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Emotional Intelligence

Syed Javed Asgher - CIO

Emotional Intelligence
Syed Javed Asgher
Parts of Training
I. Introduction
II. Self Awareness
III. Self Management
IV. Social Awareness
V. Relationship Management
I. Introduction
A strong feeling derived from
ones circumstances, mood or
relationship with others.

Responses to internal and

external events.

It can be occurrence (panic) or

disposition (hostility), short
termed(anger) or long termed
Emotional Intelligence/Quotient (EI or EQ)
• EQ is the capacity
• to recognize
• our own feeling and
• those of others,
• for motivating ourselves,
• for managing emotions in ourselves
• and in our relationships
• EQ is the intelligent use of emotions
Difference between IQ and EQ
Academic Learning Intra personal Competence
Language Skills Inter personal or Social
Rational Thoughts & Analysis
Relatively Permanent Somewhat Developmental
Neo Cortex Limbic Region : Amygdala
ACTIVITY # 0 – Before we jump to the topic

• Think of a successful professional

• What quality does he possess?
• Write down as many as you can.
Quality of Successful Professional/Person
• Ambition and Vision • Positive Attitude
• Perseverance and Resilience • Integrity and Ethics
• Self-discipline • Financial Management
• Continuous Learning
• Creativity and Innovation
• Adaptability
• Emotional Intelligence
• Time Management
• Risk-taking
• Leadership
• Networking and • Focus on Goals
Relationship Building
Why EQ is important
A high IQ may be required for academics and securing a job, but High EQ is needed to
climb the management ladder.

Higher EQ leads to:

• Leadership
• Decision Making
• Personal Well Being
• Decreased Stress
• Increased Team Performance
• Interpersonal Skill
• Lowers Staff turnover
Emotions and EQ
Emotion is contagious.

A person with good EQ has the abilities for:

• Perceiving emotions
• Understanding emotions
• Using emotions
• Managing emotions
Science of Emotion (Brain)
Limbic system is collection of brain structures
• that deals with:
• Subconscious/responsive body functions
• Emotions
• Learning
• Memory
• Behaviour
• Consists of:
• Hypothalamus – Hunger, Fear, Desires, Pain, Pleasure as well as
autonomous body function heart rate, breathing etc.
• Hippocampus – converts short term memory to long term memories
• Amygdala – Stimulant for Hypothalamus, Survival instincts,
Combination of memory and emotions
• Neuro transmitters (Hormones)
• Dopamine (Happiness)
• Serotonin (Mood Regulator, Sleep, Appetite, Learning etc.
• Norepinephrine, epinephrine etc. (Heart)
Prefrontal Cortex or PFC deals with conscious body function
Science of Emotion
• Senses (Touch, Hear, See, Taste, Smell) channel information to brain
• The information first goes to amygdala
• and then to the neo cortex
• We feel before we think

A. Information send to thalamus via senses

B. Thalamus send information to Amygdala
C. Same information is send to Cortex
D. Amygdala generates unconscious
emotional response
E. Cortex generates conscious emotional
F. This emotion is stored in memory with a
emotion tag which could be retrieved later
Basic Rule of Success
We feel before we think


Success occurs where



Factor affecting emotions
• Weather
• Personality
• Stress
• Social Activities
• Sleep
• Exercise
• Age
• Gender
• Health
• Others
Stress and its types

Stress is response of the body to an

environmental condition such as threat,
challenge, physical or psychological

Stress can be good or bad

• Good Stress is known as Eustress

• Bad Stress is Known as Distress

Distress causes neurons to wither and

changes the shape of dendrites
Parts of EQ

PERSONAL Self-Awareness Self-Management


COMPETENCE Relationship
Social Awareness
Skills Improvement Techniques as a Part of EQ
• Recap
Activity # 1 - Let’s Take EQ Assessment Test
• EQ assessment test
II. Self Awareness
Know thyself – Socrates
Self Awareness
• Knowing one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals
(How are you feeling and why are you feeling that)
• and the impact of your behavior on others
• Self confidence
• Realistic self assessments
• Self deprecating senses of humour
• Constructive criticism
• Improved mood
Emotional Self Awareness (Skill #1)
• Being aware of your emotions and how they influence your body
functions and thoughts
• Many people are in a habit of shutting their emotions off
• Emotional Self Awareness is the skill to:
• The ability to see and hear yourself correctly
• Fully understand our own motivation and needs
• And communicate these effectively with other
ACTIVITY # 2 – Self Image
• Having an accurate self image will enable you to know your strengths
and limitations and increase your self awareness:
• WHO AM I? Relationship (R) , Strengths (+ve), Weakness (-ve)
• I am a good husband – R
• I am technically strong in IT - +ve
• I have to control my temper - -ve
• Three steps (Meditate):
• Initial (2 minutes meditation) (In this session)
• Dive in (5 minutes meditation) (two days)
• Deep dive (15 minutes meditation) (Week)
Activity # 3 - Feelings
• In past week write down
1. What were your feeling at different situations
• Emotional literacy (directly naming the emotion)
• Eg. I feel unimportant
• Not emotional literacy (indirect naming the emotion)
• Eg. I feel like an idiot (label), I feel like it was wrong(thought), I feel like shooting him (behavior)
2. Give those feelings an intensity from (0 – 10)
3. Explaining our feeling (Why we felt that way)
4. What was the effect of that feeling on my body
Activity # 4 - Timeline
• Make a timeline of major events
of your life
• From birth till now
• Big or small
• Positive or negative
Activity # 5 - Feedback
• Ask for a feedback from your relatives, friends, colleagues
Other techniques to improve self awareness
1. Reading fiction
2. Travelling to new places
3. Learn new skill
• Recap

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