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1. What customer profiling activities/concepts did you observe in the video?

What are the benefits

of having a customer profile in the tourism and hospitality industry?
- Customers are surveyed by writing down their responses, and demographic and psychographic
profiling are used to learn more about them, according to the actions depicted in the customer
profiling video. In marketing, customer profiling is the process of identifying, categorizing, and
defining your target market. The advantage of this strategy is that it allows hotels to gain a
better understanding of their guests’ behavior, characteristics, and interests than they would
otherwise. It allows them to communicate more effectively while also providing a necessary
structure to a marketing campaign. Using this information, we can gain better understanding of
what the ideal customer wants, what is most important to them, and how to interact with them
effectively. Understanding what makes people happy, pleased, and even loyal allows you to
build long-term relationships with them while also making them less responsive to competitive
pressures. Finally, customer profiling improves the chances of profitability. As a result, you will
save time and money by not wasting them on people who aren’t interested in your product or
service. You will earn a higher return on your financial investment.
2. Explain your perspective on the phrase: “Understanding your customer is key.” How can this
perspective impact your future career in the tourism and hospitality industry?
- It is critical to fully understand your customer’s requirements. Understanding your customers is
critical for your company’s long-term success. Consider your target audience’s demographics
and what they genuinely want. Many innovative business ideas fail because they do not address
the needs of market-relevant clients. Prior to anything else, it is critical to have a basic
understanding of certain difficult realities. It has already been stated the demographics can
assist you in gaining a rough understanding of who your target market is. To bring your
customers to life, create personas with key characteristics like needs, behavior, and price
sensitivity. The development of personas is critical for marketing success. It gives you access to
data that will help you develop your marketing strategy and identify the tactics that should be
used. Consequently. It will have a massive positive impact. On my future career in the sector, as
I will be able to manage and collaborate with customers. In the future, I plan to communicate
with them more directly using this method.

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