Civil CSP

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Water is a precious and essential component of the Ecosystem. It is hard to
image a day without Water. Today we all are heading toward the scarcity of Water, and this is
mainly because of the of water conservation and pollution of water bodies. So, let us not waste
a drop of water and start conserving water for further use.
Rainwater harvesting is the simple process are technology used to conserve rain
water by collecting, purifying, storing, conveying of Rain water that runs of form house

Scope of CSP:
i. Selecting a rural area in which Survey needs to be conducted.
ii. Educating villagers by explaining how water is precious and essential component in our
daily life.
iii. Creating awareness by explaining about the benefits of Rainwater harvesting.
iv. Explain about Rainwater harvesting procedure by collecting, purifying, storing,
conveying of Rain water from Rooftops.
v. Conclusions are made considering the data obtained from questionnaires and by directly
taking to them.

We are also done Model presentation practically to villagers for better understanding
about the groundwater recharge.
Water below the Earth surface is our most valuable hidden resource. It is
commonly used for Drinking, Agriculture, Domestic usage, Industrial usage etc., by continuous
pumping of water from ground. It causes decrease in water below the Earth Surface (Ground
Water) and it is not rechargeable by naturally because of increase in plastic usage and
impermeable layer constructions on Earth surface. So, it is the process for increasing the
groundwater level artificially at our surroundings by constructing rechargeable well by
different layers (Boulder’s Bed, Gravel Bed and River Sand Bed). It helps to recharge ground
water and mainly helps to root Zone soil water recharge.

Scope of CSP:
i. Selecting a rural area in which Survey needs to be conducted.
ii. Creating awareness in villagers by explaining the importance of groundwater.
iii. Educating them how to recharge the groundwater artificially by convey the water
(Runoff Water, Domestic usage Water, etc.,) to rechargeable wells.
iv. Conclusions are made considering the data obtained from questionnaires and by directly
taking to them.

We are also done Model presentation practically to villagers for better understanding
about the groundwater recharge.

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