, his parents were always arguing about politics and all the different subjects that correlates with it. So I
guess the sayings is right about the fact that some topics can be harmful. Do you enjoy talking about

Waiting for your reply,


how political are you? some say that politics is a horrible topic to discuss, and I have to say something about
it. I have sent you a letter (L)

I wanted to share something with you that I have found out on my practice. It turns out that the best
motivator for people is generally not money, fame, or something else, but the progress itself. If you
concentrate on the progress and track all the improvements that you do in your life over the time, it will
make you work even harder than you do. It can be anything – comparing the size of your biceps, your
income or something more drastic, like the amount of lives your changed for the better. I hope that you will
share your thought about me on this subject of motivation.

Waiting for your reply,


I have sent you a letter with some useful information. tell me what do you think about that subject?

I wanted to share a little bit about my childhood with you, my darling. During my schoolyears, I was such a
lousy kid. I always got into trouble, my teachers were going crazy with me, I could “crack” the toughest shell
of any teacher and make them mad. I always knew how to manipulate them, I guess that is what sparked my
interest to psychology, hah. What about you? what kind of a schoolboy you were?

Waiting for your reply,


do you get nostalgic about your school years? I do! I just shared my little childhood story in a letter to you (L)

Have you ever been obsessed? When im in love, I can be really obsessed with a person. More to it, I can be
obsessed with that person’s happiness. I would spend hours and hours to make him happy. To please him in
every way needed, to arrange time for him in that way, so he would never feel sad or bored. Tasty foods, fun
times, cozy house, I would become a miracle aligner for my man. That is the obsession I want to feel again.
What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


I just wrote you a letter about obsession, and I would really like to know your thoughts about it :D
Lets imagine that we have a chance to spend an evening together. What would we do? In my mind I picture
us sitting across each other on some beach, watching a wonderful sunset over the endless horizon of an
ocean, with the water’s surface as smooth as your eyes looking into mine. There is laughter, and there is
some shyness about us, but we enjoy our time. We drink a little bit of a fine wine, and smile…. Would you
like to continue this story?

Waiting for your reply,


I just shared my fantasy with you in a letter. I would like you to share yours with me as well (L)

How often do you dream, darling? Just, closing your eyes before sleep and letting your mind free, allowing it
to create wonderful images and worlds? Share some dreams of yours, I would gladly dive in into your fantasy
world and see what is it made of. Then, if you would be interested, I could share you my fantasies and
dreams as well. Or, perhaps, we could create our mutual dreams and fantasies, together, and see how they

Waiting for your reply,


when we are young, we dream a lot, but as we grow older, we start to let that habit go away. are you a
dreamer, darling? I just have sent you a letter about dreams :*

Can you get sentimental? Maybe there are some things, places or people that you cant let go? Is there
anything that you still keep from your childhood? I still keep my first ever dairy, that I’ve started when I was
13 and filled up when I was 15. Teen years, years of different changes, worries and hurries. The notebook
itself was a gift from my grandmother. Sometimes, I spend hours just re reading it. Would you like to read my

Waiting for your reply,


do you have something that you keep from your past? our memories are much brighter if they are amplified
by some souvenirs. I just sent you a letter about this subject, and I would love to know your opinion on that

World is changing rapidly, there is not denying that. They used to say that all the time, but this time it is true,
and very obvious. This whole corona madness is overblown, and we can believe in it or not, but there is not
denying that it affects each and every single one of us. All we can do now is to adapt and overcome all the
obstacles. How are you coping with that? are you ready for this new world in masks?

Waiting for your reply,


I just have sent you a letter about this crazy world we live in. tell me what do you think about it :*

Some say that people are born with talents in them, we just need to do our best to unfold them. Do you
agree with that statement? I think it is very close to truth. For example, I never have been taught how to
draw. Yet one day, when I was a child, I just took a pencil and drew something, that put my teacher into awe.
Ever since I keep drawing, and now I can earn a living by designing clothes and interiors, aside from being a
shrink. Do you have any talents?

Waiting for your reply,


how talented you are, darling? im sure you are full of surprises. I just wrote you a letter about my talents.
enjoy (L)

Hey darling, I was wondering if you feel the cold winds blowing now? Here in Minsk , even in the summers
weather is really cold, but closer to winter it becomes even colder. They say that the best heater is a warmth
of your loved one, ha-ha, what do you think about it? Do you enjoy winter? Snow, short days, long and dark
nights? I really love winter, but I miss companionship during winter, you know. Maybe we could fix that?

Waiting for your reply,


when was the last time you’ve enjoyed winter? I just have sent you a letter about it (L)

I was thinking recently and have came up with a conclusion that I have nothing about my job that I would
not like. I work as a phycologist and as a designer both by using my laptop, and I don’t have a direct boss.
Both jobs can be seen as hobbies, if you look at me from the side while im working. Am I so lucky? I have
read that most people either don’t like or straight hate their job. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


I think that I got lucky… I just wrote you a letter about my job, and I would love to know your opinion on that

Today I wanted to share a little bit more about my work and tell you about a client I have. So, I have this
client, who is a very young but very successful artist in Belarus. He is very famous. He rose to popularity
withing one year, only a year ago he was singing on the corner of the street, and now his records are listened
by thousands. What is ironic is that he does not enjoy that. He hates it. It causes him tremendous suffering,
all the popularity, all the fame, haters, stalkers and everything that comes with it. And I asked myself would I
like to be famous? I think – not. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there darling :) glad to see you online (L) oh, by the day, you have my letter about a very curious
situation on my job. tell me what do you think about it, darling :*
My hope is that this letter will find you in great health and spirit, darling. So, today I would love to share
something that I have studied about human mind, and I would love to know your opinion on these facts and
theories. At first, love know no personal space. Lovers are always together. But then, when time passes, they
start to seek more personal space. They strive to be alone at times. Have you noticed that in your previous
relationship? Tell me, if you will, I would like to know that.

