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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City of Dagupan


SECOND SEMESTER, S.Y. 2023 – 2024


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade your answers on the zip grade answer sheet.
1. What is enculturation?
A. The process of learning one’s own culture C. the process of adapting to a new culture
B. The process of learning multiple cultures simultaneously D. the process of rejecting one’s own culture
2. Which of the following is NOT a primary agent of enculturation?
A. Family B. Peers C. Media D. workplace
3. Enculturation is primarily influenced by:
A. biological factors C. environmental factors
B. Genetic Factors D. Historical Factors
4. Which of the following is an example of enculturation?
A. Learning how to speak a new language
B. Travelling to different countries
C. Watching television
D. None of the above
5. What term refers to the process by which individuals learn the norms and values of their society?
A. Socialization C. acculturation
B. Assimilation D. globalization
6. Which of the following best defines culture shock?
A. Discomfort or orientation experienced when encountering a new culture
B. Embracing a new culture fully and abandoning one’s own
C. Feeling superior to other cultures
D. None of the above
7. Yumatot is known for his extraordinary personal abilities that transpire devotion and obedience among his
subordinated. This type of authority is known as
A. Rational-Legal Authority C. Government Authority
B. Charismatic Authority D. Traditional Authority
8. A company requires Yumatot to perform during their charity event in exchange for publicity and exposure.
What kind of reciprocity exists in the scenario?
A. Generalized B. Balanced C. Negative D. Positive
9. The following are classification of non-state institutions except
A. Red Cross C. Market exchange
B. Metro bank D. Jollibee corporations
10. A non-state institution that receives deposits from the public and generates credit:
A. Bank B. Corporation C. Cooperatives D. Trade Union
11. The following are examples of redistribution, except:
1. Dowry 2. Payment 3. Tax 4. Charitable Donations

A. 1 only B. 1 & 2 C. 1, 2, & 3 D. 1,2,3 & 4

12. Which of the following situations is correct about the concept of ?
A. Culture B. residents C. society D. experience
13. Culture is diverse because of its aspects that develop man’s social interaction, under the aspect of Actions,
Which of the following should not be included?
A. Justice B. religion C. work D. dialect
14. Society is a system of stratification, what does it give in a given situation?
A. Mans’ past culture C. arrangement of definition
B. Cooperation & conflict D. collaboration and struggle
15. Culture is learned and acquired, which is the major factor for justification
A. Books B. news C. heredity D. language
16. These are examples of the aspects of culture except one:
A. Language B. identity C. validity D. feelings
17. His philosophical points of view regarding anthropology tells that the complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, law, and other capabilities and habits are acquired by man as a member of society.
A. Edward Burnett Tylor C. Robert Ranulp Marrett
B. Radcliffe Brown D. Pneuma Elcano
1st grading of the 2nd Semester, SY 2023-2024 , Understanding Culture, Society and Politics., P. Elcano
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18. The following are general characteristics of culture except:
A. Culture is unlearned and acquired C. culture is ideational
B. Culture is dynamic D. culture is cumulative
19. What term refers to the perspective that promotes an individual’s culture as the most efficient and superior?
A. Cultural relativism C. culture shock
B. Cultural variation D. ethnocentrism
20. What cultural term refers to an experience of a person when he moves to a cultural environment which is
different from his own?
A. Cultural relativism C. culture shock
B. Cultural variation D. ethnocentrism
21. While Yumatot and Goryo are strolling in the school, the Philippine national hymn begin to play in the
background. Goryo suddenly stops and stand still while putting his right hand on his chest. Yumatot saw what
Goryo did and do the same.
A. Culture is learned and acquired C. culture is ideational
B. Culture is shared by group of people D. culture is cumulative
22. In Tiktok community, there’s a specific trending hand gesture called “woah” step. When Bogart and his friends
are reporting, they did the hand gesture and their classmates laugh..
A. Culture is shared by group of people C. culture changes
B. Culture is diverse D. culture is cumulative
23. The day before Yumatot Pogi and Yumatot Ganda’s wedding, their parents asked them that they should not
see each other as they should follow the elder’s belief that if a couple see each other before their big
event, accidents might happen that will lead to cancellation of their wedding. But they did not listen.
Instead, they go out and have their party together as a couple.None of them should be blamed
A. Culture is cummulative C. culture changes
B. Culture is diverse D. culture is dynamic
24. What refers to a social transmission of culture?
A. Socialization B. Belief c. culture D.Values
25. What does individual gained that body since his conception, and he has no or less chance of changing it.
A. Nature B. Personality c. Identity D. none of the above
26. Which of the following refers to sets of behavioural standards accepted to go with one’s status as male and
A. Norms B. Gender Roles c. Status D. Ascribed Status
27. Which of the following refers to a social group sharing the same social territory, typically under the same
political authority and dominant cultural beliefs territory?
A. Family B. church members c. Political party D. Society
28. Which among the following is NOT a major aspect of socialization?
A. Context B. Process c. content D. Involvement
29. Which of the following implies traits and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language,
religion, social habits, music and arts.
A. Culture B. Values c. beliefs D. Norms
30. Who among the following used the phrase “looking-glass self” to mean a self-image based on how we think
others see us.
A. Charles Horton cooley C. George Herbert Mead
B. Jean Piaget D. Sigmund Freud
31. A Child Learned “Pagmamano” As An Honouring Gesture To The Elders Is What Example Of Socialization.
A. Primary Socialization C. Anticipatory Socialization
B. Re-Socialization D. Secondary Socialization
32. Yuma wants to join the Badminton club for he sees himself to excel on this sport. What example of
socialization does he exemplify?
A. Professional Socialization C. Anticipatory Socialization
B. Re-Socialization D. Secondary Socialization
33. Filipinos expose to chinese culture made the former prefer to cuisine like pancit.
A. Identity Formation B. Status c. Norms D. Achieved status
34. This is not earned and it is not something that people have control over. For instance, a person’s sex or race.
A. A Identity Formation B. Status c. Norms D. Achieved status
35. Yuma has been promoted in his work as a Supervisor for his commendable work attitude and output. This
situation is what type of status
A Identity Formation B. Ascribed Status c. Norms D. Achieved status
36. Which of the following socialization implies when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer which
will perpetuate and ensure the continuance of their traditions and practices?
A. Primary Socialization C. Anticipatory Socialization
B. Re-Socialization D. Secondary Socialization
37. In what ways does UCSP facilitate the enculturation process for its student?
A. By providing cultural sensitivity training to faculty and staff
1st grading of the 2nd Semester, SY 2023-2024 , Understanding Culture, Society and Politics., P. Elcano
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B. By discouraging interaction with individuals from different cultural backgrounds
C. By promoting homogeneity among its student body
D. By limiting exposure to cultural diversity within the curriculum
38. Which of the following best exemplifies the importance of enculturation in UCSP?
A. UCSP should prioritize academic achievement over cultural understanding
B. Enculturation helps students develop a deeper appreciation for diversity
C. Cultural assimilation should be the primary goal of higher education
D. UCSP’s curriculum should focus solely on the dominant cultural practices
39. Yuma idolizes Gojo Satoru and his powers wants to copy his abilities in real life. With regards to reference
groups, which of the following does Yuma all under?
A. Normative reference group C. comparative reference group
B. Social Network group D. In-groups
40. Which Is true about Conformity and Deviance?
I. Conformity refers to behaviour in accordance with socially accepted conventions
II. Conformity tests the familiarity of people who are temporarily grouped together
III. Deviance describes an action or behaviour that violates social norms
IV. Deviance refers to conforming laws and regulations

