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Nama : Aulia Agista Nurwahyu Eka Putri

NIM : P27838121005
Kelas : 3C


Deep Learning for Lung Cancer Nodules Detection and Classification in CT Scans

This review addresses the challenge of detecting malignant lung nodules from Computed
Tomography (CT) scans, emphasizing the role of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. Deep
learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), has significantly improved in
outperforming traditional methods. The review categorizes CAD systems into nodule detection and
false positive reduction, providing insights into techniques, performance, and available datasets.
Notable architectures include 3D CNN like U-Net, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, YOLO, VGG, and
ResNet. Future improvements may focus on refining three-dimensional networks and incorporating
recent techniques like YOLO v3, DeepLabv3+, Gated-SCNN, and EfficientNet. Benchmarking and
addressing data imbalance remain key areas for enhancing the efficiency of lung cancer detection
using deep learning.

Hybrid ICHO-HSDC Model For Accurate Covid-19 Detection and Classification From CT Scan And X-
Ray Images

The rising demand for medical care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the need for swift
and accurate identification. A proposed ICHO-HYBRID model addresses challenges in COVID-19
detection from CT and X-ray images. The model employs Improved Chicken Swarm Optimization
(ICHO) for CT-scan image thresholding and HYBRID for classification. For CT scan, histogram and
morphological methods are used, and X-ray images undergo noise reduction using Adapted
Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering (A2DF). The model achieves notable accuracy of 94.6 for CT scan and
95.6 for X-ray, surpassing SVM and CNN. Future work includes validation with a larger dataset and
potential extension to incorporate other imaging modalities for enhanced accuracy in COVID-19
detection and classification.



The global impact of COVID-19 necessitates effective early diagnosis and isolation measures. Chest
CT scan, known for their sensitivity, rapidity, and accuracy, complement traditional testing methods.
This paper introduces "CT-CAPS", a capsule network-based framework designed to automatically
extract distinctive features from chest CT scan for COVID-19 identification. Unlike Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNN), capsule networks capture spatial relations, require smaller datasets, and
have fewer parameters. Experiments on a dataset of 307 patients showcase CT-CAPS achieving
state-of-the-art performance with 90.8% accuracy, 94.5% sensitivity, and 86.0% specificity. The
framework's ability to analyze volumetric CT scan, extract lung tissues, and adapt to radiologists'
preferences is highlighted. Ongoing efforts involve further improvement and validation with multi-
center datasets for model refinement.
Deep learning based diagnosis of COVID-19 using chest CT-scan images

This paper addresses the challenges posed by the shortage of PCR kits for COVID-19 testing by
proposing the use of chest CT scans analyzed through deep learning technology. The EfficientNet
deep learning architecture is employed for accurate and timely detection of COVID-19, achieving an
impressive accuracy of 0.897, F1 score of 0.896, and AUC of 0.895. The study explores three learning
rate strategies, with the "reduce on plateau" strategy outperforming others with an F1-score of 0.9.
The implementation is available on GitHub. Notably, the paper surpasses previous studies, claiming a
significantly improved F1 score of 0.90 and accuracy on the same dataset. Future work includes
further model training and testing on additional datasets. The proposed approach showcases the
potential of deep learning in aiding COVID-19 diagnosis, particularly in regions facing PCR kit

Dose estimation in abdominal CT scans using CT-EXPO software

The study focuses on estimating radiation doses received by patients undergoing CT scans in a
Brazilian public hospital. Utilizing data extracted from DICOM headers and CT-Expo V. 2.7 software,
the effective dose and organ doses for 45 abdominal CT scans in December 2020 were calculated.
The highest equivalent doses were found in the kidneys, spleen, stomach, and liver. Effective doses
were estimated at 7.31 and 8.41 mSv for non-contrast and contrast-enhanced exams, respectively.
The CT-Expo software, extracting information from DICOM headers, proves valuable for dose
estimation in CT services, especially in the absence of Radiation Dose Structured Reports (RDSR)
settings. The presented methodology offers a useful retrospective tool for dose estimation in
Brazilian CT services, particularly in cases lacking RDSR-equipped scanners.

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