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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION J. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City, ‘Agusan del Norte, Philippines, 8600, March 28, 2019 REGIONAL ORDER jo. _lu_, s. 2019 DEPED CARAGA EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PRINCIPLE (EOP) POLICY TO: Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs of Functional Divisions This Region 1. This Office hereby disseminates the enclosed copy of DepEd Caraga Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) Policy. 2. Pursuant to Article X thereof, this Policy shall take effect immediately upon the approval of the Regional Director on March 18, 2019. 3. All Regional Orders, Memoranda and other related issuances inconsistent with this policy are deemed amended accordingly upon its effectivity. 4. Immediate dissemination and strict compliance with this Order is directed. EG ai OIC — Regional Je Endl: As stated Reference: PD 966, s. 1976 and other related legislations/policies as stated in the enclosed Policy ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the folowing subjects 80° cor tao Poucy pms eR RP HRDD/med 28/03/2019 DepEd-RO13-F-PAU-002 ee ea) (085) 342-8207. 2014 - 03 - 4242 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION J. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City, ‘Agusan del Norte, Philippines, 8600, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CARAGA EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PRINCIPLE (EOP) POLICY Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP) Performance Management System (PMS) Learning and Development (L & D) Rewards and Recognition (R & R) March 2019 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION ‘rRossles Avene, Butuan Cy, ‘hgusn dl nore, Pape, 8500 Department of Education Caraga EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PRINCIPLE (EOP) POLICY Introduction |. Purpose II, Language and Construction Il Scope and Coverage IV. External Related and Standard Legislations \V. Related Policies and Procedures VI. Definitions VII. Guidelines on EOP A. General Policy B, Recruitment, Selection and Placement C. Performance Management D. Learning and Development E. Rewards and Recognition Vill. Responsibilities IX. Lodging a Complaint X. Effectivity 15 19 23 25 25 26 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION Trosales Avenue tan Oty, ‘gwen alate, Pippin, 8500 INTRODUCTION The Department of Education Caraga values inclusivity as a way of life by embracing people of diverse background and treating all equitably and without discrimination to create an enabling environment free from barriers, prejudices or preferences. This is to ensure equal access to employment, advancement and other employment opportunities for the government human resource at all levels of positions. DepEd Caraga observes Equal Opportunity in the management and implementation of the four (4) core Human Resource (HR) systems under the Department of Education Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM), such as Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (RSP), Learning and Development (L&D), Performance Management (PM), and Rewards and Recognition (R&R). The various policies on DepEd PRIME HRM, Gender and Development (GAD), Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Indigenous People, Persons with Special Needs (PSNs) such as solo parents, pregnant women, and other related workforce diversity shall be integrated and institutionalized through this DepEd Caraga Equal Opportunity Policy (EOP). Adapted from the Civil Service Caraga Region EOP Policy, this shall be applied to all DepEd Caraga officials, employees, and clients, regardless of age, appointment status, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, civil status, social status, family responsibility, income class, race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, physical condition, union affiliation, political conviction, religious belief or any other specific characteristic. 1. PURPOSE This policy aims to provide general and specific guidelines in the implementation of Equal Opportunity Principles in various Human Resource Processes and Mechanisms of the Department of Education Caraga especially in the following core Human Resource systems: > Recruitment, Selection and Placement; > Performance Management; > Learning and Development; and > Rewards and Recognition. Il, LANGUAGE AND CONSTRUCTION This policy is written in English and the words used shall be understood in the generic sense except as maybe defined herein. Any doubt as to the meaning of any provision of this policy shall be interpreted in favor of equal opportunity for all concerned and against any form of discrimination, bias, prejudicial, and unfair treatment of any individual or group of individuals except that all laws of the Republic of the Philippines and all such provisions of relevant rules and regulations shall be followed when pertinent to the process or decision. Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION Agusan denote, Pipes, 8500 II SCOPE AND COVERAGE This policy is intended to benefit the following: Officials and Employees of the DepEd Caraga — both present and future; Persons hired on a regular permanent, Co-terminus with the Incumbent (CTI) ‘as basis and other forms of engagement ~ present and future; Applicants for vacancies or future vacancies; Clients ~ direct or indirect; and All other persons that come in contact with the Department of Education Caraga as an organization and those that shall have any transaction or matters of concern regarding the HR systems of the Department of Education Caraga. IV. EXTERNAL RELATED STANDARDS / LEGISLATION This Policy further considers the following relevant Equal Employment Opportunities Legislation: Y Executive Order No, 292, s. 1998, Administrative Code of the Philippines; Y Executive Order No. 8 5. 2012, Directing the Adoption of a Performance - Based Incentive System for Government Employees; ¥ Executive Order No. 201, Modifying the Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant of additional Benefits for Both Civilian and Military and Uniformed Personnel; Y Republic Act No. 10524, An Act Expanding the Positions Reserved for Persons with Disability, amending for the purpose of Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability; Y RANo. 10911, An Act Prohibiting Discrimination Against any Individual in Employment on Account of Age and Providing Penalties Therefor; Y Presidential Decree No. 966 July 20, 1976, Declaring Violations of the International Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination to be Criminal Offenses and Providing Penalties Therefor; Y Republic Act No. 6725, An Act Strengthening the Prohibition on Discrimination Against Women with Respect to Terms and Conditions 3 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [Rosas Avenue Butuan Gy, [Apsandel norte, Piippines 8600 of Employment, amending for the purpose of Article 135 of the Labor Code, as amende Guidelines on the Availment of the Special Leave Benefits for Women under Republic Act No. 9710 (An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women) - CSC Resolution No. 1000432, dated Nov. 22, 2010; Republic Act No. 7877, Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995; Republic Act No. 9262, Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004; Republic Act No. 7192, Women in Development and Nation Building Act; Memorandum Circular No. 48 s. 2013, Directing All Concerned Government Agencies to Adopt the Gender Equality Guidelines in the Development of their Respective Media Policies and Implementing Programs in Order to Promote Gender Mainstreaming; Republic Act No. 8972, The Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000: An Act Providing for Benefits and Privileges to Solo Parents and their Children, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for other purposes; Republic Act No. 10028, An Act Expanding the Promotion of the Breastfeeding, amending for the purpose of Republic Act No. 7600, otherwise known as Government and Private Health Institutions with Rooming-in and for other purposes; Republic Act No. 8371, An to Recognize, Protect and Promote the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Creating a National Commission, Appropriating Funds Thereof and for other purposes; Republic Act No. 7041, An Act Requiring Regular Publication of Existing Vacant Positions in Government Offices, Appropriating Funds Thereof and for other purposes; Republic Act No. 7277, Magna Carta for Women: An Act Providing for the Rehabilitation, Self-Development and Self-Reliance of Disabled Persons and their Integration into the Mainstream of Society and for other purposes; Administrative Order No. 25, s. 2011, Creating an Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems; CSC MC No. 2, s. 2001, Revised Policies on the Settlement of Grievances in the Public Sector; 4 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [Rorses Avenue Butuan Gy, ‘Agusan elon, Pitppnes, 8500 Y RA 9285, s, 2004, An Act to Institutionalize the Use of an Alternative Dispute Resolution System in the Philippines and to Establish the for Alternative Dispute Resolution, and for other Purposes; ¥ 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service; ¥ CSC MC No. 07, s. 2007, Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE); ¥ CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017, 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointment and Other Human Resource Actions; ¥ CSC MC No. 7, s. 2014, Encouraging Government Agencies to Hire Persons with Disabilities (PWDs); ¥ CSC MC No. 10, s. 1989, Establishing the Personnel Development Committee (PDC); ¥ CSC MC No. 43, s. 1993, Streamlining and Deregulating Human Resource Development (HRD) Functions; ¥ CSC MC No. 28, s. 1990, Reiterating Certain Policies i Government Training and Development Program; and the Conduct of ¥ CSC MC No. 6, s. 2012, Guidelines in the Establishment and Implementation of Agency Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS). \V. RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: The following related policies and procedures are also considered in the formulation of this Policy. Y DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2002, Merit Selection Plan of the Department of Education; Y DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2007, Revised Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of Other Teaching Related, Related Teaching and Non- Teaching Employees; Y DepEd Order No. 50, 2. 