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Learning Styles and Their Download Free PDF

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by Hawkar Awla
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2014, International Journal of Language and Linguistics

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On Matching Teacher’s Teaching Styles

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with Student’s Learning Styles
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International Journal of Language and Linguistics 2014; 2(3): 241-245 243

coeducational technical institute in Georgia. One objective the learners’ preferences in the uptake of information
was to make a comparison between achievement levels of predicted their ability to comprehend and save information in
participants who received instruction that was matched and various modalities. A Visualizer-Verbalizer Questionnaire
mismatched with their perceived learning style. 12 teachers (VVQ) was used to examine the relation between the scores
and 189 students participated in the study. Permission to of the adults and their performance in verbal free-recall on a
use the Principles of Adult Learning Scale was used to task that showed words via visual modality, auditory
measure the elements included in learning and teaching modality or both. The VVQ contained a number of questions
styles. The data were collected by administering the PALS which required the learners to indicate their preferences via
instrument among the students. The teacher data were oral versus visual methods. The results indicated that there
gathered by meeting with them and asking them to was not a strong relation between the VVQ scores and the
complete a demographic survey. At the outset of the study, performance of free-recall levels for various input modalities.
the students received a learning style inventory, while It was also found that the visual presentation yielded better
teachers were given a teaching style inventory. Based on free-recall in comparison with the oral presentations. Thus,
completion of their inventories, teachers and students were the researchers found no significant relation between the
divided into congruent and incongruent groups. Statistical visual and oral presentation of the items.
analysis indicated that there was not a significant difference These four studies did not provide support for the
between the two groups. Thus, the study failed to support learning or meshing hypothesis. However, these negative
learning hypothesis. results cannot be deemed as a complete refutation of the
Recently, in a well-structured study, Massa and Mayer hypothesis. Sternberg et al (1999) undertook a study to
(2006) in three experiments examined 52 college students in determine whether learners whose style matches the
the Psychology Department at California University. The instruction they receive perform better than their
researchers designed a computer based class on electronics. mismatched counterparts do. A group of 324 proficient and
Two distinct kinds of help screens were tailored to provide gifted high school students were the study sample. A
visual and verbal learners with illustrations and printed texts, selection procedure was made on the basis of the students’
respectively. Verbalizers and visualizers were separated from performance on the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities (STA).
each other by using a number of measuring instruments The test determined the score of each student’s creative,
assessing their learning preferences, cognitive style, and analytical and practical ability. Based on the test scores, the
spatial ability. The study aimed to find out whether researchers selected a group of 112 students who had a
visualizers learn better from combined instruction that higher rating for one of the tree mentioned abilities than the
provides help screens utilizing pictures or verbalizers learn other two. Based on their skilled areas, the students were
better from combined instruction that provides help screens divided into three groups: high creative, high analytical and
employing words. In brief, the results revealed that there was high practical. Another group of 87 students were divided
no tendency for a better achievement for those who were into two other sub-groups, and the rest of the subjects were
offered help screens consistent with their style preferences. not included in the study. The participant students then
Thus, the result was not supportive of providing different registered for a psychology course at the University of Yale,
teaching methods for visual and verbal learners. and each subject was arbitrary chosen to participate in class
In a medical- educational setting, Cook et al (2009) meetings that focused on creative, analytical and practical
studied a population of 123 intern doctors and delivered instruction or memory instruction. An assessment of the
web-based ambulatory modules. They aimed at testing the course performance was made by using various measures.
hypothesis that learners with a sensory style of learning Finally, the researchers analyzed the data and made a
would perform better when provided with instruction in comparison between the performance of matched subjects
which a problem was first introduced before the content and the mismatched ones. The results showed that matched
information utilized to tackle the problem. On the other subjects outperformed their mismatched peers on two of the
hand, learners with an intuitive style of learning would three types of assessments.
perform better in the opposite way. Participants were asked Peacock (2001) carried out a study to test Reid’s (1987)
to complete two modules employing the two mentioned hypothesis that incongruence between learning and
formats of instruction. At the end of each module, a test teaching styles leads to learning failure, demotivation, and
was used to determine the knowledge and the main frustration. Reid’s questionnaire, tests and interviews were
outcome. Over time and in the middle of the two formats, a used for the data collection utilizing 46 EFL teachers and
comparison was made between the two test scores. 206 EFL students at a university in Hong Kong. It was
Statistical analysis of the results showed no significant discovered that the teachers preferred auditory, kinesthetic
relation between the two instruction formats. Thus, the and group styles and disliked individual and tactile styles
study was not successful in validating the hypothesis. while the students preferred auditory and kinesthetic styles
In a similar study, Constantinidou and Baker (2002) and disliked group and individual styles. Thus,
examined the impact of presentation modalities on the oral incongruence was noticed concerning auditory and group
learning of 52 younger and older adults (an equal proportion styles. The interview results indicated that 70% of the
from both genders). A laboratory task was used to find out if learners were discouraged by incongruence between