A. I & III B. I & IV c. II & III D. II & IV

41. Yuma took Nursing as his course in college for he was inspired by his high school teacher who was a nurse at
the same time was also an educator. With that, he strived to get a scholarship in his tertiary education.
A. Normative reference group C. comparative reference group
B. Social Network group D. In-groups
42. In a multicultural workplace, an employee consistently criticizes the traditional clothing worn by their
colleagues from different cultural backgrounds, claiming that their own attire is superior. This behavior
A. Cultural sensitivity B. ethnocentrism c. multiculturalism D. Integrationism
43. In a multicultural society where various ethnic groups coexist, which action would best promote social
A. Implementing policies that prioritize one ethnic group over others
B. Encouraging segregation to avoid conflicts between different ethnicities
C. Promoting intercultural dialogue and celebrating diversity
D. Ignoring cultural differences to maintain social order
44. During a cultural exchange program, participants actively engage with and learn from the traditions and
customs of other cultures. This approach reflects
A. Cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural segregation D. Cultural assimilation
45. In a country where ethnic tensions have led to violent conflicts, what approach would be most effective in
promoting peace and reconciliation?
A. Enforcing strict segregation between ethnic groups to prevent further conflicts
B. Ignoring historical grievances and focusing solely on economic development
C. Implementing truth and reconciliation commissions to address past injustices and promote healing
D. Suppressing dissent and imposing authoritarian rule to maintain stability
46. In a multicultural workplace, an employee consistently assumes that their own cultural norms and values are
universally applicable. This attitude is characteristic of:
A. Cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural segregation D. Cultural assimilation
47. When studying cultural diversity in a society, which approach emphasizes the importance of understanding
different cultural practices within their own context?
A Cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural segregation D. Cultural assimilation
48. During a discussion about cultural traditions, a person asserts that their own cultural practices are superior to
those of other groups. This perspective is a manifestation of::
A. Cultural relativism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Cultural segregation
D. Cultural assimilation

49. In a democratic society, which factor is essential for ensuring political participation and accountability?
A. Censorship of media to prevent dissemination of dissenting views
B. Free and fair elections allowing citizens to choose their representatives
C. Strict government control over civil liberties and individual freedoms
D. Limited access to education and information for marginalized communities
50. These are the advantages of cultural relativism except one:
1st grading of the 2nd Semester, SY 2023-2024 , Understanding Culture, Society and Politics., P. Elcano
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A. It promotes cooperation. Embracing the difference of the different society.
B. It preserves human cultures
C. Creates a society which focuses on judgment
D. Respect and equality is encouraged.

Prepared by:

Pneuma C. Elcano
Teacher II

1st grading of the 2nd Semester, SY 2023-2024 , Understanding Culture, Society and Politics., P. Elcano

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