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a) Role of supervisor in planning

b) High light the supervisory techniques in sports/
c) Recreation, Leisure services & management

Presented To: Presented By:

Dr. Afshan Jabeen Zain Mughal


What Is Planning?

Deciding in advance
 What to do?
 How to do?
 When to do?
 Who is going to do it?
 Sets the goals of an organization
Who is Supervisor?

A person who is incharge of a group of people

or an area of work and who makes sure that
the work is done correctly and according to
the rules. All managers and supervisors should
be familiar with policy and procedures
relating to equal employment opportunities.
1. Key role in planning

The five key supervisory roles include

• Educator
• Sponsor
• Coach
• Counselor
• Director
Note that in your role as a supervisor, you will be using these five roles, in some combination,
depending on the needs of the team members.
2 Planning and Organizing:

Supervisor’s basic role is to plan the daily work schedule of the

workers by guiding them the nature of their work and also dividing the
work amongst the workers according to their interests, aptitudes, and
skills .
3. Problem solving

 Identify and define a problem in group

 Select an approach to resolving the problem
 Look at potential causes for the problem
4. Decision Making

Decision making is the center of the supervisor’s job. Supervisors

must continually decide what is to be done, who is to do it, and how,
when, and where it is to be done.
5. Supervisor Acts As Professional Trainer

 Supervisor acts as professional trainer to develop new skills in the

team members time to time.

 Supervisor also develops leadership and supervisory skills among

team members for succession planning
6. Supervisor As Motivator

A supervisor plays an important role by providing different incentives

to workers to perform better. There are different monetary and non-
monetary incentives which can inspire the workers to work better.

 The ability of a player to perform an action, e.g. Pass, Shoot, Throw.

 Techniques are the basic movements of any sport or event, e.g. triple jump
- running and then the hop, step and jump phases
Difference between Technique, Skill & Ability

Skill; Ability;
Technique; The right place at the Ability is the combination
The ability of a player to right time and select of having natural skill and
perform an action, e.g. Pass, the appropriate combining that skill with
Shoot, Throw or Save. technique for any given learned techniques.
Supervising Technique

Using supervising techniques such as, correct delegation, conflict resolution, and
time management can help supervisors to manage employees successfully.
Supervision In Sports

A sport supervisor is the central party through which the operation

and activities of each sport flows. This oversight role includes meeting
regularly with the head coach and interacting with assistant coaches,
student-athletes, and administrative support staff.
Stages of Super-visionary techniques

Techniques are based on three stages

 Stage one Preparation for supervision
 Stage two Supervision [implementation].
 Stage three Follow up of supervision [evaluation].
Stage One : (Formulation)


 Study of documents
 Identification of priority for supervision
 Preparation of supervision schedule
Stage two (implementation)

I. Establishing Contacts
ii. Review of the objectives , targets and norms
iii. Review the job description
iv. Observe the staff’s motivation
v. Observe for any actual or potential conflicts
STAGE THREE : (Evaluation)

 Reorganization of time table/work plan/duty roster
 Organizing in-service training programs /continuing education programs for
 Counseling and guidance regarding career development and professional growth.
Supervisory techniques for conducting sports
or athletics

Supervisory techniques for conducting sports or athletics competitions are crucial to ensure
fairness, safety, and smooth operation of the event.
Here are some key techniques and considerations for effective supervision:

Pre-event Planning:
a. Establish clear event objectives and goals.
b. Create a detailed event schedule, including timing, venues, and personnel assignments.
c. Ensure all necessary equipment, facilities, and resources are in place.
d. Develop contingency plans for unforeseen situations (e.g., bad weather)
Supervisory techniques for conducting
sports or athletics

