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Address: LimDev Building, Opposite Old FNB, Thohoyandou,

Tel: +27 (0) 87 238 3333
FSP No: 8730

Name and Surname: Lehlohonolo Aldrin Mosia

ID Number: 9505205240087
Group: Individual
Payment: Internal - Policy Sub Account
Dear Valued Member,

This is to confirm your details on the MMK Funeral Cover Plan. The enclosed pack contains your participation certificate and product information (Please do not throw
this away but keep it in a safe place). Please quote this policy number in all correspondence with us.

The MMK Funeral Cover Plan is underwritten by RMA Life Assurance Company Limited "RMA" a licensed Life insurer and authorised Financial Service Provider Reg No
1990/06308/06 (RMA Life). The policy is administered by Kula Partners (Pty) Ltd an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 43066). Should you require more
information about the underwriter, please do not hesitate to contact us or alternatively you can log on to, for more information about the
administrator please contact us or log on to

Name of the Scheme: MMK Funeral Cover Plan:
Individual Policy Number: 670856P930230 Alternative Reference JHB024399
Inception Date of this Policy: 2015/02/01 EasyPay Number: 952759000000205000
Document Print Date: 2024/02/14 Pay@ Number: 11822905565
INSURED MEMBERS INFORMATION (Who is covered under this policy)
Name Surname Relationship Identification Number Plan Selected Entry Date Entry Age Benefit Premium

LEHLOHONOLO ALDRIN MOSIA Principal 9505205240087 Cash Benefit_RMA 2022/01/01 28 R5 000 R30.00
Name Surname Relationship Identification Number Benefit Allocation
MAGGIE LEON SITHOLE 0 8402210758082 100%

Waiting Periods:
Death benefits
- Accidental death None
12 Months from date the person was added on the policy. (If benefit values are increased, waiting periods apply to the
- Suicide increased value)
6 months from date the person was added on the policy. (If benefit values are increased, waiting periods apply to the
- Death due to natural causes increased value)
You can go to any of the MMK branches to lodge a claim. Alternatively you can email your completed claim form and
documents to

Name of the Insurer RMA Life Assurance Company Ltd Licence Number 10/10/1/116
the underwriter of the product and an authorised financial services provider Telephone Number 0800 160 985

Name of Intemediary MMK Administration CC E-mail Address

the intemediary of the product and an authorised financial services provider Licence Number 8730
Telephone Number 087 238 3333

Name of Administrator Kula Partners (Pty) Ltd E-mail Address

the administrator of the product and an authorised financial services provider Licence Number 43066

We look forward to be being of assistance to you and would like to take this opportunity of assuring you of our best service at all times.

Kind regards

The MMK Team

INDIVIDUAL FUNERAL POLICY traumatic death of the Assured Life.
1.2 Natural Death: is medically defined as death
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS brought on by a disease or age rather than
caused by other factors like Accident or crime.
1.3 Age Next Birthday: Insured's age at a
RMA Life Assurance Company Limited, Reg No
particular time with the addition of 1 year.
1990/06308/06 (RMA Life) is the Insurer under this 1.4 Assured Life: This means the person whose
policy. life is insured under this policy and upon whose
death the benefit will pay out if the conditions of
The names of any intermediaries, brokers, and binder this policy are met. All Assured Lives must be
holders who are rendering services on this policy are South African citizens or a Permanent
reflected on the Policy Schedule together with the fees Resident, or a person with a legal South African
work permit. The Assured Lives are the Main
they will receive for these services.
Life Assured and his / her Spouse, Children,
Parents and Extended Family. The names of
This individual policy is underwritten on a group basis. the Assured Lives are reflected on the Policy
The Policyholder will provide RMA Life with all Schedule.
information required by RMA Life to enable RMA Life to 1.5 Beneficiary: This is the person nominated by
underwrite this policy on a group basis. The risks the Policyholder to receive the payment of the
covered under this insurance policy are rated based on benefit under circumstances where the benefit
is not paid to the Policyholder.
the characteristics of a group of people together, as 1.6 Benefit start date: means the date on which
opposed to that of the individuals who are the Lives cover commences in respect of an Assured
Assured under this policy. The group is MMK Funeral Life, which is the day on which the first Premium
Services and the Main Life Assured under this policy is paid with respect to that Assured Life.
must be a member of the group for the Assured Lives 1.7 Child/Children: Will mean an unmarried,
to be included in the group of people on whose financially dependent biological Child of the
Main Life Assured or Spouse, who has not yet
characteristics the policy is rated.
attained the age of 21 and will include: a
posthumous Child, a stepchild, a grandchild, a
RMA Life will pay the benefits set out in this policy legally fostered Child and an adopted Child and
according to the terms and conditions set within this a Stillborn Child.
document. The policy will be amended if and when 1.8 All ages referred to in this Policy are Age Next
required as provided for in these General Terms and Birthday.
Conditions, and the amendments will then form part of
The benefit for Children is age-dependent and
the insurance contract. Should there be any conflict
limited in terms of applicable legislation.
between this policy and any other document issued by Notwithstanding anything included in the table
RMA Life, the terms and conditions set out in this policy hereunder, the claim amount will be limited to
will prevail. the maximum amount allowed in applicable
The Individual Funeral Policy is a funeral policy that will
pay a lumpsum upon the death of an Assured Life. Benefit tables for Children:
Please keep this document in a safe place. Child Age % Main Life Assured’s Cover
1. Definitions Stillbirths 25%
1.1 Accident/Accidental: An Accident means a <1 25%
sudden, unexpected, unusual, specific event 1–5 25%
occurring at a particular moment and a 6 – 13 50%
particular place which even the Assured Life > 13 100%
could not foresee, anticipate or envisage and
which results in visible, violent, external and

