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Gen Z, soon to be the largest generation globally, has a unique language and outlook on life and work.

Their impact on the workplace,

consumerism, technology, politics, and culture will be significant. A study by NEW and Deloitte found that Gen Z has different values and
behaviors than previous generations, which will impact organizations and employers who must adapt to their expectations.

be the most diverse generation in U.S. history by 2020

Born between 1995 and 2012

Cannot remember a time before the September 11 attacks and the War on Terror

We witnessed the collapse of communism and the rise of China

Came of age in a world of free and shared content and information, and one-click online purchasing


Gen Z: Beyond the Stereotypes

They avoid face-to-face interaction, they are addicted to phone, we are not loyal to brand , we have very short attention span

Research Findings:

A large number of Baby Boomers are retiring, creating a worker shortage.

Generation Z is replacing Baby Boomers in the workforce, bringing with them a different worldview and approach to their careers.

Understanding the factors that have shaped Generation Z's views, career aspirations, and work styles is essential for companies looking to
attract tchem

Gen Z prioritizes financial security over personal fulfillment.

Gen Z desires diverse the safety of stable employment.

we prefere interact with each other personally.

Gen Z prefers individual tasks but values physical connection without isolation.

Gen Z questions the value of traditional education due to rising costs and student debt.

Gen Z prefers independent learning through online platforms.

Gen Z's attachment to social media influences their interactions and self-perception.

The future of working is evolving. Worki s being disconnected from jobs, and jobs and worki s disconnected from companies. With
increasing robotics, cognitive, ai technology work can be done by and can be done with smart machines. With new combination of
collaborative, teaming, and digital reality technologies, workplaces and work practices are reshaping where and when work is done.

and evolving.
Work: What tasks can be be automised robotics?

Workforce: Who can do the work, given new talent platforms and contracts?

Workplace: Where is work done, considering new technologies .

The future of work will require a fusion of four key work skills:

Digital tools and technology skills

Comfort with analytics and data

Business and management skills

Design and creative skills

To succeed, organizations should step back and think creatively about how to put together their work, workforce, and workplace . that work
can be more valuable, enable lots of purpose

Gen Z workers have a chance to change the traditional relationship between employers and employees. Instead of workerstrying to fit into
the box called a ,,job,, , ",. organisations will need to adapt work to the employee's chosen skills


Gen Z is the largest generation in history and values diversity.

To attract Gen Z, employers need to offer personalized work experiences and development opportunities.

Employers should hire smart people and match them with suitable roles

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