2014, Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection and Placement of Personnel Pursuant to the DepEd Rationalization Program under Executive Order 366 s. 2004; Y DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education; Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [Roraes Avenue Butuan Oty, ‘Agusan elon, Pilppnes, 8500 ¥ DepEd Learning and Development Manual; Y DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2002, Establishing the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) in the Department of Education; and Y DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2017, Gender Responsive Basic Education Policy. VI. DEFINITIONS ‘A. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) - It refers to the non-discriminatory and non-bias treatment of all applicants/employees to a position/designation/assignment following the principle of equal opportunity to all regardless of sex and gender, age, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing, etc. B. Discrimination - It is any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex and gender, age, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing, etc. with the purpose or intent of depriving, impairing the enjoyment or availment of right and opportunities. . Indirect Discrimination - It occurs when a policy or requirement is imposed or proposed and someone with a particular attribute does not comply with the requirement or is unduly discriminated against. D. Bullying - It refers to an act or series of acts directed towards a person or group of persons with the intent to injure the mental, emotional or physical well-being or, even absent such intent, results into the mental, emotional or physical well-being of the person or persons to which the act or series of act is/are directed. E. Specialized Group - It refers to those groups which need special attention or consideration from the agency, such as but not limited to Pregnant Women, Solo Parents, Senior Citizens, Differently-Abled Persons, and Indigenous Peoples. VII. GUIDELINES ON EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PRINCIPLE (EOP) A. GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT The Department of Education Caraga acknowledges and upholds the right of all persons to be treated with fairness and equality and commits to providing consistent, merit based employment, performance management, training, and rewards and recognition processes and practices that follow the Equal Employment Opportunity. DepEd Caraga, in making any Human Resource decision or any related decision shall ensure that no person is discriminated against nor any person is unduly favored on account of their sex and gender, age, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [Rosales Avenue Outsan Cry, background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing and other attributes that violates the principles of equality, equity and fairness. DepEd Caraga officials and employees, in line with the Department of Education's Core Values of Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makabayan and Makakalikasan, believe that equal opportunity principles are expressions of respect and honor to human dignity and are foundations to a harmonious, peaceful and healthy working environment. It shall adhere at all times to the equal opportunity principles and shall not tolerate any form of discrimination, biases, prejudices and unfair treatment of individuals and shall take necessary actions to curb, eliminate and penalize any form of violation and offenses to equal, equitable, and fair treatment of individuals. B. RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PLACEMENT The agency shall strictly adhere to the equal employment opportunity policy. In keeping with this, DepEd Caraga adheres to the principles of merit, fitness and equity. The recruitment and selection of employees shall be based on their qualifications and competence to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position. There shall be no discrimination based on age, school, gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, social status, income class, paternity and filiation, political affiliation or other similar factors/personal circumstances which run counter to the principles of merit, fitness for the job and equal employment opportunity. 1. Recruitment / Talent Sourcing a. DepEd Caraga shall not print or publish or cause the printing or publication, in any media, including the internet, any notice of vacancy or recruitment notices/announcement suggesting preferences, limitations, specifications and discrimination or filter any employment application on account of age, sex and gender, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing, and other attributes of any applicant not relevant to the position or positions applied for. b. Notices of vacancies and any form of recruitment shall indicate DepEd Caraga’s Equal Employment Opportunity Principle. ¢. DepEd Caraga through the Personnel Unit/Personnel Selection Board shall undertake continuous proactive talent sourcing through career fairs, partnering and networking, and other innovative modes of sourcing to encourage more qualified applicants regardless of sex and gender, age, civil status, physical disability, religion, etc. d. All recruitment efforts shall be in such a manner that it shall not cause discrimination nor hinder any person from pursuing his or her application. 