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Ongoulsahorot Behasnowy 1 Indivioluuad Impact Behavioon Guoup joe Ongaufsakow Stuucture me Study a Wks impark o€ wing ths Lnowledge foo seproversud A called 08 Objcve of Ald abpeck i Ao diuprove people's EIU Q managers. OB opwrotes ob 3 dowels Individual Gop — Onpanisalon . Pore kon . Communicabion . Ong Design - hates ~ Goffick “O48 - e - Negohiation ~ Os Cl bre Personality —_ po, 40bithe - Mehvalion — = Decigion maklug Pyeigs socal popes Souologg € Anteo- ooloae t~o0 1 * Poxsomolity us dum dotal of woys ohio, on saoividual reacts to aud titans wild othwu. Personatihg debexninals i» Houdi Envinonmant - Aaptftcouk contributor, ~ tou changeeble wt “50% bared an sudyy adolescente wa Twhrs adults wna it Myer Griggs Type Indicator (MOTI rt Extroveted ‘Ve batxovented wiclelg fusing Ve Intallve [6 personally Thinking Vs Fel Judging. Vis Purceivirg- ee forces people inka ome fe oe category me un bebe - Mock Sl, He entote saat ib. OT adel tool ev col nlc Bio D Parconal’ Modes —Setpered y + Cnconadt Resear Model of How Big Five Traits Influence OB Criteria Emotional stability Extroversion ‘Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness EOE Less negative thinking ond fewer negative emotions * Less hyper-vigilant '* Better interpersonal skills '* Greater social dominance '* More emotionally expressive * Increased leaming * More creative ‘© More flexible & autonomous * Better liked * More compliant and conforming '* Greater effort & persistence ‘* More drive and discipline '* Better organized & planning ‘Higher job & life satisfaction ‘+ Lower stress levels ‘* Higher performance* * Enhanced leadership ‘* Higher job & life satisfaction * Training performance ‘* Enhanced leadership * More adaptable to change * Higher performance* * Lower levels of deviant behavior * Higher performance ‘Enhanced leadership * Greater longevity “In obs requiring sigalicant ramwork or requert interpersonal interactions. &4- Conecieutious people ort more porgourance, oie hove trouble Learning. coi skill. be Aus ovakve pt al “o ~ Emolionsl Shobility sheovgly suleted to Li, he fuon, feb Sent 4 low Level gd What ds Individual, process Le) Valu one ow's beliel about ewored coays of sehaving aud Me a dee Ingteumental Values FJeeminal Valor preferable mode OL desipxecl endl Stale beroviowr = Ambi lion ~ Prosperity t Exsnomle ~ Honesty Wealthy + Independence - Headh, A Well Rooing ~ Responsible - Would Peace - Obidlience - Gociah ne thn - Meautng, diye Volurs vary across colburea of genorabions Pemeehig Be te vata & Using hig 5 Personality tralk pee high ow extaveri it well “cot h, LaZecstve & team Ou coltor.. People hi eeblenros Ait better wits Mapchtie okpecicabonal Slimate. Fura wareloal tana taal ba ie boetonal Poxsontd ‘nee bo compabble) Value Con lick lnter- Rrcconal Value Longsurmee Copa emplogees < CAxcomality, -Cabburce henion maragemant ) Fee) ads ple General, Li Voli eas Lint ah Nek Life» Value \ Value a Comp lock attainment Con nce vot Lifes Wok Volun Aaticfation nol Adtled Procecses Attttadbe Adflud, ase evoluabow ctale ments - either fawourcasole Ov unfavouxabla about objerks, people oF ewenks. Voluw axe gobal bebifs