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One-Pot Synthesis of Defect-Free Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) via Nickel Zero Catalyzed

Kumada Catalyst-Transfer Polymerization

Dattatray L. Tarange,† Sreelekha P.Gopinathan,‡ Anshu Kumar,† Naresh Chandrasekaran,†† Aditya Sad-
hanla,# Richard H. Friend,# Christopher R. McNeill,$ Dinesh Kabra,†††Anil Kumar*†‡§

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Centre for Research in Nanotechnology & Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Centre for Excellence in Nanoelectronics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India
IITB-Monash Research Academy, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India
$ Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University, Australia
# Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Supporting Information
ABSTRACT:100% regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene), (defect-free rr-P3HT), was synthesized in one-
pot via a soluble nickel zero catalyzed ex-situ Kumada catalyst-transfer polymerization. This is the first
example of a Ni(0) catalyzed Kumada catalyst-transfer polymerization. Ni(0) catalyst was synthesized
in quantitative yield using a conventional, off the shelf, Ni(II) catalyst. The catalyst was found to be
highly stable in solution at ambient conditions and hence can be prepared in advance and stored.
Polymerization follows a pseudo-living mechanism wherein the final molecular weight can be con-
trolled by monomer to initiator ratio. The process was found to be amenable for continuous flow process
resulting in the synthesis of rr-P3HT with very low polydispersity (1.1). We have also shown that the
current process has excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility even at large scale making it economically
viable for bulk production for large area applications. Furthermore, Urbach energy calculations as well
as solar cell device studies were carried out in order to explore the application of the 100% rr-P3HT for
various optoelectronic devices. A 15% improvement in photovoltaic efficiency was found using our de-
fect-free rr-P3HT as compared to conventional rr-P3HT.

INTRODUCTION the synthesis of rr-P3HT with defined chain end

resulting in the synthesis of block copolymers.11
One of the main driving forces for organic elec- Elsa Reichmanis group has done pivotal work in
tronics is the possibility of large-scale printing of understanding the effect of processing conditions
optoelectronic devices at low cost and in a rela- on optoelectronic properties in case of rr-
tively benign environment. In this direction, regi- P3HT.12-14 GRIM polymerization method, com-
oregularpoly(3-hexylthiophene), rr-P3HT, is one monly referred to as in-situ initiation, via KCTP
of the extensively synthesized and studied conju- involves the formation of a tail-to-tail (T-T) cou-
gated polymers for various optoelectronic device pled dimer that then initiates the polymerization
applications.1-7 Grignard Metathesis (GRIM) via the iterative sequence of oxidative addition,
polymerization via Kumada Catalyst-Transfer transmetalation and reductive elimination result-
Polymerization (KCTP) is the most commonly ing in the formation of rr-P3HT with minimum
used methods for the synthesis of rr-P3HT.3,8-10 one defect (T-T) per chain.5,15 Apart from the in-
Mukundan and coworkers studied the kinetics of ability to synthesize 100% rr-P3HT(defect-free
GRIM polymerization and provided methods for rr-P3HT), another major drawback of the in-situ
KCTP synthesis of rr-P3HT is poor batch-to- KCTP. Furthermore, if the catalyst can be made
batch reproducibility and broad polydispersity on soluble in the polymerization medium, batch-to-
bulk synthesis. Interestingly these variations in batch reproducibility can be significantly im-
molecular properties significantly affect the final proved by employing continuous flow process.
device properties.16-19 Therefore, this hampers In this manuscript we report a simple one pot
the development of large area applications based KCTP method for the synthesis of defect free rr-
on rr-P3HT. We believe that the lack of repro- P3HT via Ni(0) based ex-situ initiator. Some of
ducibility is mainly due to the insolubility of the the other salient features of our approach are sta-
catalyst in polymerization solvent coupled with bility, solubility of the initiator, quantitative yield
fast polymerization rate(polymerization is gener- (no purification) of the initiator, use of conven-
ally over within few minutes). Therefore, when tional and commercially available Ni(II) catalyst,
the batch size increases, the addition of large large scale batch-to-batch reproducibility and
amount of solid catalysts results in heterogeneous adaptability for continuous flow process. Urbach
initiation leading to the formation of polymer energy calculations as well as solar cell device
with broader molecular weight range and poor studies were also carried out using this defect
reproducibility. These inherent problems with in- free rr-P3HT.
situ KCTP were overcome in 2008 by Kiriy and
coworkers wherein they reported the first synthe- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
sis of rr-P3HTvia the ex-situ KCTP method.20-21
In this approach, the initiating species of the type Ni(II) catalyzed KCTP is generally believed to
Ar-Ni[L2]-X were synthesized and isolated and follow the similar catalytic cycle as other transi-
hence the term ex-situ initiation. Since there is no tion metal catalyzed C-C bond formation reac-
formation of the intermediate “T-T” defective tions involving transmetallation, oxidative addi-
dimer, ex-situ can in principle result in the syn- tion and reductive elimination as key steps.
thesis of defect-free rr-P3HT. Subsequently, dif- However, KCTP differs significantly from other
ferent catalytic systems for ex-situ KCTP were catalytic cycles due to the inability to enter the
reported.22-30 Apart from the ability to produce catalytic cycle using Ni(0) as it is unreactive to-
100% rr-P3HT, ex-situ KCTP also provided a ward aryl halides.27,31-32 Interestingly, Nesterov
possibility to control the chain end functionalities and coworkers showed that it is possible to do
leading to rr-P3HT with complex molecular ar- oxidative addition of aryl halide with Ni(0) spe-
chitectures including surface grafting.22 An ex- cies by judicious selection of more reactive aryl
cellent and timely article by Kiriy and coworkers halide such as based on bithiophene.26 Since
reviewed the progress in this direction.31 One of Kumada coupling is believed to undergo via the
the major disadvantages with ex-situ KCTP has Ni(0)species, it was decided to generate this spe-
been the complex synthetic strategy of initiating cies using a sacrificial Grignard reagent to ex-
species. The simplest initiating species reported plore if the polymerization could result in the
hitherto is by Nesterov and coworkers wherein formation of poly(3-hexylthiophene) as shown in
they reported single step synthesis of Ar- Scheme1. Interestingly, this resulted in the for-
Ni(dppp)-Br initiator using oxidative addition of mation of rr- P3HT.
aryl halide to Ni(dppp)2.26 However the rate of
2 eq i-PrMgX
reaction for initiator synthesis was extremely Ph 2P
PPh 2 Ph 2P
PPh 2
Ph 2P (0) PPh 2
THF Elimination
slow (48hr) with low yields (~50%). Further- Cl Cl
i-Pr i-Pr L L