2. Acceptance/Receipt of Application and Relevant Documents a. Allapplications submitted shall be received without any discrimination at all. 7 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION {rRosses Avene, Butuan Cy, ‘aguante, Piipine, 8500 Regardless of whether the application submitted is electronic or print, whether walk-in or courier, or through facsimile, all applications shall be accepted. No application submitted, provided it is complete and submitted on time, shall be excluded. For this purpose, the office’s receiving unit shall maintain a copy of the applications received through courier, personal delivery, and facsimile or at least record the details in a logbook or any other form of recordkeeping. The Chief of the Personnel Unit and/or in-charge of the receiving unit shall also check all and log or cause to be logged ina record, manual or otherwise, all applications received through email or other electronic means. |. An applicant whose submitted documents are not complete shall be formally informed thru letter or any written communication of such deficiency and shall be given reasonable time to comply as determined by the HRMPSB or, if delegated, by the Personnel Unit. An applicant who fails to submit the required documents within the given period shall be removed from the list of applicants. He/she shall then be formally informed of such removal. jal Assessment Initial assessment which consists of matching the applicant's credentials with that of the minimum qualification standards of the position shall not take into consideration any other information external to the Qualification Standards of the position. All applicants who are not included in the list of Qualified Applicants shall be informed in writing which shall indicate the reason for their disqualification which shall not in any case be on account of their sex and gender, age, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing, or other insignificant attributes or characteristics. In the preparation of the applicants’ profiles, only important personal information and pertinent credentials shall be included and all other data/information regarding the applicant that is not relevant for screening purposes shall be excluded especially if it will only cause or be a source of bias, prejudice or discrimination. From this point forward, only the performance of the applicants in the screening process shall be taken into consideration for coming up with the final recommendations to the appointing authority subject to the results of the background investigation which shall also strictly incorporate the principles of equal employment opportunity. Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION FRozales Avenue, Butuan Cy, ‘gusan de Nore, Pipe, 8500 4, Written Examinations All applicants who are deemed qualified based on the Qualification Standards of the position, shall be informed of such fact and of the schedule of the examinations. . All applicants who will take the examinations shall be informed of the things to bring for the examination. It shall be the duty of the assigned staff member of the Personnel Unit to ask the applicant if he or she has any and all of the things needed for the examination such as but not limited to laptop, calculator and the like. Should the applicant be unable to bring a thing or item, which is a reasonable tool to be used for the examination, it shall be the duty of the office to provide him or her and the duty of the Personnel Unit to secure the said item or tool to be used by the applicant(s) during the conduct of the examination. The checking of the examination answers shall be objective and in no case shall the answer sheet bear any information regarding the applicant other than his/her name or code as the case may be. The applicant’s expression of himself/herself as may appear in the answer sheets shall not be treated in such a way that will prejudice the applicant or discriminate him/her. Provided the answers therein are correct, nothing that may give a clue as to the applicant's sex and gender, age, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing, and other attributes should be taken against him or her. 5. Practical/Technical/Functional Test Practical tests should be designed prior to the initial assessment of applicants with the objective of testing the capability of the applicants to perform the tasks of the position applied for. If in case there are persons with special needs ~ persons/applicants with disabilities, senior citizens, pregnant women, undergoing medical treatment or rehabilitation from injury (e.g. an arm of leg is in cast, recuperating from surgical wound), then they shall be afforded the support as follows, provided such support does not indicate their inability to perform the tasks required of them should they be hired nor result into giving them undue advantage: i. For applicants with vision impairment, a reader and/or encoder shall be assigned to him/her. If possible, the use of a Braille or any system to afford him/her independence shall be employed. In case of unavailability of the aforementioned equipment, DepEd