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A Good teacher Essay

Teachers have the very important responsibility oI shaping the lives oI young,
impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy.
ThereIore all teachers should strive Ior what can be considered to be a 'good
teacher. A good teacher can be deIined as someone who always pushes students
to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting
as well as creative. A positive or negative inIluence Irom a teacher early on in liIe
can have a great eIIect on the liIe oI a child. Teachers, especially at the elementary
level, must be very creative with their teaching styles. Not every child learns the
same way, nor are they interested in the same things. It is diIIicult to keep the
attention oI 15-20 children under the age oI ten. Classroom setup and design is a
good way to get and keep the attention oI students. Workstations are a good way to
encourage diIIerent types oI learning. By allowing children a chance to choose
which activities they want to participate in, children are taking control oI their own
education. At the elementary level, children are always learning and sometimes
don`t even know it. When I was in kindergarten, I can remember playing at th

1here are counLless deflnlLlons of heroes ln our world Loday ls lL a supersLar who used hls fame and
forLune Lo help Lhe needy ln hls homeLown? ls lL a flreflghLer who sees no danger ln all clrcumsLances
[usL Lo save llves of people? ls lL an Cverseas llllplno Worker who ls ready Lo bear Lhe paln of belng
alone [usL Lo provlde hls famlly a comforLable llfe? Cr ls lL a mom who has Lo work Lwo [obs Lo supporL
her chlldren and sLlll make Lhem feel Lhe love Lhey need? 8uL whaL really makes a person a hero?
8ehlnd Lhese greaL people are sLrong foundaLlons LhaL gulde and develop Lhem all LhroughouL
LducaLlon ls one of Lhe greaLesL glfL manklnd can ever recelve lL ls vlLal Lo anybody 1he role played by
Leachers becomes very slgnlflcanL slnce Lhey are consldered as one of Lhe naLlon bullders Cn hlm resLs
Lhe fallure or Lhe success of Lhe naLlon 1he lnfluence of Lhe Leacher ls very lmmense and no one knows
when Lhls lnfluence becomes vlslble Slnce Lhe Leacher serves as Lhe second parenL of a chlld he should
have Lhe quallLles of a role model person lrom Lhe slmple A8C and 123 Lo keeplng Lhe surroundlngs
always clean are learned from Lhe klndergarLen Leachers whlch are sLlll appllcable Loday 1hese
knowledge aLLlLudes values and behavlor brlng ouL good and responslble clLlzens
1he Leacher measures Lhe achlevemenLs and asplraLlons of Lhe naLlon 1he Leacher ls a dynamlc force
LhaL moLlvaLes everyone Lo become a responslble producLlve clLlzen 1he Leacher ls Lhe backbone of Lhe
communlLy SAC8lllCL uL1L8MlnA1lCn CCu8ACL uLulCA1lCn SLLlLLSS L8SLvL8AnCL Lhese are
Lhe common quallLles aLLrlbuLed Lo a hero AfLer readlng Lhls essay when do you conslder a person a
A teacher has an important role that should never be taken lightly. They help inspire
children to be the best that they can be. For a lot of children their teacher is the only
decent role model that they may ever encounter in life. Also, parents have a sense of
relief knowing that when their children are at school the teacher will keep them safe. n
addition, there are several children who only get the support that they need from their
teacher. A preschool teacher's job consists of being a role model, making sure the
children are safe, and being supportive.
First of all, a teacher should always be a good role model. Children will imitate adults,
so when they see that their teacher is practicing healthy procedures then they will do
the same. t is important that the teacher is on time, finish what was started, and keep
their word. Because when children see this, they start to have the mentality that if my
teacher can do it then so can . Also, being calm and patient when children are being
very disobedient is a must. A lot of children are used to their parents yelling at them
24/7. When their teacher talks in a calm and assertive manner then they will start to
understand that yelling is not the answer.
Secondly, a teacher should always keep their children safe. The environment should
be spacious enough for when the children play it will help in reducing injuries. The
teacher should incorporate games and books that help children in learning safety
procedures. The teacher should communicate openly with the children about safe
practices. More importantly, there should always be strict supervision.
Thirdly, a teacher should be very supportive of her children. Being supportive helps
the children understand theirselves and others. The teacher should always encourage
and praise her children. This results in the kids having high self-esteem. There are so
many children that do not get the support that they need in their families. Because the
teacher gives them that support that they need, it can change children's lives for the
n essence, teachers have an extremely blessed job. For the most part they are the
ones that help children determine their potential. They always have little eyes watching
everything that they do, so it is important that the teacher does everything correct as
much as possible. Teachers are responsible for keeping their children safe at all times.
t is gratifying for the teacher when they know that they will help at least on child if not
more throughout their lifetime of teaching.