Knowledgeable Officials:
 Appoint trained and knowledgeable referees, judges, and umpires for each sport.
 Ensure officials understand the rules and regulations of the sport. the competition
Safety Measures:
 Conduct safety inspections of equipment, venues, and facilities.
 Provide appropriate medical personnel, first-aid stations, and emergency response plans.
Supervisory techniques for conducting sports
or athletics
Rules and Regulations:
 Communicate the rules and regulations to all participants, coaches, and officials.
 Enforce rules consistently and fairly throughout.
Crowd Control:
 Stablish a secure area for spectators and ensure crowd control measures are in place.
 Train security personnel to handle potential disturbances or emergencies.
 Implement a clear communication system, including two-way radios and event-specific
 Establish communication channels with all relevant stakeholders, including teams, officials,
and medical staff.
Supervisory techniques for conducting sports
or athletics
Team Briefings:
 Conduct pre-event briefings for athletes and coaches to discuss rules, expectations, and schedules.
 Address any concerns or questions from participants.
Timing and Scoring:
 Use reliable and accurate timing and scoring systems.
 Assign qualified personnel to manage timing and scoring operations.
Protest Procedures:
 .Define and communicate a clear process for filing and addressing protests.
 Ensure a designated protest committee is available to handle disputes.
Supervisory techniques for conducting sports
or athletics

Anti-Doping Measures:
 Implement drug testing and anti-doping measures in accordance with the
relevant sports governing bodies.
 Train personnel on the proper procedures for handling anti-doping tests.
Supervisory techniques for conducting
sports or athletics

Spectator Behavior:
 Set expectations for spectator behavior, and address disruptive or unruly fans promptly.
 Provide clear guidelines for seating and viewing areas.
Post-Event Evaluation:
 Conduct a post-event evaluation to identify areas for improvement.
 Gather feedback from participants, officials, and spectators.
Recreation, Leisure services & management
Leisure Time

What is leisure time ?

Time when you are not working and you can

relax and do things that you enjoy.

Definition of Leisure Time

 According to )Jim Fary and Jonathan

Leisure is free time. i.e....
Non-Constrainds Non-Obligated Non-Work.
 Stanley R. Parker
Leisure is time free from work and other obligations, it also encompasses activities
which are characterized by a feeling of comparative freedom.
 T. S. Yokik,
Leisure is discretionary" time, or time when a person is free ) to do as he chooses."
Importance / Purpose of Leisure Time.

Have a look at some of the reasons the occasional leisure time is so important. Makes you more

productive. To some professionals, the thought of stopping their work to be more productive will

sound insane.
Reduces stress Helps you achieve work-life balance. ...Keeps you active. Mental health

Recharge Improves your mood Engage in enjoyable activities Relax


Recreation refers to all those activities that people choose to do to

refresh their bodies and minds and make their leisure time more interesting
and enjoyable.

Examples of recreation activities are walking, swimming, meditation,

reading, playing games and dancing.
Definition of Recreation

 Mr. Butcher
According to him, recreation is an attractive
leisure activity that provides pleasure, relief,
Difference b/w leisure time and Recreation

 Leisure time refers to the overall time available for relaxation and
 while Recreation specifically refers to the activities and
experiences that you engage in during your leisure time.
Objective of Recreation

Physical development - Mental development-

Health development
Emotional development

To development the Equality – Resilience – courage and bravery

human Relations

People behavior and ethics – creating responsible

Civic development citizens

Self development Developing a balanced personality –

showcasing hidden talents
Classification of Recreational activities

Classification .

Indoor Passive
activities recreational


Outdoor recreational
activities activities
If you are a supervisor and a good manager, how
will you manage leisure and entertainment?

If I am a supervisor and a good manager, I will use proper

organization and planning to manage leisure and
entertainment. I will first organize all the work in sequence
and then make time for leisure and entertainment. In this
way, I will be able to manage both work and pleasure better.
Kinds of recreational activities

 kinds

Physical activities Hobbies Social activities

Mental and creative

Social activities Family recreation

Community recreation Industrial recreation School recreation

Hospital recreation
Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading,
motivation and controlling the human resources, financial, physical, and
information resources of an organization to reach its goals efficiently and

Management brings together 5M’s of organizations. i.e. Men , Material,

Machines, Methods & Money it is a result oriented activity ,which focuses on
achieving the desired output.
Level Of Management

Three types of level into management .

1) Top level

2) Middle level

3) Low level
Function of management
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