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Meerut, UttarPradesh
ƒ +91 6398978440 # ï
Lovely Professional University August 2021 - Present
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering(CGPA of 8.57) Phagwara, Punjab

Spring Dales Public School June 2020 - March 2021

Higher Secondary( 84.4%) Meerut, UttarPradesh

Movies App | Kotlin, XML , Retrofit , Android Studio | Github March 2024
• Implemented Retrofit to fetch movie data from external APIs efficiently.

• Designed intuitive user interfaces for seamless navigation and enhanced user experience.

• Enhanced skills in asynchronous programming for managing network requests effectively.

Social Media App | Kotlin, XML , Firebase , Android Studio | Github October 2023
• Implemented secure user authentication (Kotlin, Firebase).

• Enabled image upload and sharing for a visually rich platform (Kotlin, XML).

• Hands-on experience in secure authentication and cloud integration.

To-do App | Kotlin, XML , Firebase , Android Studio | Github August 2023
• Implemented features allowing users to note important tasks.

• Integrated Sign In and Sign Up functionality for easy access across devices.

• Enhanced skills in user authentication and data storage for cross-device accessibility.

News App | Kotlin, XML , Volley API, Firebase , Android Studio | Github July 2023
• Utilized Rest API concepts to fetch random news.

• Integrated Volley API for efficient network requests.Implemented Firebase for additional functionalities.

• Enhanced skills in integrating third-party APIs and Firebase in Android applications.

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, Kotlin, C, C++, SQL, Javascript
Technologies/Frameworks/Libraries: Firebase, Android studio, Git/GitHub

Achievements / Extra Curricular Activities

• Solved 350+ Questions on LeetCode and Geeks for Geeks.
• 5 star in Java, C , C++ on Hackerrank.
• Participated in Tech-a-Thon organized by iNeuron. Built a website on ”Online Meeting Scheduler” in 30 Hours (Tech.
: HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
• Participated in Smart India Hackathon - Built an Android application for the government of punjab to provide
employment to unemployed citizens.
• Participated in Infineon Hackathon - solved an algorithm based problem.

Profile Links
• LinkedIn
• Github
• Leetcode
• GeeksforGeeks

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