Caraga shall partner with an accredited institution that has the expertise in conducting such examination. This will be done through a Memorandum of Agreement or any form of agreement to assist applicants with vision impairment or any similar form; Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [Reases Avenue, Bataan Cty, ‘Agusan eto, Pitre, 8600 ji. For deaf or hard hearing applicant, written instructions and/or test data (if the test prepared is not written or typed) shall be provided; ii, For senior citizen applicants, assistance shall be given as may be necessary provided it shall not result into an undue advantage to him/her; and iv. For applicants whose physical disability (other than vision impairment and hearing) consists of difficulty in mobility (e.g. has difficulty walking or climbing, is using wheelchair or crutches, arm or leg in cast, etc.) the examinee shall be accommodated in a PWD friendly testing area or room. He or she shall be afforded such other assistance as the case may be provided it will not result into an undue advantage to him/her. ‘All applicants with special needs may have time extension in taking the functional test provided that the extension is necessary and reasonable and shall not constitute undue advantage to them. c. The provision of paragraph b of number 4 (on written examination) shall also apply in the conduct of practical tests. d. During the conduct of practical tests the administrator or examiner shall give appropriate regard to the persons’ expression as to roles (i.e. no gender discrimination); attire (i.e. no dress code required) if not relevant to the screening process or the position applied for (to avoid discrimination as to religious beliefs and practices, socio-economic status, ethnic background and such other attributes of the applicant); language, pronunciation and accent (to avoid ethnic or racial discrimination, gender discrimination), fe. Inthe checking of the of the practical test, the checker shall maintain objectivity and shall focus on whether the applicant has given or produced what is expected and shall not take into consideration matters that were observed, noted or discovered about the applicant during the conduct of the test significant in any way to the performance of the task(s) given. The provision of paragraph c of number 4 above (on written examination) shall apply where possible or relevant. Interview / Behavioral Event Interview ‘a. The interview shall be conducted by the qualified members of the pool of interviewers and/or members of the HRMPSB. b. The interview shall be conducted in a venue where interviewers and applicant interviewee are reasonably afforded the privacy and confidentiality. The venue should also be prepared in such a manner that it is not intimidating to the interviewee or cause him/her to be self-conscious about her/his looks (including 10 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [cRosses Avene, Butson Cy, ‘avant, Psp, 8600 1. Performance Planning and Commitment Setting All employee shall be involved in the Performance Planning. No employee shall be deprived of his participation in the planning and commitment setting of his/her targeted output. Employees who are scheduled to retire within the planned performance rating period should have their targets adjusted to take into consideration the shorter period to achieve outputs. Female employees who are expecting to give birth within the planned performance rating period should also have their targets adjusted to take into consideration their maternity leave. Their Performance targets shall be considerate of their state which would not be difficult or impossible for them to deliver or achieve or that would endanger their or their babies’ safety and health. Male employees whose legal spouse (or one of the legal spouses) is expected to give birth within the planned performance rating period shall also be allowed adjustment in their targets to accommodate their leave by the time their legal spouse gives birth. This should apply to all males whether or not they are still entitled to apply for paternity leave or, having used up all allowable paternity leave, would apply for vacation or other leave. PWD employees shall be given targets which are not impossible or difficult for them to achieve or deliver. Employees who will be on study or scholarship leave shall likewise have their targets adjusted or, if necessary on account of the period covered by the study or scholarship, no longer given targets. All employees shall not be forced to perform or deliver any target that would cause them to violate their religious beliefs and practices. All such other planned, scheduled, or expected events that will occur in the planned performance rating period that will affect any one or more employees shall be taken into consideration during performance planning and commitment setting to ensure that no person is given targets that would prove difficult or impossible for him/her to deliver or achieve. The supervisor shall ensure that the unit targets shall be adjusted, if permissible, to take into consideration all the adjustments made to his/her direct reports and of his/her own targets. The Policy, Planning and Research Division (PPRD) and Performance Management Team (PMT) shall likewise make