244 Hawkar Akram Awla: Learning Styles and Their Relation to Teaching Styles

learning and teaching styles; 76% stated that it had a sequential than global, and more active than reflective.
negative impact on their learning; and 81% of the teachers There was also some mismatch between the students’
were content with Reid’s’ hypothesis. In conclusion, learning styles and the teachers’ teaching styles. After
Peacock proposed a balanced style for teachers to adjust to matching learning styles, the Felder’s (1993) and the
various learning styles. Kolb’s (1984) multiple teaching strategies were applied
In a recent study, Naimie et al (2010) investigated the to stretch the learners’ style. While the teachers’ role was
influence of matching or mismatching learning and to guide students to particular learning styles, they had to
teaching styles on the achievement of learners. 310 students familiarize themselves with new teaching styles. Despite
were randomly selected from the faculty of foreign the failure of style stretching by some students and
languages at the University of Azad in Iran. The Felder and teachers, the study confirmed the advantages of style
Solomon’s (1997) Learning Style Index (LSI) plus stretching and matching.
observations, survey questionnaire and interviews were In my experience, as a learner I have always gained
employed for the data collection. The LSI included four higher scores in those lessons where my learning style has
dimensions: Active/ Reflective, Sensing/Intuition, been consistent with my teacher’s teaching style. This
Visual/Verbal, Global/ Sequential. A comparison was made congruence has helped me to predict the teacher’s
between learning style preferences and achievement scores expectations for the required answers. I am an analytic
of matched-learning–teaching styles with mismatched learner and I prefer analyzing and thinking in exams.
learning-teaching styles across all of these four dimensions. Therefore, I have to consider the teachers style before
The results of the study revealed that Active, Sensing, answering the questions. However, I have, sometimes,
Visual, and Global, respectively, were the main learning found a mismatch between my learning style and my
styles of the students. To find out the influence of match teacher’s teaching style useful as it helps me to bring and
and mismatch of learning and teaching styles, the students adopt more styles into my learning style repertoire.
were classified into five groups on a rating scale (0-4), 0
indicating a complete mismatch and 4 indicating a perfect 6. Conclusion
match. The analysis of the results showed that matching
learning and teaching styles positively influenced the In the light of what has been discussed so for, it can be
students’ achievement. concluded that learning styles play an important role in the
In a similar study, Naimie et al (2010) attempted to lives of learners. When students recognize their own
identify: first, the extent to which the accommodation of learning style, they will be able to integrate it into their
learning style preferences is addressed by EFL classroom learning process. As a result, learning process will be
teachers, second, the effect of match and mismatch between enjoyable, faster, and more effective. Moreover, teachers
learning and teaching styles on the attainment of the should try to adjust their teaching styles so that they match
learners. The sample of the study was 100 English major their students’ learning styles. However, a mismatch might
undergraduates and two experienced teachers at a sometimes be important especially with low level students
university in Iran. Interview and observation were used as as they feel disappointed at the early stages of learning but
instruments for the data collection. A survey questionnaire it should be done with caution. In addition, Peacock
was also used to identify the teachers’ and students’ (2001:15) proposes that “teachers should strive for a
learning styles. The results indicated that the dominant balanced teaching style that does not excessively favor any
learning style were active, sensing, and global respectively, one learning style― rather that tries to accommodate
while the teachers frequent learning styles were active, multiple learning styles”.
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é uma forma humana contingente e mutável
de lidar com oLearning
Continuous perigo iminente ou
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imaginado que acompanha
Capacity Developing o surgimento
in Personal
das pandemias. Assim, residentes da
Mastery at Bank Indonesia
cidade do Rio de Janeiro responderam um
Iffah Budiningsih
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2022, Indonesian Journalcomon Learning and…
crenças do Coronavírus, perguntas
baseadas no Self-Reporting Questionnaire
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La mirada que engulle en Cadáver exquisito de

Visitas al patio Revista de estudios de Lingüística y
Literatura, Berenice Romano Hurtado
2024, Vol. 18, No. 1. (enero-junio/2024)
In a reality that is overflowed due to pollution and
human abuse of natural resources, a virus that infects…
every kind of animal
Download Free PDF flesh appears. As a solution,
View PDFmake the decision of “creating”, processing,
and marketing human flesh. In Bazterrica’s novel, the
different levels of what is considered human bring to a
place where what is post human, like space and
RE L AT E D timing,
TO P I C highlights
ideological a state of social exclusion
with no precedents, a use of the body that erases every
trail of humanity, andMathematics
Psychology a social paradigm in which moral
values have been disrupted in a way that speeds up the
collapse of human nature. Bazterrica’s novel underlines
Learning and
behaviours Styles
settings Teaching Styles
that are not alien to our current
times, and accurately recreates the time and space of a
way of social life that is horrifying. I intend to inspect
Language Linguistics
subjects of the body, the human gaze, and the other as a
stranger from the point of view of Jacques Derrida’s
proposal and the Animal Studies and articles related to
human transcendence in science fiction, in order to
rethink the significance of speculative fiction linked to
the excess and the boundaries of what it is considered
to beFind
human, post human,
new research andPhysics
papers in: inhuman.
Chemistry Biology
Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science
See Full Mathematics
PDF Computer Science
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