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
1.9 Extended Family: means grandparents, with for longer than 6 months.
siblings, siblings in law, niblings, cousins, 1.17.6 A maximum of 1 Spouse will be
uncles, grand uncles, aunts, grand aunts, covered for benefits under this policy at
additional Spouse, additional Children of the any one time.
Main Life Assured. 1.18 Stillbirth (Stillborn Child): Is a Child of
1.10 Insurer: RMA Life is the Insurer, and in a Life Assured that did not breathe or show any
return for a stipulated Premium, RMA Life other signs of life after being delivered, expelled
accepts the risks and will payout the benefit if a or surgically removed from its mother after the
claim event occurs. 26th week of pregnancy. This excludes
1.11 Not taken up (NTU): This is when the instances where the mother chooses to have an
Premium Payer does not pay the first Premium abortion (i.e. termination of pregnancy).
payable on the policy. The policy is considered 1.19 Main Life Assured: means the
as Not taken up by the Policyholder (NTU) and individual that is a member of the group and is
cancelled from inception. listed as the Main Life Assured on the Policy
1.12 Parent(s): means the persons who are Schedule. The Main Life Assured and the
the biological Parents, Parents-In-Law, Policyholder is the same person.
adoptive Parents and step-parents of the Main
Life Assured. 2. What documents form part of the policy?
1.13 Policyholder: The person that has 2.1 The Application Form;
taken out the policy, has an insurance contract 2.2 The Policy Schedule; and
with RMA Life and is also the Premium Payer. 2.3 The General Terms and Conditions (this
The Policyholder and the Main Life Assured is document).
the same person
1.14 Policy start date: means the date on 3. Duration and Term of the Policy
which the policy becomes effective. 3.1 The insured event for this policy is death of the
1.15 Premium: the amount specified as Assured Life.
payment for the policy benefits and confirmed 3.2 The term of this policy is 12 months from the
in the Policy Schedule and amended as Policy start date.
provided for in this General Terms and 3.3 The policy is automatically renewed for
Conditions. another 12 months on an ongoing basis
1.16 Repudiation: In relation to a claim provided that the group still exists and the
means any action by which RMA Life rejects or
Main Life Assured is still a member of the
refuses to pay a claim or any part of a claim, for
any reason, and includes instances where a group.
Claimant lodges a claim –
1.16.1 in respect of a loss event or risk not
4. Will the Premium increase?
covered by the policy; and
1.16.2 in respect of a loss event or risk 4.1 The Premium will have no automatic increase.
covered by a policy, but the Premium or However, RMA Life may review and increase
Premiums payable in respect of those Premiums:
Assured Lives are not paid.
1.17 Spouse: means a person who is the 4.1.1 Within the term of the policy if there
permanent life partner (whether in a are reasonable actuarial grounds to
heterosexual or homosexual partnership) or change or vary the terms, conditions
Spouse or civil union partner of the Main Life or provisions of the policy; or if the
Assured in accordance with: variation will be to the benefit of the
1.17.1 the Marriage Act, 68 of 1961;
policyholder; and
1.17.2 the Recognition of Customary
Marriages Act, 68 of 1997; 4.1.2 Annually upon renewal. Upon annual
1.17.3 the Civil Union Act, 17 of 2006; or renewal the following factors will be
1.17.4 the tenets of any Asiatic religion. taken into account to determine the
1.17.5 A permanent life partner is a partner increase: the size of the group; take-up
who the Main Life Assured has lived

