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System Programming (CENG204)

Lecturer: Ahmet ÖZDİL

Course Info
Weekly Topics
1 Overview of systems programming
2 Users, files and manuals
3 Directories, file properties and file systems
4 Terminal control and signals
5 Event driven programming
6 Processes and programs
7 i/o redirection and pipes
8 Mid-term Exam
9 Servers and sockets
10 Threads
11 Memory management system and processes carried out under the operating systems
12 Concurrency control
13 Project/Homework Presentation
14 Project/Homework Presentation
15 Project/Homework Presentation
16 Project/Homework Presentation
I/O Redirection and Pipes
In typical Unix installations, commands are entered at the
keyboard and output resulting from these commands is
displayed on the computer screen.
Thus, input (by default) comes from the terminal and the
resulting output (stream) is displayed on (or directed to) the
Commands typically get their input from a source referred to as
standard input (stdin) and typically display their output to a
destination referred to as standard output (stdout) as pictured

I/O Redirection and Pipes
As depicted in the diagram above, input flows (by default) as a
stream of bytes from standard input along a channel, is then
manipulated (or generated) by the command, and command
output is then directed to the standard output.
The "ls" command can then be described as follows; there is
really no input (other than the command itself) and the ls
command produces output which flows to the destination of
stdout (the terminal screen), as below:

I/O Redirection and Pipes
The notations of standard input and standard output are actually
implemented in Unix as files (as are most things) and referenced
by integer file descriptors (or channel descriptors).
The file descriptor for standard input is 0 (zero) and the file
descriptor for standard output is 1. These are not seen in
ordinary use since these are the default values.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Unix provides the capability to change where standard input comes
from, or where output goes using a concept called Input/Output (I/O)
redirection. I/O redirection is accomplished using a redirection operator
which allows the user to specify the input or output data be redirected
to (or from) a file. Note that redirection always results in the data
stream going to or coming from a file (the terminal is also considered a
The simplest case to demonstrate this is basic output redirection. The
output redirection operator is the > (greater than) symbol, and the
general syntax looks as follows:
$ command > output_file_spec
Spaces around the redirection operator are not mandatory, but do add
readability to the command.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
$ ls > my_files [Enter]
Notice there is no output appearing after the command, only the
return of the prompt. Why is this, you ask? This is because all output
from this command was redirected to the file my_files. Observe in the
following diagram, no data goes to the terminal screen, but to the file

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
In this example, if the file my_files does not exist, the redirection
operator causes its creation, and if it does exist, the contents are
overwritten. Consider the example below:
$ echo "Hello World!" > my_files [Enter]
$ cat my_files [Enter]
Hello World!

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Notice here that the previous contents of the my_files file are gone,
and are replaced with the string "Hello World!" Note also that when
using redirection, the output file is created first, then the command left
of the redirection operator is executed. Observe the following:
$ cat my_files [Enter]
Hello World!
$ cat my_files > my_files [Enter]
$ cat my_files [Enter]

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Often we wish to add data to an existing file, so the shell provides us
with the capability to append output to files. The append operator is the
>>. Thus we can do the following:
$ ls > my_files [Enter]
$ echo "Hello World!" >> my_files [Enter]
$ cat my_files [Enter]
Hello World!

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
The first output redirection creates the file if it does not exist, or
overwrites its contents if it does, and the second redirection appends
the string "Hello World!" to the end of the file. When using the append
redirection operator, if the file does not exist, >> will cause its creation
and append the output (to the empty file).

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
The ability also exists to redirect the standard input using the input
redirection operator, the < (less than) symbol. Note the point of the
operator implies the direction. The general syntax of input
redirection looks as follows:
command < input_file_spec
Looking in more detail at this, we will use the wc (word count)
command. The wc command counts the number of lines, words and
bytes in a file. Thus if we do the following using the file created above,
we see:
$ wc my_files [Enter]
6 7 39 my_files

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
We can also use wc in conjunction with input redirection as follows:
$ wc < my_files [Enter]
6 7 39

Note here that the numeric values are as in the example above, but
with input redirection, the file name is not listed.
This is because the wc command does not know the name of the file,
only that it received a stream of bytes to count.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Someone will certainly ask if input redirection and output redirection
can be combined, and the answer is most definitely yes. They can be
combined as follows:
$ wc < my_files > wc_output [Enter]
There is no output sent to the terminal screen since all output was sent
to the file wc_output. If we then looked at the contents of wc_output, it
would contain the same data as above.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
To this point, we have discussed the standard input stream (descriptor
0) and the standard output stream (descriptor 1).
There is another output stream called standard error (stderr) which
has file descriptor 2.
Typically when programs return errors, they return these using the
standard error channel. Both stdout and stderr direct output to the
terminal by default, so distinguishing between the two may be difficult.
However each of these output channels can be redirected
independently. Refer to the diagram below:

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
The standard error redirection operator is similar to the stdout
redirection operator and is the 2> (two followed by the greater than,
with no spaces) symbol, and the general syntax looks as follows:
command 2> output_file_spec
Thus to show an example, we observe the following:
$ ls foo bar 2> error_file [Enter]

$ cat error_file [Enter]

ls: bar: No such file or directory

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Note here that only the standard output appears once the standard error
stream is redirected into the file named error_file, and when we display
the contents of error_file, it contains what was previously displayed on
the termimal. To show another example:
$ ls foo bar > foo_file 2> error_file [Enter]
$ cat foo_file [Enter]
$ cat error_file [Enter]
ls: bar: No such file or directory
In this case both stdout and stderr were redirected to file, thus no output
was sent to the terminal. The contents of each output file was what was
displayed on the screen.
I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Another relevant topic that merits discussion here is the special file
named /dev/null (sometimes referred to as the "bit bucket"). This virtual
device discards all data written to it, and returns an End of File (EOF) to
any process that reads from it. I informally describe this file as a
"garbage can/recycle bin" like thing, except there's no bottom to it. This
implies that it can never fill up, and nothing sent to it can ever be
retrieved. This file is used in place of an output redirection file
specification, when the redirected stream is not desired. For example, if
you never care about viewing the standard output, only the standard
error channel, you can do the following:
$ ls foo bar > /dev/null [Enter]
ls: bar: No such file or directory

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
Another relevant topic that merits discussion here is the special file
named /dev/null (sometimes referred to as the "bit bucket"). This virtual
device discards all data written to it, and returns an End of File (EOF) to
any process that reads from it. I informally describe this file as a
"garbage can/recycle bin" like thing, except there's no bottom to it. This
implies that it can never fill up, and nothing sent to it can ever be
retrieved. This file is used in place of an output redirection file
specification, when the redirected stream is not desired. For example, if
you never care about viewing the standard output, only the standard
error channel, you can do the following:
$ ls foo bar > /dev/null [Enter]
ls: bar: No such file or directory

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
$ ls foo bar > /dev/null [Enter]
ls: bar: No such file or directory
In this case, successful command output will be discarded. The /dev/null
file is typically used as an empty destination in such cases where there
is a large volume of extraneous output, or cases where errors are
handled internally so error messages are not warranted.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection
One final miscellaneous item is the technique of combining the two
output streams into a single file. This is typically done with the 2>&1
command, as follows:
$ command > /dev/null 2>&1 [Enter]
Here the leftmost redirection operator (>) sends stdout to /dev/null and
the 2>&1 indicates that channel 2 should be redirected to the same
location as channel 1, thus no output is returned to the terminal.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Input/Output Redirection

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator
A concept closely related to I/O redirection is the concept of piping and
the pipe operator.
The pipe operator is the "|" character (typically located above the enter
key). This operator serves to join the standard output stream from
one process to the standard input stream of another process in the
following manner:

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator
We can look at an example of pipes using the who and the wc
commands. Recall that the who command will list each user logged into
a machine, one per line as follows:
$ who [Enter]
mthomas pts/2 Oct 1 13:07
fflintstonepts/12 Oct 1 12:07
wflintstonepts/4 Oct 1 13:37
brubble pts/6 Oct 1 13:03

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator
Also recall that the wc command counts characters, words and lines.
Thus if we connect the standard output from the who command to the
standard input of the wc (using the -l (ell) option), we can count the
number of users on the system:
$ who | wc -l [Enter]
In the first part of this example, each of the four lines from the who
command will be "piped" into the wc command, where the -l (ell) option
will enable the wc command to count the number of lines.
While this example only uses two commands connected through a
single pipe operator, many commands can be connected via multiple
pipe operators.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters
Closely related to pipes and the pipe operator is the topic of filters.
Filters are commands that alter data passed through them, typically via
Some filters can be used on their own (without pipes), but the true
power to manipulate streams of data to the desired output comes
from the combination of pipes and filters.
Summarized below are some of the more useful Unix filters.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