Teachers are potent Factors in education. They are responsible Ior shaping the youth through
quality education. It is imperative that teachers acquire the totality oI the inIormation and
qualities oI education through instructions and training which maximize the development oI an
individual physically, mentally and morally. II teachers would be able to implement good
programs and provide the learners eIIective teaching learning situations, the success would be
reIlected in the desired changes in the pupil`s behavior. Teaching strategies acquired Irom
seminar workshops would be eIIective only in the hands oI eIIective teachers. In their hands
lies the responsibility oI aIIecting desired changes in the lives oI the pupils.
Since Seminar Workshops and trainings are useIul Ior the teachers, it is important to determine
its eIIects on the trainees and even measure its eIIectiveness. To measure the training eIIectively,
the School head need to think what to measure and when to measure in your training eIIorts and
how to approach it. Once the system oI evaluation has been organized and planned then the
content oI the program / training is developed and its purpose will be determined. II the school
wants to know how eIIective the training was, a complex evaluation and analysis must be done.
For the goal oI the training & Seminar. Workshop is not only to Iind out iI it is well done but
instead, it seeks to Iind out what it achieved and iI it is worth the expenses.

The Teaching Piofession
I Irequently tell my students, 'In order to improve your skills you must continually study and
practice. Good teachers lead by example and practice what they preach. Excellent teachers lead
by example, practice what they preach and then teach it to others.

Students, parents and the community entrust their youth into our care Ior guidance, support and
wisdom. It is our responsibility to honor their trust as we prepare students Ior a successIul Iuture.
Educators are the doorway to success Ior their students and just as we prepare our students to
succeed we must also prepare ourselves.

When I began my journey to become a teacher I explored every opportunity available to enhance
my craIt. and I still do! I know iI I do not challenge myselI to do more and learn more, my
teaching will become stale and the passion will Iizzle. Teaching is not a 'me attitude; it is a
'we attitude. I embrace each new methodology, strategy and idea introduced to me and instantly
begin imagining how other teachers would beneIit Irom this new Iountain oI knowledge. I know
it is my duty to share all that I learn with other educators Ior the betterment oI our students and
their Iuture.

I regularly invest my time in learning new practices in the teaching proIession by attending
workshops, seminars and conIerences and then I share what I`ve learned with others. Technology
has become contagious in my district, and I have been instrumental in its advancement by
Irequently holding workshops and one on one tutorials. Two years ago I began teaching our AP
Spanish classes. I attended my Iirst summer AP workshop and was immediately rejuvenated! I
returned home Iilled with enthusiasm and ambition. I knew it was imperative to begin realigning
the curriculum in the Spanish department in order to aggressively prepare our students Ior the AP
program. I shared the new techniques and ideas I learned with all the Spanish teachers in my
district and we immediately began implementation at every level. With my assistance we worked
together to streamline the curriculum. The alignment is still a work in progress, but we are
beginning to reap the rewards oI our hard work and dedication.

In search oI methods to advance my personal career development, the next journey in my quest
was National Board CertiIication. I was one oI the Iirst in my district and the Iirst in my
department to begin the process. As I embarked on this journey I was inspired to share the
rigorous and rewarding endeavor with my colleagues. The National Board standards made me re-
evaluate my teaching practices and demanded I hold myselI accountable Ior my own personal
growth as well as Ior the growth oI my students. It was eye opening! My teaching strategies
evolved and others took notice oI the change. Since achieving National Board CertiIication, I
have inspired teachers in my department and building to pursue this rewarding accomplishment.
We now have three National Board CertiIied teachers in my department plus another beginning
the process. Numerous others throughout Oklahoma have Ielt summoned to pursue National
Board CertiIication and I`m excited to help mentor them in their challenge.

The accountability Ior student learning is always a controversial issue in education. I believe, 'I
am accountable Ior my students` learning. Every teacher is! However, how we measure that
accountability is complex. A 'cookie cutter approach should not be used to measure student
learning. Neither should one day, one time, nor one test. Each student comes into our class with
diIIerent strengths, weaknesses, levels oI intellect and needs. It is our duty to nurture their
strengths, bolster their weaknesses, propel their intellect to the next level, and IulIill their needs.
Accountability encompasses more than just a grade. It includes not only each student`s grade
recorded Ior the semester, but also how well I have engaged him or her in a realization that
learning is a rewarding quest that will lead to IulIillment and liIe-long productivity.

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