Waiting for your reply,


I just wrote you a special letter, and I’m looking forward to knowing your thoughts on the subject :*

imagine that you would have a time capsule or something like that, and that contraption would allow you to
travel to the past to your younger self. Let’s say about 15 years younger than you are now. What advice
would you give to your younger self? It is a very interesting topic to think about. If I had that chance I would
tell myself to say away from Belarusn man and aim to the west, like I am doing now. I’ve wasted a lot of time
and nerves on trying to build relationship. Oh, and also invest on bitcoin hhaha J

Waiting for your reply,


would you call yourself a wise person? do you like giving advises? I wrote you a letter about that, enjoy :*

What place would you like to travel as soon as the travel will resume? I love to travel and this house arrest
made me crave traveling so much! In the past I’ve visited China, Thailand, Shri-Lanka, and various places,
and I’m used to travel quite a lot. Would be very nice to resume that tradition. Maybe you have any places in
mind? How about we plan our little vacation together? Maybe you would be interested in that with me? Just
as friends at first, and then see where that will lead us?

Waiting for your reply,


traveling will be resumed soon, I heard! I wrote you interesting letter about that, maybe we could plan a
little vacation together? could be fun (L)

I got to spend a pretty extensive duration of time today with a little boy of 5. He is my best friend’s son, and
he is totally amazing little angel. He is very intelligent comparing to his peers, his speech is very clear and
articulated, he is agile and very strong for his age. And he knows a great deal in modern technology. Besides,
he has told me that he thinks about getting himself a girlfriend ha-ha! It fascinates me, how fast modern
generation is getting “adult”. Do you think kids these days growing up way to fast?

Waiting for your reply,


what do you think about modern generation? I shared a little bit of thoughts in my letter to you, darling. I
hope to know your opinion on that
Recently I’ve experienced not the best feeling in my life. I’ve met my friend from high school at the parking
lot. She was almost unrecognizable from the last time I saw her around 10 years ago. In these 10 years she
grown fat, she aged 20 years, even her posture was twisted and as if shy. I’ve invited her for a cup of coffee
in a local coffee shop, and she told me her story. Apparently she is married to a very abusive man. That is
why she looks so changed and different. And she can’t do anything about it, because, by her words, she
loves him. What do you think about this whole situation?

Waiting for your reply,


how to deal with abusive men? I wrote you a letter on a very important topic, I hope to know your thoughts
about it soon

I am creating a interior designs for a living, but I know nothing about repairing things on my own. I start to
notice that I need a pair of strong masculine hands around the house. Door is jamming, electricity is
malfunctioning, need a couple of screws to be screwed and nails to be nailed ha-ha. Are you a handyman? If
something in your house is broken, do you go to call a specialist, or fix it yourself? What is the most
significant thing you ever did in terms of repairing your living place?

Waiting for your reply,


the front door in my house is jamming, do you know how to fix it? are you a handyman? I wrote you a letter
about this topic, would be interesting to hear your thoughts in detail

I would like to share the proudest moment of my life with you. I’m not the best bragger, but I would like to
share one of the proudest moments in my life. After I’ve finished my university and got my psychiatric
license, the client influx was not blooming. Nobody would like to trust to young female blond haired shrink.
But my first ever client, mature woman of 45, felt progress with her troubles on the fifth session. The
moment when she told me that I’ve changed her life is the moment I would love to relive. What about you?
Do you have any proudest moment you would like to live all over again?

Waiting for your reply,


tell me about your proudest moment ever? I wrote you letter about mine, I hope you will like it

Many people say that this is the darkest year they ever saw. Do you agree with that? I find it hard to agree,
maybe because I was raised in wild 90ties. It was a period when Soviet Union collapsed, and in Belarus there
was one endless gang war that lasted for over 5 years. People got shot on the street, everyone had a gun,
even children used to have some sort of weaponry and were involved in crime schemes. Yes, COVID-19, civil
unrests, it is all very sad. But worst year? They never lived in Belarus, ha. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


Is 2020 worst year ever? I shared my thoughts in a letter about it, hope to know your opinion

Is a man head of the family? Do you agree that all the decisions must be completed by a man? In Belarus it is
a very common to have gender roles separated that way – man provides for the family, while woman stays
home, responsible for children and keep household. But relatively recently, due to economical made it so
both members of the family need to work. That caused shifting of these roles and even sometimes swapping
them. What do you think about it?

Waiting for your reply,


A man must provide and a woman must abide? What do you think about gender roles? I wrote you a
letter :*

Are you a cat person or a dog person? In my opinion the dogs are more loyal, they are very friendly, they
cherish their owner and treat him as a deity. Properly treated and raised dog is the most loyal and kind
companion for life. On the other hand, there are cats. Cats are soft, passionate, playful, but they care very
little for their owner, and THEY want t be treated like deities. Properly treated and raised cat is independent,
and selfish. That being said, I do enjoy fluffy soft balls of fur, but I am a dog person. And what about you, my

Waiting for your reply,


do you prefer cats or dogs? I shared my opinion about pets in my letter to you. Hoping to read you back :D

Hey there, I want to share this interesting story that happened to me recently. So, cliché enough, I helped
those, who needed help. There was an old grandma, or babushka, who needed help to get over the road,
and I did that, guiding her by her hand. She was a little bit shy, but ever so grateful when we finished our
walk, and offered me a few apples as a reward. I refused to take a few, and took one, but managed to sneak
her a small sum of money. When I was walking away she noticed that and screamed blessings to my back. It
felt so good.