Two straightforward commands which are often used as filters are the
head and tail commands. When used with file specifications, these two
commands display the first or last ten lines (by default) of a file, as
$ head /etc/passwd [Enter]
In the above example, we simply see the first ten lines of the
/etc/passwd file. However, if we wanted to see a listing of the ten oldest
files in a directory, we could do the following:
$ ls -tl | tail [Enter]

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

Two straightforward commands which are often used as filters are the
head and tail commands. When used with file specifications, these two
commands display the first or last ten lines (by default) of a file, as
$ head /etc/passwd [Enter]
In the above example, we simply see the first ten lines of the
/etc/passwd file. However, if we wanted to see a listing of the ten oldest
files in a directory, we could do the following:
$ ls -tl | tail [Enter]

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

The cut command provides the capability to vertically slice through each
line of a file based upon character or field positions. When used with the
-c (to specify character) option as follows:
cut -cstart_pos-end_pos < input_file
the cut command extracts (and keeps) characters in positions start_pos
through end_pos (inclusive), discarding the rest of the line. The
start_pos and end_pos are integer values ranging between 1 and the
length of the line.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

For example, if we wish to select only the username of each user
currently logged into our system, we could do the following: $ who |
cut -c1-12 [Enter]
This example pipes the output from the who command into the cut
command, where the characters one through twelve are cut (and
directed to stdout by default) while all other characters on each line are

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

If one wishes to cut from a starting character position to the end of the
line, the end position is omitted as follows:
cut -cstart_pos- < input_file
Users can also cut based upon "fields" of data by using the -f and
(perhaps) the -d options. Refer to man pages for additional details.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

The translate command provides the ability to translate characters
coming from the standard input and directed to the standard output.
General syntax for this command is:
tr set1 set2 < stdin
where each individual character in set1 is translated to their matching
positional character in set2.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

A common usage of the translate filter is translating a string of
characters to upper (or lower) case. Examine the following example:
$ who | cut -c1-12 | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' [Enter]
In this extension of an earlier example, the who command is piped into
cut, where the first 12 characters are cut from each line. These twelve
characters are then piped into the translate command where each lower
case character is translated to their matching upper case counterpart.
Unless redirection occurs, output is written by default to standard output.
I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters
The sort command behaves exactly as one might expect, that is, it sorts
data directed to it. Thus we can modify our example from above as
$ who | cut -c1-12 | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | sort
The sort command has options to sort in reverse order, ignore case
when sorting, sort based upon multiple keys and a plethora of other
options. A related filter, useful when combined with sort is the uniq filter.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

Another filter essential to manipulating strings is the stream editor
program, sed. Perhaps the most common use of sed is to substitute one
string (i.e. regular expression) with another string. Generic syntax for
string/pattern substitution is:
sed 's/original_string/new_string/' < input_file >
Note when using sed as above, the input redirection operator (<) may or
may not be used, behavior in either case will be the same. Additionally, if
no output redirection is specified, the output is directed by default to

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

A simple example of this is to substitute every occurance of the
string UNIX with the string Unix as follows (refer to preface for an
explanation of why):
$ sed 's/UNIX/Unix/' input_file > output_file

The s directive to sed implies to substitute an occurance of the first

string (UNIX) with the second string (Unix); receiving input from the file
input_file and directing output to the file output_file. Note that
sed never makes changes to the input file.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

If the input file is to be permanently changed, one should: 1) save the
output from sed to a temporary file, 2) verify the temporary file has been
modified as desired, and 3) replace the original file with the temporary
file (using mv), demonstrated as follows:
$ sed 's/UNIX/Unix/' < input_file > temp_file
$ cat temp_file [Enter] # verify changes are
$ mv temp_file input_file [Enter]

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters

In general, the sed command is not intended for the novice. In the above
example, results might not be as desired. My use of the phrase an
occurance above should have more accurately read the first occurance
on a line. To substitute every occurance on a line, the sed global option
(g) should be specified as follows:
$ sed 's/UNIX/Unix/g' input_file > output_file
The description of sed here is not intended to be inclusive or in depth,
and is mentioned for further reference.

I/O Redirection and Pipes
Pipe Operator-Filters
Command Summary
cut - remove sections from each line in a file
grep - (search for and) print lines matching a pattern
sed - command to modify a text stream
sort - sort lines of text files
tr - translate characters
uniq - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
wc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
pipe operator - character ( | ) used to link the output of one command to
the input of another
redirection - changing the flow of an input, output or error stream


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