more, this approach is not versatile as it works

only with bithienyl halide and also Ni(dppp)2 is
not commercially available. C6H13

XMg S Br

Based on the above discussion, it is clear that

there is a need for the development of alternative Scheme 1 Ni(0) catalyzed synthesis of defect-
synthetic strategies for the synthesis of simple, free rr-P3HT
stable and efficient initiating species for ex-situ
In order to confirm the formation of Ni(0) specie, was obtained as thick film with green metallic
we recorded the 31P NMR spectrum before the lustre. In order to confirm the pseudo living na-
addition of monomer (Figure 1) and it confirmed ture of the polymerization, controlled polymeri-
the quantitative conversion of starting Ni(II) spe- zation experiments were carried out by varying
cies to Ni(0) on addition of two equivalent of the ratio of monomer to catalyst and the results
isopropyl magnesium chloride. This Ni(0) initiat- are given in Table 1 and are represented graph-
ing species was found to be highly stable in solu- ically in Figure S4 of supplementary information.
tion even after 24h (Figure S5 of supplementary As expected, the polymerization follows a pseudo
information). Therefore, this can be easily pre- living nature wherein the molecular weight can
pared and stored. However it should not be noted be controlled by changing the ratio of the mono-
that this Ni(0) specie is not stable against ambient mer to catalyst.
air and moisture and results in decomposition on
exposure. Therefore, all our efforts to isolate and We believe that the polymerization using this
crystalize this Ni(0) specie were futile. Though Ni(0) species should follow the ex-situ polymeri-
the exact nature of the specie is unknown at the zation mechanism wherein the first step will be
current juncture, its reproducibility (even at large the oxidative addition of the monomer as shown
scale), ease of synthesis and ability to synthesize in Scheme 2. In general, the ex-situ polymeriza-
defect free rr-P3HT have been proved beyond tion should result in the synthesis of defect-free
any doubt as detailed later. Furthermore, the rr-P3HT if all the chains are initiated by the ex-
conversion to generate this Ni(0) species is quan- situ species coupled with absence of side reac-
titative and hence no purification is needed which tions such as disproportionation or chain transfer
is generally not the case with other ex-situ cata- reactions. In order to confirm the defect free na-
lysts. ture of the resulting polymer, MALDI and 1H
NMR analysis were carried out on a low molecu-
lar weight polymer (Entry 1, Table 1). As can be
seen from Scheme 2, for ex-situ polymerization,
all the chains should result in the formation of
polymer having hydrogen as one of the chain
ends (quenching of the thienyl magnesium halide
chain end). The other chain end could be hydro-
gen (should be major due to quenching of the liv-
ing nickel chain ends) or isopropyl (quenching of
the active chain end with unreacted isopropyl-
magnesium halide). For the quantification of
Figure 1 31P NMR spectra in THF/CDCl3 of (a)
chain ends MALDI is proved to be the best tech-
Ni(0) formed by the addition of two equivalent of
nique and has been used by several research
isopropylmagnesium chloride to Ni(dppp)Cl2; (b)
groups.11, 27, 29 In fact the MALDI results confirm
these chain ends as shown in Figure 2. The peak
at 5323 g/mol corresponds to polymer with hy-
Hence, in a typical experiment, required amount
drogen as both chain ends (32n+H+H); and peak
of Ni(dppp)Cl2 catalyst was suspended in dry
at 5366 g/mol corresponds to polymer with hy-
THF followed by slow addition of two equivalent
drogen and isopropyl as chain ends (32n+H+i-
of isopropylmagnesium chloride resulting in a
pr); and peak at 5402 g/mol corresponds to pol-
clear greenish yellow solution. To this clear so-
ymer with hydrogen and bromine as chain ends
lution was then added (in one portion) 100 mM
(32n+H+Br). Very small fraction of the chain
solution of the 2-bromo-3-hexyl-5-
ends contains hydrogen along with bromine as
thineylmagnesium chloride. This resulted in the
chain ends. This could result from the chain ter-
immediate formation of dark red/brown colour
mination due to the lack of oxidative addition of
solution, which was further stirred for 30 minutes
Ni(0) to the terminal thienyl bromide propagating
at room temperature. The final purified polymer
chain end.
Table 1 Theoretical and experimental molecular weight as a function of monomerto catalyst ratioa