When was the last time you did something eternally good?

Waiting for your reply,


good deeds can make you feel good, don’t you agree? I wrote you a letter about something interesting that
happened to me recently, I hope that will be interesting to you

How you determine success, my darling? For me, being successful can be measured by the number of
children you have, or by the number of people who knows you, or by the number on your bank account. I
don’t think that successes can be measured at all. For me – success is being happy. If you wake up and fall
asleep with a smile – that is the biggest sign of success. No matter the reason that makes you smile and feel
satisfied with life – the only way is your only way. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


what do you call a success? decided to share my mind in a letter with you, I hope you will enjoy it
What is important in life? I want to share my vision with you. I change lives. I help people overcome their
problems, I heal their mind and souls. The grateful face of my first ever client imprinted In my mind forever it
seems. Ever since then, I try to help as many people as possible, to change their lives for better. I think that
in doing so I will create my legacy, and by that legacy I will be remembered by. And what is important in life
for you?

Waiting for your reply,


I hope you are doing great today, darling. I wrote you a letter about my legacy and what is important in my
life. I hope you will enjoy reading it (L)

Do you enjoy the place you live in currently? In my times, I have lived in the houses, in the flats or
apartments, and even in the dorms. These days I rent a small flat in the Minsk citycenter, and I enjoy it very
much, it is light, spacious despite being not big, and very cozy. In my opinion, it is the most wonderful place
to live alone that I ever had. I would trade it for a cozy place with someone who loves me and I love him.
What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


tell me mor about the place you live in? I shared a story about my living space in a letter to you, enjoy (L)

Hey, I wanted to ask you this question, you may not answer it because it may be a little bit intimate. But here
goes. Are you getting nostalgic often? In my life, I do tend to have some sentimental attachments to place
and people that I get to spend a lot of time with. I miss my school; I miss my university. I miss my old
parents’ house and my grandparents’ cabin in the woods. What about you? do you get nostalgic often?

Waiting for your reply,


tell me, do you miss something from your past? do you get nostalgic often? I sent you a little letter, hope to
know your sincere answer

Lets talk a little bit about being honest and open. Or, rather, let me share my opinion on that subject, since
you are not a big talker. To me, it was never a problem to share my mind with someone who I can really
trust. It can be really easy at times, just to talk to a random stranger, than to share something with a person
you love and care for. That is where the fear of being judged and rejected comes in. On your
subconsciousness, you don’t fear being rejected by a random stranger, yet you do, if you are talking to
someone who you care for. What do you think, are you afraid of sharing something out of your mind with

Waiting for your reply,


how about we have a heart to heart talk today, dear? I just sent you a letter and I hope for your honesty
I have a confession to make, darling! I hope that you will not think less of me after that, haha. Well, I have to
admit that even though I keep very clean diet, sometimes, when I get a little bit sad, I buy myself a big can of
Pringles chips and eat them in one sitting. It is my guilty pleasure so to say. I’ve read that this is stress eating,
but I call it happiness eating, haha. What about you? do you have any guilty pleasures yourself?

Waiting for your reply,


I have a confession to make. I just wrote you a letter with it, I hope you will not judge me

I have been reading this wonderful book of a local author in Belarus, name of which you will never find on
the internet, but the ideas in the book are really good. In it, the main hero is very subdued, very shy and
closed. He lets other manipulate him, abuse him and mistreat them. Then in his life a stranger appears, who
teaches him to stand for himself, just once. The protagonist does that and changes his life for good. Just
because he stood up for himself once. Do you think that is possible?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, hey there honey. I decided to write you a letter about a book that I like. enjoy

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship? Ive had a relationship without trust. And it
was a nightmare. You can be sure in anything that is going on, you always doubt yourself, your partner and
your choices. It’s a life full of stress and suspicions. That is why I think that to establish trust and to maintain
it is the most important task that couple can have. Do you agree with that? Do you have a trust issues?

Waiting for your reply,


I wrote you a letter about what I think is the most important thing in a relationship

I wanted to talk about something that is in my opinion really important to me. As my occupation suggest, I
know a thing or two about mind and how it works. I also know that mind has a need for improvement and
daily progress. If that need is not satisfied then the mind becomes anxious and weary. For that improvement
one can use self analysis. Write down during the day the things that made you happy and the things that
frustrated you. Then, and the start of the new day try to stay off the things that caused frustration, and keep
the things that made you happy closer. I hope that is helpful. Share your thoughts with me, please.

Waiting for your reply,


Hey there, honey! I shared something important in a letter that I just wrote you

Do you believe in magic? Have you ever had something completely unexplainable happen to you in your life?
Or maybe you’ve seen some magical performance by the artist who mastered a sleight of hand? Either way, I
really enjoy the notion of mystery in my life. There is something that surpasses our understanding, and that
makes our world even more beautiful. Magic, tricks, or miracles, or even – love. I think that love is the true
magic. So, when was the last time you’ve felt magic?

