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USER GUIDE | Customer

1905 | 2019-08-22

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

© 20 19 SA P SE or an SA P a ffi l i ate c om pa ny. A l l r i g h ts r eser ve d.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Web Assistant Interface ................................................................................................................................... 4

3 Help .................................................................................................................................................................. 6

4 Guided Tours .................................................................................................................................................... 8

5 What's New....................................................................................................................................................... 9

6 Learning.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Learning Center .............................................................................................................................................. 11

7 Usability Features ............................................................................................................................................ 13

8 Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects .........................................................................................................14

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Introduction CUSTOMER 2
1 Introduction

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant is a web-based help system to provide you with context-sensitive user assistance. It
enables you to get started quickly and to find all relevant information easily without needing to leave the respective
application. Web Assistant provides additional information directly on top of the current application screen.

This guide provides you, the end user, with information on how to use SAP Enable Now Web Assistant.

Starting the Web Assistant

Web Assistant can be started by selecting the Help control. Afterwards, the Web Assistant UI with the available
content for an app is displayed. You can select a tile in the carousel to display the content.

Content of the Web Assistant

Web Assistant provides different types of content that can be displayed:

Help Guided Tours What's New Learning

You will find further information in the following chapters.

The available content depends on the app you use and the configuration of Web Assistant.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Introduction CUSTOMER 3
2 Web Assistant Interface

After starting Web Assistant, the user interface with the help content is displayed. Web Assistant has the following
interface elements:

Icon Name Description

Help Control Opens and closes the Web Assistant.

Interactive menu displaying available

Carousel content for the current screen,
guided tours, and the content search.

Allows it to search in available help


Tile for What's New Shows the What's New content.

Shows a menu with available guided

Tile for Guided Tour
tours. Allows it to start a guided tour.

Opens the Recommended Learning

Tile for Learning dialog box of the learning app or the
Learning Center.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Web Assistant Interface CUSTOMER 4
Icon Name Description

Visualizes the connection between a

tile and a hotspot.

Minimum unit of the carousel to

display content.

An area or an icon on the screen

Hotspot / Icon highlighting a control with available
content for the context help.

Container for displaying the content

Bubble of an UI element for both guided tour
and context help.

Shows the next page of the carousel

Next Page
with further help content.

Minimizes the carousel. The carousel

Minimize can be maximized with the help

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Web Assistant Interface CUSTOMER 5
3 Help

The context help shows you information for particular areas on your current application screen. It enables you to
get orientated quickly in new, rarely-used, or complex application interfaces. Furthermore, it explains changes in
the application or emphasizes information that is important for you.

Each help shows a tile with a title and a short description in the carousel. A bubble shows detailed information and a
hotspot or icon highlights a specific control on the app screen.

Showing help content

You can show help content as follows:

• Open help on object

You can select a hotspot or an icon on the app for a specific control.
A bubble is displayed at the element. The carousel moves to the position of the help tile and highlights the tile.

• Open help on tile

You also can select a tile in the carousel to show the bubble.
The laser is displayed to visualize the connection between a tile and a hotspot or an icon.

• Close
A bubble is closed when selecting another help. You also can select Close in the bubble header bar to close the
• Tiles without an object
Some bubbles are not displayed at an object and do not have a hotspot or an icon. The bubble is centered in
the middle of the screen. Such bubbles often show general information about an app.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

• Tiles with a link
Some tiles open a link to an external page in a new browser window.

The carousel only shows a few tiles. The buttons Show Next Help Topics and Show Previous Help Topics allow you to
navigate in the carousel to more tiles.

Searching content

The search allows you to find a specific help. This is useful if the app shows many help elements.

1. Select Show/Hide Search button to open the search.

2. Enter a search term in the field.
The help content is searched during typing.

3. Select Show/Hide Search button again to close the search.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

4 Guided Tours

The guided tour guides the user step-by-step through an application process. It shows the instruction directly next
to the current element and awaits the user's action. At the end of a guided tour, the user will not only have learned
about how to go through a process but will have performed the process already. This is especially helpful for new,
updated, complex, or rarely-used processes.

Starting a guided tour

You can start a guided tour as follows:

1. Select a Guided Tours tile.

A menu is opened, showing all available tours for an app.

2. Select a tour from the list.

The carousel is closed and a start bubble is displayed.

3. Select Start.

Processing a guided tour

You can process a guided tour as follows:

1. A bubble is displayed that is positioned on the current required control or in the middle of the screen and an
information text is displayed.
2. Execute the step of the guided tour just explained.
The next step is displayed automatically or you have to navigate to the next step.