Catalyst Mn (kDa) Mn (kDa) Yield

Entry PDI
(mmol) Theoretical Experimentalb ( %)
1 1.66 10.0 9.2 1.2 82
2 1.11 15.0 14.2 1.2 84
3 0.55 30.2 26.2 1.5 79
4 0.3 50.4 51.8 1.5 78
5 0.21 79.2 74.0 1.6 75
6 1.43 11.6 10.0 1.1 80
7 0.3 50.4 50.8 1.4 75
8 0.3 50.4 52.0 1.5 78
All polymerizations were carried out using 100 mM monomer solution in THF at room temperature in
presence of four equivalent of lithium chloride. bMeasured by GPC in chloroform using polystyrene as

Figure 2 MALDI spectra of the defect free rr-

P3HT (Entry 1 of Table 1).
Therefore, we have conclusively shown that the
present method results in the synthesis of defect-
freerr-P3HT. As mentioned earlier, our initiating
species is soluble in polymerizing solvent, i.e.,
Scheme 2 Plausible ex-situ polymerization THF. This has implications, as soluble initiating
mechanism for the synthesis of defect-free rr- species enables one to carry out continuous flow
P3HT using Ni(0). synthesis that provides better control over the
H NMR (Figure 3) further confirms the defect polymerization process and should result in pol-
free nature of the chains. NMR peak assign- ymers with narrow polydispersity due to efficient
ments were done based on the analysis reported mixing. It should be noted that continuous flow
by Senkovskyyet al. and Kohn et al.23, 29 The ab- synthesis of rr-P3HT has been reported earlier.33-
sence of two singlets of equal intensity at 6.86 However all these methods use the traditional
and 6.93 confirm the absence of T-T defect at the in-situ GRIM method using Ni(II) as the catalyst.
chain end group carrying bromine. Further, the Our initial attempts to carry out continuous flow
presence of two doublets at 7.16 and 6.93 ppm synthesis using this soluble ex-situ initiating spe-
(Chain end of H-T coupled rr-P3HT with hydro- cies (see supplementary information for detail)
gen as chain end) confirms that all the chains are resulted in the synthesis of defect free rr-P3HT
initiated in ex-situ mode. with number average molecular weight of 10kDa
and polydispersity of as low as 1.1 (Table 1, En-
try 6, see supplementary information for GPC). Figure 5 shows the lighted and dark J-V charac-
More work in this direction is currently under- teristic of organic solar cells fabricated using
way. Another advantage of the soluble initiating commercially available rr-P3HT and DF-P3HT
species is the better batch-to-batch reproducibil- donor polymers. Inverted structure
ity due to homogenous initiation resulting from ITO/ZnO/PEIE/P3HT:PCBM/MoO3/Ag was
mixing of two homogeneous solutions as com- used to fabricate these device. The solar cell pa-
pared to mixing of solid catalyst with monomer rameters of the best performing devices are
solution as is in case of traditional GRIM method summarized in the Table S1(Supplementary in-
using Ni(II). In order to demonstrate this, we formation). The solar cells fabricated using DF-
carried out relatively large-scale (at 300 g) syn- P3HT showed better performance (PCE=4.1%)
thesis of defect-free rr-P3HT with a target num- when compared to cells fabricated using rr-P3HT
ber average molecular weight of 50kDa and re- (PCE=3.7%). This increase in ca. 15% in PCE in
peated it (Table 1, Entry 7 and 8). As expected, DF-P3HT is mainly attributed to increase in the
the process is reproducible even at large-scale. Jsc and FF of DF-P3HT:PCBM cells. The in-
crease in Jsc and FF is due to better charge
transport properties which arises due to better
interchain ordering and better bimolecular pack-
ing of donor:acceptor molecules.29, 38
2 5 0
1 8 10
rr-P 3 H T
9 #
# # 7#
E u = 38.5 m eV