Waiting for your reply,


I think that love is magic :D I just sent you a letter and I would like to know if you believe in magic too (L)

I would like to share something about myself that you may like. I may not have the looks of it, but I really like
nature. Even despite my sophisticated look, I am a child o nature. I grew up almost in a wild condition,
spending most of my free time outdoors, exploring vast forests, or having fun by the river. I miss those times.
Currently, when I get sick of the city and all the luxuries and comforts of my modern life, I get out for 2-3
days with my friend to have a camping trip. When was the last time you’ve gone camping?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there, honey! I just sent you an interesting letter. I would like to know the answer to my question (L)

Do you think that fighting is a good thing? I tend to think that conflict should be resolved in talking,
communicating and discussing. But sometimes the direct confrontation is unavoidable. Fighting is in
human’s nature, and even more so, it’s in any living creature’s nature. But humanity develops in the right
direction – all the major squabbles are decided by the negotiation table, not with violence. That makes me
happy. Make peace, not war. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


are you easy to snap into anger? do you think that violence is an option? I shared some thought in a letter
with you, let me know what do you think

I wonder if you ever thought about this, but, how do you imagine the nearest future? The progress is very
rapid and unstoppable. Things we posses right now, like super powerful computers, incredibly advanced and
smart devices, robotics and high level of medicine that was not even imaginable only 15 years ago. I wonder,
how it will all look like in another 10-15 years? Will there finally be flying cars and robotic household
helpers? Have you ever thought about it?

Waiting for your reply,


how do you imagine future? I just sent you a letter and it would be really nice to know your opinion (L)

Hey there, darling, I wanted to share a little bit from my knowledge of human nature. Do you think that
world’s peace is possible? Do you think all the nations and people can be united in harmony? Well, maybe.
Maybe not. History has a few examples when the nations united for a greater cause, and one of these
examples is the country I was born in – USSR. It doesn’t have the brightest spot in the humans history, but
the ideas were very positive. What do you know about that?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, hey darling. what do you know about USSR? I wrote you a little letter, maybe that you will find
interesting :*

How often do you feel anger? What makes you angry? In my practice, I came to a conclusion that people
tend to get angry when something is not right. That may be lack of communication, wrongdoings, or just
pure misunderstanding. To avoid getting angry, one has to find a way to avoid these things and everything
will be in peace and harmony. For that, it is very important to maintain and open mindset, and be ready to
talk through everything that occurs in your life.

Share your thoughts with me about this subject?

Waiting for your reply,


what do you do when you are angry? how to avoid getting angry? I wrote a letter with the answer to these
questions in my letter to you, enjoy (L)

Hello darling! Привет! Hola! How many languages do you speak? I was wondering that, because I’ve read
the article that ordinary western man speaks 1 language most of the times. Funny enough, I was born in the
USSR, and I speak 3 languages fluently and two on a semi-decent level. Well, English and Belarusn are the
obvious choice, but could you guess the other 3? What about you? Do you know any languages other than
your native one?

Waiting for your reply,


hey honey, I just wrote you a letter and it would be nice to know your thoughts about the subject in it :*

I wanted to talk to you on a very serious topic, darling. Have you been addicted to something? in my life, I
never used drugs or drank alcohol. But I used to smoke when I was 20. I did that for 1 year, and I was
because I succumbed to peer pressure. All of my friends thought that smoking is cool, and if you don’t
smoke – you became rather an outcast. So, I started smoking too, but then quit. It was not hard, although I
struggled a bit after2 year or being clean. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


do you have any bad habits? I just wrote you a letter about mine, and I hope for your understanding (L)

I really like flowers. When I was a little girl, I used to tend my mother’s garden all the time. Aside from
cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes, she had a nice bush of roses there. I could spend hours admiring its
flowering, tending to that wonderful plant, cure leaves, apply different lotions to help it growing, and just
imagining how nice it would be to have a whole bouquet of these flowers as a gift. I think that there is very
little that can overcome nature and its beauty. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


do you think that all women love flowers? I just sent you a little letter, sharing my point of view, tell me what
do you think :P

Have you ever shot a gun? Well, my guess would be that you probably have. It is said that all men love guns,
and I can understand why. There is something magnetizing to a gun, its inner mechanisms and the effect it
can have. It is said that having an armed gun in your hand changes your world perspective. The world looks
much simpler when you are aiming down the sights. Is that true, darling? Tell me more about gun laws in
your country? Im very interested in that.

Waiting for your reply,


In this day and age, self-defense is very important. do you own a gun? I just wrote you a letter about guns, I
hope you will like that

Hey darling, I would like you to take a closer look at me. Do you think it is possible to improve something in
my appearance? Maybe there is something that bothers you that you would like me to change? Maybe
something in my clothing habits is wrong? Just tell me so, I would never be offended if my man would say
that I grown too fat or to skinny, or my dress does not suit me. I think that honesty and direct approach is
everything, in a relationship. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


I have a strange question for you… ?do you think im pretty? I just wrote you a letter, tell me what do you think
about it :*

so I followed a dragonfly. dragonfly was almost white, and it has blue “eyes” and i strongly projected myself
onto that little creature.
the dragonfly is very fast. it was catching little bugs right out of the air on the fly, like some sort of a fighter
jet. the dragonfly is very strong, the bit of it's mandibles can pierce even human skin. but despite all that
speed and strength, it can set still like it is not a living object. the dragonfly can sit still in one place for hours,
with no movement, only breathing.
i think i need to become more like a dragonfly. what do you think?
Waiting for your reply,


I rush through my life sometimes… yesterday I had a wonderful chance to observe nature and decided to
share my thoughts with you, dear

Jealousy is a very common phenomenon. It is considered very natural, and even the most primitive
mammals can get jealous. But humans are possessing a various form of jealousy. Some can be jealous to not
only lovers and partners, but to friends, objects or even events. That is why it is important to understand
what causes jealousy, because if that feeling is left “unchecked”, it can lead to various destructive
consequences. Are you a jealous person?

