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Cambridge Program - Weekly report


Current week
This week we took our End of Unit 2 Test. Then we began our new topic on 'Places" by comparing the city and the country.

Next week
Next week we will have less lessons due to the Vietnamese mid term exams on Tuesday. The rest of the week we will describe places past and present using
the past simple tense.

Current week
This week we learnt the difference between prime and composite numbers. We studied how to find the mode and the median in a set a data.

Next week
Next week we will have a review session of Unit 3 and 4. Then we will take a Unit 3 and 4 Test that will be graded.

Current week
This week we learned about Unit 2.1 How are sounds made? (Learner’s book page 31)The students Investigated how sounds are made by vibrating sources.
Some students also performed Think Like a Scientist 1 “Investigate how sounds are made” at home.

Next week
Next week we will learn about Unit 2.2 Volume and pitch. The students can describe sounds in terms of high or low pitch and loud or quiet volume.

Global Perspectives
Current week
This week we discussed what is means to be healthy and tried to understand different perspectives.

Next week
Next week we will learn about the local issues in promoting good health.

Current week
This week the students continued their new unit in which they learned about how computers really work through binary. In the lesson, the students reflected on
their knowledge of computer parts and then they continued to learn how computers use binary codes to show information.

Next week
Next week in ICT the students will continue their new unit in which they are learning about how computers make decisions using binary. This week the students
will start to explore branching questions and how these provide computers with different decisions to make.


Myimaths tasks set, Razkids reading, review for Unit 3 and 4 Maths. Spellings due Friday.

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