A bs orba nc e
7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0 6.9 ppm 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 ppm


D F -P 3 H T

10 E u = 35 m eV

7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ppm
0 .8 1 .2 1 .6 2 .0 2 .4 2 .8 3 .2
E ne rg y ( e V )
Figure 3 H NMR spectra of the defect free rr-
P3HT (Entry 1 of Table 1). 13C satellite peaks are Figure 4 Absorbance as a function of photon en-
labeled by #. ergy of neat rr-P3HT and DF-P3HT films over
quarts substrate. The fitting of the Urbach tail is
Furthermore, to demonstrate the optoelectronic done using a linear equation to extract the Urbach
properties and application of defect-free rr-P3HT energy (Eu) of these films.
Urbach energy measurements were carried out
and organic solar cells were fabricated and char- D F -P 3 H T :P C B M
acterized. Urbach energy (Eu) of the polymers is rr-P 3 H T :P C B M

extracted from the absorption coefficient (α) of 10

J (m A /c m )

the material using the relation α(E) = αoexp(- 8


hυ/Eu), where hυ is the energy of the incident ex- 6

citation light. Figure 4 shows the plot of absorb- 4

ance with respect to light energy of neat rr-P3HT 2

film and DF-P3HT film. The Eu of DF-P3HT is 0

35 meV and that of rr-P3HT is 38.5 meV sug- -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
gesting less disorder present in DF-P3HT when B ia s (V )

compared to rr-P3HT film.36-37 This results veri-

Figure 5 J-V characteristic under AM 1.5 (solid)
fy the polymer quality; because of less PDI and
and dark (hollow) of P3HT:PCBM solar cells
high regioregularity which led to more order pol-
with ZnO and MoO3 as electron transport and
ymer chains in DF-P3HT polymer.
hole transport layer, respectively.
1 -1
Single charge carrier devices were prepared with s for defect-free rr-P3HT.39 Furthermore, our
the structure ITO/MoO3(15nm)/neat defect-free rr-P3HT polymer blended with
P3HT(different thicknesses)/Au (50 nm) with PC60BM provided optimal BHJ morphology to
active layer consisting neat rr-P3HT and DF get enhanced band-edge optical absorption and
P3HT of different thicknesses keeping the spin charge transport properties, which leads to a high
parameter and annealing conditions same as that performance OPV devices in comparison to
of bipolar devices. We observed (Figure 6) that commercial rr-P3HT:PC60BM devices.40
the current density of DF P3HT(115 nm) at 1.5 V
as 11250 A/m2 whereas the rr P3HT(110 nm) ASSOCIATED CONTENT
shows only 8553 A/m2. Supporting Information. Experimental details,
GPC, NMR of high molecular weight polymer,
UV vis, DSC and solar cell fabrication and char-
acterization details are given in the supporting
rr-P 3 H T information and this material is available free of
D F -P 3 H T
charge via the Internet at
J (A /m )

Corresponding Author
100 *E-mail:

0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0
We thank DeiTy, MNRE and DST India for
Figure 6: J-V plot of hole only single charge car- financial support. DLT acknowledges UGC for
rier device fabricated using neat rr-P3HT and senior research fellowship. We also thank the
central facility of MALDI-TOF of IIT Bom-
DF-P3HT. ITO/MoO3/P3HT/Au structure was bay. We acknowledge Ashok Kumar Majji for
used to fabricate hole only devices. NMR and MALDI studies.
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