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What would life be like if one day you woke up and became a multilingual
speaker? I can’t imagine anything more exciting! As for me, there are several
reasons leading to the significance of foreign language in our lives.

Undoubtedly, foreign languages nowadays play an indispensable role in the

society, hence making the cultivation of them more and more essential. This
tendency can be beneficial in both ways of learning such as individual self-learning
or grouping, but the latter seems to be more advisable in my viewpoint.

First of all, learning in groups creates an open environment which boosts my

confidence and spirits, thus enhancing my interpersonal and teamwork skills.
Moreover, this also helps me exchange my views with peers or seek for support
from others when meeting difficulties to maximize my productivity. Lastly, we can
put into practice immediately without procascination and being surrounded by
peers also stimulates my eagerness to learn!

To sum up, language learning is of utmost importance, and although individual

learning has its own benefits, I firmly believe the advantages of group learning
outweigh them.

E-books or Paper Books?

Have you ever screamed when reading a horror books? Or have you cried after
finishing a tragic romance fiction?

Well, an avid reader like me tends to fall in love with any page-turner. But to be
honest, I’m still a big fan of 2 genres, which are fantasy books like Harry Potter
and classic romance books like Pride and Prejudice. Those works of art really give
me a chance to step away from daily stuff and promote my emotional intelligence.

In my opinion, reading an e-book greatly brings me much more satisfaction than a

paper one due to its accesibility and interactive elements. I can bring it along and a
smartphone is what it needs to read whenever and wherever I want. eBooks can
also be embedded with audio and video as well as external links can be included to
offer additional information, providing me interactive experiences which outweigh
the current paper books.

However, it’s up to each person’s preference and condition to consider their own
reading style!

Computer Games: Pros and Cons

Together with the advancement of technology, we humans have to take more eager
steps to keep up with this unprecedented pace of development. Hence, playing
games is mostly unavoidable for all of us in this nowadays society.

However, we need to take the pros and cons of computer games into careful
consideration. On the one hand, as life is becoming more distressing and
demanding, computer games can provide a way of relaxing and reducing stress. In
addition to this, computer games today are very complex which can help children
develop their cognitive skills and information analysis.

On the other hand, many people can become addicted to them and they play for
hours without social interactions. Furthermore, some may find it difficult to
identify what is real and what is virtual. Some people argue that this has led to a
rise in crime inspired by video games. This is not proven, but it is undeniable that
games today can be very violent.

Hence, games can be beneficial in some ways but also tremendously detrimental if
not supervised or limited.

Free-time activities

Free time is indeed indispensable in our lives nowadays, isn’t it?

However, free-time activities do vary in different age groups. For me and my

peers, we tend to go shopping or spending quality time with my family to
strengthen our mutual bonds.
I am deeply fond of organised activities for their beneficial influences. One of the
major benefits is the development of social skills. That is to say we can strive to
live in harmony, share joy and sorrow with others. With group activities, we will
eventually understand that not everything will happen in our own way and will
naturally learn how to back down or choose a different path. Moreover, teamwork
teaches how to play someone’s role in order to achieve a common goal.

As I have acrophobia which is an extreme fear of height, so as crazy as it may

seem, I really want to try sky-diving. Because, I just wanna try something that is
out of my comfort zone which may provide me with unforgettable experiences.

Therefore, free-time activities are various, according to each person’s preference

and hobby. Why don’t we try and pick up a new one to challenge and better
ourselves day by day?

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