Lesson Plan Scratch 2

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify and discuss the characteristics of Philippine Contemporary Music.

2. Analyze the significance of Philippine Contemporary Music in the local and global context.

3. Demonstrate understanding through active participation in a group activity.


Topic: Philippine Contemporary Music


1. Multimedia presentation

2. Whiteboard and markers

3. Handouts with lyrics of selected contemporary songs

4. Audio-visual equipment (for playing music)


1. "Philippine Contemporary Music: A Comprehensive Guide" by Juan Dela Cruz

2. Online articles about the evolution of Philippine music

Integration: This lesson integrates elements of history, culture, and modern society.


a. Preliminaries (Classroom Management):

(Teacher enters the room and greets the students.)

Teacher: Good afternoon, everyone! Let's start our lesson by checking attendance. (Takes attendance.)

b. Motivation:

(Teacher shows a short video clip featuring snippets of various Philippine contemporary songs across
different genres.)

Teacher: Alright, let's set the mood for today. I've prepared a quick video with snippets of some popular
contemporary songs. Take a look and listen carefully. (Plays the video.)

(After the video.)

Teacher: What did you think of the video? Any particular song or genre that caught your attention? Let's
have a quick discussion.
Student 1: I really liked the mix of traditional and modern sounds.

Student 2: The lyrics seemed to tell stories about Filipino culture.

Teacher: Great observations! Today, we're delving into the world of Philippine Contemporary Music. So,
what do you think that term means?

Student 3: Maybe it's about modern music from the Philippines?

Teacher: Excellent! Let's explore that together. But first, a bit of history to set the stage. (Proceeds with a
brief historical background.)

c. Lesson Proper:

1. Introduction (5 mins):

(Teacher writes "Philippine Contemporary Music" on the board.)

Teacher: Now that we have a bit of context, what comes to mind when you think of Philippine
Contemporary Music?

(Engages students in a brief discussion.)

Student 4: I think it reflects our current experiences and culture.

Student 5: It's like a blend of our traditional roots with modern influences.

Teacher: Absolutely! Let's explore this further by looking at the characteristics of Philippine
Contemporary Music. (Uses multimedia presentations to showcase various examples of contemporary

(Encourages students to ask questions and share their observations.)

Student 6: I noticed the fusion of different genres. It's not just pop; there's a mix of rock, hip-hop, and

Teacher: Spot on! And what about the lyrics? Any common themes you noticed?

Student 7: Some songs seem to talk about societal issues, like the struggles we face.

2. Characteristics of Philippine Contemporary Music (15 mins):

Teacher: Great insights! Now, let's dive deeper into the characteristics of this music. (Highlights key
elements using visuals and audio clips.)

(Encourages students to ask questions.)

Student 8: How does it differ from traditional Filipino music?

Teacher: Fantastic question! Let's explore that. In traditional music, we often hear instruments like the
kulintang, but in contemporary music, we might hear a fusion of traditional and modern instruments.

3. Significance of Philippine Contemporary Music (10 mins):

Teacher: Now that we have a sense of the characteristics, let's discuss why this music matters. How
does it influence our society and culture? (Leads a class discussion.)

Student 9: It feels like a way for us to express our identity globally.

Student 10: And it evolves with the changes in our society.

Teacher: Exactly! Music is a reflection of who we are and the world around us. It's a powerful tool for
expressing culture and identity. (Relates the evolution of contemporary music to societal changes.)

d. Application / Group Activity:

(Divides the class into groups.)

Teacher: Now, let's put our knowledge into action. Each group will analyze a contemporary Filipino song.
You'll look at the lyrics, musical elements, and the message or theme of the song.

(Groups work on their assignments.)

e. Generalization:

(Summarizes key points discussed in the lesson.)

Teacher: Before we wrap up, let's summarize what we've learned about Philippine Contemporary Music
today. What stood out to you?

Student 11: I never realized how diverse it is. It's not just one sound; it's a mix of different influences.

Teacher: Absolutely! It's a vibrant tapestry of sounds and stories. Now, I want to hear from each of you.
How do you think this music contributes to our cultural identity?

(Encourages students to express their thoughts on the significance of Philippine Contemporary Music.)

IV. Evaluation:

(Assesses students based on their group presentations, participation, and understanding of the
characteristics and significance of Philippine Contemporary Music.)

Teacher: Now, let's move on to our evaluation. Each group will present their analysis of the
contemporary Filipino song. I'll be looking at how well you've understood the characteristics and
significance we discussed.

V. Assignment:

(Assigns a written reflection and research assignment.)

Teacher: For your assignment, I want you to write a reflection on the role of contemporary music in
shaping Filipino culture. Additionally, find a new Filipino contemporary song that resonates with you. Be
prepared to discuss it in our next class.

(Dismisses the class.)

Teacher: Thank you, everyone! I look forward to reading your reflections and hearing about your chosen
songs. Have a great day!

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