whuwes Alti tucle SHeeific about speafic object or Situabiow Alitludh 4 how we feet about conel inp. Components 4, Altttude Cognitive = evaluahon Me boss gawe Promohion do unclesering co-werker My boss L\umpair, Affective = feeling Negahive ——s | olislthe omy. boss rans Goss behanourel = achon [wll look for anol gee I wilh complain about bocs Lo Uyore coho wih lidew Collission of Altituos fealty >) Cognitive “Dissonance if Marne ts inconsistency between tid or more Ftudes os belweerv attftucle andl behauown J lndiviolual tries Zo minimise st f J SS Change attitude & Ignore Aeconcitlenr Rahonalise beharkour or bole behaurouwr Cmost common) Modwahns factosa~ importance of ablitucle, corespondlence Lo beraniourt, Alte ssiDIbtg | /FEAPMY), presena a, sortal precsuxe Cstrony, ‘feck, Olisuck or tindlixeck expuuience. Major fob attitudes 1. Db Sakisfachon w & fosihive feeling pom evalua- ion, 04, "ha Haxactershes. 7 pei tout capone — Talk ine 1 nL. ~ Help Tien “e ~ Go buyond. noxmal epertahione Ggob Responses do olessabisfachow Constwuchic| Destuuchire Achve Voice Exit Pass ?ve Aopalig. Neglect Q. Tob lnvolvement: people et > Degree do which Gye Loify fob and consicle! Liv poor acts Awel “lupontant A) sen woslh Pychological empouweremeut: e B whith, plop beliche Llay 1 hone ues. Lo envisemnmout Abit, competynce. Ae meant es 8 hes fob Aww percearedd me 3 Organisahonal commitmudt D depiue. £0 whith au individual deal hid Pry aus nisahion aud Zh goals aA withis tp roma there 4. Perceived Ongeuisabional Subpont C Pos) b whith aw tadividual believes st lps valus Sl conthibubor, and welt being. a a Ran opeeephon, i a eocehs f t, Ole, jad nal 07 "Caen epi to te meaning. posite Aone Wh cam be olifferent Pehle behaviows bs from objective reality based om Alert, percep hon g “dy not sealt ty Fackors Dhat indlucns Pacebion Coctons fu percelver, ~ Altitucles , mob vet, Ln touvsls, x perience 4 perception ! Fash dw Stuakion Poe eplion, ~ Work seth ~ Social cel | Factors, a, tempol 4 - Kovety » Mobhonh ,SOUNA , back p och, nda Las ty Observation ———— Interpretation — Aerbuton + Four a * time late to Beh anion ofpinr Ov alu nigs AU who came fom Are oles tua woute a te | oing JL? fundamental AHmtbubion erro wher we are rrakig pgemonts about otwy we attyibute less Lo extemal factors and More to fukeornal sectors. . Soles anager. altseebuting lao Saba to work- Sone iagneabomed ng, we Import of tonovelive Product ky conrpettfo. f Jelh- sowing bias whin faking tn ambi malion acapt pobthion fecclbact, Bad wei foci US Newt A World suport study asked 'j a win, o case chould "ha ah feds poy 2d foes fee CenQstiO only 4k B5- said Ye: but bu siete’ s kei “Yes . Common Shortobs tv Tudgt ng. ONercs Adleclive pocephon we Lend qo fpexcerve mose what stands out Holo ebteck chain, @ geroxal tog $e S70: ine bh Single chakatkexshe. “er 09. Hf, you ace a OKC tay Lishtng 10MM a Tee about hinv of if you “ctl, Hist loDeings gow oleslike Contuast effect people tend Ao lombase wit et le he mp wo. eg an old adege fy entertainment, ‘Neve, follow children ov antmal ack because audience Loves Lhem, + you will (ook bad Le comparison, Stersotyping eke woe judge Zomsone on thy baa OL” peccepur h Mw ror AD