the necessary adjustments on the organization's targets or measures of performance, or of the success indicator, as. 16 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION “Rosales venue, Butuan Cy ‘gunn deione,Pligines, 8600 b. Anybody should be allowed to nominate anyone without fear of judgment provided that he/she is given such right in accordance with the guidelines for the R&R program. c. All nominations in accordance with the guidelines should be duly recorded and no filtering whatsoever to the prejudice of the nominee or nominator shall be allowed. Any violation shall be dealt with accordingly. Screening and Deliberation The Screening Committee shall strictly follow the criteria set for each R&R program. No nominee shall be removed at any stage of the screening or selection for any reason other than that he/she can no longer proceed to the next stage following the guidelines and criteria as set. Deliberations for the selection of awardee(s) in case the R&R program calls, for only one or a limited number of awardees shall observe EOP such that no nominee is removed without a valid reason. The superiority of the qualification of other nominees who shall proceed to the next stage or to be finally awarded shall be considered a valid reason. For this purpose, the provisions on deliberations of applicants/ for employment, as far as practicable shall also apply. Should the screening committee decide that background investigation or validation shall be conducted, the provisions on the conduct of background investigation on applicants, as far as practicable, shall also apply. No member of the screening committee or validators shall knowingly or intentionally demonstrate bias, prejudice, or discrimination towards any nominee. Appropriate action shall be taken in case of violations. a. The results of the screening and deliberations, unless there is/are reason(s) to believe that a violation of the EOP has occurred, shalll be final, and respected. No feedback after the process is completed shall be entertained that may undermine the whole process. b. The awarding ceremony shall be consistent for each program to avoid any unnecessary comparison. c. The prize or reward given should be in accordance with the guidelines set for each R&R program. No one shall be denied his/her rightful reward as indicated in the guidelines, save for any changes or amendments communicated prior to the nominations. 24 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION [Posaes Avenue, tuan Oty, ‘Agusan delete, Pipes, 8600 VIll. RESPONSIBILITIES To ensure the effective implementation of this EOP Policy, the following key people shall be engaged: a. Top Management - The top management shall put the EEOP/EOP in place, educate its officials and employees, and ensure implementation and compliance by all offices. b. Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) ~ The HRDD shall 1) Conduct orientation on EOP policy and provide technical assistance on issues regarding EOP policy. 2) Ensure the continued observance of the EOP by using methods that appeal to the most diverse range of applicants. 3) Perform Learning Needs Analysis (LNA); determine the root-cause issues on EOP barriers and provide the relevant L&D intervention; and spearhead change management initiatives to ensure the full implementation of EOP. 4) Review, monitor, and evaluate the actions undertaken by DepEd Regional Office relevant to the implementation of the EEOP. . Finance Division - The Finance Division shall conduct DepEd facility scan that will address simple/relevant issues and shall ensure responsive accommodation on budget needs for mid-long term accessibility projects being proposed. It shall allocate budget, renovate facilities, and make necessary investment to remove/lessen workplace barriers. d. Functional Division Chiefs - Assume joint responsibility with the Regional Director in ensuring application of EOP policy in all HR Systems. They shall also ensure that all employees understand and implement this policy and ensure that an appropriate work culture is maintained. e. Employees - Act as partners of management and their co-employees in ensuring the application of EOP Policy. All employees have a responsibility to ensure that he or she does not discriminate against, harass, bully, victimize or vilify another worker, prospective employee, contractor, clients, partners, suppliers, or any other person at the workplace. IX, LODGING A COMPLAINT In cases of violation on the EEOP/EOP policy in Performance Management, Rewards and Recognition, Learning and Development and Recruitment, Selection and Placement, the process on complaints handling shall be followed: 25 & X. EFFECTIVITY This Equal by the Regional Di Complaint Letter; Receive and Record of Complaint letter through the Human Resource Development Division; and The Complaint letter will then be submitted to the management. Opportunity Principle Policy shall take effect immediately upon approval rector. This shall also be reviewed every three (3) years to ensure that the policy is being adhered to and that the policy does not include requirements or conditions that may lead to di Approved by: FRANCIS CESAR B. OIC-Regional Dire CSC Action: iscrimination. INGAS, CESOV 26

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