Waiting for your reply,


do you often get jealous? I decided to give you my insight on jealousy as a psychologist in a letter :*

I wanted to ask you this unusual question, darling. So, are you a shy person? What can make you blush? For
some reason, the older I get the less shy I become. I remember in my younger years I was really shy and
reserved to myself, I was afraid to speak in public places or embarrass myself on stage. But these days I cant
even remember when was the last time I have been shy. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


are you shy? have you ever caught yourself thinking that you are afraid to embarrass yourself? I’ve decided
to write you a letter about myself :D

Have you ever noticed about yourself that it is hard to cut loose the memories of familiar places and things?
My friend has a whole room of old journals, entire books of photos from her past, various things, souvenirs,
mementos, various little and not so old things that remind her of her past life. Sometimes, I think that she
spends way too much time dwelling on her past. Yet she says that past is a very important foundation for a
good future. Do you agree with my friend?

Waiting for your reply,


how often are you diving into your past memories? I’m asking this question because I met a friend the other

day and she inspired me to write you a letter. tell me what do you think 😉

I know that you are very intelligent man, and that is why I decided to ask you this question… How do you
keep your mind sharp? I use books and various mental problems to solve, that keeps my mind working and
always on the peak of my intellectual capabilities. I hate periods when my mind is dull and sluggish.
Sometimes that happens when I have lack of sleep or proper rest, or when I get stuck in one task or deal and
do not switch to another for a long time. That can make my mind dull, and that is why I ask you how do you
keep your mind sharp.

Waiting for your reply,


do you like to keep your mind occupied with something? I wrote you a letter about your intelligence, and I
hope to know what do you think (ha-ha, what a pun) about it :D

Hey, I wanted to tell you something. How do you maintain a good reputation? My work is highly based on
my reputation. Nobody will hire a shrink if he or she will have a bad rep among his or her clients. That is why
I try to treat everybody honestly and with respect. Only in that way, in my opinion and experience,
reputation will be perfect and useful for your labor. Do you agree? How do you manage your reputation?

Waiting for your reply,


what kind of a reputation do you have among your friends? do you have any idea about that? I shared my
thought about reputation in a letter that I just sent you

I need to ask you this question, my dear. Are you a good planner? I try to plan everything in advance. I have
a special daily organizer that helps me navigate around my day to manage thing I do and I things I need to
next. That organizer has a special segment for each day, month and year, so you can sort your tasks
according to the time they need to be completed. The last page of that organizer is a page for dreams. Lets
imagine that you have an organizer like that. What would you write in there?

Waiting for your reply,


do you prefer to dream, or to plan? what kind of a mind you have? tell me, my dear. also, I have sent you a
letter about this subject, and I hope that you will like it

Let us play a little imagination game. Imagine that we are living together, treasuring each other in love and
care mixed with passion and support. What would be the perfect start of the day? What sort of breakfast
would you like to have? Cooked and delivered to you in bed by me, or maybe you would cook that for me,
without waking me up? Or maybe we could postpone cooking and cuddle a little in the morning, and then
go out to some café to have breakfast? What kind of morning would you prefer with me?

Waiting for your reply,


how about we unstrap our imagination today, darling? I sent you a letter, tell me what do you think about it
hey there darling. I have had a touch day and I wanted to share my mind on one subject. Are you a proud
man? I know, that pride is considered somewhat a negative quality by most people, and I think that it is very
wise to stay humble and somewhat shy. Let others praise you, but do not let the pride get onto your head,
that sort of thing. And despite being a pretty successful woman, I never let my ego bloat. What about you?
are you proud of something?

Waiting for your reply,


how bad can be a bloated self-esteem? In my career I’ve treated a lot of people who thought of themselves
as kings and queens, and I decided to write you a letter on this subject

Today I wanted to share more about myself with you. I work as a therapist or psychologist for almost 7 years
now, and I like to help people. You see, even though in the medical system phycology is considered more of a
joke discipline, in fact, its is undeniable that if the mentally person is stable and healthy, his body will reflect
that outlook and be much healthier than if the person is sad and depressed. So, cheer up, stay positive,
laugh more, and your immune system will be grateful for that. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


I wanted to share a little bit about my work with you, dear. so I have sent you a letter just now (L)

Hey there! I wanted to share a little thing that I never really understood. Why are people afraid of horror
movies? I mean, you are sitting in a comfortable chair, then all of a sudden jumpscare appears on the screen
with a loud sound, that forces you to have a reflex reaction. I never found that scary, I found that silly. How
about you? Do you have your favorite horror movie? Or you just like me, can not be scared of a screen? Ha-
ha! Share your thoughts, darling.

Waiting for your reply,


do you like horror movies? I just wrote you a letter and I would love to know your opinion on that one

The fall is here, and I was being busy with planning the rest of the year recently. In Belarus the biggest
celebration there is the New Year. We celebrate it loud, noisy and on a national wide scale. But right before
that I have my birthday. So im thinking about celebrating it in one day, you know, to save the strengths and
resources. How do you celebrate your birthday? What did you do for the last birthday party you’ve had? Tell
me, darling.
Waiting for your reply,


do you celebrate birthdays? I just have sent you a letter (L) lets share some stories about our celebrations :*

You know, today I wanted to share something about a thing I really love. And that is to sleep. Who does not
hah. When I was younger, I always felt guilty when I slept too long. Have you ever felt that way? It felt to me
that I have wasted my time and some smart part of my short life. But when I grew older I started appreciate
the long sleep more. It restores the energy in my body, it makes me feel great and upbeat, so why resist it?
And how many hours of sleep do you need per day?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there! how was your sleep today? sleep is a vital part of our lives, so I have decided to dedicate a letter
to it (L) enjoy :*

ssssss I think I might have a problem on my hands, darling. I try not to think about that too often, but it is
what it is. Im very dependent on a modern technology. I work, using my computer and phone, I relax, using
my phone, computer and TV, and I socialize, using the same things. If by any chance, the world of technology
will be destroyed, I will have to rebuild the world anew. Do you think that is a reasonable concern?