3. Navigate in the bubble:

• Select Next to go to the next step.

• Select Previous to go to the previous step.

An icon in the header bar shows you the current step and the progress of the tour.

Closing a guided tour

You can close a guided tour as follows:

• At the end of a guided tour, select Finish to close a guided tour and to show the carousel again.

• During a guided tour, select the Close button in the header bar of the bubble.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Guided Tours CUSTOMER 8
5 What's New

With the What's New mode, you can show information for new features of your app or changes in your processes.
What's New content can be help and guided tours.

Showing What's New content

After the first start of an app, a note about changes is displayed at the top of your app. Select the note to start the
What's New mode of the Web Assistant and to show the What's New content in the carousel.

The What's New content has a different color to the standard content.

Showing What's New content again

When closing the What's New mode, a What's New button is displayed in the carousel. The button allows you to
start the What's New mode at any time and to show the What's New content again.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

What's New CUSTOMER 9
6 Learning

The learning app of Web Assistant allows you to open additional knowledge material such as process tutorials or
interactive courseware. The linked materials are represented in an additional window on top of the current screen
or can be opened in a new browser window.

Content types
The learning app can show the following content types:

Recordings of your application as process tutorials.

Book page
Multimedia learning content in single book pages.

A set of book pages structured in a book.

Showing recommended learning

When you select the Learning tile in the Web Assistant carousel, the Recommended Learning dialog box opens. The
dialog box shows you recommended learning content for your current app.

Select a content object from the list to start the content playback. The content is opened in a new browser window.

If no recommended content is available, the Learning Center is displayed directly.

Opening the learning center

If the recommended learning does not fit your needs, you can use the learning center to show all available content.
Select the Learning Center button to open the learning center in a new browser window.

See the Learning Center chapter for further information.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Learning CUSTOMER 10
Opening a community

A learning community allows you to discuss your app and learning materials with other users. Select the Community
button to open the community in an additional browser window.

Giving feedback

You can rate and can send feedback for learning content to the authors.

1. Select the Send Feedback to the Author button.

A dialog box is opened.

2. Enter your comment and select a rating.

3. Select Send.

6.1 Learning Center

The learning center shows you all available content and allows you to filter and search the content to find your
relevant learning material.

Content list

The content list shows all available content. Select a content object to start the content playback. The content is
opened in a new browser window.


In the Show area, buttons are displayed to select a specific category. A number on a category shows you the
number of available content objects.

There are the following categories:

Show All Available Content

Displays all available content for an app.

Learning Package

Get Started


SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Learning CUSTOMER 11


The available buttons depend on the specified categories.

You can use the Search field to enter a search term for searching in the available content.


You can display your content specific to your role. Select your required role from the Roles dropdown. Afterwards,
the content list is filtered accordingly.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Learning CUSTOMER 12
7 Usability Features

Web Assistant includes usability features to assist you while using the help content.

Keyboard Navigation

You can navigate through Web Assistant and the help content by using the keyboard. These are the keyboard
shortcuts for selecting and executing the respective controls:

Action Keyboard Shortcut

Opens and closes Web Assistant. F1

Focuses the app. SPACE

Focuses the help. SHIFT + F2

Navigates to previous tour step. F8

Navigates to next tour step.

Opens and closes the search.

Toggles the hotspot. H

Opens the Context Information dialog box. CTRL + SHIFT + I

Navigates to the previous menu item. UP

Navigates to the next menu item. DOWN

Navigates to the left tile. LEFT

Navigates to the right tile. RIGHT

Opens or starts content. Executes a control. SPACE

Closes content. Aborts an action. ESC

Screen reader support

Web Assistant enables screen reader support (JAWS) to ensure mandatory accessibility support in accordance
with SAP S/4HANA and other program standards.

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Usability Features CUSTOMER 13
8 Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects

This document is for informational purposes only. Its content is subject to change without notice, and SAP does not

Coding Samples

Any software coding and/or code lines / strings ("Code") included in this documentation are only examples and are
not intended to be used in a productive system environment. The Code is only intended to better explain and
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The information contained in the SAP documentation represents SAP's current view of accessibility criteria as of
the date of publication; it is in no way intended to be a binding guideline on how to ensure accessibility of software
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Gender-Neutral Language

As far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is addressed
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caused by the use of related information unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful
misconduct. Regarding link classification, see:

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant User Guide

Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects CUSTOMER 14

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