WUE (S/W 9. tender Steuntyping, makis 2b cliffinlt ftom pate’ eae fe divaccaradclyy gervaliced "to be baile ; ental, cal Fional Jerri he porforad folee woxke — & Motivation 4 A process tab accouns when op ” ads 1 lest tee haxd. person touies NLENS| nctensity mot le i ib \Dinechow m > Goal no Ke a — cresistence How Long he com maintain efport Early mottvation Theo sues - (4) ‘now Ah axe qpesbonable 1. Maslow hivworchy of needs Self -actualisakon, Dnive to busome what one be bl. of becoming oop . ‘kuch theory Extetnal: stem ondy oy kon, attention SN ON Sacioh. affection, mee ‘acceptance, friendship Safety from physical / Lemokional has ee Shao} Physiological hangen, Ahinst, onaler- xf shelter sex 4 ofr bodily needs jer No med 4s over fully sakisfied, subs tan biodle satis fied need 0 Longer, mobvates Countrsita Heinaxdry A reeds Gure Usa above oncles. wonks mone budlivioalichc Greet Japan, — & on by unceartaintly oxpiclance Mexico sty P ‘t Gardanaion — Social on top 2 Me Gregotis Jheorg Xt x: People Enh dislike wok hen need oA be wetted nt pufofeming at Ye Employees view work as natural as sas play oe eu average loyees Learn Ao aceept aud. geek pasty ‘ ‘? 3. Herxtebures ti tor Dhooty / 5 Meee ig Dheory Taaclitionel View Bokis fied Dissakistied Hertzberg Theomy Molivato xs Hygiene Castor, Sabisfied Not Sahisfied Nob dissabis ea — Dissohstied 4 McCleland's Theomy. of, Needs / boo™N Need. be achievrtmnt Ned hie Power Need ido A iliation Cn Ach) Cn Pow) Craft ‘Drive to excel beyond Make ofwu Aoack —- Das bs ee cose Hy set Btandaxds aly Wo) would Sdexpusonad trade selahonship Contemporary Theos ies 1. Self oletermination. Theory feet Spe Sh Ackons 7A ‘Distahsfied {ive Evoluahen Shean ertninsic u00d will deduce tutxinsic divtowst sin @ fon - Goal Setting. & lp dw Bucrecstng. moltvahiow — Revoords aud deadline diminish mokivalion Ub peopl. See Dum coecive ofwrice Ahoy Oseg, usekul Cg. a Progaammnen dover to code but au external benchmasede o), XX Lines Q cod demolivala 2. Job Engagement le Zs Unveatment 3 embloyee's bhysical, cognihive 4 emolkionad cnengies a . om ot # Thou ome fox more en i pe wi Succersfuh ongeteshorl On eine whl tank farknna maka omblmves “aed Wr puree Hume epg gps ~ find meaning in work - Mokch between values Q individual £ Ong. - Leachsship 2. Goal bling Theory Eolwine Locks uu 19605 pesedl Alab it Ls & Strong wanvivalo® ov db Alls wd ‘neeald Ao clone of by whan’ Ways do strorwase performance “ I N Speific goals Diftiukt Goala Feedback me chanis Peg ? tf ‘ ~ GAL mont tort 4 Tow effertive. \tassumy Dhat imolividuals axe committed to @ goal t wilt rot lower or rolon ut. Individuals belie thoy cam achriewrt aud wot go athion Goal Commitment high when: - Goals made public > Indiviclual has‘ Uinternal locus §) contd) ~ Goals oe Sek cet seal Dax assigned mora LS A femahic oon Ap utiluce al cebti us Maradbement by Uoijectves Cin bo o 4 ke dugre olients oul Specisicily — Poaht ci in Ewpliedt —-—Rexlon ‘ “ee 4 duasion making Bilas Cele, . ana lg Afrertiohing clement fiom Goal ating ~ MIBO Stxon AUS Cakes AE whexras foemuy belioned ive. anngern ass pals ov equally effeshi Reasons Aor MO failure’ I. Uaneaks he expectohow 2. lack 8, commitment by bb