Waiting for your reply,


I have few concerns, and I have written you a letter with them, darling. hoping for your understanding (L)

I have to share something very intimate for me with you, because I think I can trust you. My biggest weapon
and my most used tool in my life is my imagination. It helps me to solve a lot of problems that my patients
have, and when im off work, drawing something, my imagination helps me to express myself. When was the
last time you painted or drew something? Just curious, tell me this little aspect of your life with me.

Waiting for your reply,


do you have a rich imagination? I just wrote you a letter and I hope that your imagination will be pleased by
it hah :P

Hey, I wanted to talk about this silly topic with you. When was the last time you got drunk? They say that the
drunk person is most sincere one, do you agree with that? In my experience, every drunk person acts in a
way he or she would never act, but in a certain way it can be said that they act like more of their “primal”
selves. Im not sure how to feel about it. And I never got drunk to that stage. Have you?

Waiting for your reply,

how often do you drink booze? I just wrote you a letter and it would be really nice to know your story with

Hey darling. Let us use imagination and fantasy about having a little date. Not something fancy in a luxury
restaurant, but maybe something more simple, wholesome, down to earth, like stroll in a park with a cup of
coffee, talking about sweet nothings and smiling, laughing, joking. It has been so long since I have done
something like this, what about you? Tell me, do you like something like that? Or maybe you have other
fantasies about me?

Waiting for your reply,


darling, I just wanted to share my fantasy with you, and wrote you a letter. tell me what do you think about it

Today, I wanted to share a story about my childhood, and the thing I really miss about it. Together, with my
family, when I was in my mid teen years, we gathered up, packed tents and grills, and drove all the way to
the forest. There, we would make a nice picnic, with lots of friends and close relatives. We did that in any
season, and I always was the most wonderful experience ever. Do you have warm memories form your
childhood that you would like to share?

Waiting for your reply,


In my letter to you, I just shared something that I never shared with anyone before. I hope you will like it

You know, I was treating a client recently, and he had a very interesting case of political anxiety. Every time
someone mentioned or stirred some political discussions, he felt stress and fear. Turns out, when he was a
little, his parents were always arguing about politics and all the different subjects that correlates with it. So I
guess the sayings is right about the fact that some topics can be harmful. Do you enjoy talking about

Waiting for your reply,


how political are you? some say that politics is a horrible topic to discuss, and I have to say something about
it. I have sent you a letter

I wanted to share something with you that I have found out on my practice. It turns out that the best
motivator for people is generally not money, fame, or something else, but the progress itself. If you
concentrate on the progress and track all the improvements that you do in your life over the time, it will
make you work even harder than you do. It can be anything – comparing the size of your biceps, your
income or something more drastic, like the amount of lives your changed for the better. I hope that you will
share your thought about me on this subject of motivation.
Waiting for your reply,


I have sent you a letter with some useful information. tell me what do you think about that subject?

I wanted to share a little bit about my childhood with you, my darling. During my schoolyears, I was such a
lousy kid. I always got into trouble, my teachers were going crazy with me, I could “crack” the toughest shell
of any teacher and make them mad. I always knew how to manipulate them, I guess that is what sparked my
interest to psychology, hah. What about you? what kind of a schoolboy you were?

Waiting for your reply,


do you get nostalgic about your school years? I do! I just shared my little childhood story in a letter to you

Have you ever been obsessed? When im in love, I can be really obsessed with a person. More to it, I can be
obsessed with that person’s happiness. I would spend hours and hours to make him happy. To please him in
every way needed, to arrange time for him in that way, so he would never feel sad or bored. Tasty foods, fun
times, cozy house, I would become a miracle aligner for my man. That is the obsession I want to feel again.
What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


I just wrote you a letter about obsession, and I would really like to know your thoughts about it :D

Lets imagine that we have a chance to spend an evening together. What would we do? In my mind I picture
us sitting across each other on some beach, watching a wonderful sunset over the endless horizon of an
ocean, with the water’s surface as smooth as your eyes looking into mine. There is laughter, and there is
some shyness about us, but we enjoy our time. We drink a little bit of a fine wine, and smile…. Would you
like to continue this story?

Waiting for your reply,


I just shared my fantasy with you in a letter. I would like you to share yours with me as well (L)

How often do you dream, darling? Just, closing your eyes before sleep and letting your mind free, allowing it
to create wonderful images and worlds? Share some dreams of yours, I would gladly dive in into your fantasy
world and see what is it made of. Then, if you would be interested, I could share you my fantasies and
dreams as well. Or, perhaps, we could create our mutual dreams and fantasies, together, and see how they
Waiting for your reply,


when we are young, we dream a lot, but as we grow older, we start to let that habit go away. are you a
dreamer, darling? I just have sent you a letter about dreams :*

Can you get sentimental? Maybe there are some things, places or people that you cant let go? Is there
anything that you still keep from your childhood? I still keep my first ever dairy, that I’ve started when I was
13 and filled up when I was 15. Teen years, years of different changes, worries and hurries. The notebook
itself was a gift from my grandmother. Sometimes, I spend hours just re reading it. Would you like to read my

Waiting for your reply,


do you have something that you keep from your past? our memories are much brighter if they are amplified
by some souvenirs. I just sent you a letter about this subject, and I would love to know your opinion on that

World is changing rapidly, there is not denying that. They used to say that all the time, but this time it is true,
and very obvious. This whole corona madness is overblown, and we can believe in it or not, but there is not
denying that it affects each and every single one of us. All we can do now is to adapt and overcome all the
obstacles. How are you coping with that? are you ready for this new world in masks?