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
rate or level of participation by 6.2 This is an optional benefit available for an
members of the group in the individual additional Premium that applies to all Lives
policies underwritten on a group basis; Assured on a policy.
average risk profile (age, gender and 6.3 This benefit will only be available if the death
location of Assured Lives will be used claim is valid under this policy.
to determine the groups average risk 6.4 This benefit assists the bereaved family and
profile) and claims profile (the average next-of-kin with the road or air repatriation of
claims ratio of the group will be taken the mortal remains of Assured Lives to a
into consideration). funeral home closest to their normal place of
4.2 Should RMA Life review Premiums, RMA Life residence.
will give the Policyholder 31 (Thirty-One) days’ 6.4.1 Repatriation is arranged when the
notice of any Premium change. deceased’s body is more than 100km
from their place of residence, within
South Africa and neighboring countries
5. What benefits does the Policyholder have? i.e. Lesotho, Namibia or Mozambique.
The Policyholder can choose from the following All the arrangements to transport
options in terms of the Assured Lives they mortal remains as requested by the
would like to cover (where Premiums will be family are managed and special care is
quoted at a Family Option level): taken to consider particular customs
• Family Option 1: Main Life Assured and beliefs.
only. 6.4.2 Assistance is provided with the
• Family Option 2: Main Life Assured necessary documentation and co-
and Spouse. ordination with the authorities to
• Family Option 3: Main Life Assured transport the deceased’s mortal
and up to 6 Children. remains back to the normal area of
• Family Option 4: Main Life Assured, residence.
Spouse, and up to 6 Children. 6.4.3 This benefit also includes the transfer
of the ashes of the deceased to their
The Policyholder can also choose to insure up to normal place of residence after
10 Extended Family members in addition to the cremation.
options above. When adding Parents and 6.4.4 Where family is required to identify the
Extended Family members, a Premium rate per deceased or wishes to accompany the
insured life is payable. deceased to the final funeral home,
closest to the place of burial, 1-night
The Policyholder may also choose a Body accommodation to the value of R1 000
Repatriation Value Added Service benefit for an is arranged and paid for.
additional Premium. If this benefit is added to the 6.4.5 The service is provided through the
policy, it will apply to all Assured Lives covered Europ Assistance Contact Centre 24
on the policy. hours a day, 7 days a week and 365
days a year.
The benefits that the Policyholder chose will be 6.4.6 Commission is not payable on this
reflected on the Policy Schedule. benefit Premium.

6. How does the body repatriation service work?

6.1 If the Policyholder chose this benefit, it will be 7. What are the minimum and maximum entry
reflected on the Policy Schedule. ages?

