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Shape: Nematodes are elongated, cylindrical in shape with both the ends
pointed. They are unsegmented without any appendages
Symmetry: Body is bilaterally symmetrical (one plane) while head is radially
symmetrical (multiple plane)
Size: Variable, ranging from less than 5 mm (hookworm, Trichinella) to one
meter (Dracunculus).
Female worms are longer than male worms
Locomotion: Nematodes move by contraction of the longitudinal muscles
Wave like motion

The body wall is composed of:

1. a thick cuticle
noncellular, highly resistant coating
Cuticle is secreted by hypodermis
The cuticle not only covers the entire external surface, but it also lines the
buccal cavity, esophagus, rectum, cloaca, vagina, and excretory pore

2. a hypodermis
3. a layer of longitudinal Muscle only
Within and closely associated with the hypodermis are one or more layers
of longitudinally arranged muscle cells
The multiple longitudinal rows of muscle cells in each of four quarters of a
circle is termed polymyarian, The one with 2 to 5 rows is
meromyarian ,The one Less than 2 rows of cells is called holomyarian

4. The pseudocoelom is filled with hemolymph.

The fluid acts as a cushion (protection to the organs) and hydrostatic
skeleton, providing support and rigidity for a soft bodied

Digestive System
It is complete and tubular Consists of
1. an anterior Mouth simple oral opening or large/small buccal capsule
may contain teeth, cutting plates
2. Esophagus is of variable form, muscular and pumps food into the
1. A rhabditiform esophagus, with slight anterior and posterior
swellings, is present in the parasitic larvae of many nematodes,
and in adult free-living nematodes
2. Filariform esophagus, simple and slightly thickened posteriorly,
as in the bursate nematodes
3. bulb-shaped esophagus, with a large posterior swelling,
as in the ascaridoids
4. double bulb-shaped esophagus, as in the oxyuroids
5. muscular–glandular esophagus which is muscular anteriorly, the
posterior part being glandular as in the filarioids and spiruroids
6. cellular esophagus has a capillary form, passing through a single
column of cells, the whole being known as a stichosome
3. Gut  tube whose lumen, contain a single layer of cells and microvilli,
which increase the absorptive capacity of the cells
4. Cloaca in males or Anus in females

Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
One testis. location of sperm production then Vas deferens extends distally to
the cloaca the seminal vesicle and the ejaculatory duct. Then one or two
copulatory spicules which keep the female vulva open In addition to, caudal
alae or copulatory bursa.

Female Reproductive System

female organs comprise ovary, oviduct and uterus, which may be paired
The uteri unite to form a vagina that opens through vulva, usually located
near midbody. The distal portion of the uterus, the ovojector, is a short
muscular organ, which assists to expel ripe eggs

Life cycle
Egg 4 stage larvae (L1, L2, L3, L4)  Adult

Direct life cycle (generally).

Nematodes generally live one or two types of lifestyle; Parasitic nematodes
live within a host. Free-living nematodes live in environments.
The third L3 larval stage is normally the infectious stage
1st and 2nd stage are rhabditiform & 3rd stage and 4th are filariform

Indirect life cycle

involves an intermediate host.
The first two moults usually occur in the intermediate host.
Infection of the definitive host is either via ingestion of the intermediate host or
by inoculation of the L3 by an intermediate host such as an insect.

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