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Assignment # 2:

Note that:
• Last Date for the Submission of this Assignment is Friday, 3 June 2022 (till 3:00PM).
Late submission will result in deduction of 20% marks per day.
• This Assignment is to be submitted individually by each student.
• Make sure to mention your Name along with “Registration Number” on the assignment.

Q1: Analyze the amplifier circuit shown in figure below, Assume VA = 50V for each BJT.

(a.) Draw the dc equivalent circuit.

(b.) Draw the ac equivalent circuit.
(c.) Draw the small signal equivalent circuit.
(d.) Analyze to determine an expression for Rin .

Q2: Analyze the circuit shown in figure below, to determine all node voltages and branch
currents. Assume β = 100.

Electronic Devices and Circuits, Asst Prof M. Anis Ch, Assignment 2 Page 1 of 1

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