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
Insured Minimum Maximum Cease Age start date will be moved to the following
Life Entry Age Entry Age month.
Main Life 18 150 - 10.2 If the Policyholder fails to pay the first
Assured Premium again in the second month, the
Spouse 18 150 - policy will be deemed Not taken up (NTU) and
Children birth 21 25 the Policyholder will be notified of the
Parents 18 85 - cancellation of the policy from inception.
Extended 1 150 -
11. What happens if Premiums are not paid?
11.1 Grace Period: RMA Life allows a 31
8. What is the Insurance Cover amount? day grace period for monthly Premiums and
8.1 The cover amount per Life Assured is as 45 days for annual Premiums as Grace
follows: Period. Cover continues until the end of the
Insured Lives Minimum Maximum Grace Period. The Grace Period is only
Cover Cover applicable after the first Premium on the policy
Family Options R5 000 R30 000 was paid and the policy is in force or incepted.
Extended R2 500 R30 000 11.2 Lapse: The policy will lapse if four
Family consecutive Premiums are missed and/ or the
policy will also lapse at any stage if four
8.2 Cover amount for each Parent and each Premiums are outstanding. If the policy is
Extended Family cannot exceed the Main Life lapsed, the Policyholder will be informed of the
Assured's cover amount. lapse.
8.3 The Cover amount selected for Family Options
will apply to both the Main Life Assured & 11. Can the policy be reinstated?
Spouse. 11.1 The policy may only be reinstated once
8.4 The Children Cover Amount will be limited as in a 24-month period.
set out in section 1. 11.2 The policy may only be reinstated within
8.5 The Cover amount that the Policyholder is a 3-month period after lapse or
entitled to under this Policy is reflected in the cancellation occurred.
Policy Schedule. 11.3 If reinstatement is requested, all
outstanding Premiums must be paid up to
9. How are the Premiums paid? date.
9.1 Premiums are payable monthly or annually. 11.4 No new waiting period will apply for
9.2 The Premiums are set out in the Policy Funeral benefits on reinstatement for
Schedule. Assured Lives that were covered before
9.3 The Premiums set out in the Policy Schedule in the lapse or cancelation and to which
respect of the Assured Lives shall be paid by Assured Lives no waiting period was
the Policyholder. applicable before the lapse or cancellation.
9.4 Premiums may be paid via debit order, cash or 11.5 For those Assured Lives where a
EFT, Persal, Easypay, or Pay@.
waiting period was applicable before the
lapse or cancellation, the waiting period
10. Missing the first Premium will continue from the date of
10.1 If the Policyholder misses the first
Premium payment on the policy, the Policy
12. When does the cover start?

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
12.1 The insurance cover in respect of an waived/reduced If the Main Life Assured
Assured Life shall commence on the had another active policy with similar
Benefit Start date reflected in the Policy benefits that was cancelled within 31 days
Schedule. of taking out this policy. Similar benefits
refer to the same or less cover amount and
13. When does the cover end? benefit payout type (e.g. lump-sum
13.1 Insurance cover in terms of this policy in payment) on the following basis:
respect of an Assured Life shall cease on 14.5.1 The waiting period will be reduced
the occurrence of the events mentioned by the number of months the
below, whichever occurs first: previous policy was active.
13.1.1 This policy is cancelled.
13.1.2 The Policyholder fails to pay the 15. How long are lives assured covered under
Premium on the due date thereof this policy?
and fails to remedy such failure 15.1 All Assured Lives are covered for the
within the grace period set out in term of the policy or until the insurance
clause 11. cover is terminated for whatsoever reason
in terms of clause 17 below.
14. Are there any Waiting Periods? 15.2 Cover for Children will end when the
14.1 The following waiting periods are child reaches the age of 25.
applicable. No Benefits will be paid during
the waiting period: 16. Can this policy be cancelled?
14.1.1 Cover for Accidental death starts
16.1 Cooling off period: The Policyholder
immediately provided that the
may cancel the policy within 31 days of
policy has commenced i.e., the
receiving the terms and conditions.
first Premium is received by RMA
16.1.1 If the Policyholder chooses to
Life. If the policy is in arrears but
cancel the policy in this period,
still in force the outstanding
RMA Life will refund any
premiums will be deducted from
Premiums already received, in a
the sum insured.
case where a claim was paid, no
14.1.2 A 3 (three) month waiting period
refund will be provided.
shall apply from the Benefit Start
Date, in respect of a death due to 16.2 The right to cancel: This policy may be
natural causes. cancelled, by RMA Life and/or the
14.1.3 A 12 (twelve) month waiting period Policyholder at any time during the term of
shall apply from the Benefit Start the policy by giving 31 (Thirty-One) Days’
Date in respect of a death due to notice to the other party.
suicide. 16.3 There will be no refund of Premiums if
14.2 The waiting period is applicable per the policy is cancelled outside the cooling-
Assured Life and will commence when off period.
cover for that Assured Life commences. 16.4 No claim shall be entertained for death
14.3 Where new cover is added a new that occurred after the termination of this
waiting period will be applicable to the new policy.
cover. 16.5 This policy will terminate when the Main
14.4 Where cover is decreased no new Life Assured passes away.
waiting period will be applicable. 16.6 In any instance where the policy is
14.5 The waiting period will be canceled, is an NTU or ends for whatever

