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Two examples where the data and the purpose is the same but the audience can be different in

the banking and finance industry

Example 1: Annual Financial Report

Data: The data in this case comprises the financial statements, including the balance sheet,
income statement, cash flow statement, and accompanying notes that provide a
comprehensive overview of a bank or financial institution's financial performance over a
fiscal year.

Purpose: The purpose of the annual financial report is to provide a clear and accurate picture
of the bank or financial institution's financial health, as well as to ensure transparency and
accountability in their operations.

Audience 1: Shareholders - Shareholders are interested in the financial report to assess the
bank or financial institution's performance, profitability, and potential returns on their
investments. They use this information to make decisions about buying, holding, or selling
shares in the company.

Audience 2: Regulatory Authorities - Regulatory authorities, such as central banks or

financial supervisory bodies, are interested in the financial report to ensure that the bank or
financial institution is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. They use this
information to monitor the financial stability and solvency of the institution and take
necessary actions if needed.

Example 2: Credit Risk Assessment

Data: The data in this case includes credit-related information, such as credit scores, credit
history, income, employment, and outstanding debts of borrowers who apply for loans or
other credit products from a bank or financial institution.

Purpose: The purpose of credit risk assessment is to evaluate the creditworthiness of potential
borrowers and estimate the likelihood of default, helping the bank or financial institution
make informed lending decisions and manage credit risk effectively.

Audience 1: Loan Officers - Loan officers are responsible for approving or rejecting loan
applications based on the credit risk assessment. They use this information to make lending
decisions that align with the bank or financial institution's risk appetite and lending policies.

Audience 2: Credit Rating Agencies - Credit rating agencies are interested in the credit risk
assessment to assign credit ratings to the bank or financial institution's debt securities. They
use this information to provide investors with an independent evaluation of the institution's
creditworthiness and the risk associated with investing in their debt securities.

what can be the appropriate form of data storytelling among infographics, dashboards,
presentations and interactive visualisations.

Example 1: Annual Financial Report

For the annual financial report, the appropriate forms of data storytelling would be:

1. Presentations: Financial reports can be presented as PowerPoint presentations or

similar formats during shareholder meetings or conference calls. Presentations can
include charts, graphs, and tables that visually represent the financial data, making it
easier for shareholders to understand the company's performance.
2. Interactive Visualizations: Regulatory authorities might benefit from interactive
visualizations that allow them to explore the financial data in more detail. They can
filter, sort, and drill down into specific aspects of the financial statements to better
understand the bank or financial institution's compliance and financial health.

Example 2: Credit Risk Assessment

For credit risk assessment, the appropriate forms of data storytelling would be:

1. Dashboards: Loan officers can use dashboards that display key credit risk indicators,
such as credit scores, debt-to-income ratios, and payment history. These dashboards
can be interactive, allowing officers to quickly assess the creditworthiness of potential
borrowers and make informed decisions.
2. Infographics: Credit rating agencies can use infographics to visually communicate the
bank or financial institution's credit risk profile. Infographics can provide a high-level
summary of the credit risk assessment, using visual elements such as charts, icons,
and color-coding to help investors understand the bank's creditworthiness and the risk
associated with investing in their debt securities.

In both examples, the choice of data storytelling format depends on the audience's needs and
preferences. Presentations and infographics can be effective for conveying high-level
summaries, while dashboards and interactive visualizations are more suitable for in-depth
analysis and data exploration.

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