Ansi Ashrae 15 2010

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ANSI/ASHRAE Addenda ac, ad, ae, and af to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2010 Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on January 26, 2013; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on January 29, 2013: and by the American National Standards Institute on January 30, 2013. “These addenda were approved by a Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) for which the Standards Committee has estab- lished a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely, documented, con- sensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. The change submittal form, instructions, and deadlines may be ‘obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE website ( or in paper form from the Manager of Standards. ‘The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased on the ASHRAE website ( or from ASHRAE Cus- tomer Service, 1791 Tile Circe, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305, E-mail Fax: 404-371-5478, Telephone: 404- 636-8400 (worldwide), or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint permission, go to ‘wwwashrae.orglpermissions. © 2013 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336 iy, {© ASHIRAE (yrnw.eshrae.ora) For personal use only. Adctonal reproduction, citibuton, oF transmission Ih ether prints dig! frm snot permite without ASHRAE's print wrsten permission, ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 34 Cognizant TC: TC 3.1, Refrigerants and Secondary Coolants ‘SPLS Liaison: Ira G. Poston ‘Staff Liaison: Douglas K. Tucker David P Wilson, Cire ‘Stephen Kujok” ‘Chuncheng Piao Debra H. Kennoy Vee Chel ‘Andon Kusmierz* Marylna Rass |. Bruce Badger Thomas J. Leck Robert G. Rca ita J Brooke Jonathan Lemmon ‘George M, Rusch acon Cloug? ‘Soot MacLeod” sot Senediak* Sean Cunningham io Majin tic M. Sth Paul H. Dugera Dan M. Manole Ganesan Sonny Sundaressn* H. Michael Hughes* Gursaren D- Mathur Kenji Takezawat Gary W.Jepson* Sandra R. Murphy Willams F Water say A Kober ‘Sun Nanjunderar sing Zheng" JackM, OLeany* “Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved forpubleaion ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE 2012-2013 Kenneth W. Cooper, Cher «hie M, Ferguson Janice ©. Peterson ilar F. Walter, Vie-Chaie Krishnan Gowri Heather L. Pat Douglass S. Abramson Coal M. Grnywace ra. Poston karin Amrene chard L Hall Doug T Rei! Charles 8. Barnaby Rita M Harold James R. Tauby oy R.Bohanen, Jt Adam W. Hings James K. Valor Stovon F Bruning Debra H. Kennoy Craig P Wray Davis R. Conover say A. Kehler (Charles H, Culp, Il, BOD ExO ‘Steven J. Emmerich lk, Larson Constaiines A. Balaras, CO ‘Mork Modera Slophanle C. Reinicne, Manager of Standards SPECIAL NOTE ‘This American Netional Stendars (ANS) i & national voluntary consensus etandaré developed under the auspices of ASHRAE. Consensus is dtined by the American National Standards Insitute (ANS), of which ASHAAE is a member and which hes approved ths ‘anderd as an ANS, 26"subsianiial agreement reachod by ioctl and materia atfctedintreet catogerioe. This signies the concurrence of more than a sknpie majoy, but pot necessary unanimity. Consensus requires tha ll views and cbjecions be consleere, a hat an sffort be made iowsrd ther resoiton” Complance wih this stancar is velurtary unt and unless a legal jursdcton makes compliance ‘mandatory through iegisaton 'ASHAAE obtains consensus through participation of ts national and international members, asscclated societies, ad publ review: [ASHBAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appoted speccal for he purpose of weling the Standard. The Project ‘Commitee Chair and Vice-Chair must be membars of ASHRAE; while other comttee membore may Ot may not be ASHAAE mambers ll must be technicaly quali in the subject area of the Standard, Every effort ls made to belarce the concerned interests on al Project Commitoee, ‘The Manager of Standards of ASHAAE should be contact fr: «Interpretation ofthe contents of his Standard, » patteipation in te next reviow of ho Standard, © eflaring constructive cicsm for improving the Standard, oF 4. perrission to reprint portions ofthe Standard DISCLAIMER [ASHRAE uses is best ettors to promulgate Stardards and Guidelines fr the baneft ofthe pubs ight of avaaboIvormation and sccepted industry pracces. However, ASHRAE does net guarantee, certily. or ascureth stay or periormance of ary product, components, ‘oF systems tested, instaled, or operated In accordance with ASHRAE's Standards or Guidelines or that any toute conducted Under is Standards of Guidelines willbe nonhazardovs or fee hem sk. ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDS ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are estatiished to aselt industry and ihe publ by ofering a unorm method of teting for ating purposes, by suggesting ealepractoesin desiaring andinstaling equipment. by providing proper definklons ofthis equipment ancby providing ‘thr information that may serve to guce th induc The cretion of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines determined ay the need for them, ‘and conformance to tham is camplely volintary. In refering to this Standard or Guideline and Inmatking of equipment end in advertising, no cam shallbe made, ether sated or iri, | tare predict ras bon aperovey ASHRAE. "ASHFIAE is registered trademark of th American Society of Heating, Retigerating and A-Condloring Enginwers ne. ‘ANS! isa rogitored ademaré of tho Amorcan Natonal Standard Insitute. {© ASHRAE (ww ashrae.ra). For persona use only. Adsitonel reproduction, distribution, or transmission tn ekher print or egal frm shat permitted without ASHRAE'S pei Wren perms, (Chis foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely {informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI) FOREWORD This addendum adds new zeotrope refrigerant R-444A to Table 2 and Table D2. ‘Note: Inthis addendum, changes othe curient standard are indicated in the text by underlining (for additions) and sirikethoough (for deletions) unless the instructions specifi- cally mention some other means of indicating the changes. eeu TABLE? Data an Blends Reftigerant Number = 4444, ‘Composition (Mass %)= R-32/152a/1234ze(E) (12. 015.0/83.0) Composition tolerances = (#1,0/41 0/ OL = 850 Safety Group = A2L RCL = 21,006 ppm vhy, 81 g/m?; $1 Ib/Mef ly Toxic ot Toxic Under Code Classification = Neither Refri lends Refrigerant Number = 444 ‘Composition (Mass %) R32/152a/1234z0(B) (12.05.0830 ‘Average Molecular Mass = 96,7 Bubble Point (°C) = =34.3 Bubble Point (°F) = 29.7 Dew Point (°C) ==243 Dew Point (F) = =11.7 ANSUASHRAE Addendum se to ANSUASHRAE Standard 34.2010 © ASHRAE (nw. For personel use ony Adatlonal repreducton, dstrbution, or transmission In ee prin: or algal frm snot peeited waar ASHRAE'S prior Wren permission, (This foreword is not part of this standard, It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance fo the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSL) FOREWORD This addendion deletes the use ofthe potential formation of CF in Section for heat of combustion calewa- tions, as this is nor possible when working at stoichiometric concentrations in ar SOs s deleted from the sample caleula- tion table in Appendts F The unis x Appendte F example calculations and table are changed from kcal/mol to kifmol or Kyi, 10 be consistent with the definition of heat of com- bustion inthis standard. Note: In this addendum, changes tothe current standard are indicated in the text by wniderlining for additions) and steiketheough (for deletions) unless the instructions specif- cally mention some other means of indicating the changes. crite he The heat of combustion shall be caloulated for conditions of 25°C (77°F) and 101.3 KPa (14.7 psia). If there is insuicient hydrogen (H) available for the formation of HF(@), HCIG), and H0(g), then the formation Of HF(w takes preference over the formation of HCI), which takes preference over the formation of HgO. If there is insuf= ficient hydrogen available for all of the fluorine ) to form HG) then the remaining fluorine produces COF, (g) or CB, (@>in preference of carbon (C) forming COs. Amy remaining chloride (Ci) produces Cl, (g) (chlorine). INFORMATIVE APPENDIX F— EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR HEATS OF COMBUSTION F1. REACTION STOICHIOMETRY FOR A REFRIGER- ANT BLEND Consider the combustion of the mixture R-125/290 (45/ 55), which corresponds to a mole fraction ratio of (0.2311 0.7689). If the R-125 and R-290 were to bum individually, they would undergo the following reactions: R125: CpHFs +0)» CO;+CH,2COR+HF — (F.1) and R290: CyHy + 502 -» 300, + 4,0 2) ‘aking~0.2311 (hemo fraction of 125) andy 0.7689 (the mole ation of R-250, the mixture might be thought to ‘undergo the following combustion reaction: Cy, +yC3Hg + (+ 59)0} > (43))00, + CE, COR, + xHIF + 4,0 3) ‘But Equation F3 would be incorrect, Instead combine the atoms of the R-125 and R-290 into a hypothetical molecule: CAHIR 5 + yCyHly > Cay 3yBir Fe ey) This hypothetical molecule is then reacted with oxygen: Cars 37H 4 Fa # (+ 59902 -> Ox + 39)CO> + SAH + [G+ 8 —S9/2]H0 5) Jn comparing Equations F3 and FS, nots that the products of combustion are different. There is no CE.COF) formed in Equation F5; instead, the hydrogen (H) from the R-290 combines with the Suorine (F) from the R-125 to form ad tional HF. F2. HEAT OF COMBUSTION FOR A REFRIGERANT BLEND ‘The enthalpy of formation of the hypothetical blend ‘molecule is the mole-fraction weighted average ofthe compo- nents: {hi (blend) = xA/tg (R125) + yp (R290) = 0.2311 (-264,0koal 1104.58 Jmol) + 0,7689(-28,02koal 104,20 kd/mol) = -80.25-keal-— 335,77 Ki/mol— (F.6) ‘The heat of combustion ste enthalpy of formation ofthe reactants (effigerant and oxygen) minus the enthalpy of formation ofthe products of reaction: Mheombunion = EA hfteactants) - A h/products) = {Wy (Cacs 3+ He Fd + f+ 98h (0) ~ {23+ 3y1Ah4CO3) + [Se] AbTTF) + Ebaby) [ex y= Sn,a014%,(11,0)) (-8025i/0.231L4 slor6ssHOR ary 30.2600. FOS fe4 a 46832} «202M -Ho.7689)}657.803, =-406.10-kealimel = 335.77 10.2311 + 5(0.7689)00 ‘ + [293,511 + [500231 011-2 + “ 807680) = 50251 )f=241,85 = 1701.6 ki/mol en ‘Note thatthe enthalpy of formation of any element (e.8 (©,) in its normal state at 25°C (77°F) is zero, by definition ‘Sample enthalpies of formation are shown in Table FI. To ‘convert this result to a mass