management 3. Net allocating v0 ad Losed on gow acaomnblishm 4. $4 Weg Theoruy o%, Sooial- Cognitive Individuals belief Ukob he /che com, perform a task, four, ways do inorease Ub given by Alber Bandura 4. Enadive mastoog: doing task yowell 2 Vicawour modeling + you See Someone Clye ebving ib 3. Veool persudh on: Someonn convinces ou Cmokivosional speaker ) , jor Ao Pramablian effect on thu, Gelatea et. 4 Frets oon fe state , porson psy cted up # 5 Equity Iheowy (Alanis) / Oxganicahonal Employees percebhon what Lhey ut Cea, exporerte Liediion eb etence) 4, put ¢ get (salary hve, mate Secoynthon). a Composu'son of tus wi thar sebvant olhonA “—— [Ceuta be Q 4 topes Own Ong. Ouksiok Ong Emplo e's OWN ex, ce. oes 6. Victos, V&oom's Expectancy Theory one of Aw mes voiclely. accebteo| Aton h ow ‘Deponds Lt nen % exp echahon tendely Ad ack << ~— of a4 Biven outcome uw @ certain way Orv Lk! Uy Sat ca tiveness Individual __. Indlivicuual Omg. Pasonal apport = pefernanct redanli loos integaating Conkemso seOsey "Theories tah nAch * Tob Design __ “>| re “ | i] Inclividuak Indiv’ cLuad Ong Pesonal Effort . Pajero ace t Goals Objeckve Ayprmrane Reinforcement Dominant Evalualion System needs Goal. dineck behewiow. hordinke’s laso of eftert Akinnen divided behawiour iuto 2 types foo™ Resbondent Opesxcant Atinulus > Response Respomte suinfonceol dor-ov Cs -A) Stimulus C R-S) Undearned hehavinude. Learned, corequence chabed Reblexes behaviour 6 Akinner's partial seoinfoxcemant Rakio (amourt) Intowal C+ime) Fixed [| Scan sales git bouu 1000] Gvery lweck look, Vosiable| Alot machine give jpekpal A person gek a bors bub afta veuable when a Supervisor, cones attempt fo vist Opexank, Gondi toning. C Safe duiving) Reinforcement, Punishment + (eqive somthing) Reduckion, ie Speeding Aicket, ingunance fyeeminmy Ancxense tv fasunance premium. ~ (To take awoy — Leat bell beep Sound Cancllahion a4 Sometning) — (Hert -ve us usually diving License Akout-twumed ) Classical (pndlitiowt Oberaut Gnditione: lun *“d 7 on weaken a “t ~ Assoaate an invo - Ae A vo lud, behawiowr pespome 4 St muds “et + See pence ee B. Dog salinwing heat Deo: ing. feo. ee a. belt “t \% oh Bing Fed Pa ctentng ~ By fran, Parlov - by GF Skeonwe mifo Heemnenk = Imvoloes placing a neal \~ Involves abp T appote beh Aignal bedpre a rupley oy unis ea (phystologicat, psychology cal , Behan erat) Ages iv an unpleasant Conse A Hote occurs tw seadonse to stnessona Cenvinonmental, oxganisalional , personal) MosHy ured Le negahve context, dt 4 rot tah bad 9. Othe or sage lommers eo". coca. anal pogor Eten maximum Chol workload, hme wegency, Stseess ofa Sthessoes — compe Hor Hinclexauce Sed k e ofice lifes, Otregsore — Corfusior| over (ee Teeapomashilitien Invecked-L Relationship b /vo Btn & Tob porfoxmance om —Perfoumance - High Lous ———Strasc high A Medel of Stress Rotenbol Sources hndiviolual Consenprences Diffues Envinonmental fastors “Pacebbion, —Phyiologioal “Earns uncetlainty - Jobexpewene ~ Political turmoil [fiat sapport |) ~ ee ~ Tech cha: ~ GAM- fi ~ rolopy change MH eppireg | - Fen siceane Organs coh onl factors Experienced __| 5 Poy chological = Task olemands — 5 bass - Pnyioky ~ Role demancs = Depsussion - Interpursonad