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Explain the importance of language in international

communication by explaining communication in social and

cultural context
Introduction- Language is a critical component of international
communication, and its importance cannot be overstated.
Communication involves the exchange of information, ideas,
and knowledge, and language is the primary tool through which
this exchange occurs. Effective communication in a social and
cultural context is especially important in international
communication as it ensures that the message is understood
as intended, and avoids any misunderstandings that may arise
from differences in language, culture, or social norms.

Social and cultural contexts play a significant role in shaping

the way people communicate. Communication is not just about
the exchange of information, but also about the social and
cultural meaning that is attached to that exchange. In a global
context, communication can be influenced by a variety of social
and cultural factors, such as differences in language, beliefs,
values, customs, and traditions. As a result, it is essential to
understand these differences and how they can impact
communication, particularly in international contexts.

This essay will discuss the importance of language in

international communication by exploring the role of
communication in social and cultural contexts. It will highlight
how effective communication can help overcome cultural and
linguistic barriers and enable individuals and organizations to
achieve their objectives in international settings. Additionally, it
will discuss the challenges that arise when communicating
across different cultural and social contexts and offer
suggestions on how to overcome them.
meaning of language
Language is a system of communication that allows individuals
to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions to others. It is a
complex system of symbols, sounds, and grammar that is
unique to humans and is essential for social interaction and
building relationships. Language can take many forms,
including spoken, written, and signed, and can vary widely
across different cultures and contexts.

Language is a crucial aspect of human development, as it plays

a significant role in cognitive, social, and emotional growth.
Language acquisition begins at birth, and young children are
particularly adept at learning language due to their brain
plasticity and heightened sensitivity to linguistic input. As
children grow, their language skills develop, allowing them to
express increasingly complex ideas and interact more
effectively with others.

In addition to its role in social interaction and personal

development, language is also an important tool for learning
and accessing information. Language allows individuals to
communicate their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives
to others, and to gain knowledge and insights from different
sources. The ability to use language effectively is a critical skill
for success in many areas, including education, the workplace,
and personal relationships.

Overall, language is a fundamental part of human life and plays

a vital role in shaping the way we communicate, learn, and
interact with the world around us. It is a rich and dynamic
system that reflects the diversity and complexity of human
experience, and it continues to evolve and adapt to meet the
changing needs of individuals and societies.
Definition of language
Here are some definitions of language by different scholars:

1. Edward Sapir: "Language is a purely human and non-instinctive

method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by
means of voluntarily produced symbols."
2. Noam Chomsky: "Language is a mental system consisting of a
set of rules that generate a range of possible sentences."
3. Ferdinand de Saussure: "Language is a social institution which
has the primary function of expressing thought."
4. George Yule: "Language is the system of communication
consisting of sounds, words, and grammar, or the study of this
5. Benjamin Lee Whorf: "Language shapes the way we think, and
determines what we can think about."
6. Jerome Bruner: "Language is not merely a device for
communicating ideas, but also a tool for shaping them."
7. Charles Hockett: "Language is a system of arbitrary vocal
symbols that can be combined according to certain rules to
produce an infinite variety of messages."

These definitions highlight the various aspects of language,

including its role in communication, cognition, social interaction,
and culture. While there are many different approaches to
defining language, they all recognize its central importance in
human life and society.
meaning of communication
Communication is the process of exchanging information,
ideas, or messages between individuals or groups. It involves
encoding and transmitting a message from a sender to a
receiver through a medium or channel such as speech, writing,
or gestures, and decoding the message by the receiver.
Communication can be verbal or non-verbal, and it can occur
through a variety of channels, including face-to-face
conversations, phone calls, text messages, emails, social
media, and other forms of digital communication.

Effective communication is essential for human interaction and

is a key component of social, cultural, and economic life. It
plays a critical role in establishing and maintaining
relationships, resolving conflicts, making decisions, and
achieving shared goals. Communication skills are also highly
valued in the workplace and are often seen as essential for
success in many fields, from business and politics to healthcare
and education.
However, communication can also be a source of
misunderstandings and conflicts when messages are not
effectively transmitted or received. As such, developing strong
communication skills is an important part of personal and
professional development, and there are many strategies and
techniques that can be used to improve communication in a
variety of contexts.

definition of communication
Here are some definitions of communication by different

 According to Shannon and Weaver, "Communication is the

transmission of information from one person to another with the
use of a code or language" (1949).
 Wilbur Schramm defines communication as "the process of
establishing a commonness or oneness of thought between a
sender and a receiver" (1954).
 In the words of Harold D. Lasswell, "Communication is a
process by which one person (or group) transmits stimuli
(verbal or nonverbal symbols) to modify the behavior of other
individuals (or groups)" (1948).
 Michael Burgoon defines communication as "a symbolic
process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and
transformed" (1994).
 According to Joseph DeVito, "Communication is the process of
sending and receiving messages to achieve understanding"
 Finally, Erving Goffman defines communication as "the art of
impressing oneself effectively upon others" (1959).

These definitions highlight the various aspects of

communication, such as the transmission of information,
establishment of common understanding, use of symbols,
modification of behavior, and production or transformation of
reality. They also underscore the importance of effective
communication in personal, social, and professional contexts,
and the need for individuals to develop communication skills in
order to interact successfully with others.

importance of communication in language

Communication is an essential aspect of language, and it plays
a crucial role in the way language is used and understood.
Here are some ways in which communication is important in

1. Promotes understanding: Communication is vital for individuals

to understand each other. Language allows individuals to
express their ideas, thoughts, and emotions, and effective
communication ensures that these messages are understood
2. Facilitates social interaction: Communication is crucial for social
interaction, and language plays an important role in this
process. Language allows individuals to form connections and
build relationships, which are essential for personal and
professional growth.
3. Supports learning and education: Language is the primary tool
for learning and education. Communication helps individuals to
comprehend and remember information better. Effective
communication also helps learners to express their thoughts
and ideas in a clear and concise manner.
4. Enhances cultural awareness: Communication helps individuals
to learn about other cultures and understand different
perspectives. Language is an essential tool for exploring and
appreciating diverse cultures and traditions.
5. Improves career prospects: Effective communication skills are
highly valued by employers. Language skills and the ability to
communicate effectively can enhance career prospects and
lead to greater opportunities.

In summary, communication is a fundamental aspect of

language, and it plays a vital role in personal, social, and
professional contexts. Effective communication is essential for
understanding, social interaction, learning, cultural awareness,
and career advancement.

In conclusion, language and communication are closely
intertwined, and they play a crucial role in our personal and
professional lives. Language provides a means of
communication, and effective communication is essential for
understanding, social interaction, education, cultural
awareness, and career advancement. The ability to
communicate effectively is a valuable skill that can enhance
personal and professional relationships, foster cultural
understanding, and improve career prospects. Therefore, it is
important to recognize the importance of communication in
language and strive to improve our communication skills to
achieve our personal and professional goals.

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