Waiting for your reply,


I just have sent you a letter about this crazy world we live in. tell me what do you think about it :*

Some say that people are born with talents in them, we just need to do our best to unfold them. Do you
agree with that statement? I think it is very close to truth. For example, I never have been taught how to
draw. Yet one day, when I was a child, I just took a pencil and drew something, that put my teacher into awe.
Ever since I keep drawing, and now I can earn a living by designing clothes and interiors, aside from being a
shrink. Do you have any talents?

Waiting for your reply,


how talented you are, darling? im sure you are full of surprises. I just wrote you a letter about my talents.
enjoy (L)

Hey darling, I was wondering if you feel the cold winds blowing now? Here in Minsk , even in the summers
weather is really cold, but closer to winter it becomes even colder. They say that the best heater is a warmth
of your loved one, ha-ha, what do you think about it? Do you enjoy winter? Snow, short days, long and dark
nights? I really love winter, but I miss companionship during winter, you know. Maybe we could fix that?

Waiting for your reply,


when was the last time you’ve enjoyed winter? I just have sent you a letter about it (L)

I was thinking recently and have came up with a conclusion that I have nothing about my job that I would
not like. I work as a phycologist and as a designer both by using my laptop, and I don’t have a direct boss.
Both jobs can be seen as hobbies, if you look at me from the side while im working. Am I so lucky? I have
read that most people either don’t like or straight hate their job. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


I think that I got lucky… I just wrote you a letter about my job, and I would love to know your opinion on that

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit. Today, I wanted to share my thoughts about age. You,
see, I have an opinion, that age is just a number in the ID. I have seen teenagers as talented and as
intelligent as university professors, and I’ve seen senior citizens as active as teenagers. It is a mentality and
world view that makes up your age. You need to be cheerful, happy, enjoying life and that will make you
forever young. I am 36, yet I feel as fresh as when I was 16. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


does age matters to you, darling? I shared my thoughts about it in a letter to you, and I hope to know your
honest opinion

Do you want to become a better person? I think about that a lot. I think and I strive to become a better
person than I was yesterday. I achieve that with self-reflection and understanding what is on my mind. I also
try to pinpoint my flaws and work on them. My current one is being way to naïve. In my age, I cant allow
myself to believe in fairytales and miracles against all the odds, yet I still do. Do have this issue as well?
Maybe you will you make my naïve dreams come true?

Waiting for your reply,


I just finished writing you a very important letter. I hope that you will find it interesting and I would like to

know what do you think about it ;)

Do you want to be famous for something? Maybe you are already are? Not to brag, but I am pretty famous
locally, but I always look for someone to look up to. In my youth it was my father. He was a wonderful man of
a humble upbringing, that became successful over the years with determination and force of will. I always
tried to follow his example and one day he told me that he is proud of me. That was the best day of my life.
Do you have or had an idol in your life, darling?

Waiting for your reply,


I decided to share something very intimate with you and wrote you a letter, darling. tell me your thoughts (L)

Hey honey… I hope that this letter finds you in good health, because mine was acting up recently. Weather is
no really good, and sometimes, when the weather Is bad, my head can ache really hard. In these days my
productivity goes down, I get easily irritated, I get tired really fast and I always want to sleep. I think it has
something to do with low blood pressure. Are you familiar with the problem? Maybe you have some advice
that I could use myself?

Waiting for your reply,


Im not feeling so good recently and decided to write you a letter, seeking for your advice

Hello darling, I have decided to write you this little silly letter about my childhood. When I was a little I loved
joking around. They called me Polina the Jester, because I enjoyed memorizing all the different jokes and
funny stories, acting all goofy and making different lighthearted pranks on my friends and family. I was a soul
of any company and could cheer up anybody. To this day I still try to have this upbeat spirit to influence my
surroundings. What about you? Tell me your most favorite joke?

Waiting for your reply,


I hope that you remain in the most wonderful spirit recently. I sent you a little letter that hopefully will bring
a smile to your face, darling

Now, no time for games, darling… tell me, what is it you truly desire? Not pretending, no lies, no avoiding
question. Reach out into the deepest corner of your mind and try to grasp what is your biggest wish in your
life? If I to do so, I would say that its to help people. I want to make a difference. In one life, in several lives,
that matters very little. I want to make a world a better place. That is why I do my job. What about you?
Share with me, please.

Waiting for your reply,


today, I wanted to share my deepest darkest desires with you. but it did not fit on one message, so I sent you
a letter (L)

I wanted to ask you this question now, dear. Tell me, are you familiar with the stereotype that us, blondes,
are silly? I don’t know, if that is common in your country, but here in Belarus everyone seems to think that
blondes have lower IQ than anyone else. It is common notion that blondes are horrible drivers, bad at math
and overall, very silly and dull. How do you feel about it?

Waiting for your reply,


do you like blondes like me? I just wrote you a letter and would like to know your mind about it

I hope that this letter will find you in a good health and mood, darling. Let us talk a little bit about things that
confuse me. Don’t you think that all this mess with coronavirus is way too contradictive? A lot of facts that
go in direct conflict with other facts, some events that do not make any sense, governments that tweaks and
bends the rules however they see fit. Do you think that it’s a major threat, or just some play act of the
shadow powers? Tell me your views, darling.