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
reason, the Policyholder and Main Life Stillbirth claims will not count towards the
Assured will be informed. Children limit of 6 and are only payable
once the insured Parent’s waiting period
17. Can I make changes to the policy? for natural causes has passed.
17.1 Only the Policyholder may make 19.4 If the Stillborn Child has both Parents
changes to the policy. Changes can insured under this policy:
include: 19.4.1 waiting periods applicable to the
17.1.1 Change debit order details. parents will be applicable to the
17.1.2 Change contact details or stillborn;
personal details. 19.4.2 The Parent with the lower
17.1.3 Change contact details or address. remaining waiting period will be
used (where relevant), and
18. Amendments and/or variations and Waivers 19.4.3 only one Stillbirth claim is payable
18.1 RMA Life will at all times be entitled to per Stillbirth death.
amend any provisions of the Policy or the
funeral benefits, by sending 31 (Thirty- 20. How to submit a claim for funeral benefits?
One) days written notice to the 20.1 Claims may be reported to any RMA Life
Policyholder. branch during normal office hours; or
18.2 No amendments, waiver or cancellation 20.2 to the RMA Life Contact Centre on
of the Policy as a whole or of any terms or telephone number 086 010 2532; or
condition of the Policy will be effective 20.3 By email to:
unless such amendment, waiver or
cancellation is in writing and accepted by 20.4 RMA Life will not pay or be liable for a
RMA Life. claim for Funeral Benefits unless written
notification of the claim, together with all
18.3 Any alteration or variation to this policy
supporting documents as prescribed by
may be enforced or put into effect if
RMA Life is received by RMA Life within
permitted by legislation within 31 (Thirty-
180 days after the occurrence of the death.
One) days.
20.5 If any information that is provided on any
18.4 Formal notification will be provided
Assured Life is incorrect, any benefit that
before any alterations or variations are
becomes payable may be recalculated or
made within 31 (Thirty-One) days.
20.6 All claims must be reported to RMA Life
19. Child/Children specific events: within 180 days of the date of death of the
19.1 What happens if the Child reaches the Assured Life on the policy.
maximum age for cover? 20.7 RMA Life will pay all valid claims within
19.1.1 The maximum age for cover for 48 hours of receiving all the required
Children is 25 years. Cover for the documentation. Should RMA Life require
Child will end when the Child any additional documentation or
reaches the age of 25 years. information to validate the claim, the
19.2 There will be no waiting period payment may take longer. The 48 hours
applicable to changes under this clause. will only apply once the additional
19.3 Stillbirth claims will be limited to 2 claims documentation or information is received.
over the lifetime of the policy (initial 12 RMA Life has the right to investigate any
months including any renewal thereafter). claim submitted. Once a claim is under

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
investigation, the 48- hour payment reasons for rejection in writing.
turnaround time will fall away, and the 22.2 The claimant has up to 90 days from the
investigation will determine the new date of receiving the Repudiation Letter to
timeframe in which a decision will be lodge a complaint to RMA Life’s
reached on the validity of the claim. In this Complaints Officer if they want to object
instance RMA Life will inform the against RMA Life’s decision. The
Policyholder that the claim is being Complaints Officer will respond within 15
disputed. days, whereby the decision to repudiate
20.8 All benefits under this Policy will be the claim may be overturned or upheld.
provided to the Policyholder. See the Complaints Procedure for the
detailed complaints process.
22.3 No cover will be provided to any insured
21. Documentation to be submitted to RMA: life that lives permanently outside the
21.1 To enable RMA Life to process a claim, Republic of South Africa.
the following documents must be
22.4 RMA needs to be informed if a person
covered under the policy leaves the
21.1.1 Completed claim form
country for more than 3 months in a row.
21.1.2 RMA Life’s Death Notification
This may affect the terms and conditions
of the contract, as well as whether or not
21.1.3 Certified Copy of ID of the
cover can continue.
21.1.4 Certified Copy of ID of the 22.5 If RMA is not informed then RMA has
Claimant; the right to reject any claim and/or
21.1.5 Certified Copy of the death terminate the policy, in which event
certificate issued by the Premiums will not be refunded. RMA can
Department of Home Affairs; only do so after the Policy Owner receives
21.1.6 Original or certified copy of all four at least 31 days written notice of the
(4) pages of the DHA1663 intended termination.
(Notification of death);
21.1.7 Proof of bank account of the
claimant (stamped by the bank); 23. What are the exclusions on this policy?
and 23.1 The Benefit will not be paid if death is
21.1.8 A police report must be completed directly or indirectly caused by or
and submitted in the event of attributable to:
unnatural deaths. 23.1.1 Active participation in war,
21.2 RMA Life will only entertain claims for invasion, acts of foreign enemies,
the Assured Lives reflected on the Policy hostilities, warlike operations
Schedule. (whether war is declared or not),
civil war, rebellion, revolution,
22. Repudiation of Claims insurrection, civil commotion
assuming the proportions of or
22.1 RMA Life aims to settle all claims;
amounting to an uprising, military
however, claims may be repudiated in
action, or usurped power.
circumstances where the claims do not
23.1.2 In the event that a claim arises as
comply with conditions of the policy. If a
a direct or indirect consequence of
claim has been rejected, RMA Life will
the use of nuclear, biological or
inform the claimant of the decision and