demands + Dex Job Sobicfaubio Behowlowal Putonal factor — ° ~ Pawoluchinty ~ Fomily problema — Absertecism - Economc, problenu - Rusonalty Atuss Monagemout Approaches Individual od — Time m - Phugas cad house - Relaxah ory trairung ~ Soojad Suppork metioork, — Toxnover- ~ Take bsuaks ~ Tk to Gor Supeun'sofy - Detadv from wo sek, Lv Gewr of time Oxgenicabional ~ Impxove employee seleehion job platement- - Trodaing. ~ Realtshe gol setting ~ Redesign sack : ~ Increared ployee involuement > improved oxganisahional Communicator, - Emplo &Soahicals ~ Con wellness focogaauna ema who fe People who haw power deny at, people*wank ab Ao not to look, Atke Ahoy ‘are seeking it; and Anose who axe good at golttng ub ark conmehive about how they aoso. 77 Tour sufos to tu capacity Dat A hor to Lafluense sty lain of B al © bb ho ecascane a ‘S witches Teoo baats g powers Foxmal Poxconal - Cooncive - {ear of megative walt — - Expert - Resoord + - Cojount choxismabic - Legchimate aubnonity to use desinake persoval OrG. Hesouri(es boat Pooble uiiv bower tod to lee blamacl t: Goiluna ¢ uriedited for successes tp a. greater lege Ahan, those who have fous powes increases whuv Importout Power > Depenolenrce® esouxtes u cutis > Scarce One ™s Non: resblacolele Power takes used Ao tsanslale power bares Auto Specthéc QUIOME. They ase Gi- 1. Legitimany : request accords wily ong. policres/sulos 2. Retionol persuahion 3. Insprmotional abboal 4. Consultahor : by involoin target i how ct accoriplich Stal plan 5. Exchange 6 Personal abpeals 7. Ingradion using Hattexy, praise. of fiieullyy behaviour & Goabih on Empowewnent! Recognising andl xeleartrg thy power Ahab euployees have uy Alun wealmd knowledge, exporience aud sternal mohvahon Roe dis ta bulior vo Lo followers can make Aeisiorrs Degree of emfpowwmy q 4FE z Influence Ghosend m consul Uwe un dea’ sion moking Authoritexdan, 10 Oy, low -M impose deisions > jp Gonsuliahiorw— Vaxkci pabion— Delegakore> doddoxr of Lrust ——————_> Pitiad Bkill ts tho abi lit ty influence one Chante Ahr own objechives Rakonal porseahen. Rehional purcuabion Upward } Consultehory I Ov trfyense dsval CTnange yy > flan Poor Takis OE pa Dovnw) daaf brs. Rakional bersration Insbiakionsl abboal, presswe, tonsultaton, Jugaahon , erchande, legihimary fale hes Whar emplo a un ofgantcahions Convert Aheg ovoe, Luh} acho , Wwe olescri be them au being engageol da, polehics Bagenittion het pont of indivi dual «s fovea) b . ° : wat Metin faa ontitn Q 24. wihrholding key aife. fpom olewsion maker, whicHeb losing, spreading PUL DUSY | factors Aba dufluence politcal behaviowe Individual Hd -High Self monitor - Intsanal locus @) contol - Hy Math pouonality -0 jeqkonal |nvatmint - Praived job alternahves - Expectalion Q Succers Polibcal behaanrour Oxganisahenal factory - nncalion oe ~ Promotion opportuni h'es ~ bw trust Tayowdole outcomes “Gok ombigaly | Rewead, ~ Tero cam sean pre - Avoued fanshmusd - Demoorkc deu'sion mule ~ High perfoxmance pressure ~ Sdf-sowing Senion, manage, Employees response Jo oagorisedional polities ~ Decreased job sak cfarh - Incneaseal racy ate Tekseons revenue fou - Reduced porfowrance

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