Waiting for your reply,


hey darling, I just wrote you a letter about something that confuses me greatly. tell me what do you think
about it (L)

We are all living in times of changes, and I wanted to know what do you feel about it. You know, the
technological progress is rushing forward, the world changes so rapidly that sometimes I feel that one day
equals several weeks. How do you keep up with all that? Im afraid to lose my head in all this circus. To
maintain my focus im trying to meditate to regain control over my feelings and emotions. And what do you
do to stay calm and collected when the wind of changes blowing?

Waiting for your reply,


oh, glad to see you back online. I just finished writing you a letter. tell me your thoughts about it, please
do :*

I was wondering about your mind of a certain intimate subject. Are you a passionate man? What I mean by
that is that when you love, can you be like a bright flame that losing control? My father used to be like that,
in times when he was angry, even despite his deepest feelings for m mother, he could do some reckless acts.
And sometimes these acts had consequences that lasted for a long time. What about you? have you ever
done something in a rush of blood?
Waiting for your reply,


can you call yourself a passionate man? I just wrote you a letter about passion, enjoy

Hey darling, I wanted to share a story about my client that I have been helping recently. She is a very nice
lady, and has a big family, but she has terrible anger issues. Sometimes in her tantrums, she does or says
hurtful things that cause a lot of pain to her friends and family. So we have found a solutions for her. Every
day, she jogs in the morning. And that keeps her calm, imagine that. The rhythm of her running steps
soothes her mind and cleanses it, and helps her control her anger. And how do you control her anger?

Waiting for your reply,


I just shared a story about my work in a letter to you (L) I hope you will find that interesting :*

I have to tell you about something that I’m guilty of. I don’t do this often, but something im not even hiding
this fact. Sometimes, after a tough workday, or a day full of chores, I lay down on my bed and call a food
delivery haha. I get so tired and lazy that I prefer not to cook, but order it to my doorstep. I tend to spoil
myself like that once in a while. Do you have a favorite takeouts in your city, or do you prefer to cook your
meals for yourself?

Waiting for your reply,


sometimes I let myself loose and act in the way I should not. I just wrote you a letter about it, tell me what
do you think :*

How do you usually spend summers? Do you try to get a week or two off work and chores to escape the
routine and spend some time on vacation? Where do you usually go? For me, there are several options
usually, currently limited to one, since the lockdown forbids travels abroad. So, my only option is to rent a
cottage in the countryside and enjoy the views of the Japanese sea. But I would much rather spend some
time on Bali, haha. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


what is your favorite type of vacation? I wrote a letter about my vacation, fancy to join me in? :D

What do you do when you are sad and slightly depressed? I’m not, but just asking, because being sad is very
natural thing you know. So, when something or someone makes me sad, I follow few simple steps. Firstly, I
put on some good music. Secondly, I take a walk by the pier – Minsk has one of the most beautiful seaside
views in the whole world. Thirdly, I try to recall my happiest and proudest moments in my life. In doing so,
usually, I get completely fine and calm, and sadness loses its ground. What about you?

Waiting for your reply,


how often do you feel sad, my dear? decided to share a few tricks how to beat sadness in a letter to you, I
hope that will be useful for you

Do you have any interesting hidden skills? It can be really fun and surprising sometimes, to have unobvious
skill that you acquired somewhen in your childhood. For example, when I was a little, I became very
proficient with a yo-yo. It’s a toy on a little string that you can throw around and juggle with. I did become
rather good at that, spending hours of my free time, to look “cool” among my peers. I still can do it, but it is
absolutely useless. But can be surprising at parties, I guess. Maybe you have something like that?

Waiting for your reply,


what is your hidden superpower? I wrote you a letter about mine, tell me what you think :*

I wanted to talk about something that is in my opinion really important to me. As my occupation suggest, I
know a thing or two about mind and how it works. I also know that mind has a need for improvement and
daily progress. If that need is not satisfied then the mind becomes anxious and weary. For that improvement
one can use self analysis. Write down during the day the things that made you happy and the things that
frustrated you. Then, and the start of the new day try to stay off the things that caused frustration, and keep
the things that made you happy closer. I hope that is helpful. Share your thoughts with me, please.

Waiting for your reply,


Hey there, honey! I shared something important in a letter that I just wrote you

Do you believe in magic? Have you ever had something completely unexplainable happen to you in your life?
Or maybe you’ve seen some magical performance by the artist who mastered a sleight of hand? Either way, I
really enjoy the notion of mystery in my life. There is something that surpasses our understanding, and that
makes our world even more beautiful. Magic, tricks, or miracles, or even – love. I think that love is the true
magic. So, when was the last time you’ve felt magic?

Waiting for your reply,


I think that love is magic :D I just sent you a letter and I would like to know if you believe in magic too (L)

I would like to share something about myself that you may like. I may not have the looks of it, but I really like
nature. Even despite my sophisticated look, I am a child o nature. I grew up almost in a wild condition,
spending most of my free time outdoors, exploring vast forests, or having fun by the river. I miss those times.
Currently, when I get sick of the city and all the luxuries and comforts of my modern life, I get out for 2-3
days with my friend to have a camping trip. When was the last time you’ve gone camping?

Waiting for your reply,


hey there, honey! I just sent you an interesting letter. I would like to know the answer to my question (L)

Do you think that fighting is a good thing? I tend to think that conflict should be resolved in talking,
communicating and discussing. But sometimes the direct confrontation is unavoidable. Fighting is in
human’s nature, and even more so, it’s in any living creature’s nature. But humanity develops in the right
direction – all the major squabbles are decided by the negotiation table, not with violence. That makes me
happy. Make peace, not war. What do you think?

Waiting for your reply,


are you easy to snap into anger? do you think that violence is an option? I shared some thought in a letter
with you, let me know what do you think

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