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----- [ ASSIGNMENT ] -----



REG NO 23/151114

Use your digital photogrammetry handout and summarize the topics you have
been treated in the class.

MARCH, 2024
1. Definition of Photogrammetry: The process of making precise measurement from photographs
and other imaging sources to determine the relative locations on point in space.
1.1. Types of Photogrammetry:
(a) Analytical photogrammetry (b)Analogue photogrammetry (c)Digital photogrammetry
1.1.1 Digital photogrammetry is the process where data are obtained digitally and process digitally
1.2. Some Instruments Used in Photogrammetry (Small Instrument)
(a) Mirror stereoscope (b) Pocket stereoscope (c) Parallax bar (c) Sketch master etc. and complex
instrument are: (a) Wild B8 (b) Wild B85 (c) KERN PG2 (d) KERN PG3
2. Digital Photogrammetry Workstation: are instrument using computer software and hardware to
extract information from images.
2.1. Steps to Carry Out DPWS
a. Data acquisition: high-resolution aerial or satellite imagery is captured using specialized
cameras or sources.
b. Data processing: the acquired imagery is the process to remove any distortions, such as lens
distortion or image noise.
c. Image orientation: the processed images are the georeferenced and oriented space. To
reference our image to a known control point, etc.
2.2. Hardware Aspect of The DPW
1. A powerful processor (CPU) and very large memory (RAM) to handle large volumes of
image data.
2. An additional or supplementary processing capability to ensure the timely execution of
computational intensive tasks e.g.
(a) A graphics accelerator (b) A digital signal processing (DSP) board (c) An array processor
2.3. Basic Element of DPS
1. It is a system combining hardware and software
2. It must have set of image data
3. Image sensor
4. it must have operators and DEM (digital elevation model), etc.
2.4. Digital Photogrammetry Operations
1. Compute the photo orientation parameters for each photo separately using the softcopy
2. Create the stereo-model using the softcopy
3. The various softcopy can be employed to generate Geometric & Radiometric result
3.0. Image capture size of satellite imageries: it is about different size of camera to capture images,
the digital capturing the image will have the size of 512X512 that is 250000pixels or requiring
0.25mega pixels, the higher the pixels the higher the accuracy and the smaller the pixels the
smaller the accuracy. 1000bytes = 1Megabyte, 1000Megabyte = 1kilobytes.
2.0. Mosaics/Classes of Mosaics
Mosaic is an assembly of aerial photographs whose edges have been torn or cut and matched to
form a continuous photographic representation of a portion of the earth’s surface.
2.1. Classes of Mosaics
1. A controlled mosaic: prepared from photographs, which have been rectified and rationed.
2. An uncontrolled mosaic: [prepare by simply matching the image details of adjacent photos
without ground control and vertical photographs is not rectified.
3. A semi-controlled mosaic: prepare either by using control but photograph is not rectified.
2.2. Photogrammetry Products
a. Geometric result (products) different maps e.g. atlas maps, contour maps, topo maps etc.
b. Radiometric result (products) e.g., Ortho-photos, rectified, photograph, mosaic.
5.0. 2D Features of Vector Mapping
1. DEMs (Digital Elevation Model) and DSMs (Digital Surface Model) be generated
automatically from two or more overlapping images.
2. Aero-triangulation and Block Adjustment:
The above products cannot be created without pre-processing. It is the process of establishing
more control point
3. Stereo Vision & Manual Mapping: tracing or extracting information from images.
6.0. How to edit an existing maps to produce a new map. Steps/map production in DPW
1. scan the map
2. Pick the coordinate of the map
7.0. How to extract vector data using satellite image from or in ArcGIS
1. Import the image in ArcGIS
2. Process the image etc.
8.0. Scanners/Types
Scanners are machines used to capture hard copy of images for editing.
Types of Scanners
1. Rotating drum scanner, equipped with a head
2. 2D flatbed scanner, equipped with photo head, etc.
9.0. Ortho-Photos: is defined as result of photo graphic process by which an attempt is made to
convert within a varied degree of perfection the central perspective of ordinary aerial photographs
into a parallel and orthographic projection such as a map.
9.1. Classification of Ortho-Photo Instruments
1. Degree at automation (Semi/full) automatic
2. Relation of the equipment to the stereo restitution instrument, etc.
9.2. Examples of Orto-photo Instruments: Ortho-projector GZ-1, Ortho-photo rectifiers of zeiss,
10.0. Analogue VS Digital Photogrammetry
1. Analogue has analogue image while digital has digital image
2. Analogue carryout it works mechanically while digital carryout it works digitally etc.
1. Lecture note compiled by SURV. Adamu Makama Pindiga

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