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A Research Study Presented to the faculty of the

Senior High School Department of Ubay National
High School Ubay, Labason
Zamboanga del Norte.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research and Inquiries, investigation and Immersion (3I’s)


Mary Rose D. Salaguste

Dina Jeanne R. Acaso
Jino Guillen
Aiza Lagunay
Mae Socia

The Problem and its Background


Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects

how we think, feel and act, it also helps to determine how we handle stress, related to others,

and make healthy choice. Mental health is important at every stage of life. In some ways, the

COVID-19 era seems like exactly the right time to educate students on how to manage the

intense sadness, isolation, and anxiety they are feeling.

Since the pandemic started the researcher and us felt sad about the things that

happening to our surroundings. That’s why this study is a must for us to know what they felt,

experience and what they have been through to survive. The researcher asked 10 students of

Ubay National High School about their experience when pandemic came, and this is their

answer, they have been through a lot because I member of their family died because of covid,

parents lost a job, starving for foods, starving for freedom, starving for knowledge. Because

of this study we will know the factors affecting the mental health of the students in Ubay

National High School during pandemic.

Since the Novel Coronavirus came 2 years from now much has changed. Our lives

before are not same as now, everything have changed a lot. Because of this pandemic much

has changed such as wardrobe addition, anxiety and depression, new normal and the school

closures. Because of these problems many students were affected. Under the law of
“Bayanihan to heal as one Act” Republic Act 11469 they implemented the guidelines that we

should stay at home for our health and for us to be safe. The modular learning was

implemented on October 05, 2020. We were in shocked when this happened but we have

nothing to do with it, we just need to follow the guidelines and protocols hereby the

Department of education. The want to know their strength to fight these problems, what are

the problems that they have been encountered, what did they do to become positive and

stronger in everything that happened into them.

In this light the researcher conducted these study for us to know how was the mental

health of the students in Ubay National High School, the types of mental health that they

have during pandemic is it anxiety disorder etc., and what is the cause of mental health

problem. In this research, we will know the answers of this study about the mental health of

the students during pandemic.

Conceptual Framework

Independent variable Dependent Variables

The mental health Factors affecting the

During pandemic Students

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study fom which the independent
variable is the Mental health during pandemic while the dependent variable is the Factors
affecting the students in Ubay National High School.

Statement of the problem

This study is about the factors affecting the Mental Health of the students in Ubay
National High School when the pandemic started, Aims to solve the following problems;

1. What is the profile of your respondents in terms of :

1.1 Grade level
1.2 Age
2. What are the factor that affects their Mental Health?
3. How does the pandemic affects the Mental Health of the students:
3.1 Mental Health Problems?
3.2 Types of Mental Health Problems that they’ve been encountered?
4. What did they experience when they had health Problems:
4.1 Effects of Mental Health Problems?


The study will cover the determination of the Mental Health. The primary
subjects of this research study will consist of the students enrolled in academic year 2021-
2022. The respondents will be limited to 5students in Junior High School who are in Grade
10 and 5 students in Senior High School who are in The Grade 12.
Moreover, the participants will be purposely selected by referring to those who
experienced the mental health problems. In the pretest, the participants are marked as the
student who’s experiencing health problems, their guardian should know what they have been
through so that their guardian could help them too overcome their mental problems. They are
the real life guardian of the aformentioned participants.

Significance of the study

It is important to know how students are feeling in the midst of pandemic. The
researcher believes that the completion of this study will benefit the following

Students - it can help the students how to overcome the struggles in their life.
Parents- in this study the parents are willing to guide their children can overcome their
problems about health.
Teachers - in this study teacher use existing processes in schools to identify students who
may need extra support, especially regarding to anxiety and depression.
Future Researchers - this study will help the future researchers as their references and can be
example in their research study.
Department of Health- for them to give advices too those students who’s experiencing health

Definition of terms

The following terminologies are used and defined clearly too give more
understanding about this study.

*Factor - a circumstance, fact or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

* Affecting - touching the emotions.
*Mental Health- is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own
abilities, with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a
contribute too his or her community.
*Mental illness- anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, eating
*Types of mental health– Depression, Eating disorders, Bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder,
*Pandemic- (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
* COVIID-19- an acute respiratory illness in humans.

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