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
chemical weapons, or any 23.2 No benefit is payable if the Insurer is
radioactive contamination, or notified of a claim later than 180 days after
attacks on or sabotage of facilities the date of death.
(including, but not limited to, 23.3 Benefits are subject to prudential
nuclear power plants, standard limitations.
reprocessing plants, final
repository sites and research
reactors) and storage depots, 24. What are the Policyholder’s
which lead to the release of rights?
radioactivity or nuclear, biological 24.1 The Policyholder may not cash in this
or chemical warfare agents, policy or transfer/cede the rights under
irrespective of whether any of the this policy to a third party as security or
aforesaid has been performed for any other reason whatsoever.
with the specific use of information
technology. 25. Fraud and Misrepresentation
23.1.3 The influence of drugs or 25.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of this
narcotics, unless administered or Policy relating to claims, RMA Life reserves
the right to cancel the cover in respect of
prescribed by a medical an Assured Life and declare all Premiums
professional (other than in respect of that life forfeited, should there
themselves); be evidence of, or an attempted
23.1.4 Operating, learning to operate, submission of a fictional claim, fraud,
serving as a crew member of or misrepresentation or non-disclosure of any
jumping, parachuting, or falling material fact.
25.2 If RMA Life finds any non-disclosure,
from any aircraft or hot-air balloon,
misrepresentation or any incorrect
including those which are not information to any material facts or
motor-driven. This does not circumstances with regards to the policy,
include flying as a fare-paying we may reject the application.
passenger; 25.3 Should this information come up during
23.1.5 Deliberate exposure to the term of the policy or at claim stage,
exceptional danger (excluding an RMA Life will declare the contract null and
void. This will result in RMA Life cancelling
attempt to save human life);
the policy contract from inception and no
23.1.6 Criminal acts, participating or paid Premiums will be refunded.
attempting to participate in illegal
activity and/or being incarcerated 26. What are the responsibilities of the RMA Life
in a penal institution; staff?
23.1.7 A motor vehicle injury where the 26.1 All staff, who are not authorized FAIS
life assured is driving whilst under Representatives, may explain to
Policyholders the policy benefits, and the
the influence of alcohol (having a processes to be followed (Factual
blood alcohol level above the information only).
statutory limit), in a race, stunt 26.2 However, only RMA Life staff who are
show or speed test; authorized FAIS Representatives may give
23.1.8 A motor vehicle injury resulting financial advice to the Policyholder.
from the member failing to take
27. What are the Policyholder’s
reasonable measures to ensure
the roadworthiness of the motor 27.1 The claimant is responsible to answer
vehicle; all questions on the application form, claim

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
form, or any other form that he/she might 32.1 Unless otherwise provided, nothing in
complete during the life of the policy, this Policy shall give any rights to benefit
correctly and honestly. other than to the Policyholder or the
27.2 The Policyholder warrants that he will
claimant. Any extension providing
provide all information required in the sole
discretion of RMA Life to underwrite this indemnity to any person other than the
policy and to assess claims under this Assured Life shall not give any rights of
policy. claims to such person, the intention being
27.3 Any neglect to complete these forms that the Claimant shall claim on behalf of
correctly, RMA Life may decrease the such person.
benefits or cancel the policy or insurance
under the policy. 33. Non-disclosure and Misrepresentation
27.4 This may also result in the claim being
repudiated. 33.1 This Policy shall not be void or voidable
27.5 For legal purposes, you should not sign by reason of any:
any blank or incomplete forms. 33.1.1 Inadvertent misrepresentation,
misdescription or non-disclosure;
28. What are the charges and fees?
33.1.2 Inadvertent breach of condition or
28.1 All the charges and fees for this policy
are included in the Premium as indicated in warranty;
the Policy Schedule. 33.1.3 Inadvertent act, error or omission
of the Policyholder, provided that
29. GENERAL PROVISIONS notice be given to RMA Life as
soon as reasonably practicable
29.1 Policy review
29.1.1 RMA Life reserves the right to after the Policyholder becomes
change the policy from time-to-time aware of the same. If required, the
and will notify the Policyholder and Policyholder shall pay any pro-rata
Main Life Assured of any policy additional Premium due, following
changes. such notice. It is the Policyholder’s
responsibility to ensure that the
30. Liability of RMA Life
information for the Policyholder
30.1 RMA Life will pay benefits after the first and Lives Assured and their
Premium has been received if the claim is Beneficiary(ies) are always
valid and no policy waiting periods are accurate and kept up to date.
33.1.4 The Policyholder needs to inform
30.2 After benefits have been paid, RMA Life RMA Life as soon as any life
will have no further liability towards the assured or contact information
claim. changes.

31. Currency and the law 34. Commission and Fees

31.1 RMA Life will make all payments in 34.1 The commission is charged for each
South African Rands (ZAR). Should the Premium. Premiums are worked out based
law of South Africa change, the conditions on the total commission charge reflected in
of this contract will be amended. the Policy Schedule, according to the
31.2 RMA Life shall only make payment into applicable legislation, and VAT will only be
South African bank accounts. charged for Brokers who are VAT
32. No rights to other individuals

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56
35. Policy Replacement contact center on 086 010 2532.
35.1 Similar Policy: Means a product with 37.2 If you are not satisfied with the outcome
benefits made available by an Insurer and or answer, you may send your complaint
has homogenous features to a product in writing to:
offered by RMA, identifiable by the
following attributes: 37.3 If you have a complaint about how the
36.1.1 Benefits policy was sold to you, and RMA Life could
36.1.2 Exclusions not resolve your query to your satisfaction,
36.1.3 The duration of a policy you may contact the FAIS Ombud at:
36.1.4 Policy Conditions
36.1.5 Waiting Periods THE FAIS OMBUDSMAN
35.2 Replacement Policy: Means a new P.O. BOX 74571, Lynwood Ridge, 0040
policy or a variation of an existing policy Telephone: 012 762 5000
due to any reason other than the annual Fax: 012 348 3447
Premium increase, where: E-mail:
36.2.1 The Policyholder or Main Life
37.4 If you have a complaint about the policy
Assured was also the
itself or any claim under the policy and
Policyholder or Main Life Assured
RMA Life could not resolve your query to
in respect of another policy, and
your satisfaction you may contact the
the Life Assured was covered
Ombudsman for Long Term Insurance at:
under the previous policy in the
last 31 days.
36.2.2 The previous policy termination TERM INSURANCE
event occurred in anticipation of, Private Bag X45, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735
or as a consequence of effecting Telephone: 021 657 5000
the new policy or variation. Sharecall: 0860 103236
36.2.3 If you have never had a funeral Email:
policy or not been a member of a
group funeral policy and you take …. End…
out cover, your cover is new to
RMA, as it is the first time you are
insured on a funeral policy.
36.2.4 A new policy can be the above,
36.2.3 or it can be a funeral policy
from a different Insurer. This
would happen if you cancelled
funeral cover with one Insurer and
take out cover with RMA Life. In
this case, you have a new policy,
but your cover is not new because
you already had cover on a
previous policy.

37. Complaints or Queries

37.1 If you have any questions or complaints
about the policy, please call the RMA Life

RMA Life Assurance Company Limited (CIPC Reg No. 1990/006308/06) is a licensed Life Insurer (PA Reg No. 10/10/1/116) and forms part of the Rand Mutual
Group of Companies. RMA Building, 10 St Andrews Road, Parktown, 2193 | Tel: 0860 222 132 | Email:
| | Tip-Offs Fraud line: 0800 21 22 56

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