basis (cg, for use in 6.1.3). divide bythe avemge molar mass of the blend: bh, = 1701.6 kl/mel = combustion 1701.67 ((02311)(120.021) + (0.7689)(44.096)) = (8) 27.604 Wig = 27604 kikg ANSUASHRAE Asad to ANSUASHRAE Standart 34-2010 © ASHRAE (npn -ashraecra). For personal use ony. Adana reproduction, dsrbuton, oF transmission In ether prin or sgt! frm ie not permitted without ASHRAEs pot wan permission, TABLE F1 Sample Enthalpies of Formation Enthalpy of Formation, eamol kfm Refrigerant 039 #20) HF Hea) He HBr) $02 (@) 503 (@) Chee) ‘CHO COF,@) cock) 2.290 () R125 @) ASNUASHRAE Addendum oo ANSUASHRAE Standard 34-2010 (© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Addtional reproduction, dstrbuton, oF teansiision in ether prot or cig frm nok pert ultnout ASHRAE'S prot wien permission, (Chis foreword is not part of this standard, It is merely {informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been Processed according to the ANSI requirements for 2 standard and may contain material that has not been subject to publle review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSL) FOREWORD This addendum changes the flanmnabilty safety classifi cation from Class 2 to Class 1 fr R-30 in Table 1, as pub- lished data show that at 60°C R-30 is nonflammable at! atm. pressure Note: In this addendum, changes tothe eurrent standard are indicated in the text by underlining Gor additions) and steitthrough (for deletions) unless the instructions specif- cally mention some other means of indicating the changes. Oke TABLE1 Refrigerant Data and Safety Classifications. Chemical Safety Refrigerant ae Number Chemical Formula — Group dichloromethane 30 xethytenechloridey CC BBL ‘ ANSUASHRAB Addendum as to ANSUASHRAE Standard 34-2010 © ASHRAE (npw.ashrae.or, For personel use ony. Adlon eoreducton, dstrbutlon, or transmission In ether prin or dial form s noe peettted wanout ASHRAE’s prior Wnten partis, (This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and docs not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. Tt has not been processed according (0 the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered te right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSL) FOREWORD ‘This adendhn changes the RCL values for R-402A, R-4I5A, ‘e41SB,RAIBA, and R-419A in Table 2of Sundar 34-2010, die {prion erorsin te flammabily properties for hese efigerant Note: In this addendum, changes tthe current standard dare indicated in the text by underlining for additions) and stethetheough (for deletions) unless the instructions specift- cally mention some other means of indicating the changes. eee TABLE 2 Data and Safety Classifications for Refrigerant Blends Natigeant ———Camposian Mans %)——_Componion Tolerances aa oon i (ppm viv) (aim?) _(Ib/Mcf 4028 7125/2900 (60.07.0380) G@20%01,-1.0820) 3300085000 40270 «85.17 isa Rez4ls2a 62.0118.) 10419) 790014000 90471229 4153 Ra22/sta @5.07750) G1oieto) $2,000 120029348 418A Re2v02V1$20 1.560725) Gossow ——$9g0022000 200773 4198 251348170 (7.079.040) (ei 0i8i.0) 7090015000 ayer 3942 ANSVASHRAE Addendum a'tp ANSVASHRAE Standard 34-2010 [© ASHRAE (worw.ashrac.ora) For personal use only. Addons reproduction, distbutlon, or lrensmission in eter prin or 2a form Is not perrutied without ASHRAE's prio writen pernision. (© ASHRAE ( For personel se only. Addons repodveton, datbuton, oF tronsmission in ether print or data form isnot perrtted without ASHRAE’s prio writen persion, POLICY STATEMENT DEFINING ASHRAE’S CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ITS ACTIVITIES ASHRAE is conosmed with the Impact of its members’ activites on both the indoor and outdoor environment, ASHRAE's members will stive to minimize any possibie deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and ‘components in their responsiblity while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted standards and the practical state of the art. 'ASHRAS's short-range goal is to ensure that the eystems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and ‘outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by Iself and other responsible bodies, As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE wil, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee stucture, continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new! and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations, ‘Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is systematically revised. ASHRAE wil take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of ts primary interest and will soek ‘out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and guidelines. ‘The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will bo considered within the scope of the system Intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, wil also be considered. ASHRAE's primary concern for environmental impact will be at the slie where equipment within ASHRAE's scope ‘operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy ‘rensporition will be considered where possible. Recommendations conceming energy source selection should be made by Its members. ASHRAE - 1791 Tullie Circle